123 research outputs found

    Functions Characterizing the Ground State of the XXZ Spin-1/2 Chain in the Thermodynamic Limit

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    We establish several properties of the solutions to the linear integral equations describing the infinite volume properties of the XXZ spin-1/2 chain in the disordered regime. In particular, we obtain lower and upper bounds for the dressed energy, dressed charge and density of Bethe roots. Furthermore, we establish that given a fixed external magnetic field (or a fixed magnetization) there exists a unique value of the boundary of the Fermi zone


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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C5H8N2O3, the mol­ecules exist in the zwitterionic form. The pyrrolidine ring adopts an envelope conformation with the unsubstituted endocyclic C atom situated at the flap. The other four endocyclic atoms are coplanar with the exocyclic carbonyl O atom, with an r.m.s. deviation from the mean plane of 0.06 Å. The carboxyl­ate substituent is located axially, while the ammonium group occupies an equatorial position. In the crystal structure, the mol­ecules are linked through N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a three-dimensional network

    Synthetic Biology of Proteins: Tuning GFPs Folding and Stability with Fluoroproline

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    Proline residues affect protein folding and stability via cis/trans isomerization of peptide bonds and by the C(gamma)-exo or -endo puckering of their pyrrolidine rings. Peptide bond conformation as well as puckering propensity can be manipulated by proper choice of ring substituents, e.g. C(gamma)-fluorination. Synthetic chemistry has routinely exploited ring-substituted proline analogs in order to change, modulate or control folding and stability of peptides.In order to transmit this synthetic strategy to complex proteins, the ten proline residues of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) were globally replaced by (4R)- and (4S)-fluoroprolines (FPro). By this approach, we expected to affect the cis/trans peptidyl-proline bond isomerization and pyrrolidine ring puckering, which are responsible for the slow folding of this protein. Expression of both protein variants occurred at levels comparable to the parent protein, but the (4R)-FPro-EGFP resulted in irreversibly unfolded inclusion bodies, whereas the (4S)-FPro-EGFP led to a soluble fluorescent protein. Upon thermal denaturation, refolding of this variant occurs at significantly higher rates than the parent EGFP. Comparative inspection of the X-ray structures of EGFP and (4S)-FPro-EGFP allowed to correlate the significantly improved refolding with the C(gamma)-endo puckering of the pyrrolidine rings, which is favored by 4S-fluorination, and to lesser extents with the cis/trans isomerization of the prolines.We discovered that the folding rates and stability of GFP are affected to a lesser extent by cis/trans isomerization of the proline bonds than by the puckering of pyrrolidine rings. In the C(gamma)-endo conformation the fluorine atoms are positioned in the structural context of the GFP such that a network of favorable local interactions is established. From these results the combined use of synthetic amino acids along with detailed structural knowledge and existing protein engineering methods can be envisioned as a promising strategy for the design of complex tailor-made proteins and even cellular structures of superior properties compared to the native forms

    Trans−cis Switching Mechanisms in Proline Analogues and Their Relevance for the Gating of the 5-HT3 Receptor

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    Trans-cis isomerization of a proline peptide bond is a potential mechanism to open the channel of the 5-HT3 receptor. Here, we have used the metadynamics method to theoretically explore such a mechanism. We have determined the free energy surfaces in aqueous solution of a series of dipeptides of proline analogues and evaluated the free energy difference between the cis and trans isomers. These theoretical results were then compared with data from mutagenesis experiments, in which the response of the 5-HT3 receptor was measured when the proline at the apex of the M2-M3 transmembrane domain loop was mutated. The strong correlation between the experimental and the theoretical data supports the existence of a trans-cis proline switch for opening the 5-HT3 receptor ion channel

    Synthetic biology: Understanding biological design from synthetic circuits

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    An important aim of synthetic biology is to uncover the design principles of natural biological systems through the rational design of gene and protein circuits. Here, we highlight how the process of engineering biological systems — from synthetic promoters to the control of cell–cell interactions — has contributed to our understanding of how endogenous systems are put together and function. Synthetic biological devices allow us to grasp intuitively the ranges of behaviour generated by simple biological circuits, such as linear cascades and interlocking feedback loops, as well as to exert control over natural processes, such as gene expression and population dynamics