322 research outputs found

    Tregs and allergic disease

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    Increased severity of glomerulonephritis in C-C chemokine receptor 2 knockout mice

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    Increased severity of glomerulonephritis in C-C chemokine receptor 2 knockout mice.BackgroundThe C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) is expressed on monocytes and facilitates monocyte migration. CCR2 is a prominent receptor for monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1). This chemokine recruits monocytes to sites of inflammation. It has been suggested that CCR2 and its ligand, MCP-1, play a role in the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis. The goal of this study was to determine the contribution of CCR2 in a murine model of accelerated nephrotoxic nephritis. We measured the extent of development of renal disease in CCR2 wild-type and knockout mice after the administration of antiglomerular basement membrane antibody.MethodsEight groups of animals were treated (N = 10 per group). Four days after IgG immunization, CCR2 wild-type and knockout mice received control serum or nephrotoxic serum. The urinary protein/creatinine ratio was measured on days 1 and 3; plasma and kidneys were collected on days 4 and 7. Kidneys were evaluated by light microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence. The genotype of mice was confirmed by tissue analysis.ResultsProtective effects of CCR2 knockout on the urinary protein/creatinine ratio were observed on day 1, as values for this parameter were significantly lower (35 ± 3.6) than in nephritic wild-type mice (50 ± 6.8). There was a marked increase in proteinuria in nephritic wild-type mice on day 1 compared with vehicle-treated, wild-type animals (5 ± 1.0). On day 3, the ameliorative effects of CCR2 knockout were not observed; the increase in the urinary protein/creatinine ratio was similar in nephritic CCR2 wild-type (92 ± 11.2) and knockout mice (102 ± 9.2). Plasma markers of disease were evaluated on days 4 and 7. At these time points, there were no beneficial effects of CCR2 receptor knockout on plasma levels of urea nitrogen, creatinine, albumin, or cholesterol. On day 7, blood urea nitrogen (248 ± 19.9 mg/dL) and plasma cholesterol were higher in nephritic CCR2 knockout mice than in wild-type mice (142 ± 41.7 mg/dL) that received nephrotoxic serum. Histopathologic injury was more severe in nephritic CCR2 knockout mice than nephritic wild-type mice on day 4 (3.1 ± 0.3 vs. 2.0 ± 0.3) and day 7 (3.6 ± 0.2 vs. 2.9 ± 0.3). By immunohistochemical analysis at day 4, there were significantly fewer mac-2–positive cells, representative of macrophages in the glomeruli of nephritic CCR2 knockout (2.1 ± 0.6) mice than nephritic wild-type (3.9 ± 0.5) animals. By indirect immunofluorescence, there was a moderate, diffuse linear IgG deposition of equivalent severity present in glomeruli of both wild-type and CCR2 knockout nephritic mice.ConclusionThese results suggest that our strategy was successful in reducing macrophage infiltration, but this model of glomerulonephritis is not solely dependent on the presence of CCR2 for progression of disease. After a transient ameliorative effect on proteinuria, CCR2 knockout led to more severe injury in nephritic mice. This raises the intriguing possibility that a CCR2 gene product ameliorates glomerulonephritis in this murine model. Although effects that occur in chemokine knockout mice are not equivalent to those expected with prolonged use of a chemokine antagonist, this study may nevertheless have implications for consideration of long-term use of chemokine antagonists in renal disease

    IgG4 inhibits peanut-induced basophil and mast cell activation in peanut-tolerant children sensitized to peanut major allergens

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    BackgroundMost children with detectable peanut-specific IgE (P-sIgE) are not allergic to peanut. We addressed 2 non–mutually exclusive hypotheses for the discrepancy between allergy and sensitization: (1) differences in P-sIgE levels between children with peanut allergy (PA) and peanut-sensitized but tolerant (PS) children and (2) the presence of an IgE inhibitor, such as peanut-specific IgG4 (P-sIgG4), in PS patients.MethodsTwo hundred twenty-eight children (108 patients with PA, 77 PS patients, and 43 nonsensitized nonallergic subjects) were studied. Levels of specific IgE and IgG4 to peanut and its components were determined. IgE-stripped basophils or a mast cell line were used in passive sensitization activation and inhibition assays. Plasma of PS subjects and patients submitted to peanut oral immunotherapy (POIT) were depleted of IgG4 and retested in inhibition assays.ResultsBasophils and mast cells sensitized with plasma from patients with PA but not PS patients showed dose-dependent activation in response to peanut. Levels of sIgE to peanut and its components could only partially explain differences in clinical reactivity between patients with PA and PS patients. P-sIgG4 levels (P = .023) and P-sIgG4/P-sIgE (P < .001), Ara h 1–sIgG4/Ara h 1–sIgE (P = .050), Ara h 2–sIgG4/Ara h 2–sIgE (P = .004), and Ara h 3–sIgG4/Ara h 3–sIgE (P = .016) ratios were greater in PS children compared with those in children with PA. Peanut-induced activation was inhibited in the presence of plasma from PS children with detectable P-sIgG4 levels and POIT but not from nonsensitized nonallergic children. Depletion of IgG4 from plasma of children with PS (and POIT) sensitized to Ara h 1 to Ara h 3 partially restored peanut-induced mast cell activation (P = .007).ConclusionsDifferences in sIgE levels and allergen specificity could not justify the clinical phenotype in all children with PA and PS children. Blocking IgG4 antibodies provide an additional explanation for the absence of clinical reactivity in PS patients sensitized to major peanut allergens

    Conducting retrospective impact analysis to inform a medical research charity’s funding strategies: The case of Asthma UK

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    © 2013 Hanney et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.BACKGROUND: Debate is intensifying about how to assess the full range of impacts from medical research. Complexity increases when assessing the diverse funding streams of funders such as Asthma UK, a charitable patient organisation supporting medical research to benefit people with asthma. This paper aims to describe the various impacts identified from a range of Asthma UK research, and explore how Asthma UK utilised the characteristics of successful funding approaches to inform future research strategies. METHODS: We adapted the Payback Framework, using it both in a survey and to help structure interviews, documentary analysis, and case studies. We sent surveys to 153 lead researchers of projects, plus 10 past research fellows, and also conducted 14 detailed case studies. These covered nine projects and two fellowships, in addition to the innovative case studies on the professorial chairs (funded since 1988) and the MRC-Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma (the ‘Centre’) which together facilitated a comprehensive analysis of the whole funding portfolio. We organised each case study to capture whatever academic and wider societal impacts (or payback) might have arisen given the diverse timescales, size of funding involved, and extent to which Asthma UK funding contributed to the impacts. RESULTS: Projects recorded an average of four peer-reviewed journal articles. Together the chairs reported over 500 papers. All streams of funding attracted follow-on funding. Each of the various categories of societal impacts arose from only a minority of individual projects and fellowships. Some of the research portfolio is influencing asthma-related clinical guidelines, and some contributing to product development. The latter includes potentially major breakthroughs in asthma therapies (in immunotherapy, and new inhaled drugs) trialled by university spin-out companies. Such research-informed guidelines and medicines can, in turn, contribute to health improvements. The role of the chairs and the pioneering collaborative Centre is shown as being particularly important. CONCLUSIONS: We systematically demonstrate that all types of Asthma UK’s research funding assessed are making impacts at different levels, but the main societal impacts from projects and fellowships come from a minority of those funded. Asthma UK used the study’s findings, especially in relation to the Centre, to inform research funding strategies to promote the achievement of impact.This study was funded by Asthma UK


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    Glavni je cilj provedenih istraživanja, empirijskog neeksperimentalnog u listopadu 2006. g., i kvalitativnog, provedenog metodom Delphi u travnju 2008. g., ispitivanje gledišta učitelja primarnog obrazovanja o uporabi jednog računala u razredu i o novoj obrazovnoj sredini Ñ učionici s jednim računalom. U rezultatima kvantitativnog istraživanja statistički je značajna na razini 1% varijabla posjedovanje računala u razredu, što znači da učitelji koji imaju računalo u razredu imaju pozitivnije gledište o njegovoj uporabi. Rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja upozoravaju na potrebu prilagodbe obrazovnog sustava promijenjenom načinu življenja. Tradicionalni školski sustav nužno je transformirati u sustav novoga digitalnog doba, obilježenog inovacijama te nizom postupaka pretvorbe i redefinicije nastavnih programa koji su konzistentni s novim tehnologijama i pratećom multimedijom.The main goal of the empirical, non-experimental study conducted in October 2006, and of the qualitative study conducted by using the Delphi method in April 2008, was to examine the views of elementary-school teachers on the use of one computer in the classroom and on the new educational environment - the one-computer classroom. The results of the quantitative study show that the variable of having a computer in the classroom is statistically significant at the level of 1%, which means that teachers who have a computer in the classroom have a more positive view on its use. The results of the qualitative study indicate that there is a need to adjust the education system to a changed way of life. The traditional school system must be transformed into a new digital age system, marked by innovations and a number of processes of transforming and redefining teaching programmes to make them consistent with the new technologies and accompanying multimedia

    Pollen season is reflected on symptom load for grass and birch pollen-induced allergic rhinitis in different geographic areas—An EAACI Task Force Report

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    Background: The effectiveness of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) in seasonal allergic rhinitis (AR) depends on the definition of pollen exposure intensity or time period. We recently evaluated pollen and symptom data from Germany to examine the new definitions of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) on pollen season and peak pollen period start and end. Now, we aim to confirm the feasibility of these definitions to properly mirror symptom loads for grass and birch pollen-induced allergic rhinitis in other European geographical areas such as Austria, Finland and France, and therefore their suitability for AIT and clinical practice support. Methods: Data from twenty-three pollen monitoring stations from three countries in Europe and for 3 years (2014-2016) were used to investigate the correlation between birch and grass pollen concentrations during the birch and grass pollen season defined via the EAACI criteria, and total nasal symptom and medication scores as reported with the aid of the patient's hay-fever diary (PHD). In addition, we conducted a statistical analysis, together with a graphical investigation, to reveal correlations and dependencies between the studied parameters. Results: The analysis demonstrated that the definitions of pollen season as well as peak pollen period start and end as proposed by the EAACI are correlated to pollen-induced symptom loads reported by PHD users during birch and grass pollen season. A statistically significant correlation (slightly higher for birch) has been found between the Total Nasal Symptom and Medication Score (TNSMS) and the pollen concentration levels. Moreover, the maximum symptom levels occurred mostly within the peak pollen periods (PPP) following the EAACI criteria. Conclusions: Based on our analyses, we confirm the validity of the EAACI definitions on pollen season for both birch and grass and for a variety of geographical locations for the four European countrie

    HER2/HER3 heterodimers and p21 expression are capable of predicting adjuvant trastuzumab response in HER2+ breast cancer

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    Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) plays an important role in breast cancer progression and provides predictive information for response to targeted therapy including trastuzumab although this is limited. Downstream pathways, such as PI3K/Akt, are associated with HER2/HER3 heterodimerization promoting survival and proliferation amongst cancer cells. Thus, patient outcome and trastuzumab therapy effectiveness might be further characterised by HER2/HER3 dimerisation and its signalling pathways. HER2/HER3 dimerisation status was assessed, using chromogenic in situ Proximity Ligation Assay, in two breast cancer series: early stage primary breast cancer, including 224 HER2+ patients that were not submitted to trastuzumab, and HER2+ breast cancer where patients were treated with adjuvant trastuzumab (n = 143). Levels of biomarkers including PI3K, pAKT, ER, PgR, HER3, BCL2, p53, PTEN and p21 were measured using immunohistochemistry. Levels of HER2/HER3 heterodimers were compared with biomarker expression and patient outcome. An association between high levels of HER2/HER3 dimerisation and absence of hormone receptors, ER and PgR, was observed. We further show for the first time the presence of HER2/HER3 heterodimers and the loss of p21 expression in HER2+ breast cancer predicts a significantly poorer outcome when submitted to adjuvant trastuzumab. Breast cancer patients that reveal high levels of HER2/HER3 dimerisation and loss of p21 are associated with poor survival prognosis in patients with HER2+ breast cancer treated with adjuvant trastuzumab. Further quantification analysis of HER dimer/ligand complexes and downstream signalling pathways will begin to unravel the complex associations with patient outcome and its relationship with sensitivity to targeted treatment

    Characterisation of HER heterodimers in breast cancer using in situ proximity ligation assay

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    HER2 plays an important role in breast cancer progression and provides predictive and prognostic information. HER2 receptor family members function through dimerisation, which can lead to impact on cell function, growth and differentiation; however, their value in breast cancer development remains to be defined. This study aims to examine the relationships of HER2 heterodimers to breast cancer characteristics in trastuzumab naïve and treated cases. HER2 protein (IHC), HER2 gene (chromogenic ISH) and HER2 heterodimerisation status [chromogenic in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA)] were assessed in two breast cancer series prepared in tissue microarray (TMA) format. A range of signals/cell for each HER2 heterodimer was detected (0–34.6 signals/cell). The vast majority of cases with HER2 heterodimers showed HER2 gene amplification and/or protein expression. There was an association between HER2 dimerisation with HER3 and HER4 and their protein expression level but no such association was found in with HER1 (EGFR). Of the HER2+ cases, 74, 66, and 58 % showed heterodimers with EGFR, HER3 and HER4, respectively. 51 % of HER2+ tumours expressed all three heterodimers whereas 23 % of the cases did not show expression of any of the three heterodimers. There was an inverse association between the presence and levels of HER2 heterodimers and hormone receptor expression in HER2+ tumours. Tumours exhibiting high levels of HER2 heterodimers demonstrated aggressive clinicopathological features and poor outcome. In the HER2+ cases, dimerisation with EGFR and HER3 but not with HER4 showed an association with aggressive features. There was no association between HER2 heterodimers with patient breast cancer-specific survival or recurrence in HER2+ breast cancer in those patients receiving trastuzumab or not. Our results demonstrate that HER2 dimerisation is a complex process that may underlie the biological heterogeneity of HER2 positive tumours and may identify patients suitable for a specific targeted therapy but does not predict patient outcome for those receiving trastuzumab. PLA proved to be a useful tool for detecting, visualising and quantifying the frequency of protein–protein interactions in archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples