6 research outputs found

    Endometrioza i mięsakorak – hipotetyczny związek czy udowodniona wspólna ścieżka patogenetyczna? Opis przypadku mięsakoraka jelita grubego wychodzącego z ogniska endometriozy

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    We present the first case of a patient with a synchronic occurrence of three neoplasms: non-small cell lung cancer, serous cancer of the ovary, and carcinosarcoma of the colon. Moreover, the possible origin of the carcinosarcoma is an endometriotic focus, which is an extremely rare occurrence, especially in women with no history of endometriotic treatment. Immunohistochemical staining of the carcinosarcoma was positive for CD10, estrogen receptors and desmin – typical markers for endometriotic foci. The growth of endometriosis depends on estrogen, which is produced at reduced levels after menopause. However, in some cases endometriosis could be diagnosed de novo in postmenopausal women. On the basis of the reported patient we discuss possible correlations between endometriosis and carcinosarcoma, as well as treatment methods of carcinosarcoma.Prezentujemy pierwszy na świecie przypadek pacjentki, u której rozpoznano synchroniczne występowanie trzech nowotworów: niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuc, raka surowiczego jajnika oraz mięsakoraka jelita grubego. Co więcej, najbardziej prawdopodobnym punktem wyjścia mięsakoraka jelita grubego jest ognisko endometriozy. Niesłychanie rzadko opisuje się karcynogenezę związaną z endometriozą u pacjentek, które wcześniej nie leczyły się z powodu endometriozy. Badanie immunohistochemiczne mięsakoraka ujawniło ekspresję CD10, desminy oraz receptorów dla estrogenów – typowych markerów endometriozy. Aktualnie uznaje się, że endometrioza – mająca podłoże estrogenne, może być diagnozowana de novo nawet po menopauzie. Na podstawie przedstawionego opisu przypadku przedyskutowaliśmy możliwy związek endometriozy i mięsakoraka oraz dostępne opcje terapeutyczne mięsakoraków

    TGF-β1 induces bone marrow reticulin fibrosis in hairy cell leukemia

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    The mechanisms that lead to reticulin fibrosis of bone marrow (BM) in hairy cell leukemia (HCL) are not fully understood. We therefore investigated the involvement of TGF-β1, a potent fibrogenic cytokine, in this process. Immunoassays revealed that TGF-β1 is present at higher concentrations in BM, serum, and plasma of HCL patients in comparison with healthy donors (P < 0.001). RT-PCR and immunofluorescence studies showed that TGF-β1 is overexpressed at the mRNA and protein levels in peripheral blood, spleen, and BM mononuclear cells and that hairy cells (HCs) are the main source of TGF-β1. Active TGF-β1 correlated significantly with grades of BM fibrosis, infiltration with HCs, and serum procollagen type III aminoterminal propeptide (PIIINP). Ex vivo studies demonstrated that TGF-β1 significantly enhances the production and deposition of reticulin and collagen fibers by BM fibroblasts. In addition, BM plasma of HCL patients increased the synthesis of type I and type III procollagens, the main components of reticulin fibers, at the mRNA and protein levels. This fibrogenic activity of BM plasma was abolished by neutralizing anti–TGF-β1 antibodies. These results show, for the first time to our knowledge, that TGF-β1 is highly expressed in HCs and is directly involved in the pathogenesis of BM reticulin fibrosis in HCL

    Nucleoside modifications in the regulation of gene expression: focus on tRNA

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