9 research outputs found

    Stirling Convertor Controller Development at NASA Glenn Research Center

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    For nearly two decades, NASA Glenn Research Center has been supporting the development of radioisotope power systems (RPS). NASA desires higher conversion efficiency RPS options that are reliable and robust with long-life design. Dynamic conversion, such as Stirling and Brayton, offer the potential for higher conversion efficiencies than current RPS but have yet to be demonstrated in a flight application. The RPS program sent out a solicitation to investigate options for dynamic conversion technologies. As a result of this solicitation, four dynamic power convertor (DPC) technologies were selected for design and three are proceeding to the fabrication phase of prototype dynamic convertors. One lesson learned from the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) project is that controller development should be coordinated with the development of a dynamic convertor. As a result of this, Glenn has been utilizing hardware from past Stirling convertor projects, including that of the ASRG, to support controller development for the DPCs. Glenn has developed a strong knowledge base on both analog and digital Stirling DPC controllers and will continue to expand and apply that knowledge to the DPCs. Over the past 15 years, controllers were developed at Glenn, at Lockheed Martin (LM), and by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). Various generations of the controllers have been developed as lessons were learned through various component- and system-level tests. Some of the tests performed were fault tolerance, flight acceptance vibration, electromagnetic interference (EMI), spacecraft integration, and extended operation. The fault tolerance test characterized the controllers ability to handle various fault conditions, including high or low bus power consumption, total open load or short circuit, and replacing a failed controller card while the backup maintains control of the Stirling convertor. The vibration test confirms the controllers ability to control an Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC) during launch. The EMI test characterized the alternating-current (AC) and direct-current (DC) magnetic and electric fields emitted by the single ASC and if the controller has an impact on the radiated EMI. Spacecraft integration testing in the Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS), System Integration Laboratory (RSIL) provided insight into the electrical interactions between the representative RPS, its associated control schemes, and realistic electric system loads. The extended operation test allows data to be collected over a period of thousands of hours to obtain long-term performance data of the system. This paper describes the history of controller development at Glenn, tests performed on these controllers, and lessons learned

    Test Rack Development for Extended Operation of Advanced Stirling Convertors at NASA Glenn Research Center

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    The U.S. Department of Energy, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Sunpower Inc., and NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) have been developing an Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) for use as a power system on space science missions. This generator will make use of free-piston Stirling convertors to achieve higher conversion efficiency than with currently available alternatives. One part of NASA GRC's support of ASRG development includes extended operation testing of Advanced Stirling Convertors (ASCs) developed by Sunpower Inc. and GRC. The ASC consists of a free-piston Stirling engine integrated with a linear alternator. NASA GRC has been building test facilities to support extended operation of the ASCs for several years. Operation of the convertors in the test facility provides convertor performance data over an extended period of time. One part of the test facility is the test rack, which provides a means for data collection, convertor control, and safe operation. Over the years, the test rack requirements have changed. The initial ASC test rack utilized an alternating-current (AC) bus for convertor control; the ASRG Engineering Unit (EU) test rack can operate with AC bus control or with an ASC Control Unit (ACU). A new test rack is being developed to support extended operation of the ASC-E2s with higher standards of documentation, component selection, and assembly practices. This paper discusses the differences among the ASC, ASRG EU, and ASC-E2 test racks

    Stirling Convertor Controller Development at NASA Glenn Research Center

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    For nearly two decades, NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) has been supporting the development of Radioisotope Power Systems (RPS). NASA desires higher conversion efficiency RPS options that are reliable and robust with long life design. Dynamic conversion, such as Stirling and Brayton, offer the potential for higher conversion efficiencies than current RPS but have yet to be demonstrated in a flight application. The RPS program sent out a solicitation to investigate options for dynamic conversion technologies. As a result of this solicitation, four dynamic power convertor (DPC) technologies were selected for design and three are proceeding to the fabrication phase of prototype dynamic convertors. One lesson learned from the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) project is that controller development should be coordinated with the development of a dynamic convertor. As a result of this, NASA GRC has been utilizing hardware from past Stirling convertor projects including that of the ASRG to support controller development for the DPC's. NASA GRC has developed a strong knowledge base on both analog and digital Stirling dynamic power convertor controllers and will continue to expand and apply that knowledge to the DPC's. Over the past 15 years, controllers were developed at GRC, at Lockheed Martin (LM) and by the Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). Various generations of the controllers have been developed as lessons were learned through various component and system level tests. Some of the tests performed were fault tolerance, flight acceptance vibration, electromagnetic interference (EMI), spacecraft integration, and extended operation. The fault tolerance test characterized the controller's ability to handle various fault conditions, including high or low bus power consumptions, total open load or short circuit, and replacing a failed controller card while the backup maintains control of the Stirling convertor. The vibration test confirms the controller's ability to control an ASC during launch. The EMI test characterized the AC and DC magnetic and electric fields emitted by the single ASC and if the controller has an impact on the radiated EMI. Spacecraft integration testing in the Radioisotope Power Systems System Integration Laboratory (RSIL) provided insight into the electrical interactions between the representative RPS, its associated control schemes, and realistic electric system loads. The extended operation test allows data to be collected over a period of thousands of hours to obtain long term performance data of the system. This paper describes the history of controller development at NASA GRC, tests performed on these controllers, and lessons learned

    Stirling Convertor Control for a Concept Rover at NASA Glenn Research Center

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    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company (LMSSC), Sunpower Inc., and NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) have been developing an Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG) for potential use as an electric power system for space science missions. This generator would make use of the free-piston Stirling cycle to achieve higher conversion efficiency than currently used alternatives. NASA GRC initiated an experiment with an ASRG simulator to demonstrate the functionality of a Stirling convertor on a mobile application, such as a rover. The ASRG simulator made use of two Advanced Stirling Convertors to convert thermal energy from a heat source to electricity. The ASRG simulator was designed to incorporate a minimum amount of support equipment, allowing integration onto a rover powered directly by the convertors. Support equipment to provide control was designed including a linear AC regulator controller, constant power controller, and Li-ion battery charger controller. The ASRG simulator is controlled by a linear AC regulator controller. The rover is powered by both a Stirling convertor and Li-ion batteries. A constant power controller enables the Stirling convertor to maintain a constant power output when additional power is supplied by the Li-ion batteries. A Li-ion battery charger controller limits the charging current and cut off current of the batteries. This paper discusses the design, fabrication, and implementation of these three controllers

    Small Radioisotope Power System Testing at NASA Glenn Research Center

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    In April 2009, NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) formed an integrated product team (IPT) to develop a Small Radioisotope Power System (SRPS) utilizing a single Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC) with passive balancer. A single ASC produces approximately 80 We making this system advantageous for small distributed lunar science stations. The IPT consists of Sunpower, Inc., to provide the single ASC with a passive balancer, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHUAPL) to design an engineering model Single Convertor Controller (SCC) for an ASC with a passive balancer, and NASA GRC to provide technical support to these tasks and to develop a simulated lunar lander test stand. The single ASC with a passive balancer, simulated lunar lander test stand, and SCC were delivered to GRC and were tested as a system. The testing sequence at GRC included SCC fault tolerance, integration, electromagnetic interference (EMI), vibration, and extended operation testing. The SCC fault tolerance test characterized the SCCs ability to handle various fault conditions, including high or low bus power consumption, total open load or short circuit, and replacing a failed SCC card while the backup maintains control of the ASC. The integrated test characterized the behavior of the system across a range of operating conditions, including variations in cold-end temperature and piston amplitude, including the emitted vibration to both the sensors on the lunar lander and the lunar surface. The EMI test characterized the AC and DC magnetic and electric fields emitted by the SCC and single ASC. The vibration test confirms the SCCs ability to control the single ASC during launch. The extended operation test allows data to be collected over a period of thousands of hours to obtain long term performance data of the ASC with a passive balancer and the SCC. This paper will discuss the results of each of these tests

    Design of a Facility to Test the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator Engineering Unit

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    The Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator (ASRG), a high efficiency generator, is being considered for space missions. An engineering unit, the ASRG engineering unit (EU), was designed and fabricated by Lockheed Martin under contract to the Department of Energy. This unit is currently under extended operation test at the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) to generate performance data and validate the life and reliability predictions for the generator and the Stirling convertors. A special test facility was designed and built for the ASRG EU. This paper summarizes details of the test facility design, including the mechanical mounting, heat-rejection system, argon system, control systems, and maintenance. The effort proceeded from requirements definition through design, analysis, build, and test. Initial testing and facility performance results are discussed

    Small Radioisotope Power System at NASA Glenn Research Center

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    In April 2009, NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) formed an integrated product team (IPT) to develop a Small Radioisotope Power System (SRPS) utilizing a single Advanced Stirling Convertor (ASC) with passive balancer for possible use by the International Lunar Network (ILN) program. The ILN program is studying the feasibility of implementing a multiple node seismometer network to investigate the internal lunar structure. A single ASC produces approximately 80 W(sub e) and could potentially supply sufficient power for that application. The IPT consists of Sunpower, Inc., to provide the single ASC with balancer, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) to design an engineering model Single Convertor Controller (SCC) for an ASC with balancer, and NASA GRC to provide technical support to these tasks and to develop a simulated lunar lander test stand. A controller maintains stable operation of an ASC. It regulates the alternating current produced by the linear alternator of the convertor, provides a specified output voltage, and maintains operation at a steady piston amplitude and hot end temperature. JHU/APL also designed an ASC dynamic engine/alternator simulator to aid in the testing and troubleshooting of the SCC. This paper describes the requirements, design, and development of the SCC, including some of the key challenges and the solutions chosen to overcome those issues. In addition, it describes the plans to analyze the effectiveness of a passive balancer to minimize vibration from the ASC, characterize the effect of ASC vibration on a lunar lander, characterize the performance of the SCC, and integrate the single ASC, SCC, and lunar lander test stand to characterize performance of the overall system

    Advanced Stirling Convertor Dual Convertor Controller Testing at NASA Glenn Research Center in the Radioisotope Power Systems System Integration Laboratory

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    NASA Glenn Research Center developed a nonnuclear representation of a Radioisotope Power System (RPS) consisting of a pair of Advanced Stirling Convertors (ASCs), Dual Convertor Controller (DCC) EMs (engineering models) 2 and 3, and associated support equipment, which were tested in the Radioisotope Power Systems System Integration Laboratory (RSIL). The DCC was designed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) to actively control a pair of ASCs. The first phase of testing included a Dual Advanced Stirling Convertor Simulator (DASCS), which was developed by JHU/APL and simulates the operation and electrical behavior of a pair of ASCs in real time via a combination of hardware and software. RSIL provides insight into the electrical interactions between a representative radioisotope power generator, its associated control schemes, and realistic electric system loads. The first phase of integration testing included the following spacecraft bus configurations: capacitive, battery, and super-capacitor. A load profile, created based on data from several missions, tested the RPS's and RSIL's ability to maintain operation during load demands above and below the power provided by the RPS. The integration testing also confirmed the DCC's ability to disconnect from the spacecraft when the bus voltage dipped below 22 volts or exceeded 36 volts. Once operation was verified with the DASCS, the tests were repeated with actual operating ASCs. The goal of this integration testing was to verify operation of the DCC when connected to a spacecraft and to verify the functionality of the newly designed RSIL. The results of these tests are presented in this paper

    Advanced Stirling Convertor Dual Convertor Controller Testing at NASA Glenn Research Center in the Radioisotope Power Systems System Integration Laboratory

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    NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) developed a non-nuclear representation of a Radioisotope Power System (RPS) consisting of a pair of Advanced Stirling Convertors (ASC), a Dual Convertor Controller (DCC) EM (engineering model) 2 & 3, and associated support equipment, which were tested in the Radioisotope Power Systems System Integration Laboratory (RSIL). The DCC was designed by the Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) to actively control a pair of Advanced Stirling Convertors (ASC). The first phase of testing included a Dual Advanced Stirling Convertor Simulator (DASCS) which was developed by JHU/APL and simulates the operation and electrical behavior of a pair of ASC's in real time via a combination of hardware and software. RSIL provides insight into the electrical interactions between a representative radioisotope power generator, its associated control schemes, and realistic electric system loads. The first phase of integration testing included the following spacecraft bus configurations: capacitive, battery, and supercapacitor. A load profile, created based on data from several missions, tested the RPS and RSIL ability to maintain operation during load demands above and below the power provided by the RPS. The integration testing also confirmed the DCC's ability to disconnect from the spacecraft when the bus voltage dipped below 22 V or exceeded 36 V. Once operation was verified with the DASCS, the tests were repeated with actual operating ASC's. The goal of this integration testing was to verify operation of the DCC when connected to a spacecraft and to verify the functionality of the newly designed RSIL. The results of these tests are presented in this paper