68 research outputs found

    Tactile Discrimination, Praxis and Cognitive Impulsivity in ADHD Children: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    In this section you can acknowledge any support given which is not covered by the author contribution or funding sections. This may include administrative and technical support, or donations in kind (e.g., materials used for experiments).Background: The study of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has traditionally focused on deficit of inhibitory control and cognitive impulsivity. However, the pathophysiology of ADHD has also been associated with the somatosensory cortex. The aim of this study was to explore if there were differences in tactile discrimination and praxis between neurotypical and ADHD children and whether these differences could be explained by cognitive impulsivity. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample comprised 74 children aged 7 to 11 years divided in two groups: 43 with neurotypical development, 31 with ADHD. To assess tactile discrimination, the finger localization and the graphestesia tests were used. Praxis was assessed with the Kaufman Assesment Battery for Children (K-ABC) hand movement subtest, the action program and the Zoo Map subtests of the Behavioral Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome, and the complex figure of Rey–Osterrieth test (ROCF). Cognitive impulsivity was assessed using the Magallanes Computerized Impulsivity Scale test (EMIC). Results: Children with ADHD showed greater cognitive impulsivity (p = 0.038) and scored lower in Zoo Map (p = 0.023) and hand-movement subtests (p = 0.002), and in ROCF test (p = 0.004). Differences in praxis skills still remained after controlling by gender and cognitive impulsivity. Conclusion: Praxis deficit might have repercussions not only on the characterization of ADHD but also on its treatment

    Development, psychometrics and feasibility of the School Participation Questionnaire: A teacher measure of participation related constructs

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    Background: We report development of the SPQ (School Participation Questionnaire) a teachercompleted measure of participation related constructs. The SPQ was developed to support participation-related assessment, interventions, and research in the inclusive school context. Methods: Several iterative steps were undertaken. An international panel of experts reviewed content validity. A 66-item pilot questionnaire was administered in schools. Mokken and Rasch model analysis were applied. Internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Analyses were conducted on associations with teacher and child demographic variables. Feedback was sourced from users. Participants were teachers of 101 children (5− 12 years old) with a range of disabilities, including intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder and learning difficulties. Results: Four participation-related dimensions of the SPQ were confirmed. Rasch person and item reliability were good, and 2–4 strata were confirmed per scale. Internal consistency was good (all scales, Cronbach α > 0.8). Mean administration time was 11.7 min. Mean SPQ scores were independent of teacher characteristics. A significant effect of school support level, eligibility for free school meals and gender was found. Through synthesising analytic results and feedback, a new 46-item tool was obtained. Conclusion: The results of this study provide evidence of acceptability, practicality and validity. The SPQ is the first tool developed to assess participation related constructs in schools, and it contains novel information not given by other assessments. The SPQ may be used by practitioners and researchers to understand and improve the participation of children with a range of disabilities in schools.NHS LothianCity of Edinburgh CouncilScottish Governmen

    A New Assessment for Activities of Daily Living in Spanish Schoolchildren: A Preliminary Study of its Psychometric Properties

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    We want to thank all the participants who kindly dedicated their time to help us in this research.Background: Activities of daily living (ADL), which are divided into basic (BADL) and instrumental (IADL), allows us to survive and to live in the society. Cognitive skills are a key aspect in BADL outcomes. After reviewing existing BADL tools for Spanish schoolchildren, issues such as not covering the full age range or not having a BADL-centred vision were found. We aim to develop a new tool for BADL assessment in Spanish schoolchildren. Methods: The new tool was administered to 375 participants (47.2% boys and 52.8% girls) from 6 to 12 years of age. Analyses were carried out to find out the structure (semiconfirmatory factor analysis) and internal consistency (ordinal alpha) of BADL. Results: Four scales formed the instrument (Eating, Personal Hygiene, Getting Dressed, and General Functioning) with an interpretable solution of 12 factors (Manual Dexterity, Proprioception, Oral Sensitivity, Good Manners, Hygiene and Grooming, Toileting Needs Communication, Bladder and Bowel Control, Showering, Independent Dressing Tasks, Full Dressing, Executive Functions, and Self-Regulation) with 84 items + 6 qualitative items for girls. The reliability values obtained were acceptable (.70–.88). Conclusions: The tool seems to be a practical and reliable instrument to assess BADL and cognitive skills during BADL in Spanish schoolchildren.This research was partially funded by Colegio Profesional de Terapeutas Ocupacionales de Extremadura (COPTOEX)

    Trastorno Somatosensorial en niños con Trastornos por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad.

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    Introducción: El estudio de los trastornos por déficit de atención (ADHD) se ha centrado en la falta de control inhibitorio como déficit primario, aunque su fisiopatología también se ha relacionado con la corteza somatosensorial. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer si existe un trastorno para la discriminación sensorial táctil y praxis en los niños con ADHD y si éste es similar en los subtipos inatento (ADHD-I) y combinado (ADHD-C). Método: los participantes fueron 74 niños entre 7 y 11 años: 43 niños neurotípicos; 31 niños con TDAH . Se utilizaron diferentes pruebas neuropsicológicas para valorar la percepción táctil y praxis: subpruebas del WISC-III-R de aritmética, vocabulario, cubos y rompecabezas; una tarea computarizada EMIC; Cubos de Corsi; subprueba de localización de puntos del VOSP; subprueba de Cierre Visual y Movimiento de Manos de la K-ABC; pruebas de Grafestesias de Luria-Nebraska Neuropychological Battery: Children´s Revision ; pruebas de renocimiento de dedos de Reitan; subpruebas de acción y el Mapa del Zoo del BADS; y la Figura Compleja de Rey . Resultados: Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos en identificación de dedos, gnosis digital, grafestesias y praxis. Conclusiones: Los niños con ADHD realizaron peor las tareas de reconocimiento de dedos, grafestesias, praxis motora, copia de figuras, planificación de la acción y secuenciación de la mismas, que podría afectar al aprendizaje y la realización de tareas que requieren destrezas motoras finas tales como escribir y otras actividades manuales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Activities of Daily Living and Categorization Skills of Elderly with Cognitive Deficit: A Preliminary Study

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    Cognitive dysfunction affects the performance of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and the quality of life of people with these deficits and their caregivers. To the knowledge of the authors, to date, there are few studies that focus on knowing the relationship between personal autonomy and deductive reasoning and/or categorization skills, which are necessary for the performance of the ADL. The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between ADL and categorization skills in older people. The study included 51 participants: 31 patients with cognitive impairment and 20 without cognitive impairment. Two tests were administered to assess cognitive functions: (1) the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA); and (2) the digital version of Riska Object Classification test (ROC-d). In addition, the Routine Tasks Inventory-2 (RTI-2) was applied to determine the level of independence in activities of daily living. People with cognitive impairment performed poorly in categorization tasks with unstructured information (p = 0.006). Also, the results found a high correlation between cognitive functioning and the performance of ADLs (Physical ADL: r = 0.798; p < 0.001; Instrumental ADL: r = 0.740; p < 0.001), a moderate correlation between Physical ADLs and categorization skills (unstructured ROC-d: r = 0.547; p < 0.001; structured ROC-d: r = 0.586; p < 0.001) and Instrumental ADLs and categorization skills in older people (unstructured ROC-d: r = 0.510; p < 0.001; structured ROC-d: r = 0.463; p < 0.001). The ROC-d allows the assessment of categorization skills to be quick and easy, facilitating the assessment process by OT, as well as the accuracy of the data obtained.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain) RTI2018-099942-B-100Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha SBPLY/17/180501/00049

    Trastornos del espectro autista y exposiciones ocupacionales de los progenitores

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    Fundamentos: Estudios con hermanos y gemelos sugieren un componente genético en el origen del autismo que no explica su crecimiento actual. El objetivo es investigar si factores ambientales como algunas exposiciones profesionales (trabajo nocturno, manejo de disolventes y/o campos electromagnéticos) incrementan la probabilidad de trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) en los hijos. Métodos: Estudio observacional de casos y controles mediante análisis de expedientes de 206 niños entre 16 y 36 meses de edad evaluados en el Servicio de Atención Temprana de Ciudad Real (70 con TEA y 136 no afectados). Para medir el riesgo de TEA asociado al trabajo nocturno, con disolventes y/o campos electromagnéticos se calculó la odds ratio (OR) con un intervalo de confianza (IC) del 95%. Resultados: El riesgo de TEA se multiplica por 2,22 cuando un progenitor trabaja en las ocupaciones estudiadas (OR=2,22, IC 95%=1,42-3,48), destacando trabajo con disolventes (OR=2,81, IC 95%=1,28-6,17) y nocturno (OR=2,18, IC 95%=1,21-3,93). El riesgo se multiplica por 3 si la madre trabaja en estas ocupaciones (OR=3, IC 95%=1,44-6,26), destacando trabajo nocturno (OR=3,47, IC 95%=1,39-8,63) y con disolventes (OR=2,88, IC 95%=1,28-6,17). El riesgo se multiplica por 1,94 si el padre trabaja en estas ocupaciones (OR=1,94, IC 95%=1,07-3,53) y por 2,81 con disolventes (OR=2,81, IC 95%=1,01-7,86). Se encontró asociación positiva entre nivel educativo de los progenitores y TEA. Conclusiones: Encontramos relación significativa entre exposición de los progenitores a los riesgos estudiados y TEA en los hijos. Los resultados sugieren la participación de alteraciones genéticas ocasionadas por factores ambientales en el origen del trastorno

    La motivación y el uso de las TIC: una experiencia docente con estudiantes de terapia ocupacional

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    El uso combinado de metodologías tradicionales con metodologías actuales que incorporen las nuevas tecnologías en el aula puede contribuir a potenciar la motivación y la participación del alumnado. Objetivos: implementar metodologías activas en el aula con el fin de maximizar la adquisición del conocimiento a través de técnicas alternativas en la comunicación y resolución de problemas, analizándose el nivel de motivación de los estudiantes. Metodología: Se ha aplicado un cuestionario de motivación a una muestra de 53 estudiantes (N=53) del Grado en Terapia Ocupacional de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España). Resultados: Los resultados Pre-Test , muestran que la subescala denominada valor de la tarea tiene el valor máximo (X=5,58; SD= 1,27) y la subescala ansiedad ante los exámenes, la puntuación más baja (X=4,39; SD=0,96). El resto de puntuaciones de las sub-escalas se encuentran comprendidas entre estas dos. Conclusiones: El nivel de motivación al inicio de la asignatura mostró valores descriptivos altos, teniendo en cuenta que el valor máximo que se puede obtener es de 7 puntos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Self-Regulation in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders “SR-MRehab: Un Colegio Emocionante”: A Protocol Study

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    Self-regulation refers to the ability to control and modulate behavior, and it can include both emotional and cognitive modulation. Children with neurodevelopmental disorders may show difficulties in self-regulation. The main objective of this study is to improve self-regulation skills in children between 6 and 11 years of age with neurodevelopmental disorders. Methodology: A randomized controlled trial will be conducted with the use of “SR-MRehab: Un colegio emocionante”, based on a non-immersive virtual reality system where virtual objects can be managed by children in a natural way using their hands. Children will be recruited from several schools of Granada (Spain) and they will be randomly allocated to two groups. An assessment will be conducted before and after the intervention and 24 weeks after the end of the intervention process. The experimental group will receive the intervention using virtual reality. The control group will receive a standard self-regulation program. Both interventions will be performed once a week for a total of 10 sessions. Changes in self-regulation, as well as the acceptability of technology with the use of SR-MRehab, will be evaluated. The results will be published and will provide evidence regarding the use of this type of intervention in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Trial registration: Registered with code NCT04418921.Programa Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Cientifico y Tecnologico del Sistema de I+D+i y del Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, del Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion 2017 PID2019-108915RB-I00Teaching innovation project of the Degree in Occupational Therapy of the University of Granada about Emotional Skills 19-7

    La Inteligencia Emocional en la formación de estudiantes de Grado en Terapia Ocupacional

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    El desarrollo de habilidades emocionales es esencial en las funciones profesionales de los terapeutas ocupacionales, cuyo rol principal implica el trato directo con personas que están en situación desventajosa y/o solicitan ayuda así como la colaboración multidisciplinar con otros profesionales. Objetivo: conocer las habilidades emocionales basales de los estudiantes de Terapia Ocupacional, previo al inicio de la formación práctica. Material y método: Estudio multicéntrico observacional prospectivo (antes-después de las prácticas), con un seguimiento de 8 meses, y una duración de cuatro años. La muestra estuvo compuesta por los estudiantes del grado de Terapia Ocupacional de la UCLM, UMA, UMH y la USP de Costa Rica. Para evaluar la inteligencia emocional se utilizó el cuestionario TMMS-24 (Trait Meta-Mood Scale). Resultados: Muestra de 763 estudiantes, 13.2 % varones y 86.8 % mujeres. El 41,3 % de pertenecían a la UCLM, 42,3 % a la UMA y 16.4 % a la UMH. Se apreciaron diferencias importantes según el género en la dimensión de Atención del TMMS (presta poca atención el 20,4% (IC95% 12,8-29,7) de los Hombres frente al 38,2% (IC95% 34,4-42,1) de las Mujeres; p<0.001). Según la edad se observaron diferencias en la dimensión de Atención del TMMS: un 55% (IC95% 38,5-69,3) de los de 26 años o más prestan poca atención frente a 27 a 37% (IC95% 31,4-43,3)en las edades menores (p=0,022). Según el curso se observaron diferencias en Claridad: en primer curso 35,8% (IC95% 28,4-43,4) debe mejorar frente a solo 21 a 25% (IC95% 18,1-36,7) en segundo y tercero. Respecto al área de prácticas, disfunción física y geriatría mostraban escasa atención en un 38 a 40% (IC95% 30,6-49,9) frente a 27 a 29% (IC95% 23-36,7) en infancia o SM.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Well-Being, Self-Efficacy and Independence in older adults: A Randomized Trial of Occupational Therapy

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    Objective: The main objective of the research was to analyze whether there were differences in the effects of individual and group occupational therapy (OT) treatment on psychological well-being, self-efficacy and personal independence. Method: A randomized clinical trial (N = 70; age = 85 years, SD = 4) comparing individual versus group occupational therapy treatment for 6 months was conducted. The evaluation was performed with the Barthel Index (Personal Independence), the Ryff Wellness Index (Well-being), the Global Self-Efficacy Scale (Self-efficacy) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (Affective state Scale). Results: Results showed a decrease in individual treatment scores in the variables autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth and purpose in life, reflecting worse self-acceptance and negative well-being as well as a lower ability to maintain stable relationships. By contrast, group treatment users maintained more stable social relationships and exhibited a greater ability to resist social pressure, to develop their potential skills and to define their goals in life. There were statistically significant differences in overall self-efficacy (p < 0.001), emotional well-being (p < 0.001) and personal independence (p = 0.013), with better scores in group versus individual treatment. Conclusions: Group occupational therapy interventions in older adults could be the treatment of choice in people with depressed state, improving their emotional well-being, sense of self-efficacy and level of personal independence in basic activities of daily livin