601 research outputs found

    Distribution Substation Dynamic Reconfiguration and Reinforcement-Digital Twin Model

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    The proliferation of electric vehicles will increase demand and alter the load profiles on final distribution substations quicker than traditional reinforcement techniques can respond. As it is nontrivial to determine in advance, to street level granularity, where and when vehicles will charge, a more flexible approach to substation reinforcement is preferable to the existing rip-out-and-replace technique for an overloaded transformer. Distribution Substation Dynamic Reconfiguration (DSDR) combines reinforcement using parallel transformers with reconfiguration algorithms to flexibly operate the substation in the face of uncertain loading conditions, by dynamically switching transformers in and out of service. This paper presents a digital twin and a benchtop scale model of the DSDR substation for the development and evaluation of such algorithms, along with two algorithms for optimizing substation technical losses. Initial results show that on a single tested substation model, efficiency increased by 5.40% with Net-Zero Year 2050 load profiles versus traditional reinforcement

    Occupancy Based Household Energy Disaggregation using Ultra Wideband Radar and Electrical Signature Profiles

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    Human behaviour and occupancy accounts for a substantial proportion of variation in the energy efficiency pro le of domestic buildings. Yet while people often claim that they would like to reduce their energy bills, rhetoric frequently fails to match action due to the effort involved in understand- ing and changing deeply engrained energy consumption habits. Here, we present and, through dedicated experiments, test in-house developed soft-ware to remotely identify appliance energy usage within buildings, using energy equipment which could be placed at the electricity meter location. Furthermore, we monitor and compare the occupancy of the location under study through Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radar technology and compare the resulting data with those received from the power monitoring software, via time synchronization. These signals when mapped together can potentially provide both occupancy and speci c appliances power consumption, which could enable energy usage segregation on a yet impossible scale as well as usage attributable to occupancy behaviour. Such knowledge forms the basis for the implementation of automated energy saving actions based on a households unique energy profi le

    Non-Invasive Driver Drowsiness Detection System.

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    Drowsiness when in command of a vehicle leads to a decline in cognitive performance that affects driver behavior, potentially causing accidents. Drowsiness-related road accidents lead to severe trauma, economic consequences, impact on others, physical injury and/or even death. Real-time and accurate driver drowsiness detection and warnings systems are necessary schemes to reduce tiredness-related driving accident rates. The research presented here aims at the classification of drowsy and non-drowsy driver states based on respiration rate detection by non-invasive, non-touch, impulsive radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) radar. Chest movements of 40 subjects were acquired for 5 m using a lab-placed IR-UWB radar system, and respiration per minute was extracted from the resulting signals. A structured dataset was obtained comprising respiration per minute, age and label (drowsy/non-drowsy). Different machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Logistic regression, Gradient Boosting Machine, Extra Tree Classifier and Multilayer Perceptron were trained on the dataset, amongst which the Support Vector Machine shows the best accuracy of 87%. This research provides a ground truth for verification and assessment of UWB to be used effectively for driver drowsiness detection based on respiration

    Remote Vital Sign Recognition Through Machine Learning Augmented UWB

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    This paper describes an experimental demonstration of machine learning (ML) techniques supplementing radar to distinguish and detect vital signs of users in a domestic environment. This work augments an intelligent location awareness system previously proposed by the authors. That research employed Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) radar complemented by supervised machine learning techniques to remotely identify a persons room location via floor plan training and time stamp correlations. Here, the remote breathing and heartbeat signals are analyzed through Short Term Fourier Transformation (STFT) to determine the Micro-Doppler signature of those vital signs in different room locations. Then, Multi-Class Support Vector Machine (MC-SVM) is implemented to train the system to intelligently distinguish between vital signs during different activities. Statistical analysis of the experimental results supports the proposed algorithm. This work could be used to further understand, for example, how active older people are by engaging in typical domestic activities

    Occupancy based household energy disaggregation using ultra wideband radar and electrical signature profiles

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    Human behaviour and occupancy accounts for a substantial proportion of variation in the energy efficiency pro le of domestic buildings. Yet while people often claim that they would like to reduce their energy bills, rhetoric frequently fails to match action due to the effort involved in understand- ing and changing deeply engrained energy consumption habits. Here, we present and, through dedicated experiments, test in-house developed soft-ware to remotely identify appliance energy usage within buildings, using energy equipment which could be placed at the electricity meter location. Furthermore, we monitor and compare the occupancy of the location under study through Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radar technology and compare the resulting data with those received from the power monitoring software, via time synchronization. These signals when mapped together can potentially provide both occupancy and speci c appliances power consumption, which could enable energy usage segregation on a yet impossible scale as well as usage attributable to occupancy behaviour. Such knowledge forms the basis for the implementation of automated energy saving actions based on a households unique energy profi le

    Fluid Models of Many-server Queues with Abandonment

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    We study many-server queues with abandonment in which customers have general service and patience time distributions. The dynamics of the system are modeled using measure- valued processes, to keep track of the residual service and patience times of each customer. Deterministic fluid models are established to provide first-order approximation for this model. The fluid model solution, which is proved to uniquely exists, serves as the fluid limit of the many-server queue, as the number of servers becomes large. Based on the fluid model solution, first-order approximations for various performance quantities are proposed

    Drilling their own graves:How the European oil and gas supermajors avoid sustainability tensions through mythmaking

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    This study explores how paradoxical tensions between economic growth and environmental protection are avoided through organizational mythmaking. By examining the European oil and gas supermajors’ ‘‘CEOspeak’’ about climate change, we show how mythmaking facilitates the disregarding, diverting, and/or displacing of sustainability tensions. In doing so, our findings further illustrate how certain defensive responses are employed: (1) regression, or retreating to the comforts of past familiarities, (2) fantasy, or escaping the harsh reality that fossil fuels and climate change are indeed irreconcilable, and (3) projecting, or shifting blame to external actors for failing to address climate change. By highlighting the discursive effects of enacting these responses, we illustrate how the European oil and gas supermajors self-determine their inability to substantively address the complexities of climate change. We thus argue that defensive responses are not merely a form of mismanagement as the paradox and corporate sustainability literature commonly suggests, but a strategic resource that poses serious ethical concerns given the imminent danger of issues such as climate change

    Broadband velocity modulation spectroscopy of HfF^+: towards a measurement of the electron electric dipole moment

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    Precision spectroscopy of trapped HfF^+ will be used in a search for the permanent electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM). While this dipole moment has yet to be observed, various extensions to the standard model of particle physics (such as supersymmetry) predict values that are close to the current limit. We present extensive survey spectroscopy of 19 bands covering nearly 5000 cm^(-1) using both frequency-comb and single-frequency laser velocity-modulation spectroscopy. We obtain high-precision rovibrational constants for eight electronic states including those that will be necessary for state preparation and readout in an actual eEDM experiment.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 table
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