13 research outputs found

    Challenges and design choices for global weather and climate models based on machine learning

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    Can models that are based on deep learning and trained on atmospheric data compete with weather and climate models that are based on physical principles and the basic equations of motion? This question has been asked often recently due to the boom in deep-learning techniques. The question is valid given the huge amount of data that are available, the computational efficiency of deep-learning techniques and the limitations of today's weather and climate models in particular with respect to resolution and complexity.In this paper, the question will be discussed in the context of global weather forecasts. A toy model for global weather predictions will be presented and used to identify challenges and fundamental design choices for a forecast system based on neural networks.</p

    A comparison of data-driven approaches to build low-dimensional ocean models

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    We present a comprehensive inter-comparison of linear regression (LR), stochastic, and deep-learning approaches for reduced-order statistical emulation of ocean circulation. The reference data set is provided by an idealized, eddy-resolving, double-gyre ocean circulation model. Our goal is to conduct a systematic and comprehensive assessment and comparison of skill, cost, and complexity of statistical models from the three methodological classes. The model based on LR is considered as a baseline. Additionally, we investigate its additive white noise augmentation and a multi-level stochastic approach, deep-learning methods, hybrid frameworks (LR plus deep-learning), and simple stochastic extensions of deep-learning and hybrid methods. The assessment metrics considered are: root mean squared error, anomaly cross-correlation, climatology, variance, frequency map, forecast horizon, and computational cost. We found that the multi-level linear stochastic approach performs the best for both short- and long-timescale forecasts. The deep-learning hybrid models augmented by additive state-dependent white noise came second, while their deterministic counterparts failed to reproduce the characteristic frequencies in climate-range forecasts. Pure deep learning implementations performed worse than LR and its simple white noise augmentation. Skills of LR and its white noise extension were similar on short timescales, but the latter performed better on long timescales, while LR-only outputs decay to zero for long simulations. Overall, our analysis promotes multi-level LR stochastic models with memory effects, and hybrid models with linear dynamical core augmented by additive stochastic terms learned via deep learning, as a more practical, accurate, and cost-effective option for ocean emulation than pure deep-learning solutions

    Finite element methods, grid refinement, and boundary currents in geophysical modeling

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    Atmosphere and ocean modeling on grids of variable resolution - A 2D case study

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    Grids of variable resolution are of great interest in Atmosphere and Ocean Modeling as they offer a route to higher local resolution and improved solutions. On the other hand there are changes in grid resolution considered to be problematic because of the errors they create between coarse and fine parts of a grid due to reflection and scattering of waves. On complex multidimensional domains these errors resist theoretical investigation and demand numerical experiments. With a low-order hybrid continuous/discontinuous finite element model of the inviscid and viscous shallow-water equations a numerical study is carried out that investigates the influence of grid refinement on critical features such as wave propagation, turbulent cascades and the representation of geostrophic balance. The refinement technique we use is static h-refinement, where additional grid cells are inserted in regions of interest known a priori. The numerical tests include planar and spherical geometry as well as flows with boundaries and are chosen to address the impact of abrupt changes in resolution or the influence of the shape of the transition zone. For the specific finite element model under investigation, the simulations suggest that grid refinement does not deteriorate geostrophic balance and turbulent cascades and the shape of mesh transition zones appears to be less important than expected. However, our results show that the static local refinement is able to reduce the local error, but not necessarily the global error and convergence properties with resolution are changed. Our relatively simple tests already illustrate that grid refinement has to go along with a simultaneous change of the parametrization schemes

    Oviposition pheromone in the Simulium damnosum complex: biological activity of chemical fractions from gravid ovaries

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    Communal oviposition in the Afrotropical blackfly species complex Simulium damnosum Theobald (Diptera: Simuliidae) is mediated by a pheromone emitted by freshly laid eggs. Previously, two compounds (designated peaks A and B) emanating from fresh eggs were shown to be associated with attractiveness to gravid blackflies in bioassay. The present study investigated the role of these compounds by testing the responses of wild-caught Simulium yahense in Ghana to fractionated hexane extracts of gravid ovaries prepared by gas chromatography (GC). Although the fractions were prepared from Sierra Leonean Simulium teonense, GC analysis of the emissions from fresh S. yahense eggs showed that the volatile blends of both species were similar. When tested in a two-choice bioassay, 66% of ovipositing blackflies chose the substrate baited with a mixture of the four fractions recombined. In a series of bioassays testing responses to the four individual fractions presented with a control in a multiple-choice arrangement, only fraction 3 (containing peaks A and B) attracted significantly more ovipositions than the other fractions and control. However, fraction 3 failed to elicit a significant response when presented as the sole attractant with a control in a two-choice bioassay. It was concluded that fraction 3, though mainly responsible for mediating aggregated oviposition by S. yahense, was acting in tandem with additional cues, probably further chemicals, which remain to be isolated and characterized

    A generative deep learning approach to stochastic downscaling of precipitation forecasts

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    Despite continuous improvements, precipitation forecasts are still not as accurate and reliable as those of other meteorological variables. A major contributing factor to this is that several key processes affecting precipitation distribution and intensity occur below the resolved scale of global weather models. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been demonstrated by the computer vision community to be successful at super-resolution problems, that is, learning to add fine-scale structure to coarse images. Leinonen et al. (2020, https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2020.3032790) previously applied a GAN to produce ensembles of reconstructed high-resolution atmospheric fields, given coarsened input data. In this paper, we demonstrate this approach can be extended to the more challenging problem of increasing the accuracy and resolution of comparatively low-resolution input from a weather forecasting model, using high-resolution radar measurements as a “ground truth.” The neural network must learn to add resolution and structure whilst accounting for non-negligible forecast error. We show that GANs and VAE-GANs can match the statistical properties of state-of-the-art pointwise post-processing methods whilst creating high-resolution, spatially coherent precipitation maps. Our model compares favorably to the best existing downscaling methods in both pixel-wise and pooled CRPS scores, power spectrum information and rank histograms (used to assess calibration). We test our models and show that they perform in a range of scenarios, including heavy rainfall

    A Stochastic Representation of Subgrid Uncertainty for Dynamical Core Development

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    Numerical weather prediction and climate models comprise a) a dynamical core describing resolved parts of the climate system and b) parameterizations describing unresolved components. Development of new subgrid-scale parameterizations is particularly uncertain compared to representing resolved scales in the dynamical core. This uncertainty is currently represented by stochastic approaches in several operational weather models, which will inevitably percolate into the dynamical core. Hence, implementing dynamical cores with excessive numerical accuracy will not bring forecast gains, may even hinder them since valuable computer resources will be tied up doing insignificant computation, and therefore cannot be deployed for more useful gains, such as increasing model resolution or ensemble sizes. Here we describe a low-cost stochastic scheme that can be implemented in any existing deterministic dynamical core as an additive noise term. This scheme could be used to adjust accuracy in future dynamical core development work. We propose that such an additive stochastic noise test case should become a part of the routine testing and development of dynamical cores in a stochastic framework. The overall key point of the study is that we should not develop dynamical cores that are more precise than the level of uncertainty provided by our stochastic scheme. In this way, we present a new paradigm for dynamical core development work, ensuring that weather and climate models become more computationally efficient. We show some results based on tests done with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) dynamical core

    Machine learning emulation of gravity wave drag in numerical weather forecasting

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    We assess the value of machine learning as an accelerator for the parameterization schemes of operational weather forecasting systems, specifically the parameterization of nonorographic gravity wave drag. Emulators of this scheme can be trained to produce stable and accurate results up to seasonal forecasting timescales. Generally, networks that are more complex produce emulators that are more accurate. By training on an increased complexity version of the existing parameterization scheme, we build emulators that produce more accurate forecasts. For medium range forecasting, we have found evidence that our emulators are more accurate than the version of the parametrization scheme that is used for operational predictions. Using the current operational CPU hardware, our emulators have a similar computational cost to the existing scheme, but are heavily limited by data movement. On GPU hardware, our emulators perform 10 times faster than the existing scheme on a CPU