260 research outputs found

    Constraints on Cosmic Super-Strings from Kaluza-Klein Emission

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    Cosmic super-strings interact generically with a tower of light and/or strongly coupled Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes associated with the geometry of the internal space. We study the production of KK particles by cosmic super-string loops, and show that it is constrained by Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We study the resulting constraints in the parameter space of the underlying string theory model and highlight their complementarity with the regions that can be probed by current and upcoming gravitational wave experiments.Comment: v3: misprints corrected and refs. added, to appear in PR

    Preheating after Small-Field Inflation

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    Whereas preheating after chaotic and hybrid inflation models has been abundantly studied in the literature, preheating in small field inflation models, where the curvature of the inflaton potential is negative during inflation, remains less explored. In these models, a tachyonic instability at the end of inflation leads to a succession of exponentially large increases and \emph{decreases} of the inflaton fluctuations as the inflaton condensate oscillates around the minimum of its potential. The net effect is a competition between low-momentum modes which grow and decrease significantly, and modes with higher momenta which grow less but also decrease less. We develop an analytical description of this process, which is analogous to the quantum mechanical problem of tunneling through a volcano-shaped potential. Depending on the parameters, preheating may be so efficient that it completes in less than one oscillation of the inflaton condensate. Preheating after small field inflation may also be followed by a long matter-dominated stage before the universe thermalizes, depending on the energy scale of inflation and the details of the inflaton interactions. Finally, another feature of these models is that the spectrum of the inflaton fluctuations at the end of preheating may be peaked around the Hubble scale. In fact, because preheating starts when the second slow-roll parameter η|\eta| becomes of order unity while the first slow-roll parameter ϵ\epsilon is still much smaller than one, the universe is still inflating during preheating and the modes amplified by the initial tachyonic instability leave the Hubble radius. This may lead to an abundant production of primordial black holes and gravitational waves with frequencies today which are naturally small enough to fall into the range accessible by high-sensitivity interferometric experiments.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures. v2: 1 ref. added, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Using Sensor Metadata Streams to Identify Topics of Local Events in the City

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    In this paper, we study the emerging Information Retrieval (IR) task of local event retrieval using sensor metadata streams. Sensor metadata streams include information such as the crowd density from video processing, audio classifications, and social media activity. We propose to use these metadata streams to identify the topics of local events within a city, where each event topic corresponds to a set of terms representing a type of events such as a concert or a protest. We develop a supervised approach that is capable of mapping sensor metadata observations to an event topic. In addition to using a variety of sensor metadata observations about the current status of the environment as learning features, our approach incorporates additional background features to model cyclic event patterns. Through experimentation with data collected from two locations in a major Spanish city, we show that our approach markedly outperforms an alternative baseline. We also show that modelling background information improves event topic identification

    Gravitational Waves from Abelian Gauge Fields and Cosmic Strings at Preheating

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    Primordial gravitational waves provide a very important stochastic background that could be detected soon with interferometric gravitational wave antennas or indirectly via the induced patterns in the polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background. The detection of these waves will open a new window into the early Universe, and therefore it is important to characterize in detail all possible sources of primordial gravitational waves. In this paper we develop theoretical and numerical methods to study the production of gravitational waves from out-of-equilibrium gauge fields at preheating. We then consider models of preheating after hybrid inflation, where the symmetry breaking field is charged under a local U(1) symmetry. We analyze in detail the dynamics of the system in both momentum and configuration space, and show that gauge fields leave specific imprints in the resulting gravitational wave spectra, mainly through the appearence of new peaks at characteristic frequencies that are related to the mass scales in the problem. We also show how these new features in the spectra correlate with string-like spatial configurations in both the Higgs and gauge fields that arise due to the appearance of topological winding numbers of the Higgs around Nielsen-Olesen strings. We study in detail the time evolution of the spectrum of gauge fields and gravitational waves as these strings evolve and decay before entering a turbulent regime where the gravitational wave energy density saturates.Comment: This paper is dedicated to the memory of Lev Kofman. Added references and comments in Sec. III.B. Version accepted in PR

    Gauss-Bonnet gravity renders negative tension braneworlds unstable

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    We show that the Gauss-Bonnet correction to Einstein gravity induces a gravitational tachyon mode, namely an unstable spin 2 fluctuation, in the Randall-Sundrum I model. We demonstrate that this instability is generically related to the presence of a negative tension brane in the set-up, with or without Z2Z_2-symmetry across it. Indeed it is shown that the tachyon mode is a bound state localised on any negative tension brane of co-dimension one, embedded in anti-de Sitter background. We discuss the possible resolution of this instability by the inclusion of induced gravity terms on the branes or by an effective four-dimensional cosmological constant.Comment: published versio

    Theory and Numerics of Gravitational Waves from Preheating after Inflation

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    Preheating after inflation involves large, time-dependent field inhomogeneities, which act as a classical source of gravitational radiation. The resulting spectrum might be probed by direct detection experiments if inflation occurs at a low enough energy scale. In this paper, we develop a theory and algorithm to calculate, analytically and numerically, the spectrum of energy density in gravitational waves produced from an inhomogeneous background of stochastic scalar fields in an expanding universe. We derive some generic analytical results for the emission of gravity waves by stochastic media of random fields, which can test the validity/accuracy of numerical calculations. We contrast our method with other numerical methods in the literature, and then we apply it to preheating after chaotic inflation. In this case, we are able to check analytically our numerical results, which differ significantly from previous works. We discuss how the gravity wave spectrum builds up with time and find that the amplitude and the frequency of its peak depend in a relatively simple way on the characteristic spatial scale amplified during preheating. We then estimate the peak frequency and amplitude of the spectrum produced in two models of preheating after hybrid inflation, which for some parameters may be relevant for gravity wave interferometric experiments.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, refs added, published versio

    General Gauss-Bonnet brane cosmology

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    We consider 5-dimensional spacetimes of constant 3-dimensional spatial curvature in the presence of a bulk cosmological constant. We find the general solution of such a configuration in the presence of a Gauss-Bonnet term. Two classes of non-trivial bulk solutions are found. The first class is valid only under a fine tuning relation between the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant and the cosmological constant of the bulk spacetime. The second class of solutions are static and are the extensions of the AdS-Schwarzchild black holes. Hence in the absence of a cosmological constant or if the fine tuning relation is not true, the generalised Birkhoff's staticity theorem holds even in the presence of Gauss-Bonnet curvature terms. We examine the consequences in brane world cosmology obtaining the generalised Friedmann equations for a perfect fluid 3-brane and discuss how this modifies the usual scenario.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, typos corrected, refs added, section IV changed yielding novel result

    Gravitational waves from self-ordering scalar fields

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    Gravitational waves were copiously produced in the early Universe whenever the processes taking place were sufficiently violent. The spectra of several of these gravitational wave backgrounds on subhorizon scales have been extensively studied in the literature. In this paper we analyze the shape and amplitude of the gravitational wave spectrum on scales which are superhorizon at the time of production. Such gravitational waves are expected from the self ordering of randomly oriented scalar fields which can be present during a thermal phase transition or during preheating after hybrid inflation. We find that, if the gravitational wave source acts only during a small fraction of the Hubble time, the gravitational wave spectrum at frequencies lower than the expansion rate at the time of production behaves as ΩGW(f)f3\Omega_{\rm GW}(f) \propto f^3 with an amplitude much too small to be observable by gravitational wave observatories like LIGO, LISA or BBO. On the other hand, if the source is active for a much longer time, until a given mode which is initially superhorizon (kη1k\eta_* \ll 1), enters the horizon, for kη1k\eta \gtrsim 1, we find that the gravitational wave energy density is frequency independent, i.e. scale invariant. Moreover, its amplitude for a GUT scale scenario turns out to be within the range and sensitivity of BBO and marginally detectable by LIGO and LISA. This new gravitational wave background can compete with the one generated during inflation, and distinguishing both may require extra information.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, added discussion about numerical integration and a new figure to illustrate the scale-invariance of the GW power spectrum, conclusions unchange

    Inflaton Fragmentation and Oscillon Formation in Three Dimensions

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    Analytical arguments suggest that a large class of scalar field potentials permit the existence of oscillons -- pseudo-stable, non-topological solitons -- in three spatial dimensions. In this paper we numerically explore oscillon solutions in three dimensions. We confirm the existence of these field configurations as solutions to the Klein-Gorden equation in an expanding background, and verify the predictions of Amin and Shirokoff for the characteristics of individual oscillons for their model. Further, we demonstrate that significant numbers of oscillons can be generated via fragmentation of the inflaton condensate, consistent with the analysis of Amin. These emergent oscillons can easily dominate the post-inflationary universe. Finally, both analytic and numerical results suggest that oscillons are stable on timescales longer than the post-inflationary Hubble time. Consequently, the post-inflationary universe can contain an effective matter-dominated phase, during which it is dominated by localized concentrations of scalar field matter.Comment: See http://easther.physics.yale.edu/downloads.html for numerical codes. Visualizations available at http://www.mit.edu/~mamin/oscillons.html and http://easther.physics.yale.edu/fields.html V2 Minor fixes to reference lis