18 research outputs found
Die Nationalparks in Rumänien im Kontext der EU-Erweiterung: ein Überblick
Rumänien verfügt über ein reiches und besonders vielfältiges Naturvermögen dank der Interferenz von drei biogeographischen Regionen: die Mitteleuropäische Region mit ihren dakischen und pannonischen Unterregionen, die Mittelmeerregion mit ihrer möesischen Unterregion und die Pontisch-kaspische mit ihrer pontischen Unterregion. Dieser Raum ist noch durch eine große Vielfalt von Landschaften charakterisiert, die nur wenig durch menschliche Tätigkeiten umgestaltet wurden. Ihr Schutz ist nicht nur dafür nötig, um letzte natürliche Landschaften und wertvollen Pflanzen- und Tierbestand zu bewahren, sondern auch um ihre nachhaltige Entwicklung zu sichern. Die Naturschutzgebiete nehmen zurzeit eine Fläche von 1.762.362,6 ha ein (7,39% der Fläche Rumäniens). Gemäß Gesetz Nr. 5 vom Jahre 2000 und dem Beschluss der rumänischen Regierung Nr. 2151 vom Jahre 2004 gibt es in Rumänien 958 Schutzgebiete: 12 Nationalparks (304.729 ha), 13 Naturparks (827.799,6 ha), von denen 3 Biosphärenreservate, 54 wissenschaftliche Reservate (100.224,1 ha), 601 Naturreservate (157.028, 9 ha) und 231 Naturdenkmäler sind. Die Naturschutzgebiete stellen heute die effizienteste Strategie zur Konservierung der natürlichen Biodiversität Rumäniens, einer der bedeutendsten in Europa, dar. Von den 12 Nationalparks ist der flächengrößte der Domogled-Valea Cernei (60.100 ha) und der flächenkleinste der Buila-Vânturarita Nationalpark (4.186 ha). Nur das Retezat-Gebirge wurde bereits zur Zeit des Rumänischen Königreiches zum Nationalpark erklärt, die meisten Nationalparks sind erst 1990, nach dem Sturz des kommunistischen Regimes, entstanden. Im Zuge der Angleichung an die europäischen Normen erweitert Rumänien den Umfang seiner geschützten Gebiete, die, gemäß des Beitrittsprogramms zur EU, 10% der Landesfläche einnehmen sollen. Neben den anderen Kategorien von Naturschutzflächen (Naturschutzgebiete, Naturparks und Biosphärenreservate) werden in Jahre 2006 vier weitere Nationalparks entstehen: die Jiu-Schlucht, das Fagaras-Gebirge und das Parâng-Gebirge in den Südkarpaten sowie das Ciucas-Gebirge an der Nahtstelle der Ostkarpaten mit den Südkarpaten. Für die Nationalparks sind die Kommision für Naturdenkmäler der Rumänischen Akademie sowie das Ministeriums für Umwelt und Gewässerwirtschaft verantwortlich. Ein weiteres von der EU gefördertes Projekt zum Schutz der Biodiversität ist das "Netzwerk Natura 2000", in dessen Rahmen Rumänien bis zum EU-Beitritt 2007 eine Liste der besonders wertvollen Pflanzen- und Tierarten, Lebensräume (Habitate) und Standorte (Vorkommen) erstellen soll. Zu diesem Zweck befassen sich mehrere Gruppen von Fachleuten (Botaniker, Zoologen, Entomologen, Ornithologen, Mammalogen, Herpetologen, Hydrobiologen, Forstwissenschaftler usw.) mit der Identifizierung der Arten, Lebensräume und Standorte von gesamtgesellschaftlichem europäischen Interesse. (Autorenreferat)Thanks to the interference of the three biogeographic regions, Romania has a rich and especially diverse natural potential: the central European region with its Dacic and Pannonic subregions, the Mediterranean region with its Moesic subregion and the Pontic/Caspian region with its Pontic subregion. These areas still have a wide variety of different landscapes that have been changed little by human hands. It is not only necessary to protect them to preserve the last natural landscapes and valuable stock of plants and animals, but also to ensure their sustainable development. These nature conservation areas encompass 1,762,362. 6 hectares (7.39% of the area of Romania). Law number 5 from 2000 and resolution number 2151 from 2004 of the Romanian government set forth 958 conservation areas in Romania: 12 national parks (304,729 hectares) and 13 natural parks (827,799.6 hectares) with 3 biosphere reservations, 54 scientific reservations (100,224.1 hectares), 601 natural reservations (157,028.9 hect ares) and 231 natural landmarks. In the process of aligning their policy with European standards, Romania has been expanding the scope of its conservation areas that are supposed to encompass 10% of its natural area according to the accession programme of the European Union. Beyond the other categories of conservation areas (nature conservation areas, natural parks and biosphere reservations), four ot her national parks will be created in 2006: the Jiu Canyon, the Fãgãraº Mountain Range and the Parâng Mountain Range in the South Carpathian Mountains including the Ciu caº Mountain Range on the border of the East Carpathian Mountains with the South Carpathian Mountains. Another project funded by the European Union for conserving biodiversity is the Natura 2000 Network where Romania will draw up a list of the particularly valuable plant and animal species, living spaces and locations by the time Romania enters the European Union in 2007. Several groups of experts (such as botanists, zoologists, entomologists, ornithologists, mammalogists, herpetologists, hydrobiologists and forestry experts) have taken this occasion to identify the species, living spaces and locations that are of interest to all of Europe. (author's abstract
A hoard of astragals discovered in the Copper Age settlement at Iepureşti, Giurgiu County, Romania
This article presents the discovery of 25 abraded and perforated ovicaprid astragals in a burned house at the Gumelnita Copper Age settlement at Iepuresti in Southern Romania. They were analysed in terms of their processing, of the taphonomic processes that affected them (burning), and of their spatial distribution. These astragals were also analysed in the wider context of more or less similar discoveries made mainly south and east of the Carpathian Mountains, in Romania, but also south of the Danube, in Bulgaria.V članku predstavljamo odkritje 25 odrgnjenih in preluknjanih gležnjic/astragalov ovce/ koze v požgani hiši na bakrenodobni naselbini kulture Gumelnita pri kraju Lepuresti v južni Romuniji. Preučili smo obdelavo, tafonomske procese (žganje) in prostorsko razporeditev teh najdb. Gležnjice/astragale smo preučevali tudi v širšem kontekstu bolj ali manj podobnih najdb, ki so jih izdelovali v glavnem južno in vzhodno od Karpatov v Romuniji, a tudi južno od Donave v Bolgariji
Assessing the potential distribution of invasive alien species Amorpha fruticosa (Mill.) in the Mureş Floodplain Natural Park (Romania) using GIS and logistic regression
The assessment of invasive terrestrial plant species in the Romanian protected areas is an important research direction, especially since the adventive species have become biological hazards with significant impacts on biodiversity. Due to limited resources being available for the control of the invasive plants, the modelling of the spatial potential distribution is particularly useful in order to find the best measures to eliminate them or prevent their introduction and spread, as well as including them in the management plans of protected areas. Thus, the present paper aims to assess one of the most disturbing invasive terrestrial plant species in Europe – A. fruticosa in one of the most important natural protected area in Romania, i.e. Mureş Floodplain Natural Park (V IUCN category and RAMSAR –Wetlands of International Importance). The current study is a geographical approach seeking to explain the spatial relationships between this invasive species and several explanatory factors (soil type, depth to water, vegetation cover, forest fragmentation and distance to near waters, roads and settlements) and to assess its potential distribution by integrating GIS and logistic regression into spatial simulation. The resultant probability map can be used by the park’s administration in implementing the Management Plan in terms of identifying the areas with the highest occurrence potential of A. fruticosa according to the primary habitats and ecosystems and setting up actions for its eradication/limitation
Data on European kitchen layouts belonging to vulnerable consumers (elderly people and young families with children or pregnant women) and risk-takers (young single men)
The data presented here capture the structure of kitchen lay- outs belonging to consumers vulnerable to foodborne dis- eases and food risk-takers. Data were collected in the frame of the SafeConsume project by multidisciplinary research teams that visited consumers during preparing a meal and had the possibility to examine their cooking routines. Dis- tances between sink and stove, sink and refrigerator, stove and refrigerator, sink and working place (countertop or ta- ble), stove and working place were analyzed to correlate food safety practices applied during cooking with kitchen arrange- ments. The results arising from analyzing the ergonomics of kitchens versus potential cross-contamination events are presented in Mihalache et al., [1]. These data contribute to a better understanding of real kitchen layouts and can be used as a starting point for future research regarding food safety-oriented arrangements instead of ergonomics-focused designs, for food safety risk assessments, as study cases for explaining specific measures that can be established to im- prove food handling and hygiene practices in homes and for sociological research pointing consumers’ behavior during cooking.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
On the Biogeographical Significance of Protected Forest Areas in Southern Romania
The current study is seeking to highlight the biogeographical significance of the protected areas located in southern Romania, a territory continuously exposed to strong human pressure since early times (e.g., extensive/intensive agricultural use, industrialization, urbanization/suburbanization processes). As a result, the primeval vegetation has been massively transformed and forests have been significantly fragmented and reduced to even smaller surfaces (e.g., Călăraşi County has the smallest forest-covered area in Romania). Under these conditions, the current forest patches have suffered important floristic and faunistic structural changes. Some forest remnants have been assigned protected areas status of biogeographical significance, as they host and preserve valuable southern arboreta species and xerothermal associations, secular and multi-secular arboreta (even some virgin arboreta), relict, endemic or unique species, or having their world biological limit. To stress the biogeographical significance of the forest protected areas, the authors carried out in-depth investigations of the ecosystem structure focusing on the spatial and statistical changes occurring over recent centuries and the key phyto- and zoological elements relied on the cross-referencing the biological, biogeographical, and geographical scientific literature and on the reviewing of the historical data sources. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the biogeographical elements based on selected indicative taxa (Quercus species) and witness species considered important for southern Romania, which were able to reconstruct the original ecosystems to explain and understand their significance for the preservation of the current ecosystems
Invasive terrestrial plant species in the Romanian protected areas. A review of the geographical aspects
Geographical factors play an essential role in the occurrence and spread of invasive species worldwide, and their particular analysis at regional and local scales becomes important in understanding species development patterns. The present paper discusses the relationships between some key geographical factors and the Invasive Terrestrial Plant Species (ITPS) distribution, and their environmental implications in a few protected areas in Romania. The authors focused their attention on three of the foremost invaders (i.e. Amorpha fruticosa, Ailanthus altissima and Fallopia japonica) making use of the information provided by the scientific literature and some illustrative examples developed in the framework of the FP7 enviroGRIDS project. The study is aimed to increase the knowledge of the ITPS and, specifically, to contribute to the geographical understanding of the role played by the driving factors in their distribution and spread in various habitats and ecosystems. The results will further support the control efforts in protected areas where, often, valuable native species are at risk of being replaced by non-native species
Konkurenčnost in kohezija v regionalnem razvoju Romunije
The assessment of the socio-economic disparities at the regional level is one of the priority development topics. In particular, in formerly socialistic-planned countries, the development driven by the transition period, the accession to the European Union and the economic crisis, the regional disparities are present. The main aim of the research has been to identify the most competitive and the most cohesive Development Regions in Romania by computing, mapping and analysing two secondary indexes (Territorial Competitiveness and Territorial Cohesion). Overall, the investigation shows that economic performance is more consolidated in central and western regions based on their mature and innovative industries, better-developed services and urbanisation/suburbanisation processes, while the eastern and southern development regions, with predominantly rural traits, experienced a significant industrial decline and social deprivation. The most competitive Development Region is Bucharest-Ilfov, given the advantage conferred by Bucharest Capital City, the main economic and social polarising centre in Romania. For reducing regional disparities, the Cohesion Policy should allocate increased funds for countries with least developed regions. The study provides the result of quantitative and qualitative analysis on the regional-level territorial disparities in Romania that could easily be considered as guidelines in the decision-making process while trying to achieve the competitiveness and cohesion goals.Ocena družbeno-gospodarskih razlik med regijam je ena izmed glavnih razvojnih tem. To še posebej velja za nekdanje socialistične-planske države, kjer smo priča velikim regionalnim razlikam, ki so nastale zaradi razvoja pod vplivom tranzicijskega obdobja, vstopa v Evropsko unijo in gospodarske krize. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil identificirati najbolj konkurenčne in najbolj povezovalne razvojne regije v Romuniji, in sicer z izračunom, kartiranjem in analizo dveh sekundarnih indeksov (teritorialna konkurenčnost in teritorialna kohezija). Rezultati so pokazali na bolj konsolidirano gospodarsko dejavnost v osrednjih in zahodnih regijah, kjer gospodarstvo temelji na zreli in inovativni industriji, bolj razvitih storitvah in procesih urbanizacije/suburbanizacije, medtem ko se regije na vzhodu in jugu s prevladujočimi ruralnimi območji srečujejo s krčenjem industrijske dejavnosti in družbenim pomanjkanjem. Najbolj konkurenčna je razvojna regija Bukarešta-Ilfov glavnim mestom Bukarešta, ki je glavno gospodarsko in družbeno središče Romunije. Za zmanjšanje regionalnih razlik bi moralo biti v okviru kohezijske politike več sredstev dodeljenih državam z manj razvitimi regijami. V študiji so podani rezultati kvantitativne in kvalitativne analize o teritorialnih razlikah med regijami v Romuniji, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti kot usmeritve pri sprejemanju odločitev za zagotovitev konkurenčnega in usklajenega regionalnega razvoja
A hoard of astragals discovered in the Copper Age settlement at Iepureşti, Giurgiu County, Romania
This article presents the discovery of 25 abraded and perforated ovicaprid astragals in a burned house at the Gumelnita Copper Age settlement at Iepuresti in Southern Romania. They were analysed in terms of their processing, of the taphonomic processes that affected them (burning), and of their spatial distribution. These astragals were also analysed in the wider context of more or less similar discoveries made mainly south and east of the Carpathian Mountains, in Romania, but also south of the Danube, in Bulgaria
Post-communist land use changes related to urban sprawl in the Romanian metropolitan areas
The landscape pattern of the Romanian urban system has experienced significant transformations as a result of the rapid and irreversible changes undertaken after the fall of the communism. In Romania almost 34% of its total population are living in metropolitan areas. The paper is aiming to analyse the landscape-related challenges land-use/land-cover changes in the Romanian metropolitan areas in relation with the main factors involved in the patterns of change: demographic, political and natural. Based on the investigation of relevant cartographic supports of the last 20 years, the authors are making use of different GIS methods in order to conduct a series of complex analysis of the spatial-temporal landscape challenges. The paper will mainly focus on four metropolitan areas considered as case-studies: the capital-city (Bucharest) and the three functional metropolitan areas (Oradea, Iaşi and Constanţa), each metropolitan area is facing different patterns and causes of change