331 research outputs found

    School Finance Equity: An Intradistrict Equity Audit

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    This overview provides a synthesis of a comprehensive study of an intradistrict equity audit of one mid-Atlantic school district. The purpose of this study was to measure the intradistrict distribution of educational resources across elementary, middle, and high schools of one school district through an equity audit to determine whether or not the allocation and distribution of fiscal resources were equitable and adequate. This study utilized publicly available school-level expenditure data to determine the allocation and distribution of resources to expose any existing disparities. The researcher investigated any disparities in per-pupil expenditures, teacher quality, and academic achievement by examining Skrla, et al.’s (2004) three classifications. Being there is no other research study like this to date, the researcher designed and examined the findings to determine any inequities and inadequacies through an a priori lens suggesting differences as slight, moderate, or notable. To rate the differences in funding as slight, moderate, or notable, the researcher created three per-pupil expenditure weighting groups based on Verstegen’s (2008) suggested student enrollment subgroup category weighting recommendations. The researcher’s findings of this study supported slight, moderate, and notable differences in allocation disparities, teacher quality, and an association between funding and academic achievement among the elementary school level, middle school level, and high school level when utilizing the a priori guidelines. This study aimed to add to the body of literature by addressing the gap in research related to intradistrict equity and adequacy of educational funding

    Le design de jeux comme outil de communication pour les élÚves allophones de niveau préscolaire à Montréal

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    Au QuĂ©bec, 45,1 % des Ă©lĂšves allophones commencent le prĂ©scolaire en classe ordinaire sans bĂ©nĂ©ficier de Services d’accueil et de soutien Ă  l’apprentissage du français (SASAF) ou de Services de soutien linguistique d’appoint en francisation (SLAF). Ils doivent s’intĂ©grer sans pouvoir communiquer dans la langue commune. Les enseignants du prĂ©scolaire suivent le Programme- cycle de l'Ă©ducation prĂ©scolaire de 2021 qui ne propose pas d’outil particulier en milieu plurilingue. Cette recherche vise Ă  confirmer la portĂ©e des SASAF et SLAF et Ă  relever les enjeux de communication liĂ©s Ă  l’intĂ©gration des Ă©lĂšves allophones. Elle cherche Ă  identifier les outils utilisĂ©s par le personnel scolaire pour Ă©valuer le potentiel du jeu comme moyen de communication. Une Ă©tude de cas est conduite dans 3 Ă©coles de MontrĂ©al, au QuĂ©bec. Suite aux quatorze entretiens avec le personnel scolaire, les enjeux de la pratique de la profession d’enseignant au prĂ©scolaire en milieu plurilingue sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats confirment l’inĂ©galitĂ© des services linguistiques puis les difficultĂ©s de communication qui en dĂ©coulent. Pour y faire face, le personnel scolaire adopte un discours multimodal axĂ© sur la communication gestuelle et vocale et l’aide des supports visuels. Le jeu serait un outil Ă  privilĂ©gier pour faciliter les interactions et la communication, puis soutenir l’apprentissage d’une langue seconde. Il y a toutefois un manque d’expertise en design de jeux axĂ© sur la communication pour les enfants en milieu plurilingue. La recherche se conclut par des recommandations sur la crĂ©ation de jeux accessibles promouvant les interactions et la communication entre les enfants.In Quebec, 45.1% of allophone preschool students enter a regular class without benefiting from Services d’accueil et de soutien Ă  l’apprentissage du français (SASAF) or Services de soutien linguistique d’appoint en francisation (SLAF). They must learn a new language quickly without a support service. Preschool teachers follow the 2021 Programme-cycle de l'Ă©ducation prĂ©scolaire, which does not offer specific tools in a multilingual environment. This research aims to confirm the SASAF and SLAF's scope and identify the communication issues related to the integration of allophone students. It seeks to identify the tools school staff use to evaluate the game's potential as a communication tool. A case study is conducted in 3 schools in Montreal, Quebec. Following the fourteen interviews conducted with school staff, the challenges of practicing the preschool teaching profession in a multilingual environment are presented. The results confirm the inequality of linguistic services and associated communication difficulties in preschool classes. To overcome the language barrier, school staff adopt a multimodal discourse focused on gestural and vocal communication with the help of visual supports. Play is a key tool for facilitating communication and supporting students in learning a second language. However, there is a noticeable lack of expertise in communication-based game design for preschoolers in multilingual settings. The research concludes with recommendations for creating accessible games that promote interactions and communication between children

    Étude, conception et analyse des systùmes de commande pour un lanceur de satellites

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    Ce mĂ©moire a pour principal objectif d’identifier des concepts de commande d’attitude et de guidage en boucle ouverte pour supporter le dĂ©veloppement Ă©ventuel d’un lanceur canadien pouvant effectuer la mise en orbite de microsatellites. Une revue de la littĂ©rature des diffĂ©rents systĂšmes impliquĂ©s dans l’asservissement d’un lanceur est prĂ©sentĂ©e. Cette revue a permis de cibler les principales difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es pour la commande d’attitude des lanceurs, ainsi que certaines pistes de solutions. Ces difficultĂ©s sont principalement la flexion et le ballottement des ergols. Les Ă©quations de mouvement de l’attitude d’un lanceur Ă  corps rigide en fonction de l’angle de braquage d’une tuyĂšre sont dĂ©crites. Des rĂ©gulateurs qui stabilisent et asservissent le lanceur flexible en vitesse angulaire et en position angulaire sur le simulateur SimulinkÂź Ă  six degrĂ©s de libertĂ© du RDDC Valcartier sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s. Pour finir, deux techniques de guidage sont expliquĂ©es et testĂ©es en prĂ©sence de diverses perturbations.This memoir’s main objective is to identify concepts of attitude control and open loop guidance to support the eventual development of a Canadian launcher, capable of orbiting microsatellites. A literature review of various systems involved in the stabilization of the launcher is presented. This review pinpointed the main difficulties met for attitude control of launch vehicles, as well as some possible solutions. Those are mainly the bending and sloshing of propellant. The attitude equations of motion for a rigid body launcher as a function of the steering angle of a nozzle are described. Controllers that stabilize and control the flexible launcher angular velocity and angular position on the six degrees of freedom DRDC Valcartier SimulinkÂź simulator are devellopped. Finally, two techniques for guidance are explained and tested in presence of various perturbations

    Interaction between cholinergic and nitrergic vasodilation: a novel mechanism of blood pressure control

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    Objective: Cholinergic vasodilation has been thought to play little if any role in the regulation of blood pressure in humans. Autonomic denervation potentiates the vasoconstriction evoked by nitric oxide synthase inhibition in humans, but the mechanism is unclear. We hypothesized that this may be related to loss of neuronal, non-nitric-oxide-dependent vasodilation. Methods: To test this hypothesis, we examined effects of cholinergic blockade on blood pressure, heart rate and peripheral vascular responses to systemic infusion of the nitric-oxide-dependent vasoconstrictor l-NMMA (0.5 mg/kg/min over 15 min) in eight normal subjects. Results: The l-NMMA-induced increase in mean (±S.E.) arterial pressure was roughly three times larger (P=0.002) in the presence than in the absence of cholinergic blockade (38±6 vs. 13±2 mmHg). Similarly, the increase in systemic and calf vascular resistance was more than twofold larger during l-NMMA-atropine. This potentiation was specific for nitric-oxide-dependent vasoconstriction, because atropine did not alter the responses to phenylephrine infusion. Cholinergic blockade also altered (P=0.004) the heart rate response to nitric oxide synthase inhibition; during l-NMMA alone heart rate decreased by 10±2 beats/min, whereas during l-NMMA-atropine infusion it increased by 14±4 beats/min. Conclusion: Cholinergic mechanisms play an important hitherto unrecognized role in offsetting the hypertension and cardiac sympathetic activation caused by nitric oxide synthase inhibition in humans. Decreased parasympathetic activity and impaired nitric oxide synthesis characterize several cardiovascular disease states, as well as normal aging. The conjunction of these two defects could trigger sudden death and contribute to the hypertension of the elderl

    Sympathectomy potentiates the vasoconstrictor response to nitric oxide synthase inhibition in humans

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    Objective: Nitric oxide exerts its cardiovascular actions at least in part by modulation of the sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone. There is increasing evidence that nitric oxide inhibits central neural sympathetic outflow, and preliminary evidence suggests that it may also modulate peripheral sympathetic vasoconstrictor tone. Methods: To test this latter concept, in six subjects having undergone thoracic sympathectomy for hyperhydrosis, we compared the vascular responses to systemic l-NMMA infusion (1mg/kg/min over 10 min) in the innervated and the denervated limb. We also studied vascular responses to the infusion of the non-nitric-oxide-dependent vasoconstrictor phenylephrine. Results: l-NMMA infusion evoked a roughly 3-fold larger increase in vascular resistance in the denervated forearm than in the innervated calf. In the denervated forearm, vascular resistance increased by 58±10 percent (X±SE), whereas in the innervated calf it increased only by 21±6 percent (P<0.01, forearm vs. calf). This augmented vasoconstrictor response was specific for l-NMMA, and not related to augmented non-specific vasoconstrictor responsiveness secondary to sympathectomy, because phenylephrine infusion increased vascular resistance similarly in the denervated forearm and the innervated calf (by 24±7, and 29±8 percent, respectively). The augmented vasoconstrictor response was related specifically to denervation, because in control subjects, the vasoconstrictor responses to l-NMMA were comparable in the forearm and the calf. Conclusions: These findings indicate that in the absence of sympathetic innervation, the vasoconstrictor responses to nitric oxide synthase inhibition are augmente

    Aristophane aujourd’hui

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    Pouvez-vous prĂ©senter l’atelier thĂ©Ăątre de NeuchĂątel ? Institut NeuchĂątel : Il n’y a pas d’enseignement structurĂ© Ă  NeuchĂątel encore. Il y a un sĂ©minaire de thĂ©Ăątre qui pose des problĂšmes thĂ©oriques sur des questions sur le spectacle. Par ailleurs, cette annĂ©e dans ce sĂ©minaire des Ă©tudiants et des assistants ont lancĂ© le projet de monter Lysistrata d’Aristophane, principalement pour montrer la partie vivante de l’AntiquitĂ©. Le sĂ©minaire de thĂ©Ăątre qui essaie de se structurer et de s’imposer ..

    Recommendations for Maximizing the Benefits of the Vernal Pool at Miller Ecological Park

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    Course Code: ENR 2367This project makes recommendations for what the Miller Ecological Group should do with their land that has a vernal pool and wetlands. This project not only provides the park with a toolbox of the best options available, but also serves as a method of communication that will inform the entire committee of the events and decisions that need to take place. The committee should use the research that has been compiled when choosing the ideal pathway for Miller Ecological Park’s development. Overall, this project provides research and recommendations for the restoration of the vernal pool and wetlands.Academic Major: Environmental ScienceAcademic Major: Forestry, Fisheries, and WildlifeAcademic Major: Environment, Economy, Development, and SustainabilityAcademic Major: Environmental Policy and Decision Makin

    Interaction between cholinergic and nitrergic vasodilation: a novel mechanism of blood pressure control

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    OBJECTIVE: Cholinergic vasodilation has been thought to play little if any role in the regulation of blood pressure in humans. Autonomic denervation potentiates the vasoconstriction evoked by nitric oxide synthase inhibition in humans, but the mechanism is unclear. We hypothesized that this may be related to loss of neuronal, non-nitric-oxide-dependent vasodilation. METHODS: To test this hypothesis, we examined effects of cholinergic blockade on blood pressure, heart rate and peripheral vascular responses to systemic infusion of the nitric-oxide-dependent vasoconstrictor L-NMMA (0.5 mg/kg/min over 15 min) in eight normal subjects. RESULTS: The L-NMMA-induced increase in mean (+/-S.E.) arterial pressure was roughly three times larger (P=0.002) in the presence than in the absence of cholinergic blockade (38+/-6 vs. 13+/-2 mmHg). Similarly, the increase in systemic and calf vascular resistance was more than twofold larger during L-NMMA-atropine. This potentiation was specific for nitric-oxide-dependent vasoconstriction, because atropine did not alter the responses to phenylephrine infusion. Cholinergic blockade also altered (P=0.004) the heart rate response to nitric oxide synthase inhibition; during L-NMMA alone heart rate decreased by 10+/-2 beats/min, whereas during L-NMMA-atropine infusion it increased by 14+/-4 beats/min. CONCLUSION: Cholinergic mechanisms play an important hitherto unrecognized role in offsetting the hypertension and cardiac sympathetic activation caused by nitric oxide synthase inhibition in humans. Decreased parasympathetic activity and impaired nitric oxide synthesis characterize several cardiovascular disease states, as well as normal aging. The conjunction of these two defects could trigger sudden death and contribute to the hypertension of the elderly
