841 research outputs found


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    This study aims to reveal the use of marine and coastal plants, and animals as medicine by Bajo Tribe society in Bangko Village, West Muna. The method used was an exploratory survey. Data were collected using in-depth interviews with 20 traditional healers selected by purposive sampling. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The result revealed that there were 39 species of plants and 5 species of animals used as medicine. The most widely used plant families were the Arecaceae and Poaceae, 3 species respectively, while animals from the families of Holothuriidae, Onuphidae, Pinnidae, Syngnathidae, and Tridacnidae, 1 species respectively. The most commonly part of plant used was leaves (50%), while for animal was parts of flesh and whole body were used 40% respectively. The most commonly used preparation and application were boiling and drinking. In conclusion,  Bajo people in Bangko Village with their maritime culture  use plants and animals in the marine and coastal environment to overcome various diseases and health problems, in addition using “baca-baca” method

    Clinical Treatment Provider Attitudes Toward Sexual Offender Management within an Outpatient Treatment Center : Treatment Provider Attitude Survey

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    The present study\u27s foundation is based on research suggesting that the attitudes of clinicians regarding their clients have profound effects on therapeutic alliances, empathy, and staff burnouts, which may contribute to treatment barriers. Because professionally appropriate behavior often conceals stigma, misconceptions, and negative feelings that clinicians may have toward sexual offenders, an anonymous survey of attitudes, job burnout, and empathy was conducted in an outpatient setting. The survey instruments tap into some latent factors concerning the attitudes of clinicians, their perceptions of burnout, and their abilities to empathize with their clients. This research focused on describing a population of clinicians who work with sexual offenders in an outpatient setting in Pennsylvania. In this study, using anonymous surveys, data was collected from clinical staff who work with sexual offenders. Each packet of surveys contained a demographics questionnaire, a survey developed for this study entitled, Attitudes Regarding Sexual Offenders, the Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Using SPSS statistical software, frequency distributions and item percentages were calculated for each of the survey question as a descriptive measure of this population. The results are descriptive in nature of the staff at this particular agency. Significant finding are presented and treatment implications are discussed

    U.S. Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity: An Analysis of Threats, Methods, and Policy-Past, Present, and Future

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    This senior thesis focuses on the growth and development of the US critical infrastructure cybersecurity program to better understand where we were, where we are, and where we\u27re going... as well as how we can improve in the future

    Livability of Leghorn Balut Embryos Stored Under Varying Temperatures and Storage Times

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    Baluts are fertile chicken or duck eggs that have been incubated and removed from the incubator prior to hatching for consumption. Chicken eggs are incubated for 11 to 14 days and duck eggs are incubated for 16 to 20 days. Baluts have an extremely specialized consumer market, with the majority of its consumers of Filipino decent. Current U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations for the storage of baluts prior to sale is 7.2ÂșC, the same as for infertile commercial table eggs. Consumer preference is to purchase live baluts for consumption. Since exposure to 7.2ÂșC causes embryo mortality within 8 hours of removal from the incubator, research was performed to assess mortality at various storage temperatures, which has not previously been established. Our study consisted of two identical trials to determine the livability of embryos when exposed to varying temperatures over predetermined storage times. Fertile Leghorn chicken eggs were incubated for 13.5 days and then removed from incubation, grouped, and placed in temperature-controlled environments corresponding to 15.6, 18.3, and 22.2ÂșC. At predetermined times, eggs were opened to determine embryo viability. Random swab samples of the internal egg environment were also taken aseptically to determine the presence of microorganisms. Results demonstrated that the livability of embryos was longer when exposed to storage temperatures closer to incubation temperatures (37.5ÂșC), and livability was shorter when storage temperatures neared refrigeration temperature (7.2ÂșC)

    Policies to Protect Food Safety and Animal Health

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    Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries, Q16, Q17, Q18,

    Observations and Applications of Husbandry Methodologies on a Backyard Poultry Farm in Dangriga, Belize

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    This study explores the husbandry methodologies on a backyard poultry farm in Dangriga, Belize, with the purpose of producing a set of guidelines for backyard poultry growers that have limited resources in similar regions. The majority of data collection occurred through survey questions approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), which is responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of human research subjects, necropsies approved by IACUC, and general observations. There has been a steady increase in poultry production in developing regions due to its positive effects on income and relative nutrition. However, due to a lack of accessible communication and education regarding effective and safe poultry production, these operators typically see poor productivity and/or profitability in their operations. Data were collected over biosecurity, vaccination protocol, water quality, feed quality, temperature regulation, housing set-up and preparation, and behavior for broilers and layers. Overall, the major factors that appeared to have the greatest impact on the birds were low biosecurity measures, low levels of clean available water, and consistently high temperatures experienced in the broiler pens. The results for each factor are discussed and it was suggested that if small adjustments were made, the birds would experience better health and therefore increased productivity. Additional studies regarding E. coli presence in water sources, trends in broiler weights, nutritional make-up of feed, and observations of trends in post-mortem findings should be conducted

    Organophosphate toxicosis in chickens: A case report

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    Two cases of organophosphate toxicity were diagnosed at the University of Arkansas Poultry Science Department poultry research farm in the Spring of 2002. In both cases the birds were being treated with the organophosphate RaVapÂź for Northern Fowl Mites (Ornithonyssus sylvarium) infestations. A total of 61 birds died and 13 were treated successfully with atropine sulphate

    Manajemen Potensi Bagansiapiapi Menjadi Kota Wisata Berbasis Cagar Budaya

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    Sejarah Kota Bagan Siapi-Api berlangsung selama bertahun-tahun sejak kedatangan orang China dan kolonial Belanda, dengan banyak peninggalan sejarah yang dapat menjadi ikon wisata sejarah dan budaya. Tujuan Gubernur Riau adalah untuk menjadikan Kota Bagan Siapi-Api sebagai Kota Pusaka di Indonesia, tetapi karena banyaknya peninggalan sejarah ini, mereka harus dirawat dengan baik agar dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya untuk tujuan wisata sejarah.Di Kota Bagansiapi Api, ada banyak peninggalan sejarah yang dianggap sebagai Cagar Budaya, seperti Pelabuhan Lama Bagan dan Kantor Bea Cukai, Bank BRI nomor dua di Indonesia, Tugu Perjanjian Setan dan Manusia, Menara Air/Water Leeding Peninggalan Belanda, Arena Bakar Tongkang, Gereja Katolik St. Petrus, dan Klenteng Ing Hok King. Di Tanah Putih, ada Situs Sedinginan dan Candi Sintong. Temuan dalam Penelitian ini  bahwa meskipun Kota Bagansiapi-api memiliki banyak potensi pariwisata, ia belum mencapai status cagar budaya yang diperlukan untuk menjadi Kota Pusaka. Saran penelitian ini adalah agar pemerintah daerah Rokan Hilir meningkatkan status peninggalan sejarah tersebut, sehingga Kota Bagansiapi-api dapat dianggap sebagai Kota Pusaka di Indonesia. Sejarah Kota Bagan Siapi-Api berlangsung selama bertahun-tahun sejak kedatangan orang China dan kolonial Belanda, dengan banyak peninggalan sejarah yang dapat menjadi ikon wisata sejarah dan budaya. Tujuan Gubernur Riau adalah untuk menjadikan Kota Bagan Siapi-Api sebagai Kota Pusaka di Indonesia, tetapi karena banyaknya peninggalan sejarah ini, mereka harus dirawat dengan baik agar dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya untuk tujuan wisata sejarah.Di Kota Bagansiapi Api, ada banyak peninggalan sejarah yang dianggap sebagai Cagar Budaya, seperti Pelabuhan Lama Bagan dan Kantor Bea Cukai, Bank BRI nomor dua di Indonesia, Tugu Perjanjian Setan dan Manusia, Menara Air/Water Leeding Peninggalan Belanda, Arena Bakar Tongkang, Gereja Katolik St. Petrus, dan Klenteng Ing Hok King. Di Tanah Putih, ada Situs Sedinginan dan Candi Sintong. Temuan dalam Penelitian ini  bahwa meskipun Kota Bagansiapi-api memiliki banyak potensi pariwisata, ia belum mencapai status cagar budaya yang diperlukan untuk menjadi Kota Pusaka. Saran penelitian ini adalah agar pemerintah daerah Rokan Hilir meningkatkan status peninggalan sejarah tersebut, sehingga Kota Bagansiapi-api dapat dianggap sebagai Kota Pusaka di Indonesia

    The design of an automotive academy for Mercedes Benz in Gately, East London

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    The purpose of this project is to investigate the automotiveindustry in East London specificallyMercedesBenz,inordertoproposethe extensionsoftheskillsdevelopmentacademyandexhibitionspaces asanintegralpartofalargercampusofeducation.TheMercedes BenzfactoryprecinctinEastLondonisoneofthe4biggestinthe worldandisthebiggestinAfrica,creatinggroundsforextension. IneastLondonthereisplentyunemploymentandmanyareseeking jobsintheindustrialareaswhicharemainlyautomotive.Duetomost oftheindustrybeingownedbyMercedesBenz,itiscrucialtoengage inhighlevelsofeducationandtogiveopportunityforgrowthwithin theindustryandexpansionofskills.Studentsattheacademywill learndifferentskillsintheautomotivemanufacturingtradeandwill beguaranteedjobsaftertheirstudiesarecompleted.Theskills academywillformpartofaneducationalprecinctwhichwillforma narrativeforthetimelineofMercedesBenz.Theprojectwill hopefullyprovidemorejobopportunitiesandskillstrainingforthe localsofEastLondonaswellastocontributetotheeconomyofthe automotiveindustry.Muchlikecars,industryworksasamachine, therearebitsandpiecesthatnedtopuzzletogetherinorderto createaworkingandlivingmachine.Theautomotiveskillsacademies areexactlythatfortheindustry,apieceofthepuzzlewhichensures theworkingoftheindustryasawhole,nowandinthefuture.Without theskillsacademies,theautomotiveindustrywouldsubsequently loseitsfundamentalskillsandknowledgebase. Thecoreconcernforthistreatiseintheexpansionoftheindustryny creatingextensionsoftheMercedesBenzskillsacademyand creatingaspacewhichiseducationalwhilstbeingauserfriendly buildingfocusedonwellnessofworkersandratesofproductivityto ensuremaximizedoutputandthefurthergrowthoftheindustryThesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment and Technology, School of Architecture, 202
