1,024 research outputs found

    Fibronectin-1 expression is increased in aggressive thyroid cancer and favors the migration and invasion of cancer cells

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    n this study we analyzed the expression levels of markers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in several papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs) and the relation with tumor genotypes and clinicopathological characteristics. The role of fibronectin-1 (FN1) was investigated by analyzing the effects of FN1 silencing in two human thyroid cancer cell lines. Most of EMT markers were significantly over-expressed in a group of 36 PTCs. In particular, FN1 mRNA levels were higher in tumor vs non-tumor tissue (117.3, p < 0.001) and also in aggressive and BRAF(V600E) samples. Similar results were observed (and confirmed at the protein level) when FN1 expression was analyzed in a validation group of 50 PTCs and six lymph node (LN) metastases. Silencing of FN1 in TPC-1 and BCPAP thyroid cancer cells significantly reduced proliferation, adhesion, migration, and invasion in both cell lines. Collectively, our data indicate that FN1 overexpression is an important determinant of thyroid cancer aggressiveness

    ‘Costruire ponti e cucire biografie’: un incontro con i detenuti del carcere di Parma, 7 Luglio 2023

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    Come terapeute sentiamo l’esigenza di interrogarci sul valore della cura e sulle sue differenti declinazioni. Siamo abituate a condividere spazi di confronto e riflessione in cui sempre più spesso emerge il valore dell’incontro come esperienza curante. L’essere con l’altro senza prenderne il posto e senza la necessità di sostituirsi né di alleggerirlo dalle sue responsabilità, senza sottrarlo a sé stesso, al suo modo di esserci, ma al contrario riponendo in lui tutto ciò; è questa l’esperienza dell’incontro che abbiamo dentro come terapeute. [...

    In Vitro Adventitious Regeneration of Artemisia annua L. Influencing Artemisinin Metabolism

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    Artemisia annua L. is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, known for producing, although at low levels, the sesquiterpene lactone artemisinin (AN), which is highly effective against malaria. In this study, an in vitro regeneration process of A. annua L. using 'Artemis' progeny was established and the potential of tissue culture for inducing new variability in terms of AN metabolism of in vitro regenerated plants was investigated. Among the plant growth regulators tested, the cytokinin 6-benzyladenine (BA) at 4.4 μM in combination with the auxin indole-butyric acid (IBA) at 0.35 μM yielded the greatest frequency of shoot induction. The optimal multiplication medium contained BA at 0.9 μM and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at 0.05 μM. Regenerated plants (RPs), after transferring to the greenhouse and subsequently to the field, were analyzed during the growth cycle at different sampling times, showing a peak of AN content 20 days before blossom. Variability among different RPs and sampling times, in terms of AN and its precursors dihydroartemisinic acid (DHAA) and artemisinic acid (AA) was observed. This suggests that adventitious shoot induction could provide a useful strategy to induce variability influencing artemisinin metabolism as a consequence of in vitro manipulation

    Reduced expression of THRβ in papillary thyroid carcinomas: relationship with BRAF mutation, aggressiveness and miR expression

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    Purpose Down-regulation of thyroid hormone receptor beta (THRβ) gene has been described in several human malignancies, including thyroid cancer. In this study, we analyzed THRβ mRNA expression in surgical specimens from a series of human papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs), characterized by their genotypic and clinical–biological features. Methods Thirty-six PTCs were divided into two groups according to the 2009 American Thyroid Association risk classification (17 low, 19 intermediate), and each group was divided into subgroups based on the presence or absence of the BRAFV600E mutation (21 BRAF mutated, 15 BRAF wild type). Gene expression was analyzed using fluidic cards containing probes and primers specific for the THRβ gene, as well as for genes of thyroperoxidase (TPO), sodium/iodide symporter (NIS), thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSH-R) and for some miRNAs involved in thyroid neoplasia and targeting THRβ. The mRNA levels of each tumor tissue were compared with their correspondent normal counterpart. Results THRβ transcript was down-regulated in all PTCs examined. No significant differences were found between intermediate- vs low-risk PTCs patients, and BRAF-mutated vs BRAF wild-type groups. THRβ expression was directly correlated with NIS, TPO, Tg and TSH-R, and inversely correlated to miR-21, -146a, -181a and -221 expression. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that down-regulation of THRβ is a common feature of PTCs. While it is not associated with a more aggressive phenotype of PTC, it correlates with the reduction of all the markers of differentiation and is associated with overexpression of some miRNAs supposed to play a role in thyroid tumorigenesis

    Review of rheological behaviour of sewage sludge and its importance in the management of wastewater treatment plants

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    Abstract The process operation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is based on the proper set up of several physical, chemical and biological parameters. Often, issues and problems arising in the process are strictly linked to the rheological behaviour of sewage sludge (SeS). Therefore, rheological measurements, which recently have captured a growing interest, represent an important aspect to consider in the design and operation of WWTPs, especially in the sludge-handling processes. The knowledge of rheological behaviour of SeS represents a crucial step to better understand its flow behaviour and therefore optimize the performance of the processes, minimizing the costs. The SeS are non-Newtonian fluids and, to date, Bingham and Ostwald models are the most applied. This work presents an overview of scientific literature about the rheological properties of SeS and discusses the importance of its knowledge for the management of WWTPs

    RET mutation and increased angiogenesis in medullary thyroid carcinomas

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    Advanced medullary thyroid cancers (MTCs) are now being treated with drugs that inhibit receptor tyrosine kinases, many of which involved in angiogenesis. Response rates vary widely, and toxic effects are common, so treatment should be reserved for MTCs likely to be responsive to these drugs. RET mutations are common in MTCs, but it is unclear how they influence the microvascularization of these tumors. We examined 45 MTCs with germ-line or somatic RET mutations (RETmut group) and 34 with wild-type RET (RETwt). Taqman Low-Density Arrays were used to assess proangiogenic gene expression. Immunohistochemistry was used to assess intratumoral, peritumoral and nontumoral expression levels of VEGFR1, R2, R3, PDGFRa, PDGFB and NOTCH3. We also assessed microvessel density (MVD) and lymphatic vessel density (LVD) based on CD31-positive and podoplanin-positive vessel counts, respectively, and vascular pericyte density based on staining for a-smooth muscle actin (a-SMA), a pericyte marker. Compared with RETwt tumors, RETmut tumors exhibited upregulated expression of proangiogenic genes (mRNA and protein), especially VEGFR1, PDGFB and NOTCH3. MVDs and LVDs were similar in the two groups. However, microvessels in RETmut tumors were more likely to be a-SMA positive, indicating enhanced coverage by pericytes, which play key roles in vessel sprouting, maturation and stabilization. These data suggest that angiogenesis in RETmut MTCs may be more intense and complete than that found in RETwt tumors, a feature that might increase their susceptibility to antiangiogenic therapy. Given their increased vascular pericyte density, RETmut MTCs might also benefit from combined or preliminary treatment with PDGF inhibitors

    Association between proton-pump inhibitors (PPI) and metronomic capecitabine (MCAP) as salvage treatment for patients with advanced gastro-intestinal tumoursa. A randomized phase II study

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    Background: Several researches have shown that acidification of tumor microenvironment is the basis for tumor invasiveness, ability to metastasize S382 Abstracts and cytotoxic agents resistance; therefore proton pump inhibitors (PPI) could significantly increase the chemosensitivity. In our retrospective work we have investigated the role of capecitabine (mCAP) at metronomic dosage of 1500 mg/die as salvage chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, showing a moderately activity and well tolerability. In this prospective study we evaluated safety and activity of mCAP in the advanced gastro-intestinal patients and the putative chemosensitizing activity of a specific PPI (Rabeprazole) in association to this therap

    A synonymous RET substitution enhances the oncogenic effect of an in-cis missense mutation by increasing constitutive splicing efficiency

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    Synonymous mutations continue to be filtered out from most large-scale cancer genome studies, but several lines of evidence suggest they can play driver roles in neoplastic disease. We investigated a case of an aggressive, apparently sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) harboring a somatic RET p.Cys634Arg mutation (a known MTC driver). A germ-line RET substitution (p.Cys630=) had also been found but was considered clinically irrelevant because of its synonymous nature. Next generation sequencing (NGS) of the tumor tissues revealed that the RET mutations were in cis. There was no evidence of gene amplification. Expression analysis found an increase of RET transcript in p.Cys630=;p.Cys634Arg patient compared with that found in 7 MTCs harboring p.Cys634 mutations. Minigene expression assays demonstrated that the presence of the synonymous RET mutation was sufficient to explain the increased RET mRNA level. In silico analyses and RNA immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the p.Cys630 = variant created new exonic splicing enhancer motifs that enhanced SRp55 recruitment to the mutant allele, leading to more efficient maturation of its pre-mRNA and an increased abundance of mature mRNA encoding a constitutively active RET receptor. These findings document a novel mechanism by which synonymous mutations can contribute to cancer progression
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