2,756 research outputs found

    Note on A. Barbour’s paper on Stein’s method for diffusion approximations

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    In [2] foundations for diffusion approximation via Stein’s method are laid. This paper has been cited more than 130 times and is a cornerstone in the area of Stein’s method (see, for example, its use in [1] or [7]). A semigroup argument is used in [2] to solve a Stein equation for Gaussian diffusion approximation. We prove that, contrary to the claim in [2], the semigroup considered therein is not strongly continuous on the Banach space of continuous, real-valued functions on D[0,1] growing slower than a cubic, equipped with an appropriate norm. We also provide a proof of the exact formulation of the solution to the Stein equation of interest, which does not require the aforementioned strong continuity. This shows that the main results of [2] hold true

    Cutaneus myxosporidiasis in the Australian green tree frog (Litoria caerulea)

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    This case is reported with the intention of highlighting the presentation of cutaneous myxosporidiasis in Australian tree frog (Litoria caerulea) caused by genus Myxobolus. The morphology and morphometric characteristic of the spores were determined using light microscopy and differential interference contrast microscopy. Spores were pyriform in shape in frontal view and oval in lateral view, and the average size was respectively 11.4 × 6.0 × 4.5 μm (12.1 − 9.5 × 6.3 − 5.4 × 5.0 − 4.1 μm). To the best of our knowledge, this is the second case of skin invasion caused by myxosporeans in amphibians

    The association between mechanical ventilator compatible bed occupancy and mortality risk in intensive care patients with COVID-19: a national retrospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: The literature paints a complex picture of the association between mortality risk and ICU strain. In this study, we sought to determine if there is an association between mortality risk in intensive care units (ICU) and occupancy of beds compatible with mechanical ventilation, as a proxy for strain. METHODS: A national retrospective observational cohort study of 89 English hospital trusts (i.e. groups of hospitals functioning as single operational units). Seven thousand one hundred thirty-three adults admitted to an ICU in England between 2 April and 1 December, 2020 (inclusive), with presumed or confirmed COVID-19, for whom data was submitted to the national surveillance programme and met study inclusion criteria. A Bayesian hierarchical approach was used to model the association between hospital trust level (mechanical ventilation compatible), bed occupancy, and in-hospital all-cause mortality. Results were adjusted for unit characteristics (pre-pandemic size), individual patient-level demographic characteristics (age, sex, ethnicity, deprivation index, time-to-ICU admission), and recorded chronic comorbidities (obesity, diabetes, respiratory disease, liver disease, heart disease, hypertension, immunosuppression, neurological disease, renal disease). RESULTS: One hundred thirty-five thousand six hundred patient days were observed, with a mortality rate of 19.4 per 1000 patient days. Adjusting for patient-level factors, mortality was higher for admissions during periods of high occupancy (> 85% occupancy versus the baseline of 45 to 85%) [OR 1.23 (95% posterior credible interval (PCI): 1.08 to 1.39)]. In contrast, mortality was decreased for admissions during periods of low occupancy (< 45% relative to the baseline) [OR 0.83 (95% PCI 0.75 to 0.94)]. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing occupancy of beds compatible with mechanical ventilation, a proxy for operational strain, is associated with a higher mortality risk for individuals admitted to ICU. Further research is required to establish if this is a causal relationship or whether it reflects strain on other operational factors such as staff. If causal, the result highlights the importance of strategies to keep ICU occupancy low to mitigate the impact of this type of resource saturation

    Improvements in Skeletal Muscle Can Be Detected Using Broadband NIRS in First-Time Marathon Runners

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    Skeletal muscle metabolic function is known to respond positively to endurance exercise interventions, such as marathon training. Studies investigating skeletal muscle have typically used muscle biopsy samples or magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to interrogate metabolic function. We aimed to non-invasively detect exercise-training-induced improvements in muscle function using broadband near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). We used NIRS to determine concentration changes in oxygenated haemoglobin (HbO2) and the oxidation state of cytochrome-c-oxidase (oxCCO) in gastrocnemius during arterial occlusion in 14 volunteers. We also used a cardio-pulmonary exercise test (CPET) to assess peak total body oxygen uptake (peakVO2; a measure of fitness). Measurements were made at baseline (BL) which was prior to a period of at least 16 weeks of training for the 2017 London Marathon, and then within 3 weeks after completion of the marathon, follow-up (FU). We observed an increase in locally measured muscle oxygen consumption and rate of oxCCO concentration change, but not in cardio-respiratory fitness measured as whole-body peak oxygen consumption (peakVO2)

    The RING-CH ligase K5 antagonizes restriction of KSHV and HIV-1 particle release by mediating ubiquitin-dependent endosomal degradation of tetherin

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    Tetherin (CD317/BST2) is an interferon-induced membrane protein that inhibits the release of diverse enveloped viral particles. Several mammalian viruses have evolved countermeasures that inactivate tetherin, with the prototype being the HIV-1 Vpu protein. Here we show that the human herpesvirus Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is sensitive to tetherin restriction and its activity is counteracted by the KSHV encoded RING-CH E3 ubiquitin ligase K5. Tetherin expression in KSHV-infected cells inhibits viral particle release, as does depletion of K5 protein using RNA interference. K5 induces a species-specific downregulation of human tetherin from the cell surface followed by its endosomal degradation. We show that K5 targets a single lysine (K18) in the cytoplasmic tail of tetherin for ubiquitination, leading to relocalization of tetherin to CD63-positive endosomal compartments. Tetherin degradation is dependent on ESCRT-mediated endosomal sorting, but does not require a tyrosine-based sorting signal in the tetherin cytoplasmic tail. Importantly, we also show that the ability of K5 to substitute for Vpu in HIV-1 release is entirely dependent on K18 and the RING-CH domain of K5. By contrast, while Vpu induces ubiquitination of tetherin cytoplasmic tail lysine residues, mutation of these positions has no effect on its antagonism of tetherin function, and residual tetherin is associated with the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in Vpu-expressing cells. Taken together our results demonstrate that K5 is a mechanistically distinct viral countermeasure to tetherin-mediated restriction, and that herpesvirus particle release is sensitive to this mode of antiviral inhibition

    Microstructural Imaging in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Diffusion Imaging Changes Relate to Reduced Neurite Density

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    Purpose: Previous imaging studies in patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) have examined the spatial distribution of changes in imaging parameters such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics and cortical thickness. Multi-compartment models offer greater specificity with parameters more directly related to known changes in TLE such as altered neuronal density and myelination. We studied the spatial distribution of conventional and novel metrics including neurite density derived from NODDI (Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging) and myelin water fraction (MWF) derived from mcDESPOT (Multi-Compartment Driven Equilibrium Single Pulse Observation of T1/T2)] to infer the underlying neurobiology of changes in conventional metrics. / Methods: 20 patients with TLE and 20 matched controls underwent magnetic resonance imaging including a volumetric T1-weighted sequence, multi-shell diffusion from which DTI and NODDI metrics were derived and a protocol suitable for mcDESPOT fitting. Models of the grey matter-white matter and grey matter-CSF surfaces were automatically generated from the T1-weighted MRI. Conventional diffusion and novel metrics of neurite density and MWF were sampled from intracortical grey matter and subcortical white matter surfaces and cortical thickness was measured. / Results: In intracortical grey matter, diffusivity was increased in the ipsilateral temporal and frontopolar cortices with more restricted areas of reduced neurite density. Diffusivity increases were largely related to reductions in neurite density, and to a lesser extent CSF partial volume effects, but not MWF. In subcortical white matter, widespread bilateral reductions in fractional anisotropy and increases in radial diffusivity were seen. These were primarily related to reduced neurite density, with an additional relationship to reduced MWF in the temporal pole and anterolateral temporal neocortex. Changes were greater with increasing epilepsy duration. Bilaterally reduced cortical thickness in the mesial temporal lobe and centroparietal cortices was unrelated to neurite density and MWF. / Conclusions: Diffusivity changes in grey and white matter are primarily related to reduced neurite density with an additional relationship to reduced MWF in the temporal pole. Neurite density may represent a more sensitive and specific biomarker of progressive neuronal damage in refractory TLE that deserves further study

    Exact Results and Holography of Wilson Loops in N=2 Superconformal (Quiver) Gauge Theories

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    Using localization, matrix model and saddle-point techniques, we determine exact behavior of circular Wilson loop in N=2 superconformal (quiver) gauge theories. Focusing at planar and large `t Hooft couling limits, we compare its asymptotic behavior with well-known exponential growth of Wilson loop in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. For theory with gauge group SU(N) coupled to 2N fundamental hypermultiplets, we find that Wilson loop exhibits non-exponential growth -- at most, it can grow a power of `t Hooft coupling. For theory with gauge group SU(N) x SU(N) and bifundamental hypermultiplets, there are two Wilson loops associated with two gauge groups. We find Wilson loop in untwisted sector grows exponentially large as in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We then find Wilson loop in twisted sector exhibits non-analytic behavior with respect to difference of two `t Hooft coupling constants. By letting one gauge coupling constant hierarchically larger/smaller than the other, we show that Wilson loops in the second type theory interpolate to Wilson loop in the first type theory. We infer implications of these findings from holographic dual description in terms of minimal surface of dual string worldsheet. We suggest intuitive interpretation that in both type theories holographic dual background must involve string scale geometry even at planar and large `t Hooft coupling limit and that new results found in the gauge theory side are attributable to worldsheet instantons and infinite resummation therein. Our interpretation also indicate that holographic dual of these gauge theories is provided by certain non-critical string theories.Comment: 52 pages, 7 figures v2. more figures embedded v3. minor stylistic changes, v4. published versio

    Glossary for systematic reviews and meta-analyses

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    A systematic review aims to answer a focussed research question through a structured review of the evidence, using a predefined methodology, which often includes a meta‐analysis. A meta‐analysis is a statistical method used to combine the effect estimates from the individual studies included in a systematic review. Systematic reviews and meta‐analyses are positioned at the highest level in the hierarchy of clinical evidence. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses (PRISMA) statement was introduced in 2009 to help authors improve the quality and reliability of systematic reviews and meta‐analyses. Recently, the volume of systematic reviews and meta‐analyses in the field of Endodontology has increased; however, the quality of the published manuscripts has been reported to be sub‐optimal, which does not take account of the systematic reviews that were rejected because of more obvious deficiencies. The aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive glossary of terminology commonly used in systematic reviews and meta‐analyses in an attempt to provide easily understood definitions and explanations to assist authors when reporting systematic reviews and meta‐analyses and to allow those wishing to read them to become better informed

    The Generation of Successive Unmarked Mutations and Chromosomal Insertion of Heterologous Genes in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Using Natural Transformation

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    We have developed a simple method of generating scarless, unmarked mutations in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae by exploiting the ability of this bacterium to undergo natural transformation, and with no need to introduce plasmids encoding recombinases or resolvases. This method involves two successive rounds of natural transformation using linear DNA: the first introduces a cassette carrying cat (which allows selection by chloramphenicol) and sacB (which allows counter-selection using sucrose) flanked by sequences to either side of the target gene; the second transformation utilises the flanking sequences ligated directly to each other in order to remove the cat-sacB cassette. In order to ensure efficient uptake of the target DNA during transformation, A. pleuropneumoniae uptake sequences are added into the constructs used in both rounds of transformation. This method can be used to generate multiple successive deletions and can also be used to introduce targeted point mutations or insertions of heterologous genes into the A. pleuropneumoniae chromosome for development of live attenuated vaccine strains. So far, we have applied this method to highly transformable isolates of serovars 8 (MIDG2331), which is the most prevalent in the UK, and 15 (HS143). By screening clinical isolates of other serovars, it should be possible to identify other amenable strains

    IMPLEmenting a clinical practice guideline for acute low back pain evidence-based manageMENT in general practice (IMPLEMENT) : cluster randomised controlled trial study protocol

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    Background: Evidence generated from reliable research is not frequently implemented into clinical practice. Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are a potential vehicle to achieve this. A recent systematic review of implementation strategies of guideline dissemination concluded that there was a lack of evidence regarding effective strategies to promote the uptake of guidelines. Recommendations from this review, and other studies, have suggested the use of interventions that are theoretically based because these may be more effective than those that are not. An evidencebased clinical practice guideline for the management of acute low back pain was recently developed in Australia. This provides an opportunity to develop and test a theory-based implementation intervention for a condition which is common, has a high burden, and for which there is an evidence-practice gap in the primary care setting. Aim: This study aims to test the effectiveness of a theory-based intervention for implementing a clinical practice guideline for acute low back pain in general practice in Victoria, Australia. Specifically, our primary objectives are to establish if the intervention is effective in reducing the percentage of patients who are referred for a plain x-ray, and improving mean level of disability for patients three months post-consultation. Methods/Design: This study protocol describes the details of a cluster randomised controlled trial. Ninety-two general practices (clusters), which include at least one consenting general practitioner, will be randomised to an intervention or control arm using restricted randomisation. Patients aged 18 years or older who visit a participating practitioner for acute non-specific low back pain of less than three months duration will be eligible for inclusion. An average of twenty-five patients per general practice will be recruited, providing a total of 2,300 patient participants. General practitioners in the control arm will receive access to the guideline using the existing dissemination strategy. Practitioners in the intervention arm will be invited to participate in facilitated face-to-face workshops that have been underpinned by behavioural theory. Investigators (not involved in the delivery of the intervention), patients, outcome assessors and the study statistician will be blinded to group allocation. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN012606000098538 (date registered 14/03/2006).The trial is funded by the NHMRC by way of a Primary Health Care Project Grant (334060). JF has 50% of her time funded by the Chief Scientist Office3/2006). of the Scottish Government Health Directorate and 50% by the University of Aberdeen. PK is supported by a NHMRC Health Professional Fellowship (384366) and RB by a NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship (334010). JG holds a Canada Research Chair in Health Knowledge Transfer and Uptake. All other authors are funded by their own institutions