412 research outputs found
Područje Dubrovnika i okolice jedno je do najplodnijih vrela hrvatskog usmenog pjesništva. Srećom zapisivači su obilato crpli odatle i zato danas imamo niz odličnih zbirki nastalih u 19. stoljeću kad je usmeno pjevanje i kazivanje u tom kraju očigledno bilo u punom rascvatu: Glavićevu, Palunkovu, Milasovu, Ljubidragovu, Svilokosovu i, napose, Muratovu i Markovićevu. Imamo i prilično mnogo građe iz našeg stoljeća. No premda je broj pjesama jos uvijek impresivan, kazivači su sve stariji ljudi, a pjesme uglavnom više nisu tako dobre. Karakteristike usmene tradicije dubrovačkog područja jesu da su pjesme kazivale većinom žene (među kojima ih ima i neobično nadarenih i plodnih poput Anice Begin ili Kate Murat) i da im je tematika više novelistička nego junačka
Razlikovanje izmedu jednostavnih i kompleksnih motiva odnosno sižea u usmenoj se epici ne provodi dosljedno, iako je još Aleksandar Veselovski tu distinkciju smatrao neophodnom. Jedan od razloga bit će teškoća da se postavi precizan i objektivan kriterij razlikovanja. Kao jedan od mogućih parametara predlaže se određenje prema kojem se sižeom smatra onaj kompleksni motiv koji uz narativnu sadrži i etičku odnosno psihološku komponentu. Pri tome su tragičnost vizije epskog pjesnika i njegova sumnja u sustav vrednota važećeg herojskog morala teme osobito bliske modernom senzibilitetu
Enjambement as a Criterion for Orality in Homeric and South Slavic Epic Poetry
One of the most conspicuous consequences of the adding style of oral poetry is a strong tendency for the end of the sentence to coincide with the end of the verse. In other words, a relatively negligible number of overrun verses is to be expected. As in other aspects of the true nature of oral style, Milman Parry here too was a pioneer, comparing the frequency of various kinds of enjambement in Homer, Virgil, and Apollonius of Rhodes (1929)
A Microstructure, Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties of the PZT Ceramics Obtained by the Sol-Gel Method
A technological process to obtain ceramic materials by the sol-gel method replaces gradually
conventional methods, based on a simple oxide synthesis as a result of high temperature
sintering. The materials obtained by the sol-gel method are characterized by high density and
better chemical purity. A powder with the Pb(Zr0:52Ti0:48)O3 chemical composition was obtained
as a result of a synthesis by the sol-gel method and it was formed and sintered by a hot
pressing method (HP). The specimens obtained were subjected to examinations of the dielectric
properties, the tangent of dielectric loss angle, the piezoelectric properties and their
micro-photographs were taken (SEM). A course of the technological process by the sol-gel method was described, the dielectric and piezoelectric parameters were determined and a microstructure and a domain structure were examined in the work
Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PZT type ceramics obtained by the sol-gel method
A sol-gel method belongs to chemical methods of producing non-organic and nonmetallic
materials. As a result of a synthesis by the sol-gel method a powder with the
Pb(Zr0.35Ti0.65)O3 chemical composition, which was formed and sintered freely, and hot
pressed as well, was obtained. The obtained ceramic material was subjected to test of properties
of permittivity, loss tangent and piezoelectric properties as well. Both a description of a
technological process to obtain ceramic materials by the sol-gel method and the determined
dielectric and piezoelectric parameters of the ceramic in question are presented in this work.
The ceramic in question can be used, among others, in pressure sensors, electroacoustic transducers,
piezoceramic amplifiers, loudspeakers and microphones
Psychological evaluation of creativity in artwork
Angeregt durch neue Veröffentlichungen der Kreativitätsforschung, die zwischen den schöpferischen Leistungen verschiedener Disziplinen nicht unterscheiden, wurde in dieser Studie die Frage gestellt, ob der TSD-Z von Urban und Jellen (1993) als Screeninginstrument zur ersten Grobeinschätzung kreativen Potentials zwischen Künstlern und Personen aus nichtkünstlerischen Berufen differenzieren kann. Darüber hinaus wurden Kriterien erhoben, welche die als Testergebnis gewonnenen Zeichnungen in ihrer Gesamtkomposition auswerteten, und zwar hinsichtlich Abstraktheit, Einmaligkeit und Wohnlichkeit/Idylle. Für zwei gleich große Gruppen (N = 60) ergab sich, daß der TSD-Z (A) in erwarteter Richtung zwischen den beiden Gruppen zu unterscheiden vermag, wobei die Künstlergruppe in der Testsumme des TSD-Z (A) nur durch einige wenige Kriterien zu einer höheren Punktzahl gelangte. Die Varianzen der Ergebnisse der Künstlergruppe lagen in fast allen Bewertungskategorien über denen der Kontrollgruppe. Zusätzlich konnten mit einer Faktorenanalyse die für künstlerische Kreativität relevanten Skalen des TSD-Z isoliert werden. In allen drei Kriterien zur Gesamtkomposition der Bilder unterschieden sich die Gruppen signifikant. Die Künstlergruppe zeichnete häufiger abstrakte, einmalige und seltener wohnlich-idyllische Bilder. Weiterhin lagen die Testsummenwerte der abstrakt gezeichneten Künstlerbilder im Mittelwertsvergleich signifikant unter denen der gegenständlichen Zeichnungen derselben Gruppe, was als Tendenz des Tests gewertet wurde, mehr Punkte für mehr Produktion zu vergeben. Die Ergebnisse werden mit Blick auf zukünftige Untersuchungen zur Erfassung künstlerischer Kreativität diskutiert.Spurred on by the recent publications on creatvity research, which do not differentiate between the various aspects of creative achievements, the question was raised in this study, whether a new screening-instrument developed by Urban and Jellen (1993) is capable of roughly discerning a difference in creative potential between artists and non-artistis. Futhermore, the overall composition of the drawings obtained from the test was evaluated in respect to abstractness, uniqueness, and comfort/idyll. As predicted there was a significant difference between the two groups (N = 2 x 30). Moreover, the artistic group scored higher on some fewer scales of the TSD-Z (A). The variance of the results in the artistic group exceeded those of the control group in almost all rating categories. A Principal Component Analysis revealed the scales concerning artistic creativity in the TSD-Z. All three criteria for overall composition resulted in a considerable difference between the two groups. The artistic group drew significantly more abstract, unique and significantly fewer idyllic pictures. Furtermore the test scores from pictures drawn in the abstract by artists lay significantly lower than the concrete pictures of the same group. This was interpreted as a tendency of the test to score higher for drawing more. Results have been discussed with regard to the future studies in understanding artistic creativity
Effects of Predation on Two Species of Stream-Dwelling Crayfish (Orconectes marchandi and Cambarus hubbsi) in Pool and Riffle Microhabitats
Community structure may be governed by many abiotic and biotic factors. Of the biotic factors, predation is often considered to be critical in structuring freshwater stream communities. In the Warm Fork of the Spring River, the crayfish Cambarus hubbsi is found mainly in riffles, whereas the crayfish Orconectes marchandi is found in high numbers in pools. We hypothesized that predation, mainly by fish, is a factor causing this segregation. Higher predation rates for C. hubbsi than 0. marchandi in the pools and higher predation rates for 0. marchandi than C. hubbsi in the riffles were expected. A transplant tethering experiment was conducted to test whether predation influences habitat selection. Substrate, water depth, and current velocity were also taken into account. In the pool, predation rates were significantly greater on C. hubbsi than 0. marchandi, but predation rates were equal for the two species in the riffle. This suggests that predation is a factor in keeping C. hubbsi out of pools, but is not a factor in keeping 0. marchandi out of riffles. Also, significantly greater predation rates overall were found in the pool than in the riffle. The pool was significantly deeper and had lower substrate diversity than the riffle. These findings suggest that predators are important in affecting crayfish habitat use; differential predation rates occur between habitats and greater predation rates occur in pools than in riffles
This research was conducted in the Ciomas village, Ciawigebang subdistrict, Kuningan District, from July to September 2013. Study aimed to determine: (1) the effect of the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods in the application of rice cultivation technology systems legowo row planting, (2) the effect of agricultural extension techniques with the application of rice cultivation technology systems legowo row planting, and (3) the effect of the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods and techniques with the application of rice cultivation technology row planting system legowo.The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive quantitative data supported the survey approach. The collection of primary data obtained through interviews with respondents using a questionnaire, and secondary data obtained from the agency in connection with this study. To determine the relationship of variable effectiveness of agricultural extension methods and techniques of agricultural extension, the application of rice cultivation technology systems legowo parallelogram, used ladder Spearman correlation coefficient test.The results showed that: (1) there was a relationship between the real and the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods of rice cultivation technology systems legowo row planting, as indicated by the value of rs = 0.456, (2) there is a real relationship between the low and agricultural extension techniques with technology rice cultivation legowo row planting system, as indicated by the value of rs = 0.360, and (3) there is a very strong and real relationship between the effectiveness of agricultural extension methods and techniques with the technology of rice cultivation legowo row planting system, as indicated by the value of rs = 0.943Key word : Effectiveness, Counseling Techniques, Systems Legowo Row Plantin
Pemangkasan (defoliasi) daun pada tanaman jagung terutama daun yang tidak produktif dianggap dapat meningkatkan hasil pada tanaman jagung karena mengurangi persaingan penggunaan hasil fotosintesis pada tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh posisi dan waktu pemangkasan daun terhadap hasil tanaman jagung. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Kuningan Jawa Barat dari Bulan Juni sampai September 2018. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri atas 10 perlakuan yaitu kontrol (tanpa pemangkasan), pemangkasan tiga daun atas umur 50 hari setelah tanam (HST), pemangkasan satu daun atas dan dua daun bawah umur 50 HST, pemangkasan tiga daun bawah umur 50 HST, pemangkasan tiga daun atas umur 55 HST, pemangkasan satu daun atas dan dua daun bawah umur 55 HST, pemangkasan tiga daun bawah umur 55 HST, pemangkasan tiga daun atas umur 60 HST, pemangkasan satu daun atas dan dua daun bawah umur 60 HST, dan pemangkasan tiga daun bawah umur 60 HST. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa panjang tongkol, diameter tongkol, bobot tongkol, serta bobot tongkol per tanaman dan per petak tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan pemangkasan tiga daun bagian bawah pada umur 50 HST. Daun bawah seringkali ternaungi sehingga tidak aktif berfotosintesis sehingga menjadi organ sink dan berkompetisi dengan tongkol dalam memperoleh hasil fotosintesis
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