60 research outputs found

    Wear Behaviour of Crankshaft Journals Filled by Submerged Arc Welding

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    In this study, wear behaviour of crankshaft journals filled by a submerged arc welding with different welding wires and powders is investigated. Hardness and microstructure variations in the submerged arc welding are examined. In addition, the amount of weight loss in abrasion samples of filling dry and lubrication ambience is measured under 40 N loads. It is observed that the amount of abrasion decreased with the increase of hardness at a certain point. Thin wire structure is provided for better abrasion resistance, and abrasion decreases with lubrication.В работе исследован режим износа цапф коленчатого вала, обработанных дуговой сваркой под флюсом с различными сварочными проволоками и порошками. Изучены вариации твёрдости и микроструктуры при дуговой сварке под флюсом. Кроме того, была измерена величина потери веса в образцах, подвергнутых истиранию в сухих и смазочных средах при нагрузках в 40 Н. Наблюдалось уменьшение величины истирания с увеличением твёрдости до определённого предела. Было обеспечено использование тонкой проволоки для лучшего сопротивления истиранию, а истирание уменьшалось при смазке.В роботі досліджено режим спрацювання цапф колінчастого валу, оброблених дуговим зварюванням під флюсом з різними зварювальними дротами і порошками. Досліджено варіації твердості та мікроструктури при дуговому зварюванні під флюсом. Крім цього, було виміряно величину втрати ваги в зразках, підданих стиранню в сухих і змащувальних середовищах при навантаженнях у 40 Н. Спостерігалося зменшення величини стирання зі збільшенням твердості до певної границі. Було забезпечено використання тонкого дроту для кращого опору стиранню, а стирання зменшувалося при змащуванні

    The effect of continuous and pulsed current on microstructure and mechanical properties in TIG welding of Al-Si alloy sheets

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    In this experimental study, Al-Si alloy sheets were joined through TIG welding method by using continuous current and pulsed current. Tensile test, bending test, hardness test, and microstructure examination of joined test samples were carried out in order to see the effect of current type on mechanical properties of welded samples. Experimental results showed that pulsed current led to low heat input, grain refinement, and hardness increase in weld metal compared to alternative current. The samples joined by using the pulsed current showed higher tensile strength than the samples welded by using the alternative current. After bending test, cracks, tearing, and surface defection were not observed in the samples

    The Effect of Explosive Ratio on Microstructure and Fatigue Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel (AISI 316L) - S235JR Composite Materials Joined by Explosive Welding Method

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    WOS: 000444156000002In this study, austenitic stainless steel (AISI 316L) and S235JR plates were joined via explosion welding method, which is one of solid state welding methods, and by using two different explosive rates (R=1.5-2). The developed composite materials microstructure was evaluated in order to see changes occurring in the joint interfaces and the hardness, and fatigue tests were carried out to determine their mechanical properties. As a result of the experiment, the fluctuation occurring in the joint interface of samples was observed to be very low for low explosive rate, On the other hand, it was determined that in the sample in which higher explosive rate was used the lengths and amplitudes of waves increased in the joint interface. An increase was determined in hardness of materials forming the composite due to deformation occurring as a result of increase of explosive rate. In fatigue tests applied to composite materials, a decrease was found in fatigue life of composites as a result of increase of explosive rate

    The effect of explosive ratio on microstructure, hardness and fatigue properties of AISI 430-S235JR materials joined by explosive welding method

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    WOS: 000468368400026In this study, AISI 430 and S235JR plates were joined via explosion welding method, which is one of solid state welding methods, and by using two different explosive rates (R=1,5-2). Microstructure, hardness, and fatigue tests were carried out in order to see changes occurring in the joint interfaces of the materials obtained after joining processes and to determine their mechanical properties. As a result of the microstructure studies made, it was observed that there was very little fluctuation at the interface between the two samples, but at the sample interface where higher explosive ratio was used, it was found that there was a slight increase in the length and amplitude of the generated waves. An increase was determined in hardness of materials joined due to deformation occurring as a result of increase of explosive rate. In fatigue tests applied to joined plates, a decrease was found in fatigue life of the joined plates as a result of increase of explosive rate

    The Effect of Explosıve Ratıo on Interface Formatıon in Explosıon Weldıng of Non Alloyed and Austenıtıc Steel Plates

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    In this study, weldability of austenitic stainless steel sheet to DKP sheet metals by explosive welding and the effect of explosive ratio (Elbar 5) on the joint interface have been investigated experimentally. Experimental results show that austenitic stainless steel can be bonded to DKP sheet by using explosive bonding. The joint interface was transformed from line ar to wavy appearance within increasing explosive ratio with respect to upper plate weight. Moreover, with increasing explosive ratio, the wavelength and amplitude of waviness increased. Hardness measure indicate that the impact force leads to increase in hardness of the zone next to interface and outer surface of the plates

    Weldability of 316L stainless steel and copper plates welded by shielded metal arc and tungsten arc welding processes

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    Bu çalışmada, bakır-paslanmaz çelik levhalar aynı bileşimde ilave metal/elektrod kullanılarak, örtülü elektrodla elektrik ark ve TIG kaynak yöntemi ile birleştirilmiş ve birleştirmelerin bazı metalurjik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Kaynaklı numunelere, kaynak bölgesinin dayanımının belirlenmesi için değişik mekanik testler yapılmış (çekme, eğme ve sertlik) ayrıca bu bölgedeki ana metal ile ergime çizgisinin ve kaynak metalinin optik mikroskop incelemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çekme testleri sonucunda kopma bütün numunelerde kaynak bölgesi dışında ve birleşmenin bakır tarafında meydana gelmiştir. Sertlik ölçümleri sonucunda, ark kaynağı ile birleştirilmiş numunelerden ölçülen sertlik değerlerinin TIG kaynağı ile birleştirilmiş numunelerden ölçülen sertlik değerlerinden daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir.In this study, copper and stainless steel plates were welded through shielded metal arc and tungsten arc welding processes using additional metal/electrode of the same composition. Some properties of the welded specimen were investigated. Various mechanical tests (tensile, bending and hardness) were performed on the welded specimens to determine the strength of welding zone. In addition, optical microscopy examination of base metal, melting line and weld metal was carried out in this zone. During the tensile tests, fractures were occured in copper side of the welded specimen away from the weld zone. Hardness test results showed that TIG welding led to lower hardness values

    Tozaltı ark kaynağı ile kaynaklanan düşük karbonlu çeliklerde serbest tel uzunluğunun mikroyapı ve mekanik özelliklere etkisinin araştırılması

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    Bu çalışmada tozaltı ark kaynağı ile düşük karbonlu çelik malzemeler OE SI kaynak teli ve OP 139 kaynak tozu ile üç değişik serbest tel uzunluğu kullanılarak birleştirilmiş ve birleştirmenin mekanik ve metalurjik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Araştırmalar sonucunda kaynak esnasında kullanılan farklı serbest tel uzunluklarının kaynak metali sertliği ve mikroyapısmı değiştirdiği tespit edilmiştir. Düşük karbonlu çelik malzemelerin tozaltı ark kaynağında, serbest tel uzunluğunun artması ile kaynak metali ve ITAB'deki sertlik değerlerinin azaldığı görülmüştür. Yapılan çekme testlerinde bütün numunelerde kopma ana malzemeden gerçekleşmiştir. Çentik darbe testi sonucunda en iyi tokluğu 24 mm serbest tel uzunluğunun kullanıldığı birleştirmeler göstermiştir.In this study, the effect of electrode extension distance on metallurgical and mechanical properties of low carbon steel joints welded with submerged arc welding was investigated. OP 139 flux and OE SI welding wire were used to weld steel parts using three different electrode extension distances. It is found that electrode extension distance effected the hardness and changed the microstructure of weld metal. It was seen that increasing electrode extension distance reduced the hardness of weld metal and HAZ. Tensile tests showed that rupture occurred in the base metal of all samples. Impact tests revealed that the best toughness value was obtained from the sample welded using 24 mm electrode extension distance

    Investigation of the effect of hydrogen addition to argon shielding gas on weld zone morphology of TIG welded 316L stainless steel

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    Bu çalışmada 316L Östenitik paslanmaz çelik levhaların yüzeyine TIG kaynak yöntemi ile dikişler çekilerek sertlik, nüfuziyet ve mikroyapıları incelenmiştir. Kaynak işlemi, saf argon, argon içerisine % 1,5 ve 5 hidrojen ilave edilerek gerçekleştirilmiştir. İncelemeler sonucunda argon koruyucu gazına ilave edilen hidrojen miktarının artmasıyla nüfuziyetin arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Mikroyapı görüntüleri değerlendirildiğinde, ergime sınırından itibaren kaynak merkezine doğru belirgin yönlenmelerin olduğu görülmüştür. ITAB'a bakıldığında hidrojen miktarının artışına paralel olarak tane irileşmesinde artış ve ITAB'de genişleme olduğu görülmüştür. Kaynak yüzeyinden ve kesitinden yapılan sertlik ölçümleri yönlenme farkından dolayı farklı değerlerde bulunmuşlardır.In this study, hardness, depth of penetration and microstructure of TIG welded 316L austenitic stainless steel plate were investigated. Welding was carried out by using pure Ar, Ar+l,5%H2 and Ar+5%H2 gases. It was seen that weld penetration increased with increasing H2 content and grains were directed towards welding center from melting boundary. Increase in grain growth and HAZ width were observed with increasing H2 content. Hardness in weld deposit surface and deposit inner sections were different due to the difference in grain orientation

    Joining of copper and steel plates by shielded metal arc and TIG welding methods and investigation of their interface properties

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    Bu çalışmada, düşük karbonlu çelik ile bakır levhalar örtülü elektrod ark ve TIG kaynak yöntemi ile birleştirilmiş ve kaynak bağlantılarının mekanik ve mikroyapı özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Kaynaklı numunelere çekme, eğme ve sertlik testleri uygulanmış ayrıca optik mikroskop ve SEM incelemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir.Çekme testleri sonucunda kopma bütün numunelerde kaynak bölgesi dışında ve birleşmenin bakır tarafında meydana gelmiştir. Eğme testi sonucunda kaynaklı bölgede gözle görülebilir herhangi bir hataya rastlanılmamıştır. Sertlik ölçümleri sonucunda, örtülü elektrod ile birleştirilmiş numunelerde ölçülen sertlik değerlerinin TIG kaynağı ile birleştirilmiş numunelerde ölçülen sertlik değerlerinden daha yüksek olduğu ve her iki kaynak yönteminde de kaynak metali sertliklerinin çelik malzemeden düşük, bakır malzemeden ise daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Mikroyapı incelemelerinde ise, birleşme bölgelerinde düzenli bir kaynak geçişinin olduğu ve TIG kaynak yöntemi ile birleştirilen numunelerde ısı girdisinin fazlalığı nedeni ile tane yapısının diğer kaynak yöntemine göre daha iri bir hal aldığı görülmüştür.In this study, low carbon steel and copper plates were welded to each other by shielded metal arc and tungsten arc welding processes. Mechanical and microstructural properties of the joints were investigated. Tensile, bending and hardness tests of the welded specimens were conducted. Optical microscopy and SEM studies were carried out, in order to make the microstructural evaluation. During the tensile tests of the welded specimens,fracture occurred in the copper side apart from the weld region. Macro examination of the bended specimens showed no crack and tears. The results showed that hardnesses of the shielded metal arc welded specimens were higher than those of tungsten arc welded samples. However, hardness values of the weld metal were found to be lower than those of the low carbon steel but it was found to be higher than those of the copper side. From the results of metallographic examination, a uniform transition from parent metal to weld metal was observed in the weld region and more grain growth was observed in TIG welding specimens due to higher heat input when compared to the shielded metal arc welded samples