669 research outputs found

    Making the ‘black box’ transparent: publishing and presenting geographic knowledge

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    Preschool staff and parents’ perceptions of preschool children’s physical activity and fundamental movement skills from an area of high deprivation: a qualitative study

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    This study investigated preschool staff and parents’ perceptions of preschool children’s physical activity (PA) and fundamental movement skills (FMS), in relation to the environment, facilities, play and barriers to PA. Following institutional ethics approval, semi-structured focus groups were conducted in four preschools, with the inclusion of parents and staff of 2–4-year-old children from North Warwickshire, England. The focus groups consisted of between four and five participants and included both parents and staff. However, focus groups were homogeneous in terms of gender, socio-economic background and predominately homogeneous in ethnic background. Thematic analysis was used to identify key themes and subthemes. Emergent themes included: spacious outdoor environment, the use of climbing frames and outdoor equipment for promoting PA and developing FMS, who was responsible for PA; time, cost, health and safety concerns as barriers to PA and staff training. Findings suggest that preschools provide good opportunities for PA and FMS, especially for preschool children from low socio-economic backgrounds, allowing them access to outdoor exercise and equipment. However, results from the focus groups highlighted a need for more staff training and greater parental involvement in relation to PA and FMS opportunities, to further improve preschool children’s PA levels and develop their FMS. To increase PA and FMS in preschool children, interventions are required which continue with the current levels of PA in preschools, whilst including greater parental involvement and staff training for increasing PA levels and developing FMS.N/

    Accelerometer based physical activity levels, fundamental movement skills and weight status in British preschool children from a deprived area

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    Preschool children are recommended to participate in a minimum of 180-min physical activity (PA) per day to enhance their development and overall health. Low PA and increased obesity are thought to be linked to low mastery of fundamental movement skills (FMS) in preschool children. This study sought to investigate whether FMS influences PA levels and weight status in preschool children, in an area of low socioeconomic status. Secondary aims of this study were to determine whether gender or day of the week affected the primary outcomes. One hundred eighty-five preschool children aged 3–4 years old, participated in the study. FMS proficiency was determined using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2. PA was determined using triaxial accelerometry over a 4-day period. None of the samples met the recommended 180 min of PA. There were no significant differences in PA or weight status between preschool children with high, medium or low FMS mastery (P < 0.05). There were also no significant correlations between overall FMS and moderate to vigorous PA during the week or weekend days. Conclusion: Girls scored significantly greater at the hop, leap, and skip (locomotor skills) and the boys significantly higher at the kick (object control) (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in PA or weight status between preschool children with high, medium, or low FMS mastery, possibly because FMS mastery had not developed to a high enough level to affect PA and FMS are considered independent of physical fitness and physical features, such as weight and height.N/

    Partitioning of a polymer chain between a confining cavity and a gel

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    A lattice field theory approach to the statistical mechanics of charged polymers in electrolyte solutions [S. Tsonchev, R. D. Coalson, and A. Duncan, Phys. Rev. E 60, 4257, (1999)] is applied to the study of a polymer chain contained in a spherical cavity but able to diffuse into a surrounding gel. The distribution of the polymer chain between the cavity and the gel is described by its partition coefficient, which is computed as a function of the number of monomers in the chain, the monomer charge, and the ion concentrations in the solution.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Have applications of continuous rainfall-runoff simulation realized the vision for process-based flood frequency analysis?

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    Keith Beven was amongst the first to propose and demonstrate a combination of conceptual rainfall–runoff modelling and stochastically generated rainfall data in what is known as the ‘continuous simulation’ approach for flood frequency analysis. The motivations included the potential to establish better links with physical processes and to avoid restrictive assumptions inherent in existing methods applied in design flood studies. Subsequently, attempts have been made to establish continuous simulation as a routine method for flood frequency analysis, particularly in the UK. The approach has not been adopted universally, but numerous studies have benefitted from applications of continuous simulation methods. This paper asks whether industry has yet realized the vision of the pioneering research by Beven and others. It reviews the generic methodology and illustrates applications of the original vision for a more physically realistic approach to flood frequency analysis through a set of practical case studies, highlighting why continuous simulation was useful and appropriate in each case. The case studies illustrate how continuous simulation has helped to offer users of flood frequency analysis more confidence about model results by avoiding (or exposing) bad assumptions relating to catchment heterogeneity, inappropriateness of assumptions made in (UK) industrystandard design event flood estimation methods, and the representation of engineered or natural dynamic controls on flood flows. By implementing the vision for physically realistic analysis of flood frequency through continuous simulation, each of these examples illustrates how more relevant and improved information was provided for flood risk decision-making than would have been possible using standard methods. They further demonstrate that integrating engineered infrastructure into flood frequency analysis and assessment of environmental change are also significant motivations for adopting the continuous simulation approach in practic

    On the reliability of mean-field methods in polymer statistical mechanics

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    The reliability of the mean-field approach to polymer statistical mechanics is investigated by comparing results from a recently developed lattice mean-field theory (LMFT) method to statistically exact results from two independent numerical Monte Carlo simulations for the problems of a polymer chain moving in a spherical cavity and a polymer chain partitioning between two confining spheres of different radii. It is shown that in some cases the agreement between the LMFT and the simulation results is excellent, while in others, such as the case of strongly fluctuating monomer repulsion fields, the LMFT results agree with the simulations only qualitatively. Various approximations of the LMFT method are systematically estimated, and the quantitative discrepancy between the two sets of results is explained with the diminished accuracy of the saddle-point approximation, implicit in the mean-field method, in the case of strongly fluctuating fields.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Accelerometer-based physical activity levels differ between week and weekend ways in British preschool children

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    Participation in physical activity (PA) is fundamental to children’s future health. Studies examining the temporal pattern of PA between weekdays and weekends in British preschool children are lacking. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare PA levels between week and weekend days for UK preschool children, using objective measurements. One hundred and eighty-five preschool children (99 boys, 86 girls, aged 4–5 years), from central England wore a triaxial accelerometer (GENEActiv) for 4 days to determine PA. The time (min) and percentage (%) of time spent in light, moderate and vigorous PA (MVPA) was determined using specific cut-points for counts per minute related to 3–5 year olds. Of the sample, none of the children met the UK recommended 180 min or more of PA per day. A significant difference (P < 0.05) was observed between the amount of time that preschool children spent in sedentary behaviours on weekdays (91.9%) compared to weekend days (96.9%). During weekdays and weekend days, 6.3% and 2.0% of time was spent in MVPA, respectively. Therefore, a substantial proportion of British preschool children’s day is spent in sedentary behaviours, with less MVPA accrued during the weekend. Regular engagement during the weekdays provides opportunities to accrue PA, which may not be present on weekend days.N/

    A preliminary study into the use of tree-ring and foliar geochemistry as bio-indicators for vehicular NOx pollution in Malta

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    Duncan V. Mifsud is the grateful recipient of an Endeavour Scholarship (Republic of Malta). The Endeavour Scholarship Scheme is part-financed by the European Union – European Social Fund (ESF): Operational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2014-20.Emissions from traffic over the past few decades have become a significant source of air pollution. Among the pollutants emitted are nitrogen oxides (NOx), exposure to which can be detrimental to public health. Recent studies have shown that nitrogen (N) stable isotope ratios in tree-rings and foliage express a fingerprint of their major N source, making them appropriate for bio-monitoring purposes. In this study, we have applied this proxy to Aleppo pines (Pinus halepensis) at three distances from one of the busiest roads in Malta, a country known to suffer from intense traffic pollution. Our results showed that N and organic carbon (C) stable isotope ratios in tree-rings do not vary over the period 1980–2018 at any of the investigated sites; however, statistically significant spatial trends were apparent in both tree-rings and foliage. The roadside and transitional sites exhibited more positive δ15N and more negative δ13C values compared to those at a rural control site. This is likely due to the incorporation of 15N-enriched NOx and 13C-depleted CO2 from traffic pollution. Sampled top-soil also exhibited the δ15N trend. Our results constitute the first known application of dendrogeochemistry to atmospheric pollution monitoring in Malta.PostprintPeer reviewe
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