4,661 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a general purpose linearization program for rigid aircraft models

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    A FORTRAN program that provides the user with a powerful and flexible tool for the linearization of aircraft models is discussed. The program LINEAR numerically determines a linear systems model using nonlinear equations of motion and a user-supplied, nonlinear aerodynamic model. The system model determined by LINEAR consists of matrices for both the state and observation equations. The program has been designed to allow easy selection and definition of the state, control, and observation variables to be used in a particular model. Also, included in the report is a comparison of linear and nonlinear models for a high performance aircraft

    A knowledge-based flight status monitor for real-time application in digital avionics systems

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    The Dryden Flight Research Facility of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center (Ames-Dryden) is the principal NASA facility for the flight testing and evaluation of new and complex avionics systems. To aid in the interpretation of system health and status data, a knowledge-based flight status monitor was designed. The monitor was designed to use fault indicators from the onboard system which are telemetered to the ground and processed by a rule-based model of the aircraft failure management system to give timely advice and recommendations in the mission control room. One of the important constraints on the flight status monitor is the need to operate in real time, and to pursue this aspect, a joint research activity between NASA Ames-Dryden and the Royal Aerospace Establishment (RAE) on real-time knowledge-based systems was established. Under this agreement, the original LISP knowledge base for the flight status monitor was reimplemented using the intelligent knowledge-based system toolkit, MUSE, which was developed under RAE sponsorship. Details of the flight status monitor and the MUSE implementation are presented

    Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of Oneā€™s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity

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    Our smartphones enableā€”and encourageā€”constant connection to information, entertainment, and each other. They put the world at our fingertips, and rarely leave our sides. Although these devices have immense potential to improve welfare, their persistent presence may come at a cognitive cost. In this research, we test the ā€œbrain drainā€ hypothesis that the mere presence of oneā€™s own smartphone may occupy limited-capacity cognitive resources, thereby leaving fewer resources available for other tasks and undercutting cognitive performance. Results from two experiments indicate that even when people are successful at maintaining sustained attentionā€”as when avoiding the temptation to check their phonesā€”the mere presence of these devices reduces available cognitive capacity. Moreover, these cognitive costs are highest for those highest in smartphone dependence. We conclude by discussing the practical implications of this smartphone-induced brain drain for consumer decision-making and consumer welfare.Marketin

    Derivation and definition of a linear aircraft model

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    A linear aircraft model for a rigid aircraft of constant mass flying over a flat, nonrotating earth is derived and defined. The derivation makes no assumptions of reference trajectory or vehicle symmetry. The linear system equations are derived and evaluated along a general trajectory and include both aircraft dynamics and observation variables

    A Dynamic Model of Sponsored Search Advertising

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    Sponsored search advertising is ascendant Jupiter Research reports expenditures rose 28% in 2007 to 8.9Bandwillcontinuetoriseata15landscape.Yetlittle,ifanyempiricalresearchfocusesuponsearchenginemarketingstrategybyintegratingthebehaviorofvariousagentsinsponsoredsearchadvertising(i.e.,searchers,advertisers,andthesearchengineplatform).Thedynamicstructuralmodelweproposeservesasafoundationtoexploretheseandothersponsoredsearchadvertisingphenomena.Fittingthemodeltoaproprietarydatasetprovidedbyananonymoussearchengine,weconductseveralpolicysimulationstoillustratethebenetsofourapproach.First,weexplorehowinformationasymmetriesbetweensearchenginesandadvertiserscanbeexploitedtoenhanceplatformrevenues.Thishasconsequencesforthepricingofmarketintelligence.Second,weassesstheeffectofallowingadvertiserstobidnotonlyonkeywords,butalsobyconsumerssearchinghistoriesanddemographicstherebycreatingamoretargetedmodelofadvertising.Third,weexploreseveraldifferentauctionpricingmechanismsandassesstheroleofeachonengineandadvertiserprofitsandrevenues.Finally,weconsidertheroleofconsumersearchtoolssuchassortingonconsumerandadvertiserbehaviorandenginerevenues.Onekeyfindingisthattheestimatedadvertiservalueforaclickonitssponsoredlinkaveragesabout24cents.Giventhetypical8.9B and will continue to rise at a 15% CAGR, making it one of the major trends to affect the marketing landscape. Yet little, if any empirical research focuses upon search engine marketing strategy by integrating the behavior of various agents in sponsored search advertising (i.e., searchers, advertisers, and the search engine platform). The dynamic structural model we propose serves as a foundation to explore these and other sponsored search advertising phenomena. Fitting the model to a proprietary data set provided by an anonymous search engine, we conduct several policy simulations to illustrate the bene ts of our approach. First, we explore how information asymmetries between search engines and advertisers can be exploited to enhance platform revenues. This has consequences for the pricing of market intelligence. Second, we assess the effect of allowing advertisers to bid not only on key words, but also by consumers searching histories and demographics thereby creating a more targeted model of advertising. Third, we explore several different auction pricing mechanisms and assess the role of each on engine and advertiser profits and revenues. Finally, we consider the role of consumer search tools such as sorting on consumer and advertiser behavior and engine revenues. One key finding is that the estimated advertiser value for a click on its sponsored link averages about 24 cents. Given the typical 22 retail price of the software products advertised on the considered search engine, this implies a conversion rate (sales per click) of about 1.1%, well within common estimates of 1-2% (gamedaily.com). Hence our approach appears to yield valid estimates of advertiser click valuations. Another finding is that customers appear to be segmented by their clicking frequency, with frequent clickers placing a greater emphasis on the position of the sponsored advertising link. Estimation of the policy simulations is in progress

    User's manual for interactive LINEAR: A FORTRAN program to derive linear aircraft models

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    An interactive FORTRAN program that provides the user with a powerful and flexible tool for the linearization of aircraft aerodynamic models is documented in this report. The program LINEAR numerically determines a linear system model using nonlinear equations of motion and a user-supplied linear or nonlinear aerodynamic model. The nonlinear equations of motion used are six-degree-of-freedom equations with stationary atmosphere and flat, nonrotating earth assumptions. The system model determined by LINEAR consists of matrices for both the state and observation equations. The program has been designed to allow easy selection and definition of the state, control, and observation variables to be used in a particular model

    Geology of the Peterborough and Concord Quadrangles, New Hampshire

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    Guidebook for field trips in southwestern New Hampshire, southeastern Vermont, and north-central Massachusetts: New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 80th annual meeting, October 14, 15 and 16, 1988, Keene, New Hampshire: Trip C-

    Application and flight test of linearizing transformations using measurement feedback to the nonlinear control problem

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    The design of nonlinear controllers has relied on the use of detailed aerodynamic and engine models that must be associated with the control law in the flight system implementation. Many of these controllers were applied to vehicle flight path control problems and have attempted to combine both inner- and outer-loop control functions in a single controller. An approach to the nonlinear trajectory control problem is presented. This approach uses linearizing transformations with measurement feedback to eliminate the need for detailed aircraft models in outer-loop control applications. By applying this approach and separating the inner-loop and outer-loop functions two things were achieved: (1) the need for incorporating detailed aerodynamic models in the controller is obviated; and (2) the controller is more easily incorporated into existing aircraft flight control systems. An implementation of the controller is discussed, and this controller is tested on a six degree-of-freedom F-15 simulation and in flight on an F-15 aircraft. Simulation data are presented which validates this approach over a large portion of the F-15 flight envelope. Proof of this concept is provided by flight-test data that closely matches simulation results. Flight-test data are also presented

    Results of the August 1977 Soviet and American meterological rocketsonde intercomparison held at Wallops Island, Virginia

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    A coordinated program of rocketsonde investigations along about 60 deg E and 70 deg W between the United States and U.S.S.R. is discussed. The rocketsonde instruments used by the U.S. and U.S.S.R. were compared and the results are presented. The U.S. Super Loki Datasonde and the U.S.S.R. M100B rocketsonde are discussed. Results indicate that the U.S/U.S.S.R. rocketsonde measurement agreement improved since the 1973 intercomparisons. It was learned that the mean of the differences of the temperatures compare to within 6 C at about 60 km and to within 2 C near 50 km. Wind measurements were also found to agree
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