134 research outputs found

    Surface Subsidence Over Deep Solution Mined Storage Cavern Field

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    Ten years observation by GDF on Tersanne solution-mined gas storage field, offers the opportunity for a mechanical interpretation of the surface subsidence. According to the geological context, the rockmass was modellised by a two-layered medium with highly contrasted mechanical behavior: a soft elastic clay cover, and a viscous salt mass. Given the field uncertainties, mostly related to the cover layer, and the three- dimensional nature of the problem, indirect methods were used to obtain bounds for the surface subsidence evolution and a parametric study was performed. Comparison with data of the field allows to determine likely rock mass parameters, put forward some typical mechanical response, and give some insight on the trends of the subsidence phenomena

    Island invasives: scaling up to meet the challenge

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    Management and eradication techniques for invasive alien birds remain in their infancy compared to invasive mammal control methods, and there are still relatively few examples of successful avian eradications. Since 2011, five separate eradication programmes for invasive birds have been conducted on three islands by the Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF). Target species were prioritised according to their threat level to the native biodiversity of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the Seychelles, Aldabra Atoll and Vallée de Mai, which SIF is responsible for managing and protecting. Red-whiskered bulbuls (Pycnonotus jocosus) and Madagascar fodies (Foudia madagascariensis) occurred on Assumption, the closest island to Aldabra, which, at the time, had no known introduced bird species. The growing population of ring-necked parakeets (Psittacula krameri) on Mahé posed a threat to endemic Seychelles black parrots (Coracopsis barklyi) on Praslin where the Vallée de Mai forms their core breeding habitat. In 2012, red-whiskered bulbuls and Madagascar fodies were detected on Aldabra, so an additional eradication was started. All eradications used a combination of mist-netting and shooting. The intensive part of each eradication lasted three years or less. On Assumption, 5,279 red-whiskered bulbuls and 3,291 Madagascar fodies were culled; on Mahé, 545 parakeets were culled; and on Aldabra 262 Madagascar fodies and one red-whiskered bulbul were culled. Each programme underwent 1–2 years of follow-up monitoring before eradication was confirmed, and four of the five eradications have been successful so far. None of these species had previously been eradicated in large numbers from other islands so the successes substantially advance this field of invasive species management. The challenges and insights of these eradications also provide unique learning opportunities for other invasive avian eradications

    Collisional kinetics of non-uniform electric field, low-pressure, direct-current discharges in H2_{2}

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    A model of the collisional kinetics of energetic hydrogen atoms, molecules, and ions in pure H2_2 discharges is used to predict Hα_\alpha emission profiles and spatial distributions of emission from the cathode regions of low-pressure, weakly-ionized discharges for comparison with a wide variety of experiments. Positive and negative ion energy distributions are also predicted. The model developed for spatially uniform electric fields and current densities less than 10310^{-3} A/m2^2 is extended to non-uniform electric fields, current densities of 10310^{3} A/m2^2, and electric field to gas density ratios E/N=1.3E/N = 1.3 MTd at 0.002 to 5 Torr pressure. (1 Td = 102110^{-21} V m2^2 and 1 Torr = 133 Pa) The observed far-wing Doppler broadening and spatial distribution of the Hα_\alpha emission is consistent with reactions among H+^+, H2+_2^+, H3+_3^+, and HH^-H ions, fast H atoms, and fast H2_2 molecules, and with reflection, excitation, and attachment to fast H atoms at surfaces. The Hα_\alpha excitation and H^- formation occur principally by collisions of fast H, fast H2_2, and H+^+ with H2_2. Simplifications include using a one-dimensional geometry, a multi-beam transport model, and the average cathode-fall electric field. The Hα_\alpha emission is linear with current density over eight orders of magnitude. The calculated ion energy distributions agree satisfactorily with experiment for H2+_2^+ and H3+_3^+, but are only in qualitative agreement for H+^+ and H^-. The experiments successfully modeled range from short-gap, parallel-plane glow discharges to beam-like, electrostatic-confinement discharges.Comment: Submitted to Plasmas Sources Science and Technology 8/18/201

    Vitamin d status predicts 30 day mortality in hospitalised cats

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    Vitamin D insufficiency, defined as low serum concentrations of the major circulating form of vitamin D, 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), has been associated with the development of numerous infectious, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders in humans. In addition, vitamin D insufficiency has been found to be predictive of mortality for many disorders. However, interpretation of human studies is difficult since vitamin D status is influenced by many factors, including diet, season, latitude, and exposure to UV radiation. In contrast, domesticated cats do not produce vitamin D cutaneously, and most cats are fed a commercial diet containing a relatively standard amount of vitamin D. Consequently, domesticated cats are an attractive model system in which to examine the relationship between serum 25(OH)D and health outcomes. The hypothesis of this study was that vitamin D status would predict short term, all-cause mortality in domesticated cats. Serum concentrations of 25(OH)D, together with a wide range of other clinical, hematological, and biochemical parameters, were measured in 99 consecutively hospitalised cats. Cats which died within 30 days of initial assessment had significantly lower serum 25(OH)D concentrations than cats which survived. In a linear regression model including 12 clinical variables, serum 25(OH)D concentration in the lower tertile was significantly predictive of mortality. The odds ratio of mortality within 30 days was 8.27 (95% confidence interval 2.54-31.52) for cats with a serum 25(OH)D concentration in the lower tertile. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that low serum 25(OH)D concentration status is an independent predictor of short term mortality in cats

    Gene Expression Profiles in Human and Mouse Primary Cells Provide New Insights into the Differential Actions of Vitamin D-3 Metabolites

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    1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1α,25(OH)2D3) had earlier been regarded as the only active hormone. The newly identified actions of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) and 24R,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (24R,25(OH)2D3) broadened the vitamin D3 endocrine system, however, the current data are fragmented and a systematic understanding is lacking. Here we performed the first systematic study of global gene expression to clarify their similarities and differences. Three metabolites at physiologically comparable levels were utilized to treat human and mouse fibroblasts prior to DNA microarray analyses. Human primary prostate stromal P29SN cells (hP29SN), which convert 25(OH)D3 into 1α,25(OH)2D3 by 1α-hydroxylase (encoded by the gene CYP27B1), displayed regulation of 164, 171, and 175 genes by treatment with 1α,25(OH)2D3, 25(OH)D3, and 24R,25(OH)2D3, respectively. Mouse primary Cyp27b1 knockout fibroblasts (mCyp27b1−/−), which lack 1α-hydroxylation, displayed regulation of 619, 469, and 66 genes using the same respective treatments. The number of shared genes regulated by two metabolites is much lower in hP29SN than in mCyp27b1−/−. By using DAVID Functional Annotation Bioinformatics Microarray Analysis tools and Ingenuity Pathways Analysis, we identified the agonistic regulation of calcium homeostasis and bone remodeling between 1α,25(OH)2D3 and 25(OH)D3 and unique non-classical actions of each metabolite in physiological and pathological processes, including cell cycle, keratinocyte differentiation, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis signaling, gene transcription, immunomodulation, epigenetics, cell differentiation, and membrane protein expression. In conclusion, there are three distinct vitamin D3 hormones with clearly different biological activities. This study presents a new conceptual insight into the vitamin D3 endocrine system, which may guide the strategic use of vitamin D3 in disease prevention and treatment.Peer reviewe

    Erratum - On isotope effects in the predissociations of HD

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