8 research outputs found

    Razlike u mikoflori na ovitcima trajnih fermentiranih kobasica prije i šest mjeseci nakon skladištenja u hladnjaku

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    During the curing period of dry-fermented sausages, the surface mycoflora changes according to the environmental conditions and intrinsic factors, such as nutrient content, water activity, pH value and the presence of antimicrobial substances (starter cultures). In this study, 25 samples of dry-fermented sausages from Croatian family small holdings were examined, the casings peeled off and examined for mycobiota before and after six months of refrigerated storage in plastic bags, at +4 °C in darkness, at a low humidity and evaporation rate. For mycobiota identification, traditional (macroscopic and microscopic) and molecular (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR) methods were combined. At the beginning of the study (after sausage curing), the prevalent isolated species were from the genera Penicillium (74%), Aspergillus 14% and Mucor (12%). After the six month period, a different mould structure was observed, with the dominant isolation of Aspergillus genus (64%), followed by the genera Penicillium (34%) and Mucor (2%). In comparison with the literature data, it can be concluded that the casing mycoflora on dry-fermented sausages stored in the refrigerator changed in the same way as if they not been refrigerated, though the process of mycoflora change was slower with refrigeration.Tijekom razdoblja zrenja trajnih fermentiranih kobasica mikoflora koja obrasta i prekriva njihovu površinu mijenja se u ovisnosti o uvjetima okoliša i “unutarnjim čimbenicima”, koji uključuju sadržaj hranjivih sastojaka, aktivitet vode, pH vrijednost i prisutnost antimikrobnih tvari (starter kulture). U ovom je istraživanju uzorkovano dvadeset i pet parova trajnih fermentiranih kobasica s malih hrvatskih obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava, odljušten je njihov ovitak te je ispitivana mikoflora prije i nakon skladištenja u hladnjaku tijekom šest mjeseci, u plastičnim vrećicama, na +4 °C, u tami, pri maloj vlažnosti i brzini isparavanja. Za identifikaciju plijesni kombinirane su tradicionalne (makroskopske i mikroskopske) i molekularne (lančana reakcija polimeraze, PCR) metode. Na početku istraživanja (nakon sazrijevanja i uzimanja uzoraka kobasica) prevladavale su izolirane vrste iz roda Penicillium (74 %), Aspergillus 14 % i Mucor (12 %). Nakon razdoblja od šest mjeseci uočena je drugačija struktura plijesni, pri čemu je pretežno izoliran rod Aspergillus (64 %), a zatim Penicillium (34 %) i Mucor (2 %). Sagledavajući literaturne podatke može se zaključiti da se mikoflora na ovitcima trajnih fermentiranih kobasica pohranjenih u hladnjaku mijenjala na isti način kao što bi se i mijenjala bez pohranjene u hladnjaku, jedino što bi proces promjena mikoflore vremenski trajao kraće

    Conformità delle proprietà fisico-chimiche con le specifiche dei prodotti autoctoni croati protetti a base di carne

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    Kako bi potrošačima bila zajamčena kvaliteta autohtonih mesnih proizvoda, odnosno vjerodostojnost podataka koje podrazumijeva zaštita izvornosti i zemljopisnog podrijetla, potrebna je stalna provjera sukladnosti njihovih svojstava s obzirom na dodijeljenju im oznaku odnosno specifikaciju proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati sukladnost fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava sa specifikacijama odabranih zaštićenih hrvatskih autohtonih mesnih proizvoda. Trajni suhomesnati proizvodi i trajne kobasice (n = 18) uzorkovani su tijekom razdoblja 2019. - 2020. godine na hrvatskim obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima (OPG) s područja Slavonije, Istre i Dalmacije. Nabavljeni proizvodi imaju oznaku izvornosti (Istarski pršut) odnosno oznaku zemljopisnog podrijetla (Drniški pršut, Dalmatinski pršut, Slavonski kulen, Baranjski kulen i Slavonska kobasica). Ovisno o vrsti proizvoda, odnosno njegovoj specifikaciji, uz primjenu validiranih i akreditiranih analitičkih metoda, analizirana su fizikalno-kemijska svojstva koja su definirana specifikacijama ovih proizvoda, uključujući aktivitet vode (aw) te maseni udio vode, soli, masti i bjelančevina. Svi mesni proizvodi udovoljavali su proizvođačkim specifikacijama, a za samo po jedan uzorak Dalmatinskog i Drniškog pršuta utvrđene su granične vrijednosti analiziranih parametara (udio soli i udio vode). Značajno variranje u udjelima vode i masti uočeno je kod Slavonskog kulena, iako su vrijednosti bile u granicama određenim specifikacijama.The aim of this study was to examine the compliance of physico-chemical properties with the specifications of selected protected Croatian indigenous meat products. Dry-cured meat products and fermented sausages (n = 18) were sampled during the period 2019-2020 on Croatian family farms (CFF) from the area of Slavonia, Istria and Dalmatia. The purchased products have a designation of origin (Istrian prosciutto) or a geographical indication („Drniški pršut“, „Dalmatinski pršut“, „Slavonski kulen“, „Baranjski kulen“ and „Slavonska kobasica“). Depending on the type of product, i.e. its specification, using validated and accredited analytical methods, physico-chemical properties defined by the specifications of these products were analyzed, including water activity (aw) and mass fraction of water, salt, fat and protein. All meat products met the manufacturer\u27s specifications, and for some of them the limit values of the analyzed parameters and significant variation in water and fat content were determined. In order to guarantee consumers the quality of indigenous meat products, i.e. the authenticity of data implied by the protection of origin and geographical origin, it is necessary to constantly control the conformity of their properties with regard to assigning them a label or product specificationUm den Verbrauchern die Qualität der einheimischen Fleischprodukte zu garantieren, d.h. die Authentizität der Angaben, die durch den Schutz der Herkunft und des geografischen Ursprungs impliziert sind, ist es notwendig, die Konformität ihrer Eigenschaften im Hinblick auf die Zuweisung eines Labels oder einer Produktspezifikation ständig zu kontrollieren. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Übereinstimmung der physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften mit den Spezifikationen ausgewählter geschützter kroatischer einheimischer Fleischprodukte zu untersuchen. Trocken gepökelte Fleischprodukte und Dauerwürste (n = 18) wurden im Zeitraum 2019-2020 auf kroatischen Familienbetrieben (CFF) aus dem Gebiet von Slawonien, Istrien und Dalmatien untersucht. Die gekauften Produkte haben eine Ursprungsbezeichnung (istrischer Prosciutto) oder eine geografische Angabe ("Drniški pršut", "Dalmatinski pršut", "Slavonski kulen", "Baranjski kulen" und "Slavonska kobasica"). Je nach Produkttyp, d.h. seiner Spezifikation, wurden mit Hilfe von validierten und akkreditierten Analysemethoden die durch die Spezifikationen dieser Produkte definierten physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften analysiert, einschließlich der Wasseraktivität (aw) und des Massenanteils von Wasser, Salz, Fett und Protein. Alle Fleischprodukte entsprachen den Spezifikationen des Herstellers; nur bei je einer Probe des Dalmatinski und Drniški pršut wurden Grenzwerte der analysierten Parameter und signifikante Abweichungen im Wasser- und Fettgehalt festgestellt. Beim slawonischen Kulen wurden erhebliche Schwankungen des Wasser- und Fettgehalts beobachtet, obwohl die Werte innerhalb der in den Spezifikationen festgelegten Grenzen lagen.Para garantizar a los consumidores la calidad de los productos cárnicos autóctonos, es decir, la autenticidad de los datos que implican la denominación de origen e indicación geográfica, es necesario verificar constantemente la conformidad de sus propiedades en cuanto a las denominaciones asignadas o la especificación del producto. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la conformidad de las propiedades físico-químicas con las especificaciones de los productos cárnicos autóctonos croatas protegidos seleccionados. Fueron tomadas las muestras de productos cárnicos crudo-curados y embutidos (n = 18) durante el período de 2019 a 2020, en granjas familiares croatas de las zonas de Eslavonia, Istria y Dalmacia. Los productos adquiridos tienen una denominación de origen (jamón de Istria) o una indicación geográfica (el jamón de Drniš, el jamón de Dalmacia, el kulen de Eslavonia, el kulen de Baranja y el embutido de Eslavonia). Dependiendo del tipo de producto, o sea, su especificación, utilizando métodos analíticos validados y acreditados, fueron analizadas las propiedades físico-químicas definidas por las especificaciones de estos productos, incluida la actividad del agua (aw) y el contenido de agua, sal, grasa y proteína . Todos los productos cárnicos cumplieron con las especificaciones del productor, y solo para una muestra de jamón de Dalmacia y de Drniš fueron determinados los valores límite de los parámetros analizados (el contenido de sal y el contenido de agua). Fue observada una variación significativa en el contenido de aguas y de grasas en el kulen de Eslavonia, aunque los valores estaban dentro de los límites determinados por las especificaciones.Al fine di garantire ai consumatori la qualità dei prodotti autoctoni a base di carne, ovvero l\u27autenticità dei dati impliciti nella tutela dell\u27origine e della provenienza geografica, è necessario effettuare una costante verifica della conformità delle loro proprietà rispetto all\u27assegnazione delle etichette o della specifica del prodotto. Questa tesi è stata elaborata con lo scopo di esaminare la conformità delle proprietà fisico-chimiche con le specifiche dei determinati prodotti autoctoni croati protetti a base di carne. I prodotti di salumeria a lunga conservazione e le salsicce a lunga durata (n=18) sono stati sottoposti a campionamento durante il periodo tra il 2019 e il 2020 nelle aziende agricole familiari della Croazia (OPG) sul territorio della Slavonia, dell\u27Istria e della Dalmazia. I prodotti ottenuti hanno una denominazione di origine (Prosciutto istriano) ovvero l’indicazione geografica (Prosciutto di Drniš, Prosciutto dalmato, Kulen della Slavonia, Kulen della Baranja e la salsiccia della Slavonia). A seconda del tipo di prodotto, ovvero della sua specifica, utilizzando i metodi analitici convalidati e accreditati, sono state analizzate le proprietà fisico-chimiche definite dalle specifiche di questi prodotti, compresa l\u27attività dell\u27acqua (aw) e aventi tenore, in peso, d’acqua, di sale, grassi e proteine. Tutti i prodotti a base di carne sono stati conformi alle specifiche del produttore, tranne un campione del prosciutto dalmato e del prosciutto di Drniš, nei quali sono stati determinati i valori limite dei parametri analizzati (il tenore di sale e il tenore d’acqua). Una variazione significativa nel contenuto d’acqua e dei grassi è stata notata nel kulen della Slavonia, sebbene i valori rientrano nelle determinate specificazioni

    Approach to Absolute Zero

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    Termodinamika niskih temperatura odnosi se na primjenu zakona termodinamike na osobine materije na temperaturama oko apsolutne nule. Za proučavanje tih osobina potrebno je razmotriti procese hlađenja koji nam omogućuju postizanje takvih temperatura. Njih općenito možemo definirati kao procese prijenosa topline s mjesta niže na mjesto više temperature. Cilj ovog završnog rada je dati teoretski opis tehnika hlađenja koje su danas najzastupljenije u postizanju ultraniskih temperatura. Tehnike hlađenja se pri tome vrednuju prema njihovim snagama hlađenja koje opisuju efikasnost hlađenja određenog sustava, ali isto tako postavljaju granice mogućnosti koje su određene drugim i trećim zakonom termodinamike.Low temperature thermodynamics represents a field of study for characteristics of materials at temperatures close to absolute zero. For studying such characteristics one must consider the cooling techniques which allow us to reach such temperatures. Cooling can generaly be defined as heat transfer from a body at lower to a body at higher temperatures. The aim of this final paper is to give a theoretical description of todays most abundantly used refrigeration techniques for reaching very low temperatures. These techniques are quantified according to their cooling power, which describes the cooling efficiency of a given system, but at the same time sets the limit of possibility for reaching low temperatures according to the second and third law of thermodynamics

    Approach to Absolute Zero

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    Termodinamika niskih temperatura odnosi se na primjenu zakona termodinamike na osobine materije na temperaturama oko apsolutne nule. Za proučavanje tih osobina potrebno je razmotriti procese hlađenja koji nam omogućuju postizanje takvih temperatura. Njih općenito možemo definirati kao procese prijenosa topline s mjesta niže na mjesto više temperature. Cilj ovog završnog rada je dati teoretski opis tehnika hlađenja koje su danas najzastupljenije u postizanju ultraniskih temperatura. Tehnike hlađenja se pri tome vrednuju prema njihovim snagama hlađenja koje opisuju efikasnost hlađenja određenog sustava, ali isto tako postavljaju granice mogućnosti koje su određene drugim i trećim zakonom termodinamike.Low temperature thermodynamics represents a field of study for characteristics of materials at temperatures close to absolute zero. For studying such characteristics one must consider the cooling techniques which allow us to reach such temperatures. Cooling can generaly be defined as heat transfer from a body at lower to a body at higher temperatures. The aim of this final paper is to give a theoretical description of todays most abundantly used refrigeration techniques for reaching very low temperatures. These techniques are quantified according to their cooling power, which describes the cooling efficiency of a given system, but at the same time sets the limit of possibility for reaching low temperatures according to the second and third law of thermodynamics

    Approach to Absolute Zero

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    Termodinamika niskih temperatura odnosi se na primjenu zakona termodinamike na osobine materije na temperaturama oko apsolutne nule. Za proučavanje tih osobina potrebno je razmotriti procese hlađenja koji nam omogućuju postizanje takvih temperatura. Njih općenito možemo definirati kao procese prijenosa topline s mjesta niže na mjesto više temperature. Cilj ovog završnog rada je dati teoretski opis tehnika hlađenja koje su danas najzastupljenije u postizanju ultraniskih temperatura. Tehnike hlađenja se pri tome vrednuju prema njihovim snagama hlađenja koje opisuju efikasnost hlađenja određenog sustava, ali isto tako postavljaju granice mogućnosti koje su određene drugim i trećim zakonom termodinamike.Low temperature thermodynamics represents a field of study for characteristics of materials at temperatures close to absolute zero. For studying such characteristics one must consider the cooling techniques which allow us to reach such temperatures. Cooling can generaly be defined as heat transfer from a body at lower to a body at higher temperatures. The aim of this final paper is to give a theoretical description of todays most abundantly used refrigeration techniques for reaching very low temperatures. These techniques are quantified according to their cooling power, which describes the cooling efficiency of a given system, but at the same time sets the limit of possibility for reaching low temperatures according to the second and third law of thermodynamics

    Parameter optimization for the growth of silver micro- and nano-clusters on silicon substrate

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    Metalne nanočestice zbog svojih osobina od iznimne su važnosti u širokom području znanosti. Pri tome su posebno zanimljive nanočestice plemenitih metala zbog znatno boljih optičkih i električkih osobina u odnosu na ostale metale. U ovome radu proučava se utjecaj depozicijskih parametara i temperature zagrijavanja na sintezu srebrenih nanogrozdova iz tankih filmova dobivenih DC magnetronskim rasprašenjem na supstratu od silicija i silicija sa tankim slojem Al2O3Al_2O_3 nanesenog metodom depozicije atomskih slojeva. Za uzorke sa silicijem kao supstratom istraživao se utjecaj različitih temperatura zagrijavanja na raspodjelu veličina nastalih nanočestica, te na njihovu geometrijsku raspodjelu. Pokazalo se da s povećanjem temperature geometrija nanočestica postaje pravilnija, dok se veličina istih povećava. Za uzorke sa slojem Al2O3Al_2O_3 uspoređivao se utjecaj depozicijskih parametara, točnije debljine stvorenog filma na veličine nanogrozdova. Uzorci su nakon depozicije zagrijavani na dvije temperature. Pokazalo se da površina od Al2O3Al_2O_3 pogoduje rastu grozdova, što kao posljedicu ima da se gotovo sav materijal filmova skuplja u veće strukture, dok od ostatka materijala na površini supstrata preostaju nanogrozdovi većinom promjera do 30 nm.Metallic nanoparticles, noble ones in particular, are of significant interest in a wide field of scientific studies because of their unique optical and electrical properties. In this thesis the influence of deposition parameters and annealing temperature in the formation of silver nanoparticles from thin silver films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering on silicon substrates and silicon substrates with a ALD layer of Al2O3Al_2O_3 is studied. The influence of different annealig temperatures on the size distribution of silver nanoparticles was studied on the silicon substrates. It was shown that with increasing annealing temperature the geometry of the nanoparticles became more regular,but also that the size of the nanoparticles increased. For the substrates with the layer of Al2O3Al_2O_3 the influence of the deposition parameters, specifically the thickness of the sputtered film on the size distribution of nanoparticles was compared. Afterdeposition, the substrates were annealed at two differenttemperatures. It was shownthat the layer of Al2O3Al_2O_3 has a positive influence of cluster growth, which resulted in the formation of large clusters containing most of the film material. The rest of the material was regularly distributed on the remaining surface in the form of small nanoparticles the size of up to 30 nm

    Living unrelated donor kidney transplantation: A fourteen-year experience

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    Background. In countries without a national organization for retrieval and distribution of organs of the deceased donors, problem of organ shortage is still not resolved. In order to increase the number of kidney transplantations we started with the program of living unrelated - spousal donors. The aim of this study was to compare treatment outcome and renal graft function in patients receiving the graft from spousal and those receiving ghe graft from living related donors. Method. We retrospectively identified 14 patients who received renal allograft from spousal donors between 1996 and 2009 (group I). The control group consisted of 14 patients who got graft from related donor retrieved from the database and matched than with respect to sex, age, kidney disease, immunological and viral pretransplant status, the initial method of the end stage renal disease treatment and ABO compatibility. In the follow-up period of 41 ± 38 months we recorded immunosuppressive therapy, surgical complications, episodes of acute rejection, CMV infection and graft function, assessed by serum creatinine levels at the beginning and in the end of the follow-up period. All patients had pretransplant negative cross-match. In ABO incompatible patients pretransplant isoagglutinine titer was zero. Results. The patients with a spousal donor had worse HLA matching. There were no significant differences between the groups in surgical, infective, immunological complications and graft function. Two patients from the group I returned to hemodialysis after 82 and 22 months due to serious comorbidities. Conclusion. In spite of the worse HLA matching, graft survival and function of renal grafts from spousal donors were as good as those retrieved from related donors