22 research outputs found

    Udział chłopów a tzw. sprawa włościańska jako płaszczyzna dyskursu o powstaniu styczniowym w polskiej historiografi i i publicystyce historycznej 1863–1918

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    Presented paper is a kind of analysis in historiography. It reflects to the problem of the peasants participation in the January Uprising of 1863. Chronologically consideration are not reaching beyond 1918. All the text taken into consideration are historical synthesis of January Uprising against Russia or brochures. Especially second type presented what might have been thought by the Polish common people. Analysis was prepared according to different ideological interpretations. All those created in the circles of the Peasant Movement in the end of 19th century were mostly didactical narrations. Their aims were connected with intensification of national identification of Polish farmers and peasantry. However, the interpretations crated by the independence orientated Polish left (Bolesław Limanowski, Stanisław Krzemiński) were concentrated on the idea of „people’s war”. These kind of war should have liberated the peasants and started the social revolution. Nevertheless, there was also conservative point of view presented by Stanisław Koźmian, the politician from Galicia. He saw the problem of peasants in Uprising as a myth. Peasantry could not have participated in the uprising made by the nobility, that is what Koźmian assumes to be historical truth. Another author, Walery Przyborowski from the Russian partition mentioned similar to the Koźmian ideas, except of he was more ironic

    Niedomykalność zastawki trójdzielnej — niedoceniany problem „zapomnianej” zastawki

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    Niedomykalność zastawki trójdzielnej występuje z dużą częstością, szacowaną na 90% populacji ogólnej [1]. Może ona mieć charakter pierwotny i wynikać z różnorodnych patologii samego aparatu zastawkowego. Częściej jednak, bo w około 80 %, niedomykalność trójdzielna ma charakter czynnościowy i związana jest z poszerzeniem pierścienia zastawki trójdzielnej oraz niewystarczającą koaptacją jej płatków w następstwie remodelingu prawej komory co z kolei wynika z przeciążenia ciśnieniowego i/lub objętościowego prawej komory [1]. Niedomykalność zastawki trójdzielnej była przez wiele lat uważana za wadę serca o łagodnym charakterze i małym znaczeniu klinicznym.Niedomykalność zastawki trójdzielnej (TR, tricuspid regurgitation) występuje z dużą częstością i w zdecydowanej większości jest łagodna. Może ona mieć charakter pierwotny i wynikać z różnorodnych patologii samego aparatu zastawkowego, częściej jednak ma charakter czynnościowy i wiąże się z poszerzeniem pierścienia zastawki trójdzielnej oraz niewystarczającą koaptacją jej płatków w następstwie remodelingu prawej komory, co z kolei wynika z przeciążenia ciśnieniowego i/lub objętościowego prawej komory. TR była przez wiele lat uważana za wadę serca o małym znaczeniu klinicznym. Co więcej, pacjenci z ciężką wtórną niedomykalnością często nie byli poddawani interwencji w obrębie zastawki trójdzielnej podczas operacji wady zastawkowej lewej części serca. Obecnie wiadomo, że TR nie tylko nie ustępuje, ile wręcz nasila się bardzo często po operacyjnym leczeniu wady lewego serca, zaś jej obecność wiąże się z istotnie gorszym przeżyciem. O ile dane dotyczące interwencji chirurgicznej na zastawce trójdzielnej podczas operacji wady mitralnej są dostępne, o tyle już wyniki chirurgicznego leczenia izolowanej TR są niezwykle ubogie. Brak zatem danych pozwalających na wiarygodną ocenę określonego sposobu leczenia chirurgicznego w tej populacji chorych, zarówno co do czasu interwencji chirurgicznej, jak i wyboru techniki operacyjnej. Rozwój technik przezskórnych stosowanych w leczeniu wad zastawkowych lewego serca pozwolił na ich zastosowanie również w leczeniu TR. Praca ta przedstawia współczesną wiedzę na temat TR oraz obecne możliwości diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne z uwzględnieniem metod przezskórnych

    The Barbarians in "Vita sancti Severini"

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    One of the major hagiographic sources of the Late Antiquity, Vita Sancti Severini, written by an abbey of the Lucullanum monastery, Eugippius, is also an excellent basis to explore the national and cultural contexts of living the Romans and the „barbarians" in the area of three Roman province: Noricum Ripense, Noricum Mediterraneum and Pannonia Maior in the sccond part of 5th century AD. However, the hagiographer identified 6 main names of „barbarian" tribes: the East Goths, the Herules, and the Thurings, Alemans, Rugians and Turkish Huns. Author characterized each of them comparing with the all historical details. The author also tried to analyze why the hagiographer had shown the Germanic tribes as a difficult neighbor than enemy? The religion context of these hagiographic tales also aimed to discover Germanie conquerors as so called „brothers" in Christianity. But most of the historians and philosophers of the Late Antiquity were able to think that co-operation with the Arian conquerors, was another unworkable idea. Eugippius was not. He tried to bridge the empty space of misunderstanding between the Romans and the Germanic people. Author considered the foliowing final reflection: it was possible that Eugippius could participate in the movement of cohabitation the Romans and East-Goths during the reign of Theodoric the Great. But author also tries to say that this is only a hypothesis

    Duchowieństwo rzymskokatolickie i katolicyzm płaszczyznami sporu o powstanie styczniowe w polskiej historiografii w latach 1863–1918

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    The Roman Catholic Clergy and Catholicism as a Topic for a Controversy about the January Uprising in Polish Historiography 1863–1918The author’s intention is to demonstrate the complex historiographical discussion about the stance of the Catholic clergy and the involvement of the institutional Catholic Church in the January Uprising as well as the national movement preceding the insurrection. The discussion was composed of two distinct motifs – an apology of the participation of the clergy in the uprising and its criticism. This division reflected rifts in the analysed debate held by historians and publicists. The historiography of the January Uprising was intensely polemical. The text analysing the nineteenth-century debate refers also to recent findings made by historiography examining the presence of the clergy in the 1863 rising. The apologetic current presented a wide spectrum of views based on exalted Romantic Catholicism (e.g. Stefan Buszczyński or Jan Stella-Sawicki). The support offered by the Church to the insurrection and the participation of the clergy was also defended in a more disciplined and intellectually cohesive manner (e.g. Kazimierz Gregorowicz). At the same time, historians often regarded the interests pursued by the national community and political Catholicism as identical. The most outstanding participants of the discussion were Walery Przyborowski and Stanisław Koźmian, with the latter defending religion against its politicalisation and arguing that religion, conceived as the domain of the sacrum, should not be applied for even such lofty proposes as the struggle for independence since it turns into its own contradiction

    The Roman Catholic clergy and Catholicism as a topic for a controversy about the January Uprising in Polish historiography 1863-1918

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    The author’s intention is to demonstrate the complex historiographical discussion about the stance of the Catholic clergy and the involvement of the institutional Catholic Church in the January Uprising as well as the national movement preceding the insurrection. The discussion was composed of two distinct motifs an apology of the participation of the clergy in the uprising and its criticism. This division reflected rifts in the analysed debate held by historians and publicists. The historiography of the January Uprising was intensely polemical. The text analysing the nineteenth-century debate refers also to recent findings made by historiography examining the presence of the clergy in the 1863 rising. The apologetic current presented a wide spectrum of views based on exalted Romantic Catholicism (e.g. Stefan Buszczyński or Jan Stella-Sawicki). The support offered by the Church to the insurrection and the participation of the clergy was also defended in a more disciplined and intellectually cohesive manner (e.g. Kazimierz Gregorowicz). At the same time, historians often regarded the interests pursued by the national community and political Catholicism as identical. The most outstanding participants of the discussion were Walery Przyborowski and Stanisław Koźmian, with the latter defending religion against its politicalisation and arguing that religion, conceived as the domain of the sacrum, should not be applied for even such lofty proposes as the struggle for independence since it turns into its own contradiction

    Women in the historiography of the January Uprising in 1863

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    W artykule dokonano analizy dyskusji w polskiej historiogra i powstańczej w latach 1864‒1918 nt. zaangażowania polskich kobiet w powstanie styczniowe. Większość uczestników dyskursu dostrzegała, że kobiety wpływały na formowanie ideologii patriotycznej w okresie przedpowstaniowym. Prezentowano je w stereotypowy sposób jako „Matki Polki”. Przykładem wyidealizowanej postaci jest Anna Henryka Pustowójtówna, córka carskiego generała, wychowana w polskim duchu przez matkę, a w czasie powstania (w marcu 1863 r.) adiutantka Mariana Langiewicza. Nieliczne krytyczne głosy pochodzą w przeważającej mierze ze środowiska ugodowego, bliskiego lojalizmowi.The text is a research proposal of the question how Polish historiography saw the problem of involvement of the Polish women in 1863 national uprising against Russia. The analysis is basically founded on the strong popular direction in the Polish historiography of that particular time. Most of the historians who participated in the discourse were not professional and that is why their opinions seemed to present the point of view of the ordinary people. The paper is analyzing the historiography in the context of popular mythology: Polish women were sacricing their own life and happiness for the love of the partitioned fatherland. Indeed, after analyzing the popular discourse most of the authors were looking at the problem in a mythological way (Stella-Sawicki, Bogusławska, Gawroński-Rawita), only few of them, from the loyalist option, like Przyborowski or Koźmian were very critical to the question of participation of women in the uprising. They agreed that women were very enthusiastic in the time of preparation of uprising, but their involvement only strengthened the negative consequences of it

    Anti-alcohol posters in Poland, 1945-1989: diverse meanings, uncertain effects.

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    We provide a historical study of the anti-alcohol public health poster in Poland between 1948 and 1990. Our case study illuminates public health policies under communism, with the state as the dominant force in health communication. Poland has a distinctive history of poster art, moving from a Stalinist phase of socialist realism to the diverse styles of the later Polish School. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of 213 posters establishes the major themes and differentiates community approaches, which depict the drinker as a social or political deviant, from those emphasizing individual risk. Medical issues were a minor theme, reflecting public policies geared more toward confinement than treatment. However, Polish School artists used metaphor and ambiguity, and references to the contested cultural symbolism of drink, to complicate and subvert the narrow propaganda intent. Thus, although apparently unsuccessful in restraining overall consumption, these posters offer valuable lessons for policymakers on the use of visual media in health campaigns