988 research outputs found

    Subject specificity in ESP: How much does the teacher need to know of the subject?

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    The question of subject specificity remains a controversial issue in English for Academic purposes (Johns & Dudley-Evans 1991). Should EAP concentrate on general ‘study skills’ appropriate for students of any discipline or should it attempt to prepare students for the specific demands made on them in their subject departments? Are students motivated by more specific work or do they prefer to have a more general course? Can English teachers cope with materials that require some greater knowled..

    Academic text: The importance of the use and comprehension of hedges

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    Les auteurs d’articles scientifiques recourent frĂ©quemment Ă  la « prĂ©caution oratoire » (hedging), grĂące Ă  laquelle ils se distancient des affirmations qu’ils avancent. La raison d’ĂȘtre de cette pratique est la prudence inhĂ©rente Ă  tout Ă©crit scientifique. Il existe d’autres explications sociologiquement intĂ©ressantes. Plusieurs types d’exercices sont passĂ©s en revue, qui permettent Ă  des Ă©tudiants d’anglais de spĂ©cialitĂ© de maĂźtriser les diffĂ©rents aspects linguistiques, psychologiques et sociologiques de la prĂ©caution oratoire.Writers of scientific articles often resort to hedging: the process by which they distance themselves from the knowledge claim that they wish to make. The reason for this may be the caution that is natural in academic writing. But there are a number of sociologically interesting alternative explanations. A number of exercises used to teach ESP students how to recognise and use the linguistic, psychological and sociological aspects of hedging are demonstrated

    Is it worth it? Patient and public views on the impact of their involvement in health research and its assessment : a UK-based qualitative interview study

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    Funded by National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust University of Oxford Applied Health Research and Care OxfordPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    An Exploration of Lived Experiences of Sexually and Gender Diverse Staff Members in Higher Education: A Case Study

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    Sexually and gender diverse staff in Higher Education Institutions may experience a sense of belonging and acceptance in inclusive environments, but may also face discrimination and bias, leading to feelings of isolation and exclusion. This paper reports on findings from 40 in-depth interviews and six focus group discussions with LGBTQIA+ self-identified staff members in a HEI and LGBTQIA+ allies who may identify as LGBTQIA+ themselves. Findings reveal that first impressions when joining a university as a staff member may have a long-lasting effect, while both positive and negative experiences are present. Further, a pattern is developed among gay men who may be placing more emphasis on their relationship with line managers, which can be supportive but at times toxic, unsupportive and inattentive. In addition to this, the findings highlight discrimination faced by staff, its impact on their wellbeing, and the significance of visibility and representation. This paper concludes that lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ staff members in Higher Education continue to be mixed with a high percentage of staff experiencing discrimination, primarily in the form of microaggressions, but institutions need to be more pro-active to foster safe spaces for all with more inclusive policies and practices

    LGBT+ Culture in Higher Education

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    This report explores the LGBT+ staff culture at the University of Greenwich and is for staff identifying as LGBT+, allies or neither of the two. It aims to provide further evidence to inform policies and practices in HE that celebrate diversity and promote inclusivity

    Detecting Mutations in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pyrazinamidase Gene pncA to Improve Infection Control and Decrease Drug Resistance Rates in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Coinfection.

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    Hospital infection control measures are crucial to tuberculosis (TB) control strategies within settings caring for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients, as these patients are at heightened risk of developing TB. Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a potent drug that effectively sterilizes persistent Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli. However, PZA resistance associated with mutations in the nicotinamidase/pyrazinamidase coding gene, pncA, is increasing. A total of 794 patient isolates obtained from four sites in Lima, Peru, underwent spoligotyping and drug resistance testing. In one of these sites, the HIV unit of Hospital Dos de Mayo (HDM), an isolation ward for HIV/TB coinfected patients opened during the study as an infection control intervention: circulating genotypes and drug resistance pre- and postintervention were compared. All other sites cared for HIV-negative outpatients: genotypes and drug resistance rates from these sites were compared with those from HDM. HDM patients showed high concordance between multidrug resistance, PZA resistance according to the Wayne method, the two most common genotypes (spoligotype international type [SIT] 42 of the Latino American-Mediterranean (LAM)-9 clade and SIT 53 of the T1 clade), and the two most common pncA mutations (G145A and A403C). These associations were absent among community isolates. The infection control intervention was associated with 58-92% reductions in TB caused by SIT 42 or SIT 53 genotypes (odds ratio [OR] = 0.420, P = 0.003); multidrug-resistant TB (OR = 0.349, P < 0.001); and PZA-resistant TB (OR = 0.076, P < 0.001). In conclusion, pncA mutation typing, with resistance testing and spoligotyping, was useful in identifying a nosocomial TB outbreak and demonstrating its resolution after implementation of infection control measures

    Do Development Economists Matter?

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    SUMMARY If appropriate policies, rather than initial economic conditions, have produced successful development, why are appropriate policies not more widely adopted by developing country governments — or, why has the advice of most development economists not been heeded? The ‘new (neoclassical) political economy’ offers a systematic explanation of why policy?makers behave as they do. Instead of assuming that governments are agencies for promoting the public interest, the new political economy's models endogenise the policy?maker in states characterised variously as predatory (‘the Leviathan state’), as factional, or as bureaucratic. The limitations of these models are addressed, and their relevance to developing countries is questioned. A more eclectic approach to political economy is, therefore, suggested, in which older elements are combined with the new. Such an approach is then applied to the political economy of trade policy. RESUME Les Ă©conomistes spĂ©cialisĂ©s dans le domaine du dĂ©veloppement sont?ils importants? Si des mesures appropriĂ©es, plutĂŽt que des conditions Ă©conomiques initiales ont produit un dĂ©veloppement qui a eu du succĂšs, pourquoi des mesures adĂ©quates ne sont?elles pas adoptĂ©es plus largement par les gouvernements des pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement. — ou pourquoi le besoin de l'assistance de la plupart des economistes spĂ©cialisĂ©s dans les problĂšmes de dĂ©veloppement ne s'est?elle pas fait sentir? La nouvelle politique Ă©conomique (nĂ©o?classique) offre une explication systĂ©matique expliquant pourquoi ceux qui prennent les dĂ©cisions se comportent comme ils le font. Au lieu d'assumer que les gouvernements sont des agences pour la promotion de l'intĂ©rĂȘt publique, les nouveaux modĂšles d'Ă©conomie politique endogĂ©nisent ceux qui prennent les dĂ©cisions, les charactĂȘrisant de prĂ©dateurs (‘l’état du Leviathan'), de fonctionel, ou de bureaucratique. Les limitations de ces modĂšles sont adressĂ©s, et leur pertinence concernant les pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement sont mis en question. Une approche plus ecclectique Ă  l'economie politique est donc, suggĂ©rĂ©e, dans laquelle des Ă©lĂ©ments plus anciens sont associĂ©s avec les nouveaux. Une telle approche est ensuite appliquĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©conomie politique du commerce. RESUMEN ÂżImportan los economistas del desarrollo? Si el desarrollo exitoso ha sido producido mĂĄs bien por polĂ­ticas adecuadas que por condiciones econĂłmicas iniciales Âżpor quĂ© aquellas no son mĂĄs ampliamente adoptadas por los gobiernos de los paĂ­ses en desarrollo o por quĂ© no ha sido escuchado el consejo de muchos economistas del desarollo? La “nueva polĂ­tica econĂłmica (neoclĂĄsica)” ofrece una explicaciĂłn sistemĂĄtica del comportamiento de los diseñadores de polĂ­tica. En lugar de suponer que los gobiernos son agencias para promover el interĂ©s pĂșblico, los nuevos modelos de economĂ­a polĂ­tica endogenizan el diseño de polĂ­tica en estados caracterizados como predatorios (“el estado Leviathan”), faccionales o burocrĂĄticos. Se consideran las limitaciones de estos modelos y se cuestiona su relevancia para los paĂ­ses en desarrollo. En consecuencia, se sugiere un enfoque mĂĄs eclĂ©ctico que combina elementos antiguos con los nuevos aplicĂĄndose luego tal enfoque a la polĂ­tica comercial
