35 research outputs found

    Mass mortality or exceptional fossilization? The case of the early and middle Toarcian fossiliferous beds from the Digne-Les-Bains area (southeastern France)

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    La sĂ©rie sĂ©dimentaire d’ñge domĂ©rien supĂ©rieur Ă  toarcien supĂ©rieur (de –190 Ă  –180 Ma) dans la RĂ©serve GĂ©ologique de Haute-Provence (Sud-Est de la France) a l’intĂ©rĂȘt de prĂ©senter deux types de gisements fossilifĂšres remarquables. Le premier type, d’ñge toarcien infĂ©rieur, a la particularitĂ© de prĂ©senter des restes d’ichtyosaures (dans au moins six sites) en plus de trĂšs nombreux autres fossiles. Le deuxiĂšme type, d’ñge toarcien moyen, est caractĂ©risĂ© par l’abondance et la prĂ©sence presque exclusive d’ammonites et de nautiles. Des Ă©tudes lithostratigraphiques, biostratigraphiques, palĂ©ontologiques, sĂ©dimentologiques et gĂ©ochimiques, ont permis de savoir si ces accumulations rĂ©sultaient de mortalitĂ© en masse ou bien si elles n’étaient dues qu’à des fossilisations exceptionnelles d’organismes Ă  taux de mortalitĂ© normal. Les accumulations d’ñge toarcien infĂ©rieur se sont effectuĂ©es, aprĂšs mortalitĂ© normale, par piĂ©geage avec des sĂ©diments terrigĂšnes dans des hĂ©migrabens Ă  la suite de jeu de blocs basculĂ©s et pendant une pĂ©riode d’anoxie ou d’hypoxie. Les gisements d’ñge toarcien moyen correspondent Ă  des condensations et concentrations fauniques lors de sĂ©dimentation carbonatĂ©e trĂšs rĂ©duite en liaison avec une transgression marine de grande ampleur. Diverses conditions, tectoniques locales de rifting, eustatiques rĂ©gionales liĂ©es Ă  l’évolution du domaine liguro-piĂ©montais, ocĂ©anographiques globales d’anoxie et de crise de production carbonatĂ©e, ont toutes jouĂ© un rĂŽle dans la genĂšse des gisements fossilifĂšres. Tout lien avec des extinctions massives, en rapport ou non avec des crises biologiques, est exclu

    Mise en Ă©vidence d’un SĂ©nonien gypseux sous la sĂ©rie phosphatĂ©e du bassin des Ouled Abdoun: Un nouveau point de dĂ©part pour l’origine des zones dĂ©rangĂ©es dans les mines Ă  ciel ouvert de Khouribga, Maroc

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    In the Ouled Abdoun sedimentary basin (Morocco), the phosphatic series is composed of regular interbedded phosphatic and marly limestone layers. Exploitation of the phosphate in some deposits in this basin collides frequently with problems bound to the existence, in the phosphatic series, of disturbed areas (sterile bodies) qualified as derangements by the mining engineers of the Office Cherifian Phosphate Group (OCP). Their presence in the phosphatic layers causes two kinds of problems: (1) since the whole phosphatic sequence is overlain by a Quaternary cover, we do not know their volume proportion in the phosphatic layers, and therefore the reserves estimations can be wrong (2) they are generally hard, so they complicate the phosphate extraction. Indeed, in an area containing sterile bodies, boring grid may always be tightened and boreholes filled with dynamite. The required borehole tools and use of explosives are time consuming and therefore increase drastically the cost of phosphate extraction. Their localisation would permit the mining engineers to get around them during the exploitation. Several geophysical works have carried out in the achieved in Khouribga area to localize and delimit these sterile bodies. Electric resistitivy was established as a suitable geophysical parameter to map them, but the slowness and difficulty of data collection hinders the application of these geophysical methods to the whose phosphatic deposits area (about 25000 ha). Their application in all the Ouled Abdoun basin requires the comprehension of the origin of the sterile bodies, in order to specify their formation process and to predict consequently their spacial distribution in each phosphatic deposit. Our study concerns to sedimentological and diagenetic analysis of disturbed aereas and their immediate vicinity. It made it possible to identify for the first time the existence of an evaporitic series intensely karstified at the top of the Senonian, under the phosphatic series. The senonian karsts are undoubtedly at the origin of the derangements, which are defined as the collapsing phenomena at the base of underground cavities. These bodies have a polyphase structuring and a genesis that is the consequence of on several processes (fracturing, infiltration, dissolution, collapse). Their installation began from the end of Senonian, and continues up to the Quaternary.[fr] Dans le bassin sĂ©dimentaire des Ouled Abdoun (Maroc), la sĂ©rie phosphatĂ©e est formĂ©e d’une intercalation rĂ©guliĂšre de niveaux phosphatĂ©s et marno-calcaires sur environ 50m de puissance. Localement, cette rĂ©gularitĂ© est perturbĂ©e par la prĂ©sence frĂ©quente de structures communĂ©ment appelĂ©s «dĂ©rangements». Il s’agit de masses non stratifiĂ©es, stĂ©riles, qui perturbent et alourdissent les travaux d’exploitation des couches phosphatĂ©es. Les Ă©tudes gĂ©ophysiques expĂ©rimentales, rĂ©alisĂ©es dans les zones dĂ©rangĂ©es de la sĂ©rie phosphatĂ©e, ont dĂ©montrĂ© la possibilitĂ© de les cartographier sous couvertures Ă  l’échelle dĂ©camĂ©trique. Leur gĂ©nĂ©ralisation sur toute la superficie du bassin des Ouled Abdoun, nĂ©cessite une comprĂ©hension du phĂ©nomĂšne Ă  l’origine de ces structures. Notre Ă©tude concerne l’analyse sĂ©dimentologique et diagĂ©nĂ©tique des zones dĂ©rangĂ©es et de leur voisinage immĂ©diat. Elle a permis d’identifier pour la premiĂšre fois l’existence d’une sĂ©rie Ă©vaporitique intensĂ©ment karstifiĂ©e au sommet du SĂ©nonien, sous la sĂ©rie phosphatĂ©e. Les karsts sĂ©noniens sont incontestablement Ă  l’origine des dĂ©rangements ou fontis que l’on dĂ©fini comme Ă©tant des phĂ©nomĂšnes de collapses Ă  l’aplomb de cavitĂ©s souterraines. Ces fontis ont une structuration polyphasĂ©e et une genĂšse au dĂ©pend de plusieurs processus (fracturation, infiltration, dissolution, effondrement). Leur mise en place a dĂ©butĂ© dĂšs la fin du SĂ©nonien et s’est poursuivie jusqu’au quaternaire

    The skeleton of the staghorn coral Acropora millepora: molecular and structural characterization

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    15 pagesInternational audienceThe scleractinian coral Acropora millepora is one of the most studied species from the Great Barrier Reef. This species has been used to understand evolutionary, immune and developmental processes in cnidarians. It has also been subject of several ecological studies in order to elucidate reef responses to environmental changes such as temperature rise and ocean acidification (OA). In these contexts, several nucleic acid resources were made available. When combined to a recent proteomic analysis of the coral skeletal organic matrix (SOM), they enabled the identification of several skeletal matrix proteins, making A. millepora into an emerging model for biomineralization studies. Here we describe the skeletal microstructure of A. millepora skeleton, together with a functional and biochemical characterization of its occluded SOM that focuses on the protein and saccharidic moieties. The skeletal matrix proteins show a large range of isoelectric points, compositional patterns and signatures. Besides secreted proteins, there are a significant number of proteins with membrane attachment sites such as transmembrane domains and GPI anchors as well as proteins with integrin binding sites. These features show that the skeletal proteins must have strong adhesion properties in order to function in the calcifying space. Moreover this data suggest a molecular connection between the calcifying epithelium and the skeletal tissue during biocalcification. In terms of sugar moieties, the enrichment of the SOM in arabinose is striking, and the monosaccharide composition exhibits the same signature as that of mucus of acroporid corals. Finally, we observe that the interaction of the acetic acid soluble SOM on the morphology of in vitro grown CaCO3 crystals is very pronounced when compared with the calcifying matrices of some mollusks. In light of these results, we wish to commend Acropora millepora as a model for biocalcification studies in scleractinians, from molecular and structural viewpoints

    Recherches récentes sur la culture Chupicuaro, Guanajuato

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    Transfer of hexazinone and glyphosate through undisturbed soil columns in soils under Christmas tree cultivation

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    International audienceField studies monitoring pesticide pollution in the Morvan region (France) have revealed surface water contamination by some herbicides. The purpose of this study was to investigate in greater detail the transport of two herbicides, used in Christmas tree production in the Morvan, under controlled laboratory conditions. Thus, the leaching of hexazinone (3-cyclohexyl-6-dimethyl-amino-1-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4 (1H,3H) dione) and glyphosate (N-(phosphono-methyl-glycine)) through structured soil columns was studied using one loamy sand and two sandy loams from sites currently under Christmas tree cultivation in the Morvan. The three soils were cultivated sandy brunisol [Sound reference base for soils, D. Baize, M.C. Girard (Coord.), INRA, Versailles, 1998, 322 p] or, according to the FAO [FAO, World reference base for soil resources, ISSS-ISRIC-FAO, FAO, Rome, Italy, 1998], the La Garenne was an arenosol and the two other soils were cambisols. The clay contents of the soils ranged from 86 to 156 g kg -1 and the organic carbon ranged from 98 to 347 g kg -1. After 160 mm of simulated rainfall applied over 12 days, 2-11% of the applied hexazinone was recovered in the leachate. The recovery was much higher than that of glyphosate, which was less than 0.01%. The greater mobility of hexazinone might be related to its much lower adsorption coefficient, Koc , 19-300 l kg -1 , compared with 8.5-10 231 l kg -1 for glyphosate (literature values). Another factor that may explain the higher amounts of hexazinone recovered in the leachates of the three soil columns is its greater persistence (19.7-91 days) relative to that of glyphosate (7.9-14.4 days). The mobility of both herbicides was greater in the soils with higher gravel contents, coarser textures, and lower organic carbon contents. Moreover, glyphosate migration seems negatively correlated not only to soil organic carbon, but also to aluminium and iron contents of soils. This soil column study suggests that at the watershed scale, surface water contamination by hexazinone could occur via the horizontal subsurface flow in upper centimeters of soil. In contrast, the surface water contamination with glyphosate by this mechanism appears unlikely

    Estimating the impact of early diagenesis on isotope records in shallow-marine carbonates: A case study from the Urgonian Platform in western Swiss Jura

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    14 pagesInternational audienceThe poor preservation of sedimentological and geochemical evidence often hampers the identification of subaerial exposure surfaces in carbonate platform successions. Such discontinuities may represent significant time gaps, justifying the quest for diagnostic indications. We investigated a lower Hauterivian to upper Barremian sedimentary succession from Switzerland to highlight the stratigraphic impact of meteoric diagenesis on platform carbonates. Petrographic observations revealed the presence of five generations of calcitic cements. Spot measurement of carbon and oxygen stable isotope compositions (ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ18O values, respectively) measurements relate them to specific diagenetic environments: selected blocky calcite cements exhibit an enrichment in light isotopes (12C, 16O), indicative of meteoric eogenesis, whereas very negative ÎŽ18O values link the last phase of cementation to mesogenesis. Meteoric calcitic cements formed during karstification of the top of the upper Barremian succession; burial diagenetic phases overlap these eogenetic phases, which thus cannot be related to recent telogenesis. We estimated the ratio of early meteoric versus burial cements within the studied succession: its stratigraphic repartition reveals that lower Aptian eogenesis influenced the geochemistry of platform carbonates as deep as 45 m below the exposure surface. In this interval, negative whole-rock ÎŽ13C values do not reflect contemporaneous variations of the ÎŽ13C curves documented in sections devoid of strong diagenetic impact. Such an impact is a function of the amount of meteoric cement filling pore space as well as of the primary carbon isotope composition of the carbonate sediments and of the meteoric cement. The vertical influence of a karst event is not restricted to the first metres directly below the exposure surface. Although meteoric diagenesis may not significantly alter microfacies, it may strongly perturb isotope systems. Building onto this case study, the application of ÎŽ13C chemostratigraphy to platform carbonates can only be performed with great caution and after a careful examination of diagenetic features