144 research outputs found

    Kształt działek gruntowych w przestrzeni miejskiej. Przykład Łodzi

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    This study focuses on the spatial diversity of the shapes of land lots in metropolitan conditions viewed through the example of Łódź. The researchers placed particular attention on the diversity and compact of lot shapes. This issue was preceded by a brief discussion of the distribution, density and sizes of lots. The goal of the study was to assess the spatial variability of lots according to their shapes using GIS tools.W artykule położono nacisk na zróżnicowanie przestrzenne kształtu działek gruntowych w przestrzeni metropolitalnej na przykładzie Łodzi. Szczególną uwagę autorzy zwrócili na zróżnicowanie i zwartość kształtu działek. We wstępnej części pracy poddano analizie rozmieszczenie, gęstość i wielkość działek. Głównym celem pracy jest identyfikacja zróżnicowania przestrzennego kształtu działek przy użyciu narzędzi GIS

    Konflikty społeczno‐przestrzenne jako nowy przedmiot badań geografii społecznej

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    Oddajemy do rąk Czytelnika kolejny tom z serii „Podstawowe idee i koncepcje w geografii” pt. Dorobek polskiej geografii po konferencji w Rydzynie. Ocena krytyczna. [...] Właśnie minęło 30 lat od przełomowej dla polskiej geografii konferencji w Rydzynie (1983 r.). Miała ona duże znaczenie dla przemian teorii i praktyki geografii. W Rydzynie zwrócono uwagę na odmienne od dotychczasowych możliwości interpretacyjne rzeczywistości badawczej geografii rozwijane zwłaszcza w krajach anglosaskich. W kontekście tym przedstawiono nowe pola badawcze naszej dyscypliny zwłaszcza nieistniejącą wcześniej geografię społeczną jej podejścia radykalne i behawioralne oraz zaprezentowano perspektywę humanistyczną w badaniach geograficznych. Mimo trudności instytucjonalnych w przebijaniu się efektów tej innowacyjnej konferencji do teorii i empirii polskiej geografii, czas pokazał, że jej dorobek nie został zaprzepaszczony. Niniejszy tom składa się z 13 prac, w których autorzy podjęli teoretyczną refleksję nad rolą konferencji w Rydzynie dla polskiej geografii oraz krytyczny namysł nad dorobkiem geografii po konferencji

    Structure of CaPs coatings electrophoretically deposited on NiTi shape memory alloy

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    The surface of NiTi shape memory alloys applied as long-term implants has been modified by protective calcium phosphates (CaPs) coatings, with the objective of improving the biocompatibility of this material. The calcium phosphates such as hydroxyapatite Ca5(PO3)OH (HAP) and -tricalcium phosphate -Ca3(PO4)2 ( -TCP) were deposited by electrophoretic deposition. In order to improve the adhesion, the deposited samples were vacuumsintered at wide range of temperature from 500 C to 1000 C for 2 h. The studies revealed that applied sintering conditions did not change the structure of CaPs. The coatings consisted of HAP with hexagonal structure (P63=m) and -TCP with rhombohedral structure (R-3c). Changes in lattice parameters for CaPs coatings after deposition and sintering were refined by the Rietveld method

    The Spatial Diversification of the Population Ageing in the City of Łódź

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    This article presents the issue of population ageing in the city of Łódź, which currently has the fastest ageing society among the largest Polish cities. The level and the dynamics of population ageing have been analysed, as well as spatial diversification of the ageing process due to information from Local Data Bank of Central Statistical Office and National Census 2011 data.Opracowanie podejmuje problematykę związaną ze zjawiskiem sta­rzenia się ludności. W artykule przedstawiono starzenie się ludności w Łodzi, w któ­rej obecnie obserwuje się najwyższy poziom zaawansowania procesu starzenia wśród największych miast Polski. W tym celu poddano analizie nie tylko poziom i tempo tego procesu w mieście, ale także zróżnicowanie przestrzenne starzenia się ludności w Łodzi. Analiza procesu starzenia się ludności została przeprowadzona na podsta­wie danych statystycznych pochodzących z bazy BDL (poziom i tempo starzenia), jak również z NSP 2011 (dywersyfikacja przestrzenna)

    Struktura i charakterystyka wielofunkcyjnych warstw powierzchniowych na stopie NiTi wykazującym efekt pamięci kształtu

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    In the work, a way to modify surface of the NiTi shape memory alloy for medical applications, by producing multifunctional layers composed of titanium oxides and calcium phosphates (CaPs) such as hydroxyapatite (HAp), whitlockite (P-TCP) and biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP), was proposed. Surface modification of the NiTi alloy was performed to improve its biocompatibility while preserving the shape memory phenomena. Titanium oxides layers were obtained using passivation in a steam autoclave while CaPs by electrophoretic deposition (EPD). The realization of the purpose of the work included: • Characteristics of the materials in the initial state; • Selection of optimal conditions for the production of TiO2 / CaPs layers on the NiTi surface; • Characterization of structure, morphology and topography of produced CaPs coatings; • Characteristics of mechanical properties of layers such as adhesion and ability of layers to deformation associated with the shape memory effect; • Determination of an influence of the applied fabrication parameters on the course of the martensitic transformation in NiTi alloy; • Characteristics of the tendency of layers to corrosion processes in a simulated body fluid; • Measurements of the surface wettability; • Characteristics of biological biocompatibility and microbiological activity. • Selection of conditions for the production of the layers on the implant and its characteristics. Studies showed that applied electrophoretic deposition method (EPD) enables to produce biocompatible, thin and homogeneously morphologically and structurally phosphate layers on a passivated NiTi alloy. Whitlockite layers subjected to heat treatment at 1000 ° C for 2 hours revealed the best corrosion resistance, however were not resistant to colonization of microorganisms. Deposited BCP layers heat-treated at 800 ° C for 2 hours revealed the best hydrophilic properties, however their low deformation resistance due to induction of shape memory effect disqualifies them for medical applications. Obtained HAp layers after heat treatment at 800 ° C for 2 hours exhibited the best adhesion, ability of layers to deformation associated with the shape memory effect and the highest biocompatibility, making them a potential material for clinical practice applications

    Functionalization of the NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Surface by HAp/SiO2/Ag Hybrid Coatings Formed on SiO2-TiO2 Glass Interlayer

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    The surface modification of NiTi shape memory alloys is a method for increasing their multi-functionalities. In our solution, hydroxyapatite powder was mixed with a chemically synthesized silicon dioxide/silver (nSiO2/Ag) nanocomposite in a di erent weight ratio between components (1:1, 5:1, and 10:1) and then electrophoretically deposited on the surface of the NiTi alloy, under various time and voltage conditions. Subsequently, uniform layers were subjected to heat treatment at 700 C for 2 h in an argon atmosphere to improve the strength of their adhesion to the NiTi substrate. A change in linear dimensions of the co-deposited materials during the sintering process was also analyzed. After the heat treatment, XRD, Raman, and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) + Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) studies revealed the formation of completely new composite coatings, which consisted of rutile and TiO2-SiO2 glass with silver oxide and HAp particles that were embedded into such coatings. It was found that spalling characterized the 1:1 ratio coating, while the others were crack-free, well-adhered, and capable of deformation to 3.5%. Coatings with a higher concentration of nanocomposite were rougher. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests in Ringer’s solution revealed the capacitive behavior of the material with high corrosion resistance. The kinetics and susceptibility to pitting corrosion was the highest for the NiTi electrode that was coated with a 5:1 ratio HAp/nSiO2/Ag hybrid coating


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    The term NIMBY stands for English Not In My BackYard and describes the attitude of people who disagree with location in their closest neighbourhood of both dangerous facilities and facilities resulting in great loss for local people. What is characteristic about NIMBY syndrome, compared to other social conflicts, is the fact that it concerns facilities (investments) which are seen rather negatively, however, they are socially acceptable and the problem is only about the location. NIMBY facilities are the subject of dispute which is accompanied by the specific – NIMBY syndrome attitude of local society and therefore makes the conflict rather unique among other functional and spatial conflicts. NIMBY facilities are unwanted and perceived to be noxious in a particular location. The conflict seems to appear when the distance between a controversial object and a residential area is too short. The following article is to show specific aspects of NIMBY syndrome and NIMBY facilities in accordance to current research that mainly covered social conflicts in general terms. It must be emphasized that the basis of the analysis was the scientific works which have been predominantly published in English. Polish output has generally dealt with case study, which has been about particular examples of the conflicts in Polish cities. The development of council, collective and private housing industry is a good reason to start doing some research into Polish NIMBY syndrome and facilities. Numerous protests generated around unwanted facilities put opponents as well as investors (local authorities and private investors) to some expense

    Dysproporcje Przestrzenne w postrzeganiu konfliktogennych inwestycji w mieście – przykład osiedli Olechów i Andrzejów w Łodzi

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    Praca naukowa finansowana ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki (NN 306033040) Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00