41 research outputs found

    Esquisse d'une anthropologie clinique I. Anthropopsychiatrie et anthropologie sémiotique

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    La psychiatrie (la clinique psychopathologique en général) connaît en ce début de XXIe siècle une situation complexe. Coincée entre naturalisation de l'esprit et constructionnisme social, la possibilité de contribuer à la constitution d'une science autonome qui traite de la souffrance psychique est aujourd'hui problématique. Les nombreux réductionnismes à l'oeuvre, de type nosographique, diagnostique, psychopharmacologique, les concurrences épistémologiques et les dogmatismes des modèles psychothérapeutiques, dessinent un paysage où s'engager à poursuivre la voie d'une psychiatrie spécifiquement humaine et articulée aux sciences naturelles relève de la gageure. C'est le défi de l'anthropologie clinique. Deux articles lui sont consacrés. Dans ce premier article, après avoir fait le constat de certaines impasses qui menacent la psychiatrie contemporaine et rappelé les origines du projet de l'anthropologique clinique, les auteurs présentent les deux démarches qui la fondent, chacune opérant dans un esprit d'interdisciplinarité : l'anthropopsychiatrie de Jacques Schotte et l'anthropologie sémiotique formulée par Jean Lassègue, Victor Rosenthal et Yves-Marie Visetti. Un deuxième article déploiera le potentiel intégratif d'un tel paradigme, constitué sur la base de ces deux démarches conjointes. Psychiatry (psychopathology clinics in general) is in a complex situation at the beginning of 21st century. Wedged between mind naturalization and social constructionism, the possibility of contributing to the establishment of an autonomous science that deals with mental suffering is problematic today. The many nosographic, diagnostic, psychopharmacological reductionisms at work as well as the competing epistemologies and the dogmatisms of psychotherapeutic models draw a challenging landscape for those following the path of a specifically human psychiatry articulated to natural sciences. This is the challenge of clinical anthropology which is presented in two parts. In the first part, after examining several dead ends which threaten contemporary psychiatry and pointing out the origins of the clinical anthropology project, the authors present its two foundational approaches. Each approach driven by a spirit of interdisciplinarity : Jacques Schotte's anthropopsychiatry and the semiotic anthropology as formulated by Jean Lassègue, Victor Rosenthal and Yves-Marie Visetti. A second part will describe the integrative potential of such a paradigm, based on these two joint approaches

    Esquisse d'une anthropologie clinique II. Les comportements psychopathologiques comme formes de vie, pensés à l'articulation du fonctionnement neurobiologique, de l'intériorité subjective et des formes symboliques

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    Un précédent article a présenté les deux démarches fondant l'anthropologie clinique : l'anthropopsychiatrie de Jacques Schotte, qui permet d'inscrire la clinique dans le champ de l'anthropologie, et l'anthropologie sémiotique formulée par Jean Lassègue, Victor Rosenthal et Yves-Marie Visetti, qui dote cette même clinique, grâce à la notion de forme symbolique, de moyens rigoureux pour assurer sa démarche scientifique. Dans ce deuxième article, les auteurs commencent par dégager le potentiel intégratif de l'anthropologie clinique en explicitant la structure de l'humain et le cadre épistémologique qui organisent ce nouveau paradigme. Puis, se référant plus précisément à certaines formes cliniques psychiatriques contemporaines, ils montrent comment on peut bien les comprendre quand on les pense comme des formes de vie, à l'articulation du fonctionnement neurobiologique, de l'intériorité subjective et des formes symboliques. Éclairage valable, selon les auteurs, pour penser tout le champ de la psychopathologie et des soins s'y référant. A previous article presented the two foundational approaches of clinical anthropology : Jacques Schotte's anthropopsychiatry, which inscribes clinics in the field of anthropology, and semiotic anthropology as formulated by Jean Lassègue, Victor Rosenthal and Yves-Marie Visetti, which provides this same clinics, through the notion of symbolic form, with rigorous instruments to ensure its scientific approach. In this second article, the authors begin by highlighting the integrative potential of clinical anthropology through a clarification of the human structure and the epistemological framework that organize this new paradigm. Then, referring specifically to some contemporary psychiatric clinical forms, they show how well they can be understood when they are considered as life forms of subjective interiority and symbolic forms, at the articulation of neurobiological functioning. According to the authors, this approach shed a useful light for thinking the entire field of psychopathology and related care forms

    Persistent spatial clusters of high body mass index in a Swiss urban population as revealed by the 5-year GeoCoLaus longitudinal study.

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    OBJECTIVE: Body mass index (BMI) may cluster in space among adults and be spatially dependent. Whether and how BMI clusters evolve over time in a population is currently unknown. We aimed to determine the spatial dependence of BMI and its 5-year evolution in a Swiss general adult urban population, taking into account the neighbourhood-level and individual-level characteristics. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: Swiss general urban population. PARTICIPANTS: 6481 georeferenced individuals from the CoLaus cohort at baseline (age range 35-74 years, period=2003-2006) and 4460 at follow-up (period=2009-2012). OUTCOME MEASURES: Body weight and height were measured by trained healthcare professionals with participants standing without shoes in light indoor clothing. BMI was calculated as weight (kg) divided by height squared (m(2)). Participants were geocoded using their postal address (geographic coordinates of the place of residence). Getis-Ord Gi statistic was used to measure the spatial dependence of BMI values at baseline and its evolution at follow-up. RESULTS: BMI was not randomly distributed across the city. At baseline and at follow-up, significant clusters of high versus low BMIs were identified and remained stable during the two periods. These clusters were meaningfully attenuated after adjustment for neighbourhood-level income but not individual-level characteristics. Similar results were observed among participants who showed a significant weight gain. CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report longitudinal changes in BMI clusters in adults from a general population. Spatial clusters of high BMI persisted over a 5-year period and were mainly influenced by neighbourhood-level income

    Indication of spatially random occurrence of <i>Chlamydia</i>-like organisms in <i>Bufo bufo</i> tadpoles from ponds located in the Geneva metropolitan area.

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    Occurrence of bacteria belonging to the order &lt;i&gt;Chlamydiales&lt;/i&gt; was investigated for the first time in common toad ( &lt;i&gt;Bufo bufo&lt;/i&gt; ) tadpole populations collected from 41 ponds in the Geneva metropolitan area, Switzerland. A &lt;i&gt;Chlamydiales&lt;/i&gt; -specific real-time PCR was used to detect and amplify the &lt;i&gt;Chlamydiales&lt;/i&gt; 16S ribosomal RNA-encoding gene from the tails of 375 tadpoles. We found the studied amphibian populations to host &lt;i&gt;Chlamydia&lt;/i&gt; -like organisms (CLOs) attributable to the genera &lt;i&gt;Similichlamydia, Neochlamydia, Protochlamydia&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;Parachlamydia&lt;/i&gt; (all belonging to the family &lt;i&gt;Parachlamydiaceae&lt;/i&gt; ), &lt;i&gt;Simkania&lt;/i&gt; (family &lt;i&gt;Simkaniaceae&lt;/i&gt; ) and &lt;i&gt;Estrella&lt;/i&gt; (family &lt;i&gt;Criblamydiaceae&lt;/i&gt; ); additionally, DNA from the genus &lt;i&gt;Thermoanaerobacter&lt;/i&gt; (family &lt;i&gt;Thermoanaerobacteriaceae&lt;/i&gt; ) was detected. Global autocorrelation analysis did not reveal a spatial structure in the observed CLOs occurrence rates, and association tests involving land cover characteristics did not evidence any clear effect on CLOs occurrence rates in &lt;i&gt;B. bufo.&lt;/i&gt; Although preliminary, these results suggest a random and ubiquitous distribution of CLOs in the environment, which would support the biogeographical expectation 'everything is everywhere' for the concerned microorganisms

    L'anthropologie clinique au carrefour des psychothérapies

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    Dans le contexte de morcellement du champ psychothérapeutique, la tendance à la spécialisation technique, ainsi qu'à la disqualification mutuelle des différents courants, fait parfois oublier l'objet même de la psychothérapie, à savoir, l'être humain en souffrance. Plus que jamais, il apparaît donc nécessaire, pour le devenir d'une psychothérapie à visage humain, que tout thérapeute prenne conscience de la portée et de la limite de l'approche à laquelle il prête obédience, relativement aux autres courants : il est ainsi invité au double travail de clarification épistémologique sur les présupposés implicites à sa théorie et méthode, et de distanciation affective à l'égard du courant théorique auquel il est rattaché. L'anthropologie clinique d'inspiration phénoménologique apporte les outils indispensables à un tel travail

    Benchmark Test of a Variable Speed Unit for Teaching Purposes

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    Variable speed pump-turbine units have become nowadays an interesting way to increase stability of electrical power networks due to their high level of operating flexibility. Different advantages offered by variable speed pump-turbine units for both pumping and generating modes can be pointed out by means of either reliable simulation models or benchmark test devices. This paper presents a benchmark test of 3.3 kVA of a variable speed unit for teaching purposes. The control strategies for the transformer section and for the machine section are described. Comparisons between simulated and test results performed on this low power system are presented for different cases of operation (SVC effect, reactive power compensation, flywheel effect)

    Previous thyroid disease and risk of thyroid cancer in Switzerland

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    A hospital-based case-control study of 86 cases of thyroid cancer and 317 controls was done in the Swiss Canton of Vaud. Patients with thyroid cancer tended to be better educated (odds ratio [OR] 2.1 for greater than or equal to 14 vs. less than or equal to 8 years of education 95% CI 1.1-4.1) and of higher social class than controls. Cases more often had a history of benign thyroid nodules (OR 25.2, 95% CI 7.6-83.6) and non-toxic goitre (OR 5.3, 95% CI 2.5-11.2). Furthermore, patients with thyroid cancer were more likely to have resided in endemic goitre areas (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.0-3.0) and to have had first-degree relatives affected by benign thyroid disease (OR 3.9, 95% CI 2.1-7.1). Therefore, this study offers quantitative evidence of the association between various thyroid diseases and the risk of thyroid cancer which, despite difficulties in the classification of benign and malignant thyroid diseases, is remarkably consistent in studies from different countries