334 research outputs found

    Experiencing the Presence: Degrees of Closeness in the Digital Biographies of Migration

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    Among the many representations of migration, relevant prominence has been acquired by multimedia biographic discourses and digital enriched documentaries that reproduce the direct experience of migrants and their relationship with hosting societies. This paper aims at proposing a scale of the possible degrees of proximity or closeness in the contemporary media discourses about migration. Drawing on the semiotics of media experience, we focus on how biographic theatrical video, digital artistic based VR installation, data visualization platforms and web documentaries contribute to shape the figure of the migrant and of the border, and how they challenge the dialectic opposition between presence and distance in regard of the migration experience. In this direction, contemporary discourses on migration and migrants\u2019 digital biographies are not only characterized by recovering the so called \u201ccapture of speech\u201d of migrants or what idea of border and Self has been produced. Indeed, they are marked by their capacity to generate effects of presence of and to the direct experience of the migrants\u2019 lives

    Toward in vitro fertilization in Brachiaria spp.

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    Brachiaria are forage grasses widely cultivated in tropical areas. In vitro pollination was applied to accessions of Brachiaria spp. by placing pollen of non-dehiscent anthers on a solid medium near isolated ovaries. Viability and in vitro germination were tested in order to establish good conditions for pollen development. Comparing sexual to apomictic plants, apomictic pollen has more abortion after meiosis during the microspore stage and a lower viability and, of both types, only some plants have sufficient germination in a high sugar concentration. Using in vitro pollination with the sexual plant, the pollen tube penetrates into the nucellus and micropyle, but the embryo sac degenerates and collapses. In the apomictic B. decumbens, in vitro pollination leads to the transfer of the sperm nuclei into the egg cell and the central cell. The results are discussed according to normal fertilization and barriers in sexual and apomictic plants

    Biossegurança no desenvolvimento e uso das plantas transgênicas.

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    A produção agrícola está sob constante pressão de ataque de pragas comprometendo a produtividade. Entre as ferramentas de combate está a obtenção de variedades resistentes e a utilização de plantas geneticamente modificadas (PGM). Entretanto, para estas últimas são levantadas questões sobre os riscos para o meio ambiente e o homem. Para responder a estas questões e normatizar o processo de avaliação e aprovação de PGM foram criados dispositivos legais na forma de regulamentações nacionais e internacionais. Visando o desenvolvimento de análise de riscos, em nível nacional, e o atendimento à legislação vigente, foi estruturada uma Rede de Pesquisa pela Embrapa - a BioSeg. Ela estuda os riscos ambiental e alimentar de: ALGODÃO (resistente a insetos), BATATA (resistente ao virus Y), FEIJÃO (resistente ao virus do mosaico dourado), MAMÃO (resistente ao vírus da mancha anelar), SOJA (tolerante ao glifosato). A vivência de 4 anos de trabalho desta Rede será apresentada, com ênfase nos resultados alcançados e perspectivas futuras. Financiamento: Embrapa (0102201) e Finep (01020162-00). Parceria com Projeto GMO ERA (recursos - SDC/Suíça)

    Dialogo interdisciplinare sulla mostra “Parliamo ancora di me. Zavattini tra parola e immagine”.

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    Proveremo a esercitare un doppio sguardo alla mostra "Parliamo ancora di me. Zavattini tra parola e immagine", a cura di Alberto Ferraboschi e Alessandro Gazzotti, presso il Palazzo dei Musei di Reggio Emilia (1 aprile 2023 - 7 gennaio 2024), in questa recensione che vuole smarginare dal consueto tracciato, per tentare un dialogo a due fra zavattiniani, con uno sguardo semiotico e uno sguardo storico-artistico

    Acima dos confrontos sobre os transgênicos: uma experiência piloto de consulta pública.

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    RESUMO: A tecnologia do DNA recombinante abriu, juntamente com um horizonte ilimitado de possibilidades de inovações, polêmicas que não podem ser ignoradas ou resolvidas por meio de uma difusão linear de informações. Ações multidisciplinares e multi-institucionais têm sido implementadas, com sucesso, em diversos países, para estabelecer novas formas de comunicação entre peritos e leigos. Isso permite identificar possíveis restrições e benefícios nas trajetórias tecnológicas, e assim entender e negociar eventuais conflitos. No Brasil, esse tipo de abordagem não tem recebido atenção significativa. A metodologia Problem Formulation and Options Assessment (PFOA), articulada no contexto do projeto internacional Genetically Modified Organisms - Environmental Risk Assessment (GMO-ERA), e sintonizada com as novas tendências de envolvimento dos diversos setores de interesse (stakeholders) ligados a uma tecnologia, propõe integrar na análise de risco as perspectivas ambiental, social, econômica e ética. A equipe de implementação de uma experiência piloto do PFOA foi formada pelo grupo do GMOERA - ligado ao Projeto Rede de Biossegurança (BioSeg), da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), pelo Instituto de Pesquisa em Riscos e Sustentabilidade, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Iris-UFSC), e pelo Centro de Gestão de Estudos Estratégicos do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (CGEE/MCT). O caso utilizado como modelo foi o feijão geneticamente modificado resistente ao mosaico-dourado, que vem sendo desenvolvido pela Embrapa. O piloto, financiado pelo CGEE/MCT, contou com a participação de diversos stakeholders. Dentre as conclusões, recomenda-se o uso de sistemas de informação não unidirecionados, mais transparentes e abertos, baseados em uma ciência rigorosa, para subsidiar as instâncias científicas e políticas nas tomadas de decisão. abstract: Recombinant DNA technology, together with an unlimited horizon of possibilities of innovation, triggered a discussion, among stakeholders, that cannot be ignored or solved through a linear difusion of information. Multidisciplinary and multi-institutional actions are being successfully adopted in several countries to establish new communication strategies between specialists and stakeholders. These strategies allow the identification of possible constraints and benefits of a technology during its development and, consequently, understanding and negotiation of conflicts. In Brazil this approach is not being used yet. The Problem Formulation and Options Assessment (PFOA) methodology was proposed by the Genetically Modified Organisms - Environmental Risk Assessment (GMO-ERA) project, aligned with the new trend of involving stakeholders in the risk assessment of a new technology. PFOA integrates the environmental, social, economic and ethical perspectives into the risk assessment of a technology. PFOA's pilot experience was conducted by a group formed by the GMO-ERA team associated with the Biosafety Network (BioSeg) project of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), by the Institute of Research in Risk and Sustainability from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Iris-UFSC) and by the Center for Strategic Management and Studies in Science, Technology and Innovation of the Ministry of Science and Technology (CGEE/ MCT). The case study was a genetically modified bean resistant to the golden mosaic disease, which is being developed by Embrapa. This pilot was funded by CGEE/MCT and gathered representatives of several stakeholders. It could be concluded that the use of non-directed, transparent, open and science-based communication approaches is of great value for scientific and political decision making instances

    Susceptibility of common and tepary beans to Agrobacterium spp. strains and improvement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using microprojectile bombardment.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-11T16:58:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ID9758.pdf: 85520 bytes, checksum: e2f89187372da8c75816406af6932375 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1997-05-02bitstream/item/178419/1/ID-9758.pd

    Genetic transformation of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu by biolistics.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-13T00:46:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GenetictransformationofBrachiariabrizanthacv.pdf: 1969975 bytes, checksum: 15dfa9e19124eb5269852ad139ad19fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-12bitstream/item/178487/1/Genetic-transformation-of-Brachiaria-brizantha-cv-.pd