16 research outputs found

    Larviculture of piabanha‑do‑pardo in aquariums of different colors

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes cores de aquários na larvicultura da piabanha‑do‑pardo (Brycon sp.). Os tratamentos consistiram na utilização de aquários de cores claras (branca, verde e azul) e escuras (marrom e preta). Ao final do experimento, foram mensurados a sobrevivência, o peso, o comprimento total e a coloração das larvas, que foram comparados pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. A sobrevivência foi menor (66,25%), com maior taxa de canibalismo (17,08%), no aquário de cor azul, quando comparado ao aquário de cor marrom (84,17%), com baixa taxa de canibalismo (6,25%). O comprimento total, o peso e a mortalidade não diferiram entre os tratamentos. A coloração das larvas escureceu progressivamente dos aquários mais claros para os mais escuros, o que interferiu no canibalismo e na sobrevivência. O aquário marrom promove maior valor de sobrevivência e menor taxa de canibalismo nas larvas de piabanha‑do‑pardo.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different colors of aquariums on the larviculture of piabanha‑do‑pardo (Brycon sp.). The treatments consisted of the use of light‑ (white, green, and blue) and dark‑ (brown and black) colored aquariums. At the end of the experiment, survival, weight, total length, and color of the larvae were measured and compared by the Tukey test, at 5% probability. Survival was lower (66.25%), with a higher rate of cannibalism (17.08%), in the blue‑colored aquarium when compared to the brown‑colored one (84.17%), with a low rate of cannibalism (6.25%). Total length, weight, and mortality did not differ among treatments. The color of the larvae gradually darkened from the lighter to the darker aquariums, which interfered with cannibalism and survival. The brown aquarium promotes a greater survival value and a lower rate of cannibalism in larvae of piabanha‑do‑pardo

    DrosoPhyla: Resources for Drosophilid Phylogeny and Systematics.

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    The vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster is a pivotal model for invertebrate development, genetics, physiology, neuroscience, and disease. The whole family Drosophilidae, which contains over 4,400 species, offers a plethora of cases for comparative and evolutionary studies. Despite a long history of phylogenetic inference, many relationships remain unresolved among the genera, subgenera, and species groups in the Drosophilidae. To clarify these relationships, we first developed a set of new genomic markers and assembled a multilocus data set of 17 genes from 704 species of Drosophilidae. We then inferred a species tree with highly supported groups for this family. Additionally, we were able to determine the phylogenetic position of some previously unplaced species. These results establish a new framework for investigating the evolution of traits in fruit flies, as well as valuable resources for systematics

    Larviculture of the Piabanha of the Pardo (Brycon sp.) Under different substrate concentrations of biofilters and stocking densities.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho comparar o desenvolvimento e sobreviv?ncia de p?s-larva de piabanha-do-pardo em diferentes densidades de peixes e diferentes concentra??es de substratos de biofiltros internos de concha/brita/cascalho. Al?m disso, avaliar a qualidade da ?gua das culturas submetidas aos tratamentos (temperatura, condutividade, pH, am?nia, nitrito, nitrato e ortofosfato). As larvas de Brycon sp., piabanha do Pardo, peixe amea?ado de extin??o na bacia do rio Pardo, foram de uma mesma desova, com um dia ap?s a eclos?o. As concentra??es de substratos de concha/brita/cascalho e diferentes densidades de estocagem de larvas (0g/15 larvas/L, 0g/60 larvas/L, 40g/15 larvas/L, 40g/60 larvas/L, 80g/ 15 larvas/L e 80g/60 larvas/L). Os resultados do mostraram que concentra??es maiores de biofiltros de concha/brita/cascalho tendem a limpar mais o meio de cultura, diminuindo os compostos nitrogenados, res?duos do metabolismo animal e permitindo um aumento da sobreviv?ncia, mas nem sempre aumentar implica em melhoria dos par?metros da ?gua. Culturas com substratos com diferentes concentra??es de concha/brita/cascalho d?o uma melhor resposta a diminui??o de compostos nitrogenados, propriedades da ?gua e conseguintemente melhora ao meio de cultura.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2011.ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare the development and survival of post-larvae of the piabanha-do-Pardo densities of fish and different concentrations of substrates biofilters internal shell / gravel / gravel. In addition, to evaluate the water quality of the crops under treatments (temperature, conductivity, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and orthophosphate. The larvae of Brycon sp. Piabanha-do-Pardo, fish threatened with extinction in the Pardo River basin were from the same spawn, one day after hatching. Concentrations of substrates shell / gravel / pebble and different stocking densities of larvae (0g/15larvae/L, 0g/60larvae/L, 40g/15 larvae/L, 40g/60larvae/L, 80g/15larvae/L and 80g/60 larvae/L). The results showed that higher concentrations of biofilter shell / gravel / gravel tend to clean up the culture medium, reducing compounds nitrogen, residues of animal metabolism and allowing an increase in survival, but not always imply increase in improvement of water parameters. Substrates cultures with different concentrations of shell / gravel / pebble give a better response to reduced nitrogen compounds, properties of water and therefore improves the culture medium

    Improved assembly of noisy long reads by k

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    A phylogenomic study of Steganinae fruit flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae): strong gene tree heterogeneity and evidence for monophyly

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    Abstract Background The Drosophilidae family is traditionally divided into two subfamilies: Drosophilinae and Steganinae. This division is based on morphological characters, and the two subfamilies have been treated as monophyletic in most of the literature, but some molecular phylogenies have suggested Steganinae to be paraphyletic. To test the paraphyletic-Steganinae hypothesis, here, we used genomic sequences of eight Drosophilidae (three Steganinae and five Drosophilinae) and two Ephydridae (outgroup) species and inferred the phylogeny for the group based on a dataset of 1,028 orthologous genes present in all species (> 1,000,000 bp). This dataset includes three genera that broke the monophyly of the subfamilies in previous works. To investigate possible biases introduced by small sample sizes and automatic gene annotation, we used the same methods to infer species trees from a set of 10 manually annotated genes that are commonly used in phylogenetics. Results Most of the 1,028 gene trees depicted Steganinae as paraphyletic with distinct topologies, but the most common topology depicted it as monophyletic (43.7% of the gene trees). Despite the high levels of gene tree heterogeneity observed, species tree inference in ASTRAL, in PhyloNet, and with the concatenation approach strongly supported the monophyly of both subfamilies for the 1,028-gene dataset. However, when using the concatenation approach to infer a species tree from the smaller set of 10 genes, we recovered Steganinae as a paraphyletic group. The pattern of gene tree heterogeneity was asymmetrical and thus could not be explained solely by incomplete lineage sorting (ILS). Conclusions Steganinae was clearly a monophyletic group in the dataset that we analyzed. In addition to ILS, gene tree discordance was possibly the result of introgression, suggesting complex branching processes during the early evolution of Drosophilidae with short speciation intervals and gene flow. Our study highlights the importance of genomic data in elucidating contentious phylogenetic relationships and suggests that phylogenetic inference for drosophilids based on small molecular datasets should be performed cautiously. Finally, we suggest an approach for the correction and cleaning of BUSCO-derived genomic datasets that will be useful to other researchers planning to use this tool for phylogenomic studies

    Larvicultura de piabanha-do-pardo em aquários de cores diferentes

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes cores de aquários na larvicultura da piabanha-do-pardo (Brycon sp.). Os tratamentos consistiram na utilização de aquários de cores claras (branca, verde e azul) e escuras (marrom e preta). Ao final do experimento, foram mensurados a sobrevivência, o peso, o comprimento total e a coloração das larvas, que foram comparados pelo teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade. A sobrevivência foi menor (66,25%), com maior taxa de canibalismo (17,08%), no aquário de cor azul, quando comparado ao aquário de cor marrom (84,17%), com baixa taxa de canibalismo (6,25%). O comprimento total, o peso e a mortalidade não diferiram entre os tratamentos. A coloração das larvas escureceu progressivamente dos aquários mais claros para os mais escuros, o que interferiu no canibalismo e na sobrevivência. O aquário marrom promove maior valor de sobrevivência e menor taxa de canibalismo nas larvas de piabanha-do-pardo

    Clareamento interno em dentes despolpados como alternativa a procedimentos invasivos: relato de caso

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    The increasing interest of patients for a better aesthetic appearance of their smile, associated with the development of new materials and techniques, encouraged by media couverage of this concept of beauty, provided an important evolution of cosmetic dentistry. As the darkness of a single anterior tooth or a group of teeth, in most cases, impairs the appearance of the smile and there is growing appreciation of the less invasive procedures, the technique of tooth bleaching is an important option for aesthetic treatment. To have success in the bleaching treatment, it is important to have knowledge of the origin, nature and composition of the stain. Among the causes of color changes acquired post-eruptive, dental trauma, with or without pulp necrosis, is one of the most commonly encountered etiologies, characterized by a reddish-brown color. Current techniques of bleaching for teeth treated endodontically employ oxidative agent hydrogen peroxide. The objective of this paper is to describe the immediate technique of bleaching non-vital tooth by presenting a clinical case.O crescente interesse dos pacientes por uma melhor aparência estética do sorriso, associado ao desenvolvimento de novos materiais e técnicas, incentivados por uma divulgação na mídia desse conceito de beleza, propiciou uma evolução importante da odontologia estética. Como o escurecimento de um único dente anterior ou de um grupo de dentes, na maioria das vezes, interfere negativamente na aparência do sorriso e há cada vez mais uma valorização dos procedimentos menos invasivos, a técnica de clareamento dental representa uma opção importante de tratamento estético. Para que se tenha sucesso no tratamento clareador, é importante ter o conhecimento da origem, da natureza e da composição da mancha. Entre as causas das alterações de cor adquiridas pós-eruptivas, o traumatismo dental, associado ou não à necrose pulpar, é uma das etiologias mais comumente encontradas, caracterizando-se por uma coloração marrom-avermelhada. As atuais técnicas de clareamento para dentes tratados endodonticamente empregam como agente oxidativo o peróxido de hidrogênio. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever a técnica imediata de clareamento de dente não vital por meio da apresentação de um caso clínico