707 research outputs found

    Focal Points and Economic Efficiency: Role of Relative Label Salience

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    We experimentally analyze efficiency-enhancing power of focal points in 2x2 Pareto-ranked coordination games. We find that the power of focal labels, when attached to the Pareto-efficient strategy, to promote efficiency critically depends upon the alternative strategy’s label salience. When the relative salience of our focal labels is considerably weaker, focal labels mostly fail to raise expected efficiency beyond the mixed-strategy prediction. But when the relative salience of our focal labels is markedly stronger, focal labels raise expected efficiency much beyond the mixed-strategy prediction. Furthermore, we find that focal labels’ efficiency-enhancing power decreases as a measure of risk-dominance increases across games.

    Pandemic Thoughts While on Lock

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    Passive and Active Masculinities in Disney\u27s Fairy Tale Films

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    Disney fairy tale films are not as patriarchal and empowering of men as they have long been assumed to be. Laura Mulvey\u27s cinematic theory of the gaze and more recent revisions of her theory inform this analysis of the portrayal of males and females in Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. This study reveals that many representations of males in these films actually portray masculinity as an object of female agency. Over time, Disney\u27s representations of masculinity have become more supportive of male agency and individuality, but this development has been inconsistent and much-delayed. While early films generally show princes who lack character and ability, later films present men as more individuated and active, and eventually present men with more options and powe

    The Quality and Safety of Imported Food: The Danger of Pesticides

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    The analysis of pesticide residue in imported food by thin layer chromatography is reported in this work. The pesticide residue was found in 34 samples of 11 kinds fresh harvested vegetables during fall of 2011.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjc.v12i0.188 Mongolian Journal of Chemistry Vol.12 2011: 131-13

    Passive and Active Masculinities in Disney\u27s Fairy Tale Films

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    Disney fairy tale films are not as patriarchal and empowering of men as they have long been assumed to be. Laura Mulvey\u27s cinematic theory of the gaze and more recent revisions of her theory inform this analysis of the portrayal of males and females in Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin. This study reveals that many representations of males in these films actually portray masculinity as an object of female agency. Over time, Disney\u27s representations of masculinity have become more supportive of male agency and individuality, but this development has been inconsistent and much-delayed. While early films generally show princes who lack character and ability, later films present men as more individuated and active, and eventually present men with more options and powe

    Podjela udjela u društvu kao posljedica diobe bračne stečevine

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    Slovenian family law and corporate law do not specify any special rules for cases in which a married couple use their common assets to obtain an equity stake in a company. The lack of specific rules results in a conflict between the rules of family law and corporate law. This article analyzes the conflict between family and corporate law rules in relation to the ownership of corporate rights obtained through common property of the spouses, and the division of corporate rights arising from a common stake in a company due to a division of common property of the spouses.Prema slovenskom je obiteljskom pravu imovina koju su bračni drugovi stekli radom za vrijeme trajanja bračne zajednice ili potječe iz te imovine ipso iure bračna stečevina bračnih drugova. Bračni drugovi ne mogu se dogovoriti drukčije bračnim ugovorom. Zbog toga su članska prava u trgovačkim društvima koja bračni drugovi dobiju iz bračne imovine ipso iure bračna stečevina. U slovenskoj teoriji i praksi nema dileme da to vrijedi za društva kapitala. Sporno je mogu li i članska prava u društvu osoba biti bračna stečevina. Prema našem mišljenju članska prava u društvu osoba mogu biti, kao u slučaju društva kapitala, bračna stečevina bračnih drugova. Udio u trgovačkom društvu, koji je bračna stečevina, prema obiteljskom se pravu dijeli u slučaju razvoda braka. U Sloveniji je u registar trgovačkih društva upisan samo jedan bračni drug, iako je udio u trgovačkom društvu bračna stečevina. Upisani bračni drug, koji u tom društvu radi, može misliti da je udio u trgovačkom društvu isključivo njegov i zato ga želi isključiti iz diobe bračne stečevine. To se uglavnom događa u društvima kapitala s jednom osobom, a ona su vrlo česta u slovenskoj gospodarskoj praksi. Pravna sredstva neupisanog bračnog druga u slučaju kada upisani bračni drug obustavi udio u trgovačkom društvu pri diobi bračne stečevine ovisi o načinu kako je upisani bračni drug to napravio. Ako je upisani bračni drug prenio vlasništvo na udjelu u trgovačkom društvu trećoj osobi, neupisani bračni drug može taj pravni posao pobijati ako treća osoba nije postupala u dobroj vjeri. Ako je upisani bračni drug prenio imovinu ili gospodarske aktivnosti trgovačkog društva na drugo trgovačko društvo, neupisani bračni drug može tužiti upisanog bračnog druga samo za odštetu

    Esprit de la mer: Spirit of the Sea

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    Original work by Ashley Jone

    The twofold strategy of temporariness in the Japanese immigration control system: The outcomes of a restrictive policy framework for “disguised refugees”, irregular and economic immigrants

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    Japan has only very recently started to be conceived as a migration desti-nation country, however, since the 1970s, its immigration has shown steadily growing numbers, highlighting the importance for researchers to shed light on the specificities of the Japanese immigration phenomenon. Nevertheless, the Japanese legal immigration framework is still consid-ered inadequate to address such a rise, and even more so when the legal framework on refugees and asylum seekers is taken into account. This contribution wishes to assess the outcomes of the Japanese Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act through the analysis of the Minis-try of Justice’s legal and administrative regulations, supported by recent sociological reflections. The observation of the phenomenon through the lens of time led to the identification of a twofold strategy grounded on temporariness that exercises its influence on refugees and irregular immi-grants, as well as economic immigrants

    A Study of Dollarization in Ecuador and its Implications for the Future of the Mexican Economy

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    Dollarization is the abandonment of a nation’s domestic currency and the adoption of a foreign currency, which, in the case of this study, is the United States dollar. The topic of dollarization is pertinent to today’s global economy as globalization expands and countries become more inter reliant. This study is concentrated firstly on the dollarization of Ecuador. It investigates the events that led to dollarization, present effects on the economy, and the whether dollarization is sustainable. Secondly, the study examines the possible causes and effects of dollarization in Mexico as assisted by the review of dollarization in Ecuador. Through careful analysis it was discovered that should Mexico follow in Ecuador’s footsteps of dollarization, many of the effects felt by Ecuador will be mirrored by Mexico. These effects include reactions within the nation’s stock markets as well as an impact on entrepreneurship, international competition, and trade. Ultimately, this study reaches the conclusion that dollarization does not benefit nations to the extent that it is often merited for accomplishing. Thus, without a wide embracement of dollarization within a geographical region, it should not serve as an option to provide long-term stability. Hence, dollarization should not be implemented in Mexico’s future. The research conducted to accomplish the tasks of this study includes readings of scholarly articles regarding the Latin American economy, dollarization, and the implementation of the euro within the European Union. There was additional exploration 111 of the topics mentioned above by means of published books found at the J. D. Williams Library at the University of Mississippi as well as an interview with Mario Hayek, an entrepreneur in Ecuador. All of the references used in the analysis of this study can be found in the bibliography. Additional supporting materials that reference figures throughout the study as well as Mr. Hayek’s interview can be located in the Appendix