282 research outputs found

    A Model of Artificial Genotype and Norm of Reaction in a Robotic System

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    The genes of living organisms serve as large stores of information for replicating their behavior and morphology over generations. The evolutionary view of genetics that has inspired artificial systems with a Mendelian approach does not take into account the interaction between species and with the environment to generate a particular phenotype. In this paper, a genotype model is suggested to shape the relationship with the phenotype and the environment in an artificial system. A method to obtain a genotype from a population of a particular robotic system is also proposed. Finally, we show that this model presents a similar behavior to that of living organisms in what regards the concept of norm of reaction.This paper describes research done at the UJI Robotic Intelligence Laboratory. Support for this laboratory is provided in part by Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad (DPI2015-69041-R), by Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/028) and by Universitat Jaume I (P1-1B2014-52, PREDOC/ 2013/06)

    The role of personal involvement and responsibility in dictatorial allocations: a classroom investigation

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    This paper explores new motivations behind giving. Specifically, it focuses on personal involvement and responsibility to explain why decision makers give positive amounts in dictatorial decisons. The experiment is designed to uncover these motivations. Subjects face the problem of a dictator's allocation of an indivisible pie P to one of two players; indivisibility creates an extremely unequal outcome and the dictator is given a chance to correct this outcome at a cost. The willingness to pay to correct the outcome is examined under different scenarios so that we learn about several features concerning preferences.Fairness, Dictator game, Moral cost.

    Do experimental subjects favor their friends?

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    Ideally we would like subjects of experiments to be perfect strangers so that the situation they face at the lab is not just a part of a long run interaction. Unfortunately, it is not easy to reach those conditions and experimenters try to mitigate any effects coming form these out-of- the-lab relationships by, for instance, randomly matching subjects. However, even if this type of procedure is used, there is a positive probability that a subject faces a friend or an acquaintance. We find evidence that social proximity among subjects is irrelevant for experiments’ results in dictator games. Thus, although ideal conditions are not met, relations among subjects are not contaminating the experiments’ results.experimental procedures, friendship effect, dictator game, fairness.

    Predicting the internal model of a robotic system from its morphology

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    The estimation of the internal model of a robotic system results from the interaction of its morphology, sensors and actuators, with a particular environment. Model learning techniques, based on supervised machine learning, are widespread for determining the internal model. An important limitation of such approaches is that once a model has been learnt, it does not behave properly when the robot morphology is changed. From this it follows that there must exist a relationship between them. We propose a model for this correlation between the morphology and the internal model parameters, so that a new internal model can be predicted when the morphological parameters are modified. Di erent neural network architectures are proposed to address this high dimensional regression problem. A case study is analyzed in detail to illustrate and evaluate the performance of the approach, namely, a pan-tilt robot head executing saccadic movements. The best results are obtained for an architecture with parallel neural networks due to the independence of its outputs. Theses results can have a great significance since the predicted parameters can dramatically speed up the adaptation process following a change in morpholog

    Robot depth estimation inspired by fixational movements

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    Distance estimation is a challenge for robots, human beings and other animals in their adaptation to changing environments. Different approaches have been proposed to tackle this problem based on classical vision algorithms or, more recently, deep learning. We present a novel approach inspired by mechanisms involved in fixational movements to estimate a depth image with a monocular camera. An algorithm based on microsaccades and head movements during visual fixation is presented. It combines the images generated by these micromovements with the ego-motion signal, to compute the depth map. Systematic experiments using the Baxter robot in the Gazebo/ROS simulator are described to test the approach in two different scenarios, and evaluate the influence of its parameters and its robustness in the presence of noise

    Modelo físico y simulación computacional bajo SIMUSOL de un colector solar de aire con absorbedor de mallas metálicas

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    Se presentan en este trabajo el modelo físico y la simulación computacional de un colector solar de aire con absorbedor poroso formado por capas de mallas metálicas de material desplegado liviano. El modelo físico es análogo al de un colector de paso simple de flujo, considerando el incremento del área efectiva de intercambio absorbedor - flujo por porosidad. El absorbedor es modelado como un intercambiador compacto, considerando la influencia del número de Stanton en la convección interna y el aporte de calor al absorbedor por conducción y por incidencia de radiación solar, ademas de considerar el área efectiva para el intercambio radiativo entre el absorbedor poroso y la cubierta. Se validó el modelo de colector mediante datos medidos en un prototipo. Se realizó una simulación bajo Simusol con entrada variable de datos ambientales y temperatura de flujo, controlando los resultados mediante la diferencia entre valores simulados y medidos. Los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios, con un buen ajuste entre valores medidos y simulados, permitiendo recrear la curva de eficiencia del colector con buena precisión.Fil: Durán, Gonzalo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones En Energía No Convencional; ArgentinaFil: Condori, Miguel Angel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones En Energía No Convencional; Argentin

    Conformacion y evaluacion de un indice de exclusion social – energetico en los departamentos de Salta, Argentina

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    En la presente contribución, a partir de la ubicación del concepto de inclusión social como eje de las políticas públicas de desarrollo y del reconocimiento del acceso a la energía como un derecho, se propone un índice para la medición de la exclusión social vinculada al desarrollo energético. Este índice fue concebido a partir de la ponderación de cuatro componentes que lo vinculan con el acceso a: educación, trabajo, energía, y vida digna, a su vez estas componentes fueron ponderadas a partir de sus elementos constitutivos: Analfabetismo, deserción estudiantil, no acceso a educación formal, desempleo, inactividad, acceso a red eléctrica, acceso a gas, desagüe no conectado a red, no provisión de agua por red, vivienda sin baño ni letrina y calidad de materiales de la vivienda. Se brindan los resultados de la medición del índice para cada departamento, como también para sus componentes.In this contribution, based on the location of the concept of social inclusion at the heart of public policy development and recognition of energy access as a right, we propose an index to measure social exclusion for energy development. This index was designed from the weighting of four components linking him with access to education, work, energy, and decent life, at the same time, these components were weighted from its constituent elements: illiteracy, dropout, no access to formal education, unemployment, inactivity, access to mains electricity, access to gas, drain not connected network, no provision of water network, no toilet or latrine housing and quality of housing materials. The results of the measurement of the index for each department, as well as for its components are provided.Fil: Durán, Rodrigo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones en Energia No Convencional. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Investigaciones en Energia No Convencional; ArgentinaFil: Condori, Miguel Angel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones en Energia No Convencional. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Investigaciones en Energia No Convencional; Argentin
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