790 research outputs found


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    Metamemory refers to people’s beliefs about their memory and to how people monitor and control their learning and retrieval. In this chapter, we describe monitoring and control processes involved in learning and retrieval, how these processes have been measured, and key outcomes relevant to human metamemory. Based on these outcomes, general conclusions include the following: (a) people’s judgments of their memory are based on a variety of cues; hence (b) judgment accuracy arises from the diagnosticity of the cues, so that above-chance accuracy of any metamemory judgment only arises when the available cues are predictive (or diagnostic) of criterion performance; and finally, (c) people use their memory judgments to guide their study and retrieval. Thus, people’s memory monitoring plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of their self-regulated learning and retrieval, so a major aim of metamemory research is to discover techniques that yield high levels of judgment accuracy and optimal regulation

    Understanding the Delayed-Keyword Effect on Metacomprehension Accuracy

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    The typical finding from research on metacomprehension is that accuracy is quite low. However, recent studies have shown robust accuracy improvements when judgments follow certain generation tasks (summarizing or keyword listing), but only when these tasks are performed at a delay rather than immediately after reading (Thiede & Anderson, 2003; Thiede, Anderson & Therriault, 2003). The delayed and immediate conditions in these past studies confounded the delay between reading and generation tasks with other task lags, such as the lag between multiple generation tasks and the lag between generation tasks and judgments. The first two experiments disentangle these confounded manipulations and provide clear evidence that the delay between reading and keyword generation is the only lag critical to improving metacomprehension accuracy. The third and fourth experiments show that not all delayed tasks will produce improvements and suggest that delayed generative tasks provide diagnostic cues about comprehension that are necessary for improving metacomprehension accuracy

    Укрепление студенческого арсенала:стратегии изучения для улучшения результатов обучения

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    В статье рассмотрены эффективные стратегии изучения (именно изучения, а не обучения, т. к. последнее предполагает внешнее воздействие на обучающегося, а методики в статье нацелены на самостоятельный образовательный процесс), которые могут быть использованы на всех ступенях общего и профессионального образования. Овладение эффективными методиками самообучения является главным условием реализации концепции Lifelong Learning (Образование в течении всей жизни, 1971), которая в свою очередь, является важнейшей составляющей Болонского процесса

    Feeling of knowing and restudy choices

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    Feeling-of-knowing judgments (FOK-Js) reflect people’s confidence that they would be able to recognize a currently unrecallable item. Although much research has been devoted to the factors determining the magnitude and accuracy of FOK-Js, much less work has addressed the issue of whether FOK-Js are related to any form of metacognitive control over memory processes. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that FOK-Js are related to participants’ choices of which unrecallable items should be restudied. In three experiments, we showed that participants tend to choose for restudy items with high FOK-Js, both when they are explicitly asked to choose for restudy items that can be mastered in the restudy session (Exps. 1a and 2) and when such specific instructions are omitted (Exp. 1b). The study further demonstrated that increasing FOK-Js via priming cues affects restudy choices, even though it does not affect recall directly. Finally, Experiment 2 showed the strategy of restudying unrecalled items with high FOK-Js to be adaptive, because the efficacy of restudy is greater for these items than for items with low FOK-Js. Altogether, the present findings underscore an important role of FOK-Js for the metacognitive control of study operations

    Does retrieval fluency contribute to the underconfidence-withpractice effect

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    Judgments of learning (JOLs) made during multiple study-test trials underestimate increases in recall performance across those trials, an effect that has been dubbed the underconfidence-with-practice (UWP) effect. In 3 experiments, the authors examined the contribution of retrieval fluency to the UWP effect for immediate and delayed JOLs. The UWP effect was demonstrated with reliable underconfidence on Trial 2 occurring for both kinds of JOL. However, in contrast to a retrieval-fluency hypothesis, fine-grained analyses indicated that the reliance of JOLs on retrieval fluency contributed minimally to the UWP effect. Our discussion focuses on the status of the retrieval-fluency hypothesis for the UWP effect

    Некоторые робастные решения в условиях риска и неопределенности

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    Обсуждаются проблемы построения робастных решений в условиях риска и неопределенности. Рассматриваются две модели распределения средств для минимизации потенциальных рисков. Проблемы поиска их робастных решений сведены к соответствующим задачам линейного программирования.Обговорюються проблеми побудови робастних рішень в умовах ризику та невизначеності. Розглядаються дві моделі розподілу коштів для мінімізації потенційних ризиків. Проблеми пошуку їх робастних рішень зведено до відповідних задач лінійного програмування.Problems of constructing robust decisions in conditions of risk and uncertainty are discussed. Two fund distribution models for minimization of potential risks are considered. Problems of searching their robust decisions are reduced to appropriate linear programming problems

    Adaptive Forgetting Curves for Spaced Repetition Language Learning

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    The forgetting curve has been extensively explored by psychologists, educationalists and cognitive scientists alike. In the context of Intelligent Tutoring Systems, modelling the forgetting curve for each user and knowledge component (e.g. vocabulary word) should enable us to develop optimal revision strategies that counteract memory decay and ensure long-term retention. In this study we explore a variety of forgetting curve models incorporating psychological and linguistic features, and we use these models to predict the probability of word recall by learners of English as a second language. We evaluate the impact of the models and their features using data from an online vocabulary teaching platform and find that word complexity is a highly informative feature which may be successfully learned by a neural network model.Cambridge Assessmen

    Judgments of learning and improvement

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    Can learners accurately judge the rate of their learning? Rates of learning may be informative when study time is allocated across materials, and students' judgments of their learning rate have been proposed as a possible metacognitive tool. Participants estimated how much they improved between presentations in multitrial learning situations in which n-gram paragraphs (in Experiments 1 and 2) or word pairs (Experiments 3 and 4) were learned . In the first experiment, participants rated improvement on a percentage scale, whereas on the second and third, judgments were given on a 0–6 scale. Experiment 4 used both a percentage scale and an absolute number scale. The main result was that judgments of improvement were poorly correlated with actual improvement and, in one case, were negatively correlated. Although judgments of improvement were correlated with changes in judgments of learning, they were not reliable indicators of actual improvement. Implications are discussed for theoretical work on metacognition

    Eyewitness metamemory predicts identification performance in biased and unbiased line‐ups

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    Purpose Distinguishing accurate from inaccurate identifications is a challenging issue in the criminal justice system, especially for biased police line-ups. That is because biased line-ups undermine the diagnostic value of accuracy post-dictors such as confidence and decision time. Here, we aimed to test general and eyewitness-specific self-ratings of memory capacity as potential estimators of identification performance that are unaffected by line-up bias. Methods Participants (N = 744) completed a metamemory assessment consisting of the Multifactorial Metamemory Questionnaire and the Eyewitness Metamemory Scale and took part in a standard eyewitness paradigm. Following the presentation of a mock-crime video, they viewed either biased or unbiased line-ups. Results Self-ratings of discontentment with eyewitness memory ability were indicative of identification accuracy for both biased and unbiased line-ups. Participants who scored low on eyewitness metamemory factors also displayed a stronger confidence-accuracy calibration than those who scored high. Conclusions These results suggest a promising role for self-ratings of memory capacity in the evaluation of eyewitness identifications, while also advancing theory on self-assessments for different memory systems