48 research outputs found

    D7.4 Validation 4

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    Armitt, G., Stoyanov, S., Hensgens, J., Smithies, A., Braidman, I., Mauerhofer, C., Osenova, P., Simov, K., Berlanga, A. J., Van Bruggen, J., Greller, W., Rebedea, T., Posea, V., Trausan-Matu, S., Dupre, D., Salem, H., Dessus, P., Loiseau, M., Westerhout, E., Monachesi, P., Koblische, R., Hoisl, B., Haley, D., & Wild, F. (2011). D7.4 Validation 4. LTfLL-project.This deliverable describes the objectives, approach, planning and results of the third pilot round, in which both individual and threaded services underwent validation. The two goals of this round were to provide input to the LTfLL exploitation plan and roadmap (deliverable 2.5). 531 participants (316 learners) took part in the pilots, which used LTfLL services based on five different languages. The average timespan of the pilots was three weeks and involved learners, tutors, teaching managers, the LTfLL team and Technology Enhanced Learning experts. The validation approach was based on Prototypical Validation Topics derived from the Round 2 validation topics, which refocused the validation topics on exploitation and allowed conclusions to be drawn across all services. Results demonstrated the areas of strength and weakness of each service, informing the selling points and barriers to adoption within the exploitation strategy, as well as suggesting possible further contexts of use. All services were noted to have high relevance in addressing burning issues for organizations, but further improvements to accuracy from a user viewpoint are required. Results on future enhancements to improve likelihood of adoption contribute to the roadmap. Results also provide an indication of each service's current readiness for adoption and provided insights into transferability issues. The overall conclusion is that some LTfLL services are more ready than others for adoption now, with some being currently more suited to sustainability in research settings.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the LTfLL STREP that is funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. Contract 212578 [http://www.ltfll-project.org

    Photoproduction of K+K− meson pairs on the proton

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    The exclusive reaction γp→pK+K− was studied in the photon energy range 3.0–3.8  GeV and momentum transfer range 0.6<−t<1.3  GeV2. Data were collected with the CLAS detector at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. In this kinematic range the integrated luminosity was approximately 20  pb−1. The reaction was isolated by detecting the K+ and the proton in CLAS, and reconstructing the K− via the missing-mass technique. Moments of the dikaon decay angular distributions were extracted from the experimental data. Besides the dominant contribution of the ϕ meson in the P wave, evidence for S−P interference was found. The differential production cross sections dσ/dt for individual waves in the mass range of the ϕ resonance were extracted and compared to predictions of a Regge-inspired model. This is the first time the t-dependent cross section of the S-wave contribution to the elastic K+K− photoproduction has been measured

    The past, present, and future of the brain imaging data structure (BIDS)

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    The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a community-driven standard for the organization of data and metadata from a growing range of neuroscience modalities. This paper is meant as a history of how the standard has developed and grown over time. We outline the principles behind the project, the mechanisms by which it has been extended, and some of the challenges being addressed as it evolves. We also discuss the lessons learned through the project, with the aim of enabling researchers in other domains to learn from the success of BIDS

    The past, present, and future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)

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    The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a community-driven standard for the organization of data and metadata from a growing range of neuroscience modalities. This paper is meant as a history of how the standard has developed and grown over time. We outline the principles behind the project, the mechanisms by which it has been extended, and some of the challenges being addressed as it evolves. We also discuss the lessons learned through the project, with the aim of enabling researchers in other domains to learn from the success of BIDS

    Développements Méthodologiques en Spectrométrie de Masse LDI pour l'Analyse de Peptides

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    L'émergence de disciplines post-génomiques, telles que la protéomique et la métabolomique, requiert le développement d'outils analytiques toujours plus performants afin de déterminer, respectivement, l'ensemble des peptides et protéines et des composés organiques de faible masse moléculaire présents dans un milieu biologique. En raison de sa sensibilité, spécificité et rapidité d'acquisition des données, la désorption/ionisation laser assistée par une matrice (MALDI) constitue une des méthodes d'ionisation majeure en spectrométrie de masse (MS) permettant d'envisager les analyses de ces composés. Cependant, elle présente des limitations pour la détection de petites molécules (<700 Da) due à la présence des ions de matrice dans les basses masses du spectre. Dans ce contexte, le potentiel de différentes techniques LDI alternatives a été évalué dans le cadre de la détection de peptides synthétiques de compositions et de tailles variées. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, de nouvelles stratégies analytiques LDI-MS et LDI-MS/MS basées sur l'utilisation de matrices inertes ont été développées. Pour ce faire, des substrats, à base de silice et de titane présentant différentes structurations, ont été utilisés pour assister la désorption/ionisation sans ajout de matrice organique. L'optimisation des méthodologies a été réalisée, puis l'évaluation de la sensibilité et de la reproductibilité des techniques a ensuite été appréciée. Les problématiques de discrimination spectrale dans le cas d'analyses de mélanges de peptides synthétiques et ou issus de digestats trypsiques de protéines ont été abordées afin de valider ces méthodologies LDI pour des applications en protéomique. Les performances des méthodes ont été comparées à celles obtenues dans des stratégies LDI assistées par des matrices organiques (MALDI) pour des échantillons de peptides synthétiques seuls et en mélange ainsi que de quatre digestats trypsiques issus du Cytochrome C (12 kDa), de la b-Caséine (24 kDa), de l'albumine de sérum bovin (BSA, 66 kDa) et du fibrinogène (340 kDa). Un second aspect a consisté en l'analyse de peptide en spectrométrie de masse en tandem. Pour cela, des expériences de dissociation de peptides en fragmentation basse et haute énergie respectivement sur des appareillages de type ESI-QqTOF et MALDI-TOF/TOF ont été menées. Les résultats obtenus ont contribué à une meilleure compréhension du séquençage peptidique et ont démontré des comportements particuliers propres à certaines séquences observés quelles que soient les méthodes d'activation vibrationnelle employées. La présence de résidus basiques, à partir du moment où ils ne se trouvent pas en position C-terminale, a été déterminante pour déclencher des voies de fragmentation en compétition avec les dissociations bx-yn attendues. Ces comportements doivent être impérativement pris en compte par les logiciels de séquençage.The advent of proteomics and metabolomics require the development of highly efficient analytical tool in order to detect and identify peptides and proteins as well as small organic compounds present in biological media. Due to its sensitivity, specificity and speed of data acquisition, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization constitutes one of the major ionization methods in mass spectrometry suitable for the analyses of biomolecules. However the sensitive detection of low molecular weight compounds (<700 Da) is most of the time troublesome, being hampered by the production of matrix ions in the low mass range. In that case, the potency of various alternative LDI techniques based on inert ionization promoting substrates was evaluated for the detection of synthetic peptides presenting wide sequence diversity. Silicon and titanium based materials exhibiting different physico-chemical properties were probed for LDI-MS and LDI-MS/MS analyses of the designed model peptides. These methods, which were devoted of the use of any organic matrix, were optimized through a large set of experiments, taking particular attention to detection sensitivity and reproducibility. Spectral discrimination was another matter of concern, especially in the case of peptide mixture analyses which is encountered in proteomics for tryptic digest elucidation. The performances of the design LDI methods were compared with the original MALDI technique for peptide detection and sequencing from various samples i.e. pure and mixed synthetic peptides, and four tryptic digests issued from Cytochrome C (12 kDa), b-Casein (24 kDa), Bovin serum albumin (BSA, 66 kDa) and fibrinogen (340 kDa). A second research topic dealing with peptide sequencing by MS/MS technologies was pursued in order to contribute to the knowledge of the fragmentation rules. Vibrational activation methods through various mass analyzer configurations (MALDI-TOF/TOF, ESI-QqTOF) were investigated. Specific dissociation behaviors were extracted from the recorded MS/MS data sets. The presence of basic residues, provided that they are not located at the peptide C-terminal end, triggered specific backbone fragmentation in competition to the expected bx-yn pathway. This was found to be a critical issue to be considered by sequencing softwares.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Учебная программа для специальности:1-31 04 01 Физика (по направлениям)(1-31 04 01-02 производственная деятельность)

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    Основная цель дисциплины – дать практические навыки использования графических возможностей программного обеспечения персонального компьютера для изложения технических идей с помощью чертежа при решении задач микроэлектроники. Инженерная графика относится к базовым общеинженерным дисциплинам, хорошее освоение которой – необходимое условие овладения фундаментальными инженерными дисциплинами и эффективного исполь¬зования компьютерных систем для автоматизации проектирования и производства микроэлектронных устройств, интегральных схем. Дисциплина использует знания из различных областей микроэлектроники, начерта¬тельной геометрии, теории вероятностей, информатики, теории графов. В программе рассматриваются основные понятия видеосистемы персонального компьютера, принципы работы с графическими редакторами и их формата¬ми, топологическое описание электронных схем. Рассматриваются способы визуализации при аналитических и эмпирических методах расчета, проекти¬ровании и контроле качества. Отбор материала для лабораторных работ и методика его изучения базируются на практических задачах, возникающих в работе инженеров. Программа учитывает также современные потребности смежных и специальных дисциплин в физическом образовании студентов. В результате изучения дисциплины «Инженерная графика» студенты должны: знать  основные принципы систем автоматизированного проектирования и алгоритмические основы компьютерной графики,  основные характеристики видеосистемы персонального компьютера, сканеров и принтеров,  методы построения сборочного и топологического чертежей,  форматы графических данных,  методы распознавания образов; уметь  проводить анализ и выполнять моделирование микросхем,  проводить инженерные расчеты и проекты с помощью изученного программного обеспечения,  выполнять расчет и построение изображений логических элементов,  применять элементы начертательной геометрии в инженерной практике. Программа отражает профессиональную направленность дисциплины и учитывает современные потребности в инженерном образовании студентов-физиков. Программа составлена по модульному принципу, позволяющему учитывать динамику достижений в области электроники и программного обеспечения. В программе заложены возможности для освоения методик инженерной графики в наноэлектронике

    Catch up saccades in vestibular hypofunction: a contribution of the cerebellum?

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    Introduction: Long-term de cits of the vestibulo-ocular re ex (VOR) elicited by head rotation can be partially compensated by Catch-up Saccades (CuS). These saccades are initially visually guided but their latency can greatly decrease resulting in Short Latency CuS. It is still unclear what triggers these CuS and what are the underlying neural circuits. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the impact of cerebellar pathology on CuS by comparing their latency between two groups of patients with bilateral vestibular hypofunction, with or without additional cerebellar dysfunction. Method: We recruited 12 patients with both bilateral vestibular hypofunction and cerebellar dysfunction (BVH-CD group) and 12 patients with isolated bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH group). Both groups were matched for age and residual VOR gain. Subjects underwent video head impulse test recording of the horizontal semi-circular canals responses as well as recording of visually guided saccades in the Step, Gap and Overlap paradigms. Latency and gain of the different saccades were calculated. Results: Mean age for BVH-CD and BVH was respectively 67.8 and 67.2 years and mean residual VOR gain was respectively 0.24 and 0.26. Mean latency of the rst catch-up saccade was signi cantly longer for the BVH-CD group than for the BVH group (204ms vs 145ms, p<0.05). There was no signi cant difference in the latency of visually guided saccades between the two groups, for none of the three paradigms. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the cerebellum plays a role in the generation of compensatory SL-CuS observed in BVH patients

    On the Implementation of Simultaneous Multi-Frequency Excitations and Measurements for Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    International audienceThe investigation of quickly-evolving flow patterns in high-pressure and high-temperature flow rigs requires the use of a high-speed and non-intrusive imaging technique. Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) allows reconstructing the admittivity distribution characterizing a flow from the knowledge of currents and voltages on its periphery. The need for images at high frame rates leads to the strategy of simultaneous multi-frequency voltage excitations and simultaneous current measurements, which are discriminated using fast Fourier transforms. The present study introduces the theory for a 16-electrode simultaneous EIT system, which is then built based on a field programmable gate array data acquisition system. An analysis of the propagation of uncertainties through the measurement process is investigated, and experimental results with fifteen simultaneous signals are presented. It is shown that the signals are successfully retrieved experimentally at a rate of 1953 frames per second. The associated signal-to-noise ratio varies from 59.6–69.1 dB, depending on the generated frequency. These preliminary results confirm the relevance and the feasibility of simultaneous multi-frequency excitations and measurements in EIT as a means to significantly increase the imaging rate

    Design Rules to Fully Benefit From Bifaciality in Two-Terminal Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

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    The photovoltaics industry is adopting bifacial systems which offer improved energy harvesting compared to monofacial ones. This stems from the collection of light reflected by the surroundings on the rear side of the modules, leading to system-level gains typically ranging from 5% to 25%(rel). The question arises, however, whether this bifacial gain also applies to two-terminal (2T) tandem solar cells, since the series-connected subcells must generate equivalent currents to achieve an optimal performance. Using comprehensive simulations based on realistic device characteristics and typical meteorological data at different locations, we demonstrate that 2T tandem solar cells can indeed benefit from bifaciality provided that their design is tailored to this configuration. The top cell needs to absorb significantly more light than when designed for monofacial operation. In the geographical locations and system configurations simulated here, a broad performance optimum is found at a mismatch value of 6 mA center dot cm(-2) under front illumination, corresponding to a top cell generating similar to 23 mA center dot cm(-2) compared to similar to 17 mA center dot cm(-2) in the bottom one. With such specific design, bifacial tandems can yield up to 1.2 times the energy output of bifacial single-junction devices across a wide range of locations

    Catch-Up Saccades in Vestibular Hypofunction: A Contribution of the Cerebellum?

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    International audienceLong-term deficits of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) elicited by head rotation can be partially compensated by catchup saccades (CuS). These saccades are initially visually guided, but their latency can greatly decrease resulting in short latency CuS (SL-CuS). It is still unclear what triggers these CuS and what are the underlying neural circuits. In this study, we aimed at evaluating the impact of cerebellar pathology on CuS by comparing their characteristics between two groups of patients with bilateral vestibular hypofunction, with or without additional cerebellar dysfunction. We recruited 12 patients with both bilateral vestibular hypofunction and cerebellar dysfunction (BVH-CD group) and 12 patients with isolated bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH group). Both groups were matched for age and residual VOR gain. Subjects underwent video head impulse test recording of the horizontal semicircular canals responses as well as recording of visually guided saccades in the step, gap, and overlap paradigms. Latency and gain of the different saccades were calculated. The mean age for BVH-CD and BVH was, respectively, 67.8 and 67.2 years, and the mean residual VOR gain was, respectively, 0.24 and 0.26. The mean latency of the first catch-up saccade was significantly longer for the BVH-CD group than that for the BVH group (204 ms vs 145 ms, p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the latency of visually guided saccades between the two groups, for none of the three paradigms. The gain of covert saccades tended to be lower in the BVH-CD group than in BVH group (t test; p = 0.06). The mean gain of the 12° or 20° visually guided saccades were not different in both groups. Our results suggest that the cerebellum plays a role in the generation of compensatory SL-CuS observed in BVH patients