506 research outputs found

    Paper on astronomical Navigation by means of Diagrams

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    Combining Monte Carlo Simulations and Options to Manage the Risk of Real Estate Portfolios

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    This paper aims to show that the accuracy of real estate portfolio valuations can be improved through the simultaneous use of Monte Carlo simulations and options theory. Our method considers the options embedded in Continental European lease contracts drawn up with tenants who may move before the end of the contract. We combine Monte Carlo simulations for both market prices and rental values with an optional model that takes into account a rational tenant's behavior. We analyze to what extent the options exercised by the tenant significantly affect the owner's income. Our main findings are that simulated cash flows which take account of such options are more reliable that those usually computed by the traditional method of discounted cash flow. Moreover, this approach provides interesting metrics, such as the distribution of cash flows. The originality of this research lies in the possibility of taking the structure of the lease into account. In practice this model could be used by professionals to improve the relevance of their valuations: the output as a distribution of outcomes should be of interest to investors. However, some limitations are inherent to our model: these include the assumption of the rationality of tenant's decisions, and the difficulty of calibrating the model, given the lack of data. After a brief literature review of simulation methods used for real estate valuation, the paper describes the suggested simulation model, its main assumptions, and the incorporation of tenant's decisions regarding break options influencing the cash flows. Finally, using an empirical example, we analyze the sensitivity of the model to various parameters, test its robustness and note some limitations.Monte Carlo Simulations ; Real Estate Portfolio Valuation ; Break options ; Lease Structure ; Options

    Effets de la guerre civile au centre-Mozambique et Ă©valuation d'une intervention de la Croix Rouge

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    Afin de mesurer l'évolution de la mortalité avant, pendant et après la guerre civile, une enquête a été conduite dans le district de Maringué, au Mozambique, en octobre 1994. L'enquête a porté sur les histoires des maternités de 1503 femmes de 15 à 60 ans. Les résultats de l'analyse révèlent une évolution complexe de la mortalité des enfants. Au cours de la fin de la période coloniale, la mortalité des moins de 5 ans baisse de 373 pour mille (1955-1959) à 270 pour mille (1970-1974). Puis elle passe par une période de stagnation entre 1975 et 1979. A partir de 1980, début de la guerre civile, la mortalité augmente rapidement pour atteindre un pic de 473 pour mille en 1986, à un niveau près du double de l'étiage des annnées 1965-1969. Puis la mortalité baisse à nouveau pour atteindre un plateau en 1990-1991 (380 pou mille). Ce sont surtout les maladies infectieuses et parasitaires, principales causes de décès dans la population, qui expliquent l'augmentation pendant la période de crise, les morts violentes ne représentant que moins de 1% du total. Une intervention conduite par la Croix Rouge depuis la fin de l'année 1991 a permis de réduire la mortalité à 269 pour mille en 1994. La baisse récente de la mortalité s'explique essentiellement par la diminution de quatre causes de décès seulement : la rougeole, la diarrhée, le tétanos et la malnutrition. Ces maladies étaient les principales cibles du programme d'intervention de la Croix Rouge, qui portaient notamment sur les vaccinations et sur la supplémentation en vitame "A". (Résumé d'auteur

    Geochemistry and tectonic setting of pre-collision Cretaceous and Paleogene volcanic rocks of Ecuador

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    Etude et caractérisation géochimique des roches volcaniques de la zone cotière et de la Cordillère occidentale de la Bolivie. Proposition d'un modèle d'évolution géodynamique de cette partie de la chaîne des Andes au cours du Crétacé supérieur

    La diffusion de l’écologie forestière en France et en Allemagne, 1880-1980

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    Aspects généraux et méthodologiques L'histoire des sciences s'est souvent articulée autour de deux pôles à savoir : l'histoire des théories scientifiques, leurs origines, leur développement ou bien celle des hommes et des institutions dans lesquelles ils officiaient mais la façon dont les théories circulaient, les réseaux qui étaient mis en jeu n'ont été abordés que récemment notamment sous l'impulsion des travaux de Callon et de Latour. Longtemps les questions suivantes, en histoire c..

    L’OMC face au défi du plurilatéralisme

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    Le transfert de l’X à Palaiseau vu par la presse : Revue médiatique

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    Les médias donnent aux citoyens une visibilité sur la place publique. En ce sens, une revue historique des médias permet de comprendre un certain « vécu sociétal ». C’est pourquoi il était intéressant, à propos du transfert de l’École polytechnique à Palaiseau, de rechercher comment ce sujet a été vécu, compte tenu de l’importance de cette école sur la place publique. Les recherches de l’historien dans divers médias Le transfert à Palaiseau est un phénomène de longue gestation, de 1964 à 1976..

    Non parametric estimation of the structural expectation of a stochastic increasing function

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    This article introduces a non parametric warping model for functional data. When the outcome of an experiment is a sample of curves, data can be seen as realizations of a stochastic process, which takes into account the small variations between the different observed curves. The aim of this work is to define a mean pattern which represents the main behaviour of the set of all the realizations. So we define the structural expectation of the underlying stochastic function. Then we provide empirical estimators of this structural expectation and of each individual warping function. Consistency and asymptotic normality for such estimators are proved

    Combined use of seismic, isotopic and piezometrics data to reduce uncertainty in models

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    International audienceTo improve modelling of complex multi-aquifer systems, a better understanding of To improve modelling of complex multi-aquifer systems, a better understanding of reservoirs’s geometry and an improvement of calibration are required. Combining seismic data, isotopic analysis and piezometrics measurements is a way to improve flow simulation.In Gironde (France), many hydrodynamics models have been developed to guide choices in groundwaters exploitation. They put into evidence a lack of knowledge on the Villagrains-Landiras structure corresponding to a potential recharge area for the aquifers of the region. To correct these shortcomings, a detailed study of this area was undertaken to measure its potential for exploitation.Three exploratory wells reaching depths ranging from 200 to 350 m have been drilled to refine the structural vision of the region and to delimitate the various erosional gaps.To improve significantly the knowledge of the reservoirs’s geometry, seismic reflection has been used to obtain a high-resolution image of the subsoil. A total of 15 seismic lines have been used, representing a total length of 248 km. At first, 13 old lines, coming from oil prospecting, have been reprocessed to maximize the definition of hydrostratigraphic units in the first 300 meters. Then, two news high-resolution seismic lines have been achieved in September 2007 on a total length of 17.5 km. This geological survey has helped us to constrain the pattern of the various aquifers of the structure. It has also enabled us to adjust the elevation of the tops and bottoms used in the hydrodynamic model.The aim of the hydrogeological study was to characterize the hydrodynamic mechanisms affecting the Villagrains-Landiras structure. The design of water level maps allowed us to study the distribution of hydraulic heads in comparison to the structure and to measure its potential influence on the recharge of groundwaters. The analysis of the piezometrics fluctuations underlined many similar variations which characterize locals behaviour. Isotopic analysis (18O, 2H, 3H, 13C, 14C), allow us to study the recharge, to confirm the influence of the structure in this process and to constrain residence time in the model. This important part of the study involves the interpretation of analysis coming from 4 different aquifers, sampled in 21 wells located on the structure and its near vicinity.This multidisciplinary approach, based on the interpretation of seismic, isotopic and piezometric data, helped us to improve the knowledge of the structural arrangement of the aquifers and the understanding of the hydrodynamic processes to simulate more efficiently flows in the model
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