437 research outputs found

    X-ray radiography of cavitation in a beryllium alloy nozzle

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    [EN] Making quantitative measurements of the vapor distribution in a cavitating nozzle is difficult, owing to the strong scattering of visible light at gas-liquid boundaries and wall boundaries, and the small lengths and time scales involved. The transparent models required for optical experiments are also limited in terms of maximum pressure and operating life. Over the past few years, x-ray radiography experiments at Argonne's Advanced Photon Source have demonstrated the ability to perform quantitative measurements of the line of sight projected vapor fraction in submerged, cavitating plastic nozzles. In this paper, we present the results of new radiography experiments performed on a submerged beryllium nozzle which is 520m in diameter, with a length/diameter ratio of 6. Beryllium is a light, hard metal that is very transparent to x-rays due to its low atomic number. We present quantitative measurements of cavitation vapor distribution conducted over a range of non-dimensional cavitation and Reynolds numbers, up to values typical of gasoline and diesel fuel injectors. A novel aspect of this work is the ability to quantitatively measure the area contraction along the nozzle with high spatial resolution. Analysis of the vapor distribution, area contraction and discharge coefficients are made between the beryllium nozzle and plastic nozzles of the same nominal geometry. When gas is dissolved in the fuel, the vapor distribution can be quite different from that found in plastic nozzles of the same dimensions, although the discharge coefficients are unaffected. In the beryllium nozzle, there were substantially fewer machining defects to act as nucleation sites for the precipitation of bubbles from dissolved gases in the fuel, and as such the effect on the vapor distribution was greatly reduced.Raul Payri was funded by a Fulbright visiting scholar grant in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain (reference PRX14/00331) while performing this work. Juan P Viera was funded by the Spanish MINECO (grant EEBB-I-15-0976 under project TRA2012-36932).Duke, DJ.; Matusik, KE.; Kastengren, AL.; Swantek, AB.; Sovis, N.; Payri, R.; Viera-Sotillo, JP.... (2017). X-ray radiography of cavitation in a beryllium alloy nozzle. International Journal of Engine Research. 18(1-2):39-50. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087416685965S3950181-

    Measurements of droplet size in shear-driven atomization using ultra-small angle x-ray scattering

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    [EN] Measurements of droplet size in optically-thick, non-evaporating, shear-driven sprays have been made using ultra-small angle x-ray scattering (USAXS). The sprays are produced by orifice-type nozzles coupled to diesel injectors, with measurements conducted from 1 - 24 mm from the orifice, spanning from the optically-dense near-nozzle region to more dilute regions where optical diagnostics are feasible. The influence of nozzle diameter, liquid injection pressure, and ambient density were examined. The USAXS measurements reveal few if any nanoscale droplets, in conflict with a popular computational model of diesel spray breakup. The average droplet diameter rapidly decreases with downstream distance from the nozzle until a plateau value is reached, after which only small changes are seen in droplet diameter. This plateau droplet size is consistent with the droplets being small enough to be stable with respect to further breakup. Liquid injection pressure and nozzle diameter have the biggest impact on droplet size, while ambient density has a smaller effect. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.X-ray spray research at Argonne is supported by the DOE Advanced Combustion Program. We acknowledge team leaders Gurpreet Singh and Leo Breton for their support. These experiments were performed at the 7-BM, 9-ID, and 15-ID beamlines of the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory. ChemMatCARS Sector 15 is principally supported by the Divisions of Chemistry (CHE) and Materials Research (DMR), National Science Foundation, under grant number NSF/CHE-1346572. Use of the Advanced Photon Source, an Office of Science User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory, was supported by the U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-ACO2-06CH11357. R. Payri was funded by a Fulbright visiting scholar grant in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain (reference PRX14/00331) while performing this work. J.P. Viera was funded by the Spanish MINECO grant EEBB-I-15-0976 under project TRA2012-36932.Kastengren, A.; Ilavsky, J.; Viera-Sotillo, JP.; Payri, R.; Duke, DJ.; Swantek, A.; Tilocco, FZ.... (2017). Measurements of droplet size in shear-driven atomization using ultra-small angle x-ray scattering. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 92:131-139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2017.03.005S1311399

    Integrated Spacecraft Autonomous Attitude Control (ISAAC)

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    The purpose of this project is to give undergraduate students an opportunity to design, manufacture, and maintain a mock spacecraft to be used as a testbed for autonomous control systems. The spacecraft is based on two previous models: the JX-01, an undergraduate built testbed, and the Asteroid Free Flyer led by NASA engineer and ERAU doctoral student, Michael Dupuis. This model includes cable improvements, Inertial Measurement Units (IMU), Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), and object-based state estimation to improve control stabilization. When completed, the hardware built for this project will provide undergraduates and researchers a platform with which they can test control algorithms and spacecraft component design. The results gathered from the project thus far is the building and design and controls experience between the team. After completion we will be able to obtain a properly modeled control algorithm and test it against multiple conditions. The final goal of the spacecraft is to provide the capabilities and perform experiments to test multiple methods to mitigate the effects of internal and external forces such as fuel sloshing, solar radiation, debris collision, and CG change

    Computational and Experimental Investigation of Interfacial Area in Near-Field Diesel Spray Simulation

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    [EN] The dense spray region in the near-field of diesel fuel injection remains an enigma. This region is difficult to interrogate with light in the visible range and difficult to model due to the rapid interaction between liquid and gas. In particular, modeling strategies that rely on Lagrangian particle tracking of droplets have struggled in this area. To better represent the strong interaction between phases, Eulerian modeling has proven particularly useful. Models built on the concept of surface area density are advantageous where primary and secondary atomization have not yet produced droplets, but rather form more complicated liquid structures. Surface area density, a more general concept than Lagrangian droplets, naturally represents liquid structures, no matter how complex. These surface area density models, however, have not been directly experimentally validated in the past due to the inability of optical methods to elucidate such a quantity. Optical diagnostics traditionally measure near-spherical droplet size far downstream, where the spray is optically thin. Using ultra-small-angle x-ray scattering (USAXS) measurements to measure the surface area and x-ray radiography to measure the density, we have been able to test one of the more speculative parts of Eulerian spray modeling. The modeling and experimental results have been combined to provide insight into near-field spray dynamics.Authors acknowledge that part of this work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in the frame of the COMEFF (TRA2014-59483-R) project.Pandal, A.; Pastor EnguĂ­danos, JM.; Payri, R.; Kastengren, A.; Duke, DJ.; Matusik, KE.; Giraldo-Valderrama, JS.... (2017). Computational and Experimental Investigation of Interfacial Area in Near-Field Diesel Spray Simulation. SAE International Journal of Fuel and Lubricants. 10(2):1-9. doi:10.4271/2017-01-0859S1910

    Linking instantaneous rate of injection to X-ray needle lift measurements for a direct-acting piezoelectric injector

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    Internal combustion engines have been and still are key players in today's world. Ever increasing fuel consumption standards and the ongoing concerns about exhaust emissions have pushed the industry to research new concepts and develop new technologies that address these challenges. To this end, the diesel direct injection system has recently seen the introduction of direct-acting piezoelectric injectors, which provide engineers with direct control over the needle lift, and thus instantaneous rate of injection (ROI). Even though this type of injector has been studied previously, no direct link between the instantaneous needle lift and the resulting rate of injection has been quantified. This study presents an experimental analysis of the relationship between instantaneous partial needle lifts and the corresponding ROI. A prototype direct-acting injector was utilized to produce steady injections of different magnitude by partially lifting the needle. The ROI measurements were carried out at CMT-Motores Termicos utilizing a standard injection rate discharge curve indicator based on the Bosch method (anechoic tube). The needle lift measurements were performed at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. The analysis seeks both to contribute to the current understanding of the influence that partial needle lifts have over the instantaneous ROI and to provide experimental data with parametric variations useful for numerical model validations. Results show a strong relationship between the steady partial needle lift and the ROI. The effect is non-linear, and also strongly dependent on the injection pressure. The steady lift value at which the needle ceases to influence the ROI increases with the injection pressure. Finally, a transient analysis is presented, showing that the needle velocity may considerably affect the instantaneous ROI, because of the volume displaced inside the nozzle. Results presented in this study show that at constant injection pressure and energizing time, this injector has the potential to control many aspects of the ROI and thus, the heat release rate. Also, data presented are useful for numerical model validations, which would provide detailed insight into the physical processes that drive these observations, and potentially, to the effects of these features on combustion performance.The submitted manuscript has been created by UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne). Argonne, a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory, is operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. The U.S. Government retains for itself, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in said article to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, by or on behalf of the Government.Viera-Sotillo, JP.; Payri, R.; Swantek, AB.; Duke, DJ.; Sovis, N.; Kastengren, AL.; Powell, CF. (2016). Linking instantaneous rate of injection to X-ray needle lift measurements for a direct-acting piezoelectric injector. Energy Conversion and Management. 112:350-358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.01.038S35035811

    Integrated Spacecraft Autonomous Attitude Control (ISAAC)

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    The purpose of this project is to give undergraduate students an opportunity to design, manufacture, and maintain a mock spacecraft to be used as a testbed for autonomous control systems. The spacecraft is based on two previous models: the JX-01, an undergraduate built testbed, and the Asteroid Free Flyer led by NASA engineer and ERAU doctoral student, Michael Dupuis. This model includes cable improvements, Inertial Measurement Units (IMU), Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), and object-based state estimation to improve control stabilization. When completed, the hardware built for this project will provide undergraduates and researchers a platform with which they can test control algorithms and spacecraft component design. The results gathered from the project thus far is the building and design and controls experience between the team. After completion we will be able to obtain a properly modeled control algorithm and test it against multiple conditions. The final goal of the spacecraft is to provide the capabilities and perform experiments to test multiple methods to mitigate the effects of internal and external forces such as fuel sloshing, solar radiation, debris collision, and CG change

    Experimental and Computational Investigation of Subcritical Near-Nozzle Spray Structure and Primary Atomization in the Engine Combustion Network Spray D

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    [EN] In order to improve understanding of the primary atomization process for diesel-like sprays, a collaborative experimental and computational study was focused on the near-nozzle spray structure for the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) Spray D single-hole injector. These results were presented at the 5th Workshop of the ECN in Detroit, Michigan. Application of x-ray diagnostics to the Spray D standard cold condition enabled quantification of distributions of mass, phase interfacial area, and droplet size in the near-nozzle region from 0.1 to 14 mm from the nozzle exit. Using these data, several modeling frameworks, from Lagrangian-Eulerian to Eulerian-Eulerian and from Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) to Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), were assessed in their ability to capture and explain experimentally observed spray details. Due to its computational efficiency, the Lagrangian-Eulerian approach was able to provide spray predictions across a broad range of conditions. In general, this "engineering-level" simulation was able to reproduce the details of the droplet size distribution throughout the spray after calibration of the spray breakup model constants against the experimental data. Complementary to this approach, higher-fidelity modeling techniques were able to provide detailed insight into the experimental trends. For example, interface-capturing multiphase simulations were able to capture the experimentally observed bimodal behavior in the transverse interfacial area distributions in the near-nozzle region. Further analysis of the spray predictions suggests that peaks in the interfacial area distribution may coincide with regions of finely atomized droplets, whereas local minima may coincide with regions of continuous liquid structures. The results from this study highlight the potential of x-ray diagnostics to reveal salient details of the near-nozzle spray structure and to guide improvements to existing primary atomization modeling approaches.Battistoni, M.; Magnotti, GM.; Genzale, CL.; Arienti, M.; Matusik, KE.; Duke, DJ.; Giraldo-Valderrama, JS.... (2018). Experimental and Computational Investigation of Subcritical Near-Nozzle Spray Structure and Primary Atomization in the Engine Combustion Network Spray D. SAE International Journal of Fuel and Lubricants. 11(4):337-352. https://doi.org/10.4271/2018-01-0277S33735211

    Phenotypic Evidence of Emerging Ivermectin Resistance in Onchocerca volvulus

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    Onchocerciasis, commonly known as river blindness, is caused by the filarial nematode Onchocerca volvulus and is transmitted by a blackfly vector. Over 37 million people are thought to be infected, with over 90 million at risk. Infection predominantly occurs in sub-Saharan Africa. Foci also exist in the Arabian Peninsula and Central and South America. Ivermectin, the sole pharmaceutical available for mass chemotherapy, has been used on a community basis for annual or semi-annual treatment since 1987. Multiple treatments with ivermectin kill the microfilariae that are responsible for the pathology of onchocerciasis. More importantly, ivermectin suppresses the reproductive activity of the adult female worms, thus delaying or preventing the repopulation of the skin with new microfilariae and thereby reducing transmission. This study extends earlier reports of sub-optimal responses to ivermectin by examining repopulation levels of microfilaria one year after treatment, worm burdens per nodule, the age structure of adult female worms recovered from nodules, and the reproductive status of adult female worms 90 days after ivermectin treatment. In some communities which have shown a pattern of sub-optimal response to treatment, the data is consistent with an emergence of ivermectin non response or resistance manifested by a loss of the effect of ivermectin on the suppression of parasite reproduction
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