192 research outputs found

    Designing Effective Questions for Classroom Response System Teaching

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    Classroom response systems (CRSs) can be potent tools for teaching physics. Their efficacy, however, depends strongly on the quality of the questions used. Creating effective questions is difficult, and differs from creating exam and homework problems. Every CRS question should have an explicit pedagogic purpose consisting of a content goal, a process goal, and a metacognitive goal. Questions can be engineered to fulfil their purpose through four complementary mechanisms: directing students' attention, stimulating specific cognitive processes, communicating information to instructor and students via CRS-tabulated answer counts, and facilitating the articulation and confrontation of ideas. We identify several tactics that help in the design of potent questions, and present four "makeovers" showing how these tactics can be used to convert traditional physics questions into more powerful CRS questions.Comment: 11 pages, including 6 figures and 2 tables. Submitted (and mostly approved) to the American Journal of Physics. Based on invited talk BL05 at the 2005 Winter Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers (Albuquerque, NM

    Resolución de problemas basada en el análisis : hacer del análisis y del razonamiento el foco de la enseñanza de la física

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    Usando los resultados provenientes de la investigación educativa en áreas tales como concepciones alternativas, diferencias entre expertos y novatos, adquisición de esquemas, sobrecarga cognitiva y análisis jerárquico, hemos desarrollado un marco para pensar sobre la organización del conocimiento y su uso para la comunicación, y sobre el razonamiento y la resolución de problemas. Basados en este marco y en nuestras reflexiones sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, hemos creado una metodología didáctica llamada resolución de problemas basada en el análisis, diseñada para promover tanto la comprensión conceptual profunda como la capacidad de resolver problemas eficientemente a través de enfocarse en el análisis y el razonamiento como un puente entre las dos. Presentamos aquí una progresión de objetivos de enseñanza que lleva a los estudiantes de ser aprendices novatos a ser «resolvedores» de problemas más eficientes y más reflexivos. Para cada objetivo, resumimos los resultados relevantes de la investigación cognitiva y describimos las recomendaciones didácticas que se pueden derivar de ella. Luego hicimos la lista de algunas estrategias didácticas útiles para promover ese objetivo en particular y, finalmente, indicamos algunas prácticas de aula que deberían ayudar a que los estudiantes progresen desde esta perspectiva.Summary. Using the results of educational research coming from such areas as alternative conceptions, expert-novice differences, schema acquisition, cognitive overload, and hierarchical analysis, we have developed a framework for thinking about knowledge organization and its use for communication, reasoning, and problem solving. Based on this framework, as well as on our own reflections on learning and teaching, we have created an instructional approach called analysis-based problem solving that is designed to promote both deep, conceptual understanding and proficient problem-solving ability, by focusing on analysis and reasoning as a bridge between them both. We report here on a progression of instructional goals that takes students from novice learners to more proficient, more thoughtful problem solvers. For each goal, we summarize the relevant cognitive research results, and describe the pedagogy that can be derived from it. Then, we list some modes of instruction useful for promoting that particular goal, and finally, indicate some classroom practices that should help students make progress within the approach

    Switchable Adhesion of Soft Composites Induced by a Magnetic Field

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    Switchable adhesives have the potential to improve the manufacturing and recycling of parts and to enable new modes of motility for soft robots. Here, we demonstrate magnetically-switchable adhesion of a two-phase composite to non-magnetic objects. The composite's continuous phase is a silicone elastomer, and the dispersed phase is a magneto-rheological fluid. The composite is simple to prepare, and to mould to different shapes. When a magnetic field is applied, the magneto-rheological fluid develops a yield stress, which dramatically enhances the composite's adhesive properties. We demonstrate up to a nine-fold increase of the pull-off force of non-magnetic objects in the presence of a 250 mT field

    Prescribing of Antipsychotic Medication in a Medicaid Population: Use of Polytherapy and Off-Label Dosages

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the use of atypical antipsychotic medications in a Medicaid-enrolled population composed primarily of elderly and disabled patients. Our analyses focused upon the frequency of use of polytherapy with multiple antipsychotic medications and the prescribing of off-label dosages. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional retrospective analysis of oral antipsychotic medication use, as prescribed for this population in 2003. The unit of analysis was the patient. We determined the prevalence of use of each type of antipsychotic medication according to gender and age group and determined the extent of use of combination therapies with multiple oral antipsychotic medications. Using the dosage ranges described in the product labeling, we identified the percentage of patients prescribed in-range dosages, overall and for each atypical antipsychotic medication studied. Those identified as receiving out-of-range (off-label) dosages were further stratified by gender and age group. The statistical significance of differences between these proportions was assessed using the chi-square test. RESULTS: Of the 8,616 patients meeting our inclusion criteria, 7,748 (90%) received monotherapy with an oral antipsychotic medication and 868 patients (10%) received polytherapy with multiple oral antipsychotic medications. Approximately 2 of 3 patients receiving atypical antipsychotic medications were prescribed a dosage that was within the range recommended in the product labeling. Dosages lower than recommended in the product labeling were prescribed for 27% of patients receiving atypical antipsychotics, while 6% of patients received an above-range dosage. The frequency of patients receiving in-range dosages varied substantially among medications. Younger patients and male patients were more frequently prescribed above-range dosages while older patients and female patients were more frequently prescribed below-range dosages of these medications (P less than 0.001 for both findings). CONCLUSION: In this subpopulation of Medicaid enrollees who were prescribed antipsychotic medications, we found a 10% incidence of use of antipsychotic polytherapy and a 33% incidence of prescribing of dosages outside the range listed in the product labeling. These findings suggest that physicians commonly prescribe antipsychotic medications in a manner that differs from the recommendations described in the prescribing information. The off-label use of atypical antipsychotic medications raises important questions regarding the purpose and applicability of the product labeling and the role and ability of the pharmacist to provide information regarding the risks and benefits of therapy as commonly prescribed

    Development and Delivery of a Quality Improvement Program to Reduce Antipsychotic Polytherapy

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    BACKGROUND: Although antipsychotic polytherapy is considered appropriate in limited circumstances (e.g., during a brief “cross-titration” period when switching medications), its increasing prevalence indicates use beyond this limited scope. Despite absence of support in the medical literature and higher costs, antipsychotic polytherapy is common in the treatment of schizophrenia and related disorders. The highest utilization of antipsychotic polytherapy occurs on psychiatric inpatient units, and in 2008, the Joint Commission released the first set of 7 hospital-based inpatient psychiatric services (HBIPS) core measures, 2 of which assess antipsychotic polytherapy at time of discharge. OBJECTIVE: To describe the effect on antipsychotic polytherapy at time of discharge of a 2-part quality improvement program composed of educational seminars and prescriber-specific feedback provided to 11 psychiatrists in 4 acute inpatient psychiatric units in 2 hospitals. METHODS: In a regional academic health care system, we determined the prevalence of antipsychotic monotherapy and polytherapy at time of discharge for all patients discharged on standing antipsychotic medications during 3 periods: (a) a 3-month baseline period (August 2006 through October 2006); (b) in July 2007, after delivery of 4 educational luncheon seminars to 11 psychiatrists from November 2006 through June 2007; and (c) in June 2008, following the provision of monthly prescriber-specific audit feedback from August 2007 through June 2008. To prepare nurses for the change and address possible safety concerns, an educational module was delivered to the psychiatric nursing staff at “best practice” day lectures held in the first quarter of 2007. General themes in the educational presentations included literature-based reviews of (a) safety and efficacy of antipsychotic polytherapy, (b) medical risks of antipsychotic medications, (c) specific versus nonspecific effects of these medications, and (d) effectiveness of first- versus second-generation antipsychotic medications. The prescriber-specific audit feedback was provided in paper form and masked the identity of the other prescribers. The chief of service reviewed audit feedback individually with each psychiatrist on a quarterly basis. The primary outcome measure was the percentage of patients prescribed 2 or more antipsychotics at discharge. A secondary outcome measure was the percentage of patients prescribed 3 or more antipsychotics at discharge. Differences in the primary outcome measure, comparing (a) July 2007 with the baseline period and (b) June 2008 with July 2007, were analyzed using Fisher’s Exact tests. The Cochran-Armitage test for trend was used to assess the relationship between the primary outcome measure and the extent of the intervention, measured as the 3 time periods. For the secondary outcome measure, the Goodman-Kruskal gamma test for ordered categorical data was calculated to examine the association between the proportion of patients receiving 1, 2, or 3 or more antipsychotics at discharge and the 3 time periods. RESULTS: The percentage of patients prescribed 2 or more antipsychotics at discharge declined from 33.9% at baseline (132 of 389 patients), to 21.8% after delivery of the educational modules (44 of 202 patients, P = 0.002), and to 12.2% after audit feedback (18 of 147 patients, P = 0.023; Cochran-Armitage test for trend P \u3c 0.001). When antipsychotic use was classified as 1, 2, or 3 or more antipsychotic medications, more extensive intervention was associated with decreased combination use (Goodman-Kruskal gamma = 0.39, P \u3c 0.001). In the baseline period, 5.9% of patients were prescribed 3 or more antipsychotics at discharge. Following completion of the educational and audit components, respectively, the proportion of patients prescribed 3 or more antipsychotics declined to 2.5% and then to 0.0%. CONCLUSION: Educational modules presented to psychiatrists and nurses in group settings were associated with a decrease in the rate of prescribing 2 or more antipsychotics at discharge from acute psychiatric inpatient units. Addition of monthly audit feedback provided to psychiatrists was associated with further decreases

    Classtalk: A Classroom Communication System for Active Learning

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    This pdf file is an article describing the advantages of using Classtalk technology in the classroom to enhance classroom communication. Classtalk technology cab facilitate the presentation of questions for small group work, collec the student answers and then display histograms showing how the class answered. This new communication technology can help instructors create a more interactive, student centered classroom, especially when teaching large courses. The article describes Classtalk as a very useful tool not only for engaging students in active learning, but also for enhancing the overall communication within the classroom. This article is a selection from the electronic Journal for Computing in Higher Education. Educational levels: Graduate or professional