281 research outputs found


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    This article analyses the evolution experienced by research in urban and regional science in France between 1991 and 2000, comparing these changes with wider international trends. Nine of the leading international journals of regional and urban studies were used in drawing up rankings of countries, authors and institutions and in exploring publication patterns. We examine the strategy adopted by the French in establishing themselves within the world's top five in regional and urban research and report a number of interesting findings when comparisons are drawn internationally.REGIONAL AND URBAN SCIENCE, BIBLIOMETRICS, RANKINGS

    La biblioteca fantástica en la quiebra de la modernidad

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    Research networks and scientific production in Economics, The recent Spanish Experience.

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    This paper studies Spanish scientific production in Economics from 1994 to 2004. It focuses on aspects that have received little attention in other bibliometric studies, such as the impact of research and the role of scientific collaborations in the publications produced by Spanish universities. Our results show that national research networks have played a fundamental role in the increase in Spanish scientific production in this discipline.Bibliometric techniques, scientific production in Economics, research networks.

    Topics, techniques and applications in urban and regional science in the nineties: a bibliometric analysis

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    The current state of regional and urban science has been much discussed and a number of studies have speculated on possible future trends in the development of the discipline. However, there has been little empirical analysis of current publication patterns in regional and urban journals. This paper studies the kinds of topics, techniques and data used in articles published in nine top international journals during the 1990s with the aim of identifying current trends in this research field.regional and urban science, bibliometric analysis

    Authors', Institutions' and Countries' rankings in regional and urban science. An analysis for nine top international journals from 1991 to 2000

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    This paper examines the most productive authors, institutions and countries in regional and urban science from 1991 to 2000 using information on published articles (and pages) from a sample of widely recognized journals in this field: ARS, JUE, JRS, IJURR, IRSR, PRS, RSUE, RS and US. We also consider the relation between the country of the institution named in articles and the country in which the journal is published, in order to know if there are a home publication bias in regional and urban science. Analysis was made for the whole decade and by subperiods, this allowed us to make a more dynamic interpretation of the results.rankings, regional and urban research, bibliometric analysis

    Patrones de publicación internacional (ssci) de los autores afiliados a universidades españolas, en el ámbito económico-empresarial (1994-2004).

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    In this paper we analyse the status of scientific publications in Economics and Business in Spain (1994-2004). We focus our research in showing the preferred journals of the authors affiliated to Spanish universities, the quality of these journals and also the evolution along the decade. Throughout the paper we study deeply the areas of knowledge: which are more productive and also how the articles are distributed among Universities considering the areas of knowledge. The results show an important stability concerning the growth of published articles considering different levels of quality of journals. A second result is the important concentration in a few areas of knowledge: Fundamentals of Economic Analysis and Applied Economics. We observe a degree of specialization of several universities. Last, we display the relationship between journal publication and university’s publication pattern.Bibliometrics, Economics and Business, University, Research.

    Research networks and scientific production in Economics: The recent spanish experience (WP)

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    This paper studies Spanish scientific production in Economics from 1994 to 2004. It focuses on aspects that have received little attention in other bibliometric studies, such as the impact of research and the role of scientific collaborations in the publications produced by Spanish universities. Our results show that national research networks have played a fundamental role in the increase in Spanish scientific production in this discipline

    Patrones de publicación internacional, (ssci) de los autores afiliados a universidades españolas, en el ámbito económico-empresarial (1994-2004)

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    In this paper we analyse the status of scientific publications in Economics and Business in Spain (1994-2004). We focus our research in showing the preferred journals of the authors affiliated to Spanish universities, the quality of these journals and also the evolution along the decade. Throughout the paper we study deeply the areas of knowledge: which are more productive and also how the articles are distributed among Universities considering the areas of knowledge. The results show an important stability concerning the growth of published articles considering different levels of quality of journals. A second result is the important concentration in a few areas of knowledge: Fundamentals of Economic Analysis and Applied Economics. We observe a degree of specialization of several universities. Last, we display the relationship between journal publication and university’s publication pattern

    La producción científica en el ámbito de la Economía y Empresa en España. Rankings de las universidades españolas en términos de producción, productividad, calidad e impacto en el período 1994-2003.

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    En este trabajo se analiza la situación de las publicaciones científicas en Economía y Empresa en España en el decenio 1994-2003. En concreto se analizan la producción de artículos, la productividad por investigador, la calidad de las publicaciones y su impacto (citas) y se elaboran rankings de las universidades españolas. Los principales resultados apuntan a unos niveles de producción científica que evolucionan de manera creciente en los últimos años. Esta mejora se debe al incremento de la plantilla y, sobre todo, al incremento de su productividad

    Práticas de serviço social em comunidade terapêutica

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    A presente investigação procura compreender as práticas dos assistentes sociais no tratamento e na reinserção social do toxicodependente em comunidade terapêutica, dando voz aos toxicodependentes, o objetivo é perceber de que forma é que estes caracterizam os procedimentos, atividades e decisões que o assistente social desenvolve ao longo do seu processo de tratamento e reintegração socioprofissional e, se as práticas profissionais dos assistentes sociais foram ao encontro das expectativas e necessidades apresentadas pelos toxicodependentes. Deste modo, o objeto de estudo define-se como as práticas profissionais dos assistentes sociais no decorrer do tratamento e reintegração social dos sujeitos de intervenção, na construção de sentidos sobre a sua intervenção na perspetiva dos toxicodependentes, assim como nos relatos dos assistentes sociais que atuam em comunidades terapêuticas. Nesta investigação adotou-se a pesquisa qualitativa assente num estudo de caso, privilegiando-se a pesquisa documental e as entrevistas como técnicas de recolha de dados. Pelos dados recolhidos, observa-se que os toxicodependentes consideram os assistentes sociais como principal suporte na comunidade terapêutica para os ajudar a ultrapassar os desafios familiares, sociais, relacionais e profissionais com que se vão deparando, durante e após o tratamento. Nos depoimentos dos assistentes sociais e nos documentos analisados, constata-se que, existe por parte dos assistentes sociais um trabalho que é feito para garantir que todas as dimensões da vida dos toxicodependentes em tratamento sejam devidamente planeadas de modo a que haja equilíbrio entre as relações sociais, profissionais e familiares.The present research seeks to understand the practices of social workers in the treatment and social reintegration of drug addicts in a therapeutic community, giving voice to drug addicts, the objective is to understand how they characterize the procedures, activities and decisions that the social worker develops to the during their treatment and socio-professional reintegration process, and if the professional practices of social workers met the expectations and needs presented by drug addicts. Thus, the object of study is defined as the professional practices of social workers in the course of treatment and social reintegration of the intervention subjects, in the construction of meanings about their intervention from the perspective of drug addicts, as well as in the reports of social workers who they act in therapeutic communities. In this research the qualitative research was adopted based on a case study, privileging the documentary research and the interviews as techniques of data collection. Based on the data collected, it is observed that drug addicts consider social workers as the main support in the therapeutic community to help them overcome the family, social, relational and professional challenges that they encounter, during and after treatment. In the testimonies of the social workers and in the documents analyzed, it is noted that social workers work to ensure that all the dimensions of the lives of drug addicts in treatment are properly planned so that there is a balance between the relationships social, professional and family