3 research outputs found

    A Latin American, Portuguese and Spanish consensus on a core communication curriculum for undergraduate medical education

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    The autors would like to acknowledge the contributions of the participantsin the panel of experts. Their comments have helped us to reach moresuitable learning outcomes.They also want to thank the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid, Spain)the financial support for the achievement of the projectTo present learning outcomes in clinical communication for a Core Curriculum for medical undergraduate students in Latin America, Portugal and Spain (LAPS-CCC) and to establish an expert network to support a transnational implementation. Through an iterative process, an international group of 15 experts developed an initial set of learning outcomes following a review and discussion of relevant international and local literature. A two-round Delphi survey involving 46 experts from 8 countries was performed. Quantative and qualitative analisis permited the definition of the final consensus. The initial proposal included 157 learning outcomes. The Delphi process generated 734 comments and involved the modification, deletion and addition of some outcomes. At the end of the process, a consensus was reached on 136 learning outcomes grouped under 6 competency domains with a high overall acceptance (95.1 %). The learning outcomes of this proposal provide a guide to introduce, support and develop communication curriculae for undergraduate medical studies in the countries involved or in other Spanish- or Portuguese-speaking countries. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12909-016-0610-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Strategies of the brands Louis Vuitton and Alfred Dunhill in 2009: A Comparative Study

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    The goal of this diploma thesis is to penetrate the surface of the haute couture fashion houses marketing communication and to describe the communicated content. In this publication the author wants to reach the symbols and myths which stand behind the luxury marketing. The exemplar for the attempt mentioned will be the advertising campaigns of the two world well-known fashion houses - Louis Vuitton and Alfred Dunhill. The first part establishes the theoretical fond for the analyses of luxury marketing. For that reason the Czech and the international general publications are being used. A necessary part of the opening is the presentation of the both fashion houses for a better grasp of the historical connotations and of the complex consciousness of their professional background and their promotional motivation. The second part analyses the images chosen with an application of the comparison and the description. The important component of this part is the confrontation of the analyzed images with the historical facts and the cultural realia which allow us to overreach to the analyses of the narration and to the disclosure of the metatextual structures