39 research outputs found

    Preservação alveolar após extração

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia de diferentes técnicas e materiais usados na preservação do rebordo alveolar pós-extração versus a cicatrização natural de cavidades não tratadas. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, recorrendo à base de dados da PubMed. Apenas foram incluídas revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises, publicadas nos últimos 10 anos, em língua inglesa, portuguesa ou francesa. A pesquisa resultou num total de 13 artigos. Resultados: A reabsorção do rebordo alveolar, através de técnicas de preservação, pode ser limitada, mas não totalmente impedida. Não existem evidências suficientes para favorecer uma técnica (ou material) em detrimento de outra(o). Conclusão: São necessários mais estudos clínicos randomizados, com tempos de follow-up e amostras maiores, que permitam uma compreensão mais clara dos fatores locais e sistémicos que interferem na ARP e dos parâmetros que contribuem para o seu sucesso, de forma a se poder definir um protocolo padrão e identificar os materiais de preenchimento ideais.Objective: To evaluate the effect of different techniques and materials used in alveolar ridge preservation in post-extraction sockets, compared to unassisted socket healing. Materials and Methods: A literature search was carried out using the Pubmed database. Only systematic review and meta-analysis, published in the last 10 years, in English, Portuguese or French have been included. The search resulted in a total of 13 articles. Results: The alveolar ridge resorption, through preservation techniques, may be limited but cannot be eliminated. There is not enough evidence to privilege one technique (or material) to the detriment of all others. Conclusion: Further randomized clinical trials with larger follow-ups and samples, are needed to gain a clearer understanding of the local and systemic factors that interfere in the ARP and all parameters that contribute to its success. More efforts should be directed to define a standard clinical protocol and to be able to identify the ideal grafting materials

    Preservação alveolar após extração

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia de diferentes técnicas e materiais usados na preservação do rebordo alveolar pós-extração versus a cicatrização natural de cavidades não tratadas. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, recorrendo à base de dados da PubMed. Apenas foram incluídas revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises, publicadas nos últimos 10 anos, em língua inglesa, portuguesa ou francesa. A pesquisa resultou num total de 13 artigos. Resultados: A reabsorção do rebordo alveolar, através de técnicas de preservação, pode ser limitada, mas não totalmente impedida. Não existem evidências suficientes para favorecer uma técnica (ou material) em detrimento de outra(o). Conclusão: São necessários mais estudos clínicos randomizados, com tempos de follow-up e amostras maiores, que permitam uma compreensão mais clara dos fatores locais e sistémicos que interferem na ARP e dos parâmetros que contribuem para o seu sucesso, de forma a se poder definir um protocolo padrão e identificar os materiais de preenchimento ideais.Objective: To evaluate the effect of different techniques and materials used in alveolar ridge preservation in post-extraction sockets, compared to unassisted socket healing. Materials and Methods: A literature search was carried out using the Pubmed database. Only systematic review and meta-analysis, published in the last 10 years, in English, Portuguese or French have been included. The search resulted in a total of 13 articles. Results: The alveolar ridge resorption, through preservation techniques, may be limited but cannot be eliminated. There is not enough evidence to privilege one technique (or material) to the detriment of all others. Conclusion: Further randomized clinical trials with larger follow-ups and samples, are needed to gain a clearer understanding of the local and systemic factors that interfere in the ARP and all parameters that contribute to its success. More efforts should be directed to define a standard clinical protocol and to be able to identify the ideal grafting materials

    Water Quality Monitoring Project for Demonstration of Canal Remediation Methods Florida Keys- Preliminary Report #3: Assessment of Canal Remediation Methods Canal using Water Quality Data Before and After Remediation

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    Objective: To provide data needed to make unbiased, statistically rigorous statements about the status and temporal trends of water quality parameters in the remediated canal

    Water Quality Monitoring Project for Demonstration of Canal Remediation Methods Florida Keys- Report of activities: September 7th, 2016

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    Objective: To provide data needed to make unbiased, statistically rigorous statements about the status and temporal trends of water quality parameters in the remediated canals

    Water Quality Monitoring Program for Islamorada, Village of Islands, Florida Keys- Preliminary Report #1: Canal Water Characterization and Monitoring

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    Objective: To assess the improvements in water quality (WQ) derived from remediation activities, especially linked to the installation of wastewater collection systems

    First description of pestivirus disease in Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica

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    Understanding the circulation of pestiviruses in wild ungulates is potentially important to explain variations in the number of animals in these species, and to implement pestivirus control programs in domestic animals. In 2002 in the French Pyrenees, symptoms of amyotrophy and weight loss, associated with bilateral alopecia with hairless and highly pigmented areas on the nose, around the eyes and the ear margins were found in 8 Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) between 1 and 9 years old, 6 of which had been captured alive and 2 were found dead. These lesions were uncharacteristic. The intensity of abomasal or lung parasitism varied from one animal to the other. Pestiviruses were isolated in all 6 animals captured alive, but no anti-NS2/3 antibodies were found. Many questions remain on the transitory or persistent nature of the infection, and on the conditions of viral transmission within the Rupicapra genus.Comprendre la circulation de pestivirus chez les ongulés sauvages est potentiellement important pour expliquer les variations d'effectifs dans ces espèces et pour réaliser les programmes de contrôle des pestiviroses atteignant les animaux domestiques. En 2002 dans les Pyrénées ariégeoises, des symptômes d'amyotrophie et d'amaigrissement, associés à des signes d'alopécie bilatérale, avec des zones cutanées glabres et fortement pigmentées sur le chanfrein, le pourtour des yeux et les marges auriculaires ont été observés sur 8 isards (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) âgés de 1 à 9 ans, dont 6 avaient été capturés vivants et 2 trouvés morts. Les lésions étaient peu caractéristiques. L'intensité du parasitisme abomasal ou pulmonaire variait d'un individu à l'autre. Un pestivirus a été mis en évidence sur les 6 animaux capturés vivants et un des deux récupérés morts (7 cas sur 8), mais aucun anticorps dirigé contre la protéine NS2/3 n'a été trouvé. De nombreuses questions persistent sur la nature transitoire ou persistante de l'infection et sur les modalités de transmission au sein du genre Rupicapra

    Severe 2010 Cold-Water Event Caused Unprecedented Mortality to Corals of the Florida Reef Tract and Reversed Previous Survivorship Patterns

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    Background Coral reefs are facing increasing pressure from natural and anthropogenic stressors that have already caused significant worldwide declines. In January 2010, coral reefs of Florida, United States, were impacted by an extreme cold-water anomaly that exposed corals to temperatures well below their reported thresholds (16°C), causing rapid coral mortality unprecedented in spatial extent and severity. Methodology/Principal Findings Reef surveys were conducted from Martin County to the Lower Florida Keys within weeks of the anomaly. The impacts recorded were catastrophic and exceeded those of any previous disturbances in the region. Coral mortality patterns were directly correlated to in-situ and satellite-derived cold-temperature metrics. These impacts rival, in spatial extent and intensity, the impacts of the well-publicized warm-water bleaching events around the globe. The mean percent coral mortality recorded for all species and subregions was 11.5% in the 2010 winter, compared to 0.5% recorded in the previous five summers, including years like 2005 where warm-water bleaching was prevalent. Highest mean mortality (15%–39%) was documented for inshore habitats where temperatures were \u3c11°C for prolonged periods. Increases in mortality from previous years were significant for 21 of 25 coral species, and were 1–2 orders of magnitude higher for most species. Conclusions/Significance The cold-water anomaly of January 2010 caused the worst coral mortality on record for the Florida Reef Tract, highlighting the potential catastrophic impacts that unusual but extreme climatic events can have on the persistence of coral reefs. Moreover, habitats and species most severely affected were those found in high-coral cover, inshore, shallow reef habitats previously considered the “oases” of the region, having escaped declining patterns observed for more offshore habitats. Thus, the 2010 cold-water anomaly not only caused widespread coral mortality but also reversed prior resistance and resilience patterns that will take decades to recover

    Exposition aux risques chimiques dans une usine d’incinération d’ordures ménagères:Évaluation de l’exposition des salariés travaillant à la maintenance et à l’exploitation:Thèse présentée pour le diplôme d'État de docteur en médecine. Diplôme d'État menti

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    Médecine (médecine du travail)Une revue de littérature a été effectuée concernant les salariés d'Usines d'Incinération d'Ordures Ménagères (UIOM): Études de morbidité et de mortalité; Mesures atmosphériques; Biométrologies et bilans biologiques. Les résultats de biométrologies de 31 salariés ont également été étudiés (maintenance et exploitation). Les substances suivantes peuvent être présente à des niveaux significatifs : poussières inhalables et alvéolaires, chrome hexavalent, plomb, calcium, fer, cadmium, dioxines. Les niveaux biométrologiques des salariés sont proches des niveaux de la population générale, bien qu'ils aient pu être plus élevés par le passé (plomb, dioxines). Certaines altérations biologiques sont parfois retrouvées (système immunitaire, métabolisme cellulaire, stress oxydatif...). Une atteinte des fonctions respiratoires est possible. Au sein de l'UIOM étudiée, les niveaux de plombémie, de cadmiurie et de 1-OHP urinaire des salariés sont proches des niveaux de la population générale.A literature review was carried out on employees of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator (MSWI): morbidity and mortality studies; atmospheric measurements; biometrology and biological assessments. Biometrological results from 31 employees (maintenance and operations) were also studied. The following substances may be present at significant levels: inhalable and respirable dust, hexavalent chromium, lead, calcium, iron, cadmium and dioxins. The biometric levels of employees are close to those of the general population, although they may have been higher in the past (lead, dioxins). Certain biological alterations are sometimes found (immune system, cellular metabolism, oxidative stress, etc.). Respiratory functions may be affected. Within the MSWI studied, the levels of blood lead, cadmiuria and urinary 1-OHP in employees are close to those in the general population.Thèses et écrits académique

    Langage normalisé pour la description des informations médicales en radiologie

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    Université : Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Grenobl

    Ressenti des médecins généralistes prenant en charge des patients en situation palliative avec un service d'hospitalisation à domicile (enquête auprès de médecins généralistes du département de la Mayenne)

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    Le développement d une coordination efficace des soins palliatifs à domicile réalise un véritable enjeu de santé publique, puisque l offre de soins hospitalière semble actuellement insuffisante au vu du vieillissement de la population, et de l augmentation de l incidence de pathologies lourdes nécessitant une prise en charge palliative.L Hospitalisation A Domicile (HAD) représente une possibilité pour ces patients d'obtenir les mêmes soins et traitements qu'en établissement de santé conventionnel, tout en bénéficiant du confort et de l'environnement familier de leur domicile, ainsi que du suivi de leur médecin traitant (qui reste alors leur référent médical).Cette étude est basée sur l'interprétation d un questionnaire envoyé aux médecins généralistes de Mayenne, ayant déjà suivi au moins un de leurs patients en situation palliative avec un des trois services d'HAD du département. Les coordonnateurs de ces services ont également été interrogés lors d un entretien individuel semi-dirigé, afin de comparer les retours d expérience des différents intervenants.Ainsi, il s'avère que les médecins généralistes sont en majorité satisfaits de ce dispositif de soins, et il semble que la plupart d'entre eux serait favorable au renouvellement de cette collaboration, et ce malgré quelques points négatifs mis en évidence dans cette étude.Il apparaît également que les médecins sont demandeurs de formation en soins palliatifs, principalement dans le cadre de la Formation Médicale Continue. Les résultats de cette enquête seront donc utilisés, entre autres, pour organiser une formation à visée des médecins traitants, selon les thèmes souhaités.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF