628 research outputs found

    A journey from the Hitchin section to the oper moduli

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    A journey from the Hitchin section to the oper moduli

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    Lectures on the topological recursion for Higgs bundles and quantum curves

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    © 2018 World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. This chapter aims at giving an introduction to the notion of quantum curves. The main purpose is to describe the new discovery of the relation between the following two disparate subjects: one is the topological recursion, that has its origin in random matrix theory and has been effectively applied to many enumerative geometry problems; and the other is the quantization of Hitchin spectral curves associated with Higgs bundles. Our emphasis is on explaining the motivation and examples. Concrete examples of the direct relation between Hitchin spectral curves and enumeration problems are given. A general geometric framework of quantum curves is also discussed

    Interplay between opers, quantum curves, WKB analysis, and Higgs bundles

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    Quantum curves were introduced in the physics literature. We develop a mathematical framework for the case associated with Hitchin spectral curves. In this context, a quantum curve is a Rees D\mathcal{D}-module on a smooth projective algebraic curve, whose semi-classical limit produces the Hitchin spectral curve of a Higgs bundle. We give a method of quantization of Hitchin spectral curves by concretely constructing one-parameter deformation families of opers. We propose a generalization of the topological recursion of Eynard-Orantin and Mirzakhani for the context of singular Hitchin spectral curves. We show a surprising result that a PDE version of the topological recursion provides all-order WKB analysis for the Rees D\mathcal{D}-modules, defined as the quantization of Hitchin spectral curves associated with meromorphic SL(2,C)SL(2,\mathbb{C})-Higgs bundles. Topological recursion is thus identified as a process of quantization of Hitchin spectral curves. We prove that these two quantizations, one via the construction of families of opers, and the other via the PDE topological recursion, agree for holomorphic and meromorphic SL(2,C)SL(2,\mathbb{C})-Higgs bundles. Classical differential equations such as the Airy differential equation provides a typical example. Through these classical examples, we see that quantum curves relate Higgs bundles, opers, a conjecture of Gaiotto, and quantum invariants, such as Gromov-Witten invariants. <br

    Mirror curve of orbifold Hurwitz numbers

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    Edge-contraction operations form an effective tool in various graph enumeration problems, such as counting Grothendieck's dessins d'enfants and simple and double Hurwitz numbers. These counting problems can be solved by a mechanism known as topological recursion, which is a mirror B-model corresponding to these counting problems. We show that for the case of orbifold Hurwitz numbers, the mirror objects, i.e., the spectral curve and the differential forms on it, are constructed solely from the edge-contraction operations of the counting problem in genus 00 and one marked point. This forms a parallelism with Gromov-Witten theory, where genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants correspond to mirror B-model holomorphic geometry

    Parity Mixed Doublets in A = 36 Nuclei

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    The γ\gamma-circular polarizations (PγP_{\gamma}) and asymmetries (AγA_{\gamma}) of the parity forbidden M1 + E2 γ\gamma-decays: 36Cl(Jπ=2;T=1;Ex=1.95^{36}Cl^{\ast} (J^{\pi} = 2^{-}; T = 1; E_{x} = 1.95 MeV) \rightarrow 36Cl(Jπ=2+;T=1;g.s.)^{36}Cl (J^{\pi} = 2^{+}; T = 1; g.s.) and 36Ar(Jπ=2;T=0;Ex=4.97^{36}Ar^{\ast} (J^{\pi} = 2^{-}; T = 0; E_{x} = 4.97 MeV) \rightarrow 36Ar(Jπ=2+;T=0;Ex=1.97^{36}Ar^{\ast} (J^{\pi} = 2^{+}; T = 0; E_{x} = 1.97 MeV) are investigated theoretically. We use the recently proposed Warburton-Becker-Brown shell-model interaction. For the weak forces we discuss comparatively different weak interaction models based on different assumptions for evaluating the weak meson-hadron coupling constants. The results determine a range of PγP_{\gamma} values from which we find the most probable values: PγP_{\gamma} = 1.11041.1 \cdot 10^{-4} for 36Cl^{36}Cl and PγP_{\gamma} = 3.51043.5 \cdot 10^{-4} for 36Ar^{36}Ar.Comment: RevTeX, 17 pages; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Exertional dyspnoea in pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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    Dyspnoea is a principal presenting symptom in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), and often the most distressing. The pathophysiology of PAH is relatively well understood, with the primary abnormality of pulmonary vascular disease resulting in a combination of impaired cardiac output on exercise and abnormal gas exchange, both contributing to increased ventilatory drive. However, increased ventilatory drive is not the sole explanation for the complex neurophysiological and neuropsychological symptom of dyspnoea, with other significant contributions from skeletal muscle reflexes, respiratory muscle function, and psychological and emotional status. In this review, we explore the physiological aspects of dyspnoea in PAH, both in terms of the central cardiopulmonary abnormalities of PAH and the wider, systemic impact of PAH, and how these interact with common comorbidities. Finally, we discuss its relationship with disease severity

    Nonlinear PDEs for Fredholm determinants arising from string equations

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    String equations related to 2D gravity seem to provide, quite naturally and systematically, integrable kernels, in the sense of Its-Izergin-Korepin and Slavnov. Some of these kernels (besides the "classical" examples of Airy and Pearcey) have already appeared in random matrix theory and they have a natural Wronskian structure, given by one of the operators in the string relation [L±,Q±]=±1[L^\pm,Q^\pm] = \pm 1, namely L±L^\pm. The kernels are intimately related to wave functions for Gel'fand-Dickey reductions of the KP hierarchy. The Fredholm determinants of these kernels also satisfy Virasoro constraints leading to PDEs for their log derivatives, and these PDEs depend explicitly on the solutions of Painlev\'e-like systems of ODEs equivalent to the relevant string relations. We give some examples coming from critical phenomena in random matrix theory (higher order Tracy-Widom distributions) and statistical mechanics (Ising models).Comment: Accepted for publication on the AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series, 36 page

    Exploration of Finite 2D Square Grid by a Metamorphic Robotic System

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    We consider exploration of finite 2D square grid by a metamorphic robotic system consisting of anonymous oblivious modules. The number of possible shapes of a metamorphic robotic system grows as the number of modules increases. The shape of the system serves as its memory and shows its functionality. We consider the effect of global compass on the minimum number of modules necessary to explore a finite 2D square grid. We show that if the modules agree on the directions (north, south, east, and west), three modules are necessary and sufficient for exploration from an arbitrary initial configuration, otherwise five modules are necessary and sufficient for restricted initial configurations