406 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Potential of Low Salinity Water Flooding as a Tertiary Process in Forties Sandstone Formation Fields

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    Antropología multi-situada y "Lifestyle Sports": Por un examen de la escalada a través de sus espacios

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    El objetivo de este artículo es repensar la construcción de los espacios por medio de una práctica deportiva, la escalada, realizada como un modo de vida. Desde el punto de vista de la antropología de los espacios a las concepciones más pragmáticas que surgen del trabajo de campo multi-situado, varias tradiciones han sido utilizadas para examinar el rol que ocupan los espacios de práctica en los lifestyle sports (Wheaton, 2004) modernos. Sus construcciones, apropiaciones, utilizaciones y deterioraciones, son elementos de un proceso complejo que ha sido poco desarrollado en la teoría de las "nuevas prácticas deportivas" tal como el surf, el snowboard, el skateboard y, en nuestro caso, la escalada. En efecto, si estos fenómenos han sido siempre examinados desde el punto de vista de la contracultura, también contendrán dinámicas que van más allá de una moda joven básica y que revelan fenómenos sociales y espaciales complejos. Además, mirar estas prácticas tras el vidrio del espacio permite replantear algunos elementos metodológicos propios de la práctica del trabajo etnográfico y de sus condiciones gracias a fenómenos específicos en este campoThe aim of this paper is re-thinking the construction of space through an alternative sport, climbing, acted as a way of life by those who practise it. From the point of view of the Anthropology of space to the emergent pragmatic conception of a multisite field research, different traditions have been mobilized to examine the importance of the sites of practice in regards to modern lifestyle leisure's. The construction, appropriation, uses and degradations of the space, as elements of a complex process which have been relatively denigrated and left out in the theoretical production linked to these "news sport activities" such as surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding and, in this case, sport climbing. In fact, most of the studies dedicated to theses phenomena's focused on the counter-cultural aspects without giving importance to the social and spatial dynamics, which go beyond a youth's simple and modern tendency and are actually of a much more complex nature. Furthermore, examining theses practices through the frame of the concept of space allows a reflexion on certain methodological tools of the ethnographic practice and it's conditions, due to the specificity of this kind of fiel

    Experimental characterization of friction coefficients at the tool-chip-workpiece interface in cutting: Evaluation of lubrication efficiency of mineral oil

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    Collaboration avec le LTDS/ENISEThe characterization of friction coefficients at the tool-chip-workpiece interface remains an issue. This paper presents a new experimental set-up able to simulate similar tribological phenomena as the ones occurring at the tool-chip-workpiece interface. Especially, this system aims to reach contact pressures up to 3 GPa and sliding velocities between 0 to 1000 m/min, and to obtain an open-tribosystem (continuous regeneration of the tool-workmaterial contact). This system has been applied to the characterization of the tool-chip-workpiece interface during the cutting of an AISI4142 treated steel with TiN coated tools. Two environments have been tested: dry cutting, lubrication with a basic mineral oil. The effect of the mineral oil has been investigated

    S and Q Matrices Reloaded: applications to open, inhomogeneous, and complex cavities

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    We present a versatile numerical algorithm for computing resonances of open dielectric cavities. The emphasis is on the generality of the system's configuration, i.e. the geometry of the (main) cavity (and possible inclusions) and the internal and external dielectric media (homogeneous and inhomogeneous). The method is based on a scattering formalism to obtain the position and width of the (quasi)-eigenmodes. The core of the method lies in the scattering S-matrix and its associated delay Q-matrix which contain all the relevant information of the corresponding scattering experiment. For instance, the electromagnetic near- and far-fields are readily extracted. The flexibility of the propagation method is displayed for a selected system.Comment: 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (2013

    Progressive Block Graying and Landmarks Enhancing as Intermediate Representations between Buildings and Urban Areas

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    workshopInternational audienceGeovisualization applications that allow the navigation between maps at different scales while zooming in and out often provide no smooth transition between the individual building level of abstraction and the representation of whole urban areas as polygons. In order to reduce the cognitive load of the user, we seek to add intermediate zoom levels with intermediate and progressive abstractions between buildings and urban areas. This paper proposes a method based on progressive block graying while enhancing building landmarks, to derive these intermediate representations from the individual buildings. Block graying is based on an automatic building classification, and a multiple criteria decision technique to infer inner city blocks. The landmarks identification relies on machine learning and several criteria based on geometry and spatial relations. The method is tested with real cartographic data between the 1:25k (with individual buildings) and the 1:100k scale (with urban areas): transitions with one, two, or three intermediate representations are derived and tested

    Assessing the Variation of Visual Complexity in Multi-Scale Maps with Clutter Measures

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    workshopInternational audienceMapping applications, where a multi-scale navigation is available, display multi-scale maps, i.e. a set of maps at different scales. Across scales, the map levels (Fig. 1) can present large differences in terms of representation, due to cartographic generalisation. In our research project [2], we assume that adding intermediate representations between existing map levels could be one way to reduce these differences and to enable smooth transitions while zooming. Inspired by the literature (§2.b), we believe that smooth zooming requires regular and small variations of map complexity across scales. In this paper, we present our experiments assessing clutter variation in existing multi-scale maps. This study seeks to identify if clutter variations may predict the perceived variation of visual complexity in multi-scale maps. After presenting some research works connected to our experiments (§2), the following sections address our research issues and study procedure (§3), then results analysis (§4). Lastly, we discuss the relevance of clutter measures for our project and presents our future work (§5)

    Designing Multi-Scale Maps: Lessons Learned from Existing Practices

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    International audienceMapping applications display multi-scale maps where zooming in and out triggers the display of different maps at different scales. Multi-scale maps strongly augmented the potential uses of maps, compared to the traditional single-scaled paper maps. But the exploration of the multi-scale maps can be cognitively difficult for users because the content of the maps can be very different at different scales. This paper seeks to identify the factors in the design of map content and style that increase or decrease the exploration cognitive load, in order to improve multi-scales map design. We studied sixteen existing examples of multi-scale maps to identify these factors that influence a fluid zooming interaction. Several different analyses were conducted on these sixteen multiscale maps. We first conducted a guided visual exploration of the maps, and a detailed study of the scales of the maps, to identify general trends of good practices (e.g. the WMTS standard that defines zoom levels is widely used) and potential ways of improvement (e.g. a same map is often used at multiple successive zoom levels). Then, we focused on the visual complexity of the multi-scale maps by analyzing how it varies, continuously or not, across scales, using clutter measures, which showed a peak of complexity at zoom level 12 of the WMTS standard. Finally, we studied how buildings and roads are subject to abstraction changes across scales (e.g. at what zoom level individual buildings turn into built-up areas), which can be one of the causes of exploration difficulties. We identified some good practices to reduce the impact of abstraction changes, for instance by mixing different levels of abstraction in the same map.Les applications cartographiques actuelles affichent des cartes multi-échelles, dans lesquelles une interaction de zoom avant ou arrière déclenche l'affichage d'une nouvelle carte à plus grande ou plus petite échelle. Ces cartes multi-échelles permettent des utilisations beaucoup plus vastes et diverses que les traditionnelles cartes topographiques imprimées sur papier. Mais l'exploration interactive de ces cartes peut entrainer une charge cognitive assez lourde car le contenu des cartes peut varier très fortement entre les différentes échelles, et il devient difficile de se repérer. Cet article cherche à identifier les facteurs du design cartographique qui influent sur cette charge cognitive lors d'un changement d'échelle, avec pour objectif à long terme d'améliorer les pratiques de conception de cartes multi-échelles. Nous avons ainsi étudié seize exemples de cartes multi-échelles pour identifier les facteurs permettant d'influer sur la fluidité du zoom. Plusieurs analyses différentes ont été menées sur ces seize cartes. Nous avons d'abord réalisé une analyse visuelle de ces cartes selon divers critères, et une étude détaillée des différentes échelles utilisées, afin d'identifier des tendances (comme l'utilisation massive du standard WMTS), ou des pistes d'amélioration (par exemple, l'utilisation d'une même carte à plusieurs échelles parait sous-optimale). Nous avons ensuite mesuré la variation de complexité visuelle des cartes quand les échelles varient à l'aide de mesures de l'effet de ≪ clutter ≫ ce qui a notamment montré un pic de complexité pour les cartes présentées au niveau de zoom n∘12 du standard WMTS. Enfin, nous avons étudié les changements de niveau d'abstraction spécifiquement sur les thèmes ≪ bâti ≫ et ≪ routes ≫ (par exemple à quelle échelle la représentation des bâtiments individuels est remplacée par une représentation de l'aire urbaine), ce qui a permis de mettre en valeur une cause possible de ces difficultés d'exploration. Des bonnes pratiques ont été identifiées pour une meilleure transition entre les niveaux d'abstraction, notamment en les combinant dans une même carte à une échelle de transition

    “Relatos del espacio”: Construcción simbólica y circulación de referentes culturales en una practica deportiva

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    “ACCOUNT OF THE SPACE”: Symbolic construction and circulation of cultural referents of a sport activit

    Calculs des propriétés électroniques du GaAsN, de nanotubes de carbone et de polymères à faible gap par méthodes ab initio

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Escalador professional: el treball creatiu en l’àmbit esportiu

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    Aquesta tesi qüestiona les maneres de producció de valor i els mecanismes de treball en un entorn particular, el de l’escalada, a través de les eines conceptuals dels estudis en el camp de la creació. Recolzant- se en les recerques del treball creatiu dutes a terme als mons de l’art, de la moda, o de la comunicació, s’aborda la construcció de la figura de l’escalador professional entenent-la com el resultat d’un procés col·lectiu d’elaboració en el qual es mobilitzen diferents grups d’actors. Aquest treball col·lectiu produeix un ideal de “professional” articulat entorn d’una trajectòria esportiva d’origen vocacional que es desenvolupada a través de múltiples desplaçaments geogràfics i gràcies al suport de les empreses, les marques i les federacions. Amb l’objectiu de comprendre aquest procés, es va realitzar una recerca etnogràfica entre 2012 i 2014 els Estats Units i a Europa Occidental amb escaladors de referència mundial, fotògrafs, càmeres, periodistes i membres de la indústria especialitzada. En aquesta tesi s’aborden, en un primer lloc, les motivacions que inciten actors a treballar junts, així com les diferents modalitats d’aquest treball creatiu i, en segon lloc, l’organització, estructuració i mecanismes que estructuren aquest últim. L’anàlisi revela l’heterogeneïtat de les tasques realitzades i de les situacions de treball posant en relleu la naturalesa construïda de les categories professionals. De fet, més enllà del significat i de les representacions associades a la “figura” de l’escalador professional dedicat exclusivament a la realització d’una activitat primària, l’escalada, el treball de l’escalador professional es basa fonamentalment en la polivalència professional. Aquesta tesi analitza la quotidianitat d’aquells que han arribat al cim del seu “art” contribuint al coneixement sobre el treball creatiu tal com ha estat analitzat en altres àrees