12,249 research outputs found

    Multi-objective traffic signal optimization using 3D mesoscopic simulation and evolutionary algorithms

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Modern cities are currently facing rapid urban growth and struggle to maintain a sustainable development. In this context, “eco-neighbourhoods” became the perfect place for testing new innovative ideas that would reduce congestion and optimize traffic flow. The main motivation of this work is a true and stated need of the Department of Transport in Nancy, France, to improve the traffic flow in a central eco-neighbourhood currently under reconfiguration, reduce travel times and test various traffic control scenarios for a better interconnectivity between urban intersections. Therefore, this paper addresses a multi-objective simulation-based signal control problem through the case study of “Nancy Grand CƓur” (NGC) eco-neighbourhood with the purpose of finding the optimal traffic control plan to reduce congestion during peak hours. Firstly, we build the 3D mesoscopic simulation model of the most circulated intersection (C129) based on specifications from the traffic management centre. The simulation outputs from various scenario testing will be then used as inputs for the optimisation and comparative analysis modules. Secondly, we propose a multi-objective optimization method by using evolutionary algorithms and find the optimal traffic control plan to be used in C129 during morning and evening rush hours. Lastly, we take a more global view and extend the 3D simulation model to three other interconnected intersections, in order to analyse the impact of local optimisation on the surrounding traffic conditions in the eco-neighbourhood. The current proposed simulation-optimisation framework aims at supporting the traffic engineering decision-making process and the smart city dynamic by favouring a sustainable mobility

    Thirty thousand years of vegetation development and climate change in Angola (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1078)

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    ODP Site 1078 situated under the coast of Angola provides the first record of the vegetation history for Angola. The upper 11 m of the core covers the past 30 thousand years, which has been analysed palynologically in decadal to centennial resolution. Alkenone sea surface temperature estimates were analysed in centennial resolution. We studied sea surface temperatures and vegetation development during full glacial, deglacial, and interglacial conditions. During the glacial the vegetation in Angola was very open consisting of grass and heath lands, deserts and semi-deserts, which suggests a cool and dry climate. A change to warmer and more humid conditions is indicated by forest expansion starting in step with the earliest temperature rise in Antarctica, 22 thousand years ago. We infer that around the period of Heinrich Event 1, a northward excursion of the Angola Benguela Front and the Congo Air Boundary resulted in cool sea surface temperatures but rain forest remained present in the northern lowlands of Angola. Rain forest and dry forest area increase 15 thousand years ago. During the Holocene, dry forests and Miombo woodlands expanded. Also in Angola globally recognised climate changes at 8 thousand and 4 thousand years ago had an impact on the vegetation. During the past 2 thousand years, savannah vegetation became dominant

    A Mesoscopic Resonating Valence Bond system on a triple dot

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    We introduce a mesoscopic pendulum from a triple dot. The pendulum is fastened through a singly-occupied dot (spin qubit). Two other strongly capacitively islands form a double-dot charge qubit with one electron in excess oscillating between the two low-energy charge states (1,0) and (0,1); this embodies the weight of the pendulum. The triple dot is placed between two superconducting leads as shown in Fig. 1. Under well-defined conditions, the main proximity effect stems from the injection of resonating singlet (valence) bonds on the triple dot. This gives rise to a Josephson current that is charge- and spin-dependent. Consequences in a SQUID-geometry are carefully investigated.Comment: final version to appear in PR

    Drug Predictive Cues Activate Aversion-Sensitive Striatal Neurons That Encode Drug Seeking

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    Drug-associated cues have profound effects on an addict’s emotional state and drug-seeking behavior. Although this influence must involve the motivational neural system that initiates and encodes the drug-seeking act, surprisingly little is known about the nature of such physiological events and their motivational consequences. Three experiments investigated the effect of a cocaine-predictive stimulus on dopamine signaling, neuronal activity, and reinstatement of cocaine seeking. In all experiments, rats were divided into two groups (paired and unpaired), and trained to self-administer cocaine in the presence of a tone that signaled the immediate availability of the drug. For rats in the paired group, self-administration sessions were preceded by a taste cue that signaled delayed drug availability. Assessments of hedonic responses indicated that this delay cue became aversive during training. Both the self-administration behavior and the immediate cue were subsequently extinguished in the absence of cocaine. After extinction of self-administration behavior, the presentation of the aversive delay cue reinstated drug seeking. In vivo electrophysiology and voltammetry recordings in the nucleus accumbens measured the neural responses to both the delay and immediate drug cues after extinction. Interestingly, the presentation of the delay cue simultaneously decreased dopamine signaling and increased excitatory encoding of the immediate cue. Most importantly, the delay cue selectively enhanced the baseline activity of neurons that would later encode drug seeking. Together these observations reveal how cocaine cues can modulate not only affective state, but also the neurochemical and downstream neurophysiological environment of striatal circuits in a manner that promotes drug seeking

    Prewetting transition on a weakly disordered substrate : evidence for a creeping film dynamics

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    We present the first microscopic images of the prewetting transition of a liquid film on a solid surface. Pictures of the local coverage map of a helium film on a cesium metal surface are taken while the temperature is raised through the transition. The film edge is found to advance at constant temperature by successive avalanches in a creep motion with a macroscopic correlation length. The creep velocity varies strongly in a narrow temperature range. The retreat motion is obtained only at much lower temperature, conforming to the strong hysteresis observed for prewetting transition on a disordered surface. Prewetting transition on such disordered surfaces appears to give rise to dynamical phenomena similar to what is observed for domain wall motions in 2D magnets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Euro.Phys.Let

    Analysis of repeated high-intensity running performance in professional soccer

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    The aims of this study conducted in a professional soccer team were two-fold: to characterise repeated high-intensity movement activity profiles in official match-play; b) to inform and verify the construct validity of tests commonly used to determine repeated-sprint ability in soccer by investigating the relationship between the results from a test of repeated-sprint ability and repeated high-intensity performance in competition. High-intensity running performance (movement at velocities >19.8 km/h for a minimum of 1-s duration) in 20 players was measured using computerised time motion analysis. Performance in 80 French League 1 matches was analysed. In addition, 12 out of the 20 players performed a repeated-sprint test on a non-motorized treadmill consisting of 6 consecutive 6s sprints separated by 20s passive recovery intervals. In all players, the majority of consecutive high-intensity actions in competition were performed after recovery durations ≄61s, recovery activity separating these efforts was generally active in nature with the major part of this spent walking, and players performed 1.1±1.1 repeated high-intensity bouts (a minimum of 3 consecutive high-intensity with a mean recovery time ≀20s separating efforts) per game. Players reporting lowest performance decrements in the repeated-sprint ability test performed more high-intensity actions interspersed by short recovery times (≀20s, p<0.01 and ≀30s, p<0.05) compared to those with higher decrements. Across positional roles, central-midfielders performed a greater number of high-intensity actions separated by short recovery times (≀20s) and spent a larger proportion of time running at higher intensities during recovery periods while fullbacks performed the most repeated high-intensity bouts (statistical differences across positional roles from p<0.05 to p<0.001). These findings have implications for repeated high-intensity testing and physical conditioning regimens

    Evaluating air quality by combining stationary, smart mobile pollution monitoring and data-driven modelling

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Air pollution impact assessment is a major objective for various community councils in large cities, which have lately redirected their attention towards using more low-cost sensing units supported by citizen involvement. However, there is a lack of research studies investigating real-time mobile air-quality measurement through smart sensing units and even more of any data-driven modelling techniques that could be deployed to predict air quality accurately from the generated data-sets. This paper addresses these challenges by: a) proposing a comparative and detailed investigation of various air quality monitoring devices (both fixed and mobile), tested through field measurements and citizen sensing in an eco-neighbourhood from Lorraine, France, and by b) proposing a machine learning approach to evaluate the accuracy and potential of such mobile generated data for air quality prediction. The air quality evaluation consists of three experimenting protocols: a) first, we installed fixed passive tubes for monitoring the nitrogen dioxide concentrations placed in strategic locations highly affected by traffic circulation in an eco-neighbourhood, b) second, we monitored the nitrogen dioxide registered by citizens using smart and mobile pollution units carried at breathing level; results revealed that mobile-captured concentrations were 3–5 times higher than the ones registered by passive-static monitoring tubes and c) third, we compared different mobile pollution stations working simultaneously, which revealed noticeable differences in terms of result variability and sensitivity. Finally, we applied a machine learning modelling by using decision trees and neural networks on the mobile-generated data and show that humidity and noise are the most important factors influencing the prediction of nitrogen dioxide concentrations of mobile stations

    307 Safety of PICCs in children and adults with cystic fibrosis

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    Bird pollination of Canary Island endemic plants

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    The Canary Islands are home to a guild of endemic, threatened bird pollinated plants. Previous work has suggested that these plants evolved floral traits as adaptations to pollination by flower specialist sunbirds, but subsequently they appear to be have co-opted passerine birds as sub-optimal pollinators. To test this idea we carried out a quantitative study of the pollination biology of three of the bird pollinated plants, Canarina canariensis (Campanulaceae), Isoplexis canariensis (Veronicaceae) and Lotus berthelotii (Fabaceae), on the island of Tenerife. Using colour vision models, we predicted the detectability of flowers to bird and bee pollinators. We measured pollinator visitation rates, nectar standing crops, as well as seed set and pollen removal and deposition. These data showed that the plants are effectively pollinated by non-flower specialist passerine birds that only occasionally visit flowers. The large nectar standing crops and extended flower longevities (&#x3e;10days) of Canarina and Isoplexis suggests that they have evolved bird pollination system that effectively exploits these low frequency non-specialist pollen vectors and is in no way suboptimal. Seed set in two of the three species was high, and was significantly reduced or zero in flowers where pollinator access was restricted. In L. berthelotii, however, no fruit set was observed, probably because the plants were self incompatible horticultural clones of a single genet. We also show that, while all three species are easily detectable for birds, the orange Canarina and the red Lotus (but less so the yellow-orange Isoplexis) should be difficult to detect for insect pollinators without specialised red receptors, such as bumblebees. Contrary to expectations if we accept that the flowers are primarily adapted to sunbird pollination, the chiffchaff (Phylloscopus canariensis) was an effective pollinator of these species
