236 research outputs found

    Number-theory renormalization of vacuum energy

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    For QFT on a lattice of dimension d>=3, the vacuum energy (both bosonic and fermionic) is zero if the Hamiltonian is a function of the square of the momentum, and the calculation of the vacuum energy is performed in the ring of residue classes modulo N. This fact is related to a problem from number theory about the number of ways to represent a number as a sum of dd squares in the ring of residue classes modulo N.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figure

    Chronic Cerebral Ischaemia Forms New Cholinergic Mechanisms of Learning and Memory

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    The purpose of this research was a comparative analysis of cholinergic synaptic organization following learning and memory in normal and chronic cerebral ischaemic rats in the Morris water maze model. Choline acetyltransferase and protein content were determined in subpopulations of presynapses of “light” and “heavy” synaptosomal fractions of the cortex and the hippocampus, and the cholinergic projective and intrinsic systems of the brain structures were taken into consideration. We found a strong involvement of cholinergic systems, both projective and intrinsic, in all forms of cognition. Each form of cognition had an individual cholinergic molecular profile and the cholinergic synaptic compositions in the ischaemic rat brains differed significantly from normal ones. Our data demonstrated that under ischaemic conditions, instead of damaged connections new key synaptic relationships, which were stable against pathological influences and able to restore damaged cognitive functions, arose. The plasticity of neurochemical links in the individual organization of certain types of cognition gave a new input into brain pathology and can be used in the future for alternative corrections of vascular and other degenerative dementias

    Imposition of disciplinary actions against the employees of Pre-trial detention centres (Germany, Poland, Ukraine)

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    The purpose of this study is the comprehensive analysis of imposition of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres using the example of Germany, Poland and Ukraine. The study used the method of sociological analysis, systemic-structural approach and comparative, logical-semantic, Aristotelian and dialectical methods of research. The research has proven the necessity to complement the laws and regulations in Poland and to differentiate the practice of imposition of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres from the generic practice in Germany and Ukraine. In addition, in Ukraine there is a need to designate a body that could be responsible for analysing the practice of imposition of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres. Further compliance with these recommendations will reveal how effective the legislative control is and how effective the work of employees of pre-trial detention centres is in relation to the application of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres and will allow to improve their work through the analysis of statistics on the application of disciplinary actions against employees of pre-trial detention centres

    75 лет уникальному выпуску врачей в Военно-медицинской академии им. С. М. Кирова

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    Уникальность 75-летнего юбилейного выпуска военных врачей в 1943 году в Кировской академии следует отнести к многофакторности. Впервые в 1939 году академия имела такой большой набор слушателей – 600 человек. Учебные занятия этот курс начал 1 сентября, с которым совпал день начала второй мировой войны, а выдача дипломов врача выпускникам 1943 года совпал с днем начала Великой Отечественной войны – 22 июня 1941 года. Этот курс 2 года обучался в условиях мирного времени и 2 года – в период Отечественной войны. В первый год войны учеба проходила в блокадном Ленинграде и сопровождалась голодом, холодом, артобстрелами и авиабомбежками с гибелью слушателей. Курс участвовал в защите Ленинграда в окопах фронтовых окраин города, отражая наступающих фашистов, за что слушатели были награждены медалью «За оборону Ленинграда». Эвакуация академии в Самарканд проходила в небывалых условиях. В Самарканде занятия проходили без выходных и праздников по 10 часов в день. Полноценная учеба, согласно учебному плану и программе, сопровождалась 4-х летним обучением с присвоением квалификации врача и выдачей полноценного диплома, чего не происходило ни в одном медицинском ВУЗе страны. Выпускникам присвоили воинские звания капитана медицинской службы, вручили предписание с указаним фронта прибытия для прохождения дальнейшей службы. Из прибывших в воинские части 37 (10%) однокусников погибли в боях, 50% получили ранения и контузии ; The uniqueness of the 75th anniversary issue of military doctors of the Military Medical Academy C.M. Kirov 1943 is emphasized by the following facts. For the first time in 1939 the academy itself had a large set of listeners - 600 people. This course started to study on September 1, the day of the beginning of the Second World War, and the date of graduation coincided with the date of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - June 22, but in 1943. This course was taught for 2 years in peacetime and 2 years in the war period. In the first year of the war, studies took place in besieged Leningrad and was accompanied by famine, cold, shelling and air strikes with the death of students of the Academy. The listeners of the course participated in the defense of Leningrad in the trenches of the front lines of the city, fighting the advancing fascists, all the students were awarded by the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad".The evacuation of the academy to Samarkand was held in unprecedented conditions. In Samarkand, classes were held without vocations and holidays for 10 hours a day. Full-fledged study, according to the curriculum and the program, was accompanied by 4-year training with the assignment of a doctor's qualification and the issuance of a full-fledged diploma, which did not occur in any medical college in the country. Graduates were awarded the military rank of the medical service captain, handed the order with the indication of the front of arrival for further service. During the service in military units 37 graduates (10%) perished in combat, 50% were injured and had contussion

    Болезни кишечника

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    В учебно-методическом пособии представлены все материалы для качественной подготовки особенно студентов с русскоязычным обучением. Изложены современные взгляды на эпидемиологию, этиологию, патогенез, клинику, диагностику, дифференциальную диагностику, лечение и профилактику основных заболеваний кишечника, которые встречаются в практике терапевта, семейного врача. Рассмотрены как традиционные, так и новые методы диагностики и лечения. Изложена оптимальная формулировка диагнозов. Предложены вопросы для самоконтроля, клинические задачи, способствующие не только изучению болезней, но и развитию клинического мышления будущего врача. Данное учебно-методическое пособие рекомендовано для студентов. Могут использовать врачи-интерны, семейные врачи, гастроэнтерологи, хирурги

    Field repetition and local mapping in the hippocampus and medial entorhinal cortex

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    Hippocampal place cells support spatial cognition and are thought to form the neural substrate of a global 'cognitive map'. A widely held view is that parts of the hippocampus also underlie the ability to separate patterns, or to provide different neural codes for distinct environments. However, a number of studies have shown that in environments composed of multiple, repeating compartments, place cells and other spatially modulated neurons show the same activity in each local area. This repetition of firing fields may reflect pattern completion, and may make it difficult for animals to distinguish similar local environments. In this review we will (a) highlight some of the navigation difficulties encountered by humans in repetitive environments, (b) summarise literature demonstrating that place and grid cells represent local and not global space, and (c) attempt to explain the origin of these phenomena. We argue that the repetition of firing fields can be a useful tool for understanding of the relationship between grid cells in the entorhinal cortex and place cells in the hippocampus, the spatial inputs shared by these cells, and the propagation of spatially-related signals through these structures

    A Chromosome-Length Reference Genome for the Endangered Pacific Pocket Mouse Reveals Recent Inbreeding in a Historically Large Population

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    High-quality reference genomes are fundamental tools for understanding population history, and can provide estimates of genetic and demographic parameters relevant to the conservation of biodiversity. The federally endangered Pacific pocket mouse (PPM), which persists in three small, isolated populations in southern California, is a promising model for studying how demographic history shapes genetic diversity, and how diversity in turn may influence extinction risk. To facilitate these studies in PPM, we combined PacBio HiFi long reads with Omni-C and Hi-C data to generate a de novo genome assembly, and annotated the genome using RNAseq. The assembly comprised 28 chromosome-length scaffolds (N50 = 72.6 MB) and the complete mitochondrial genome, and included a long heterochromatic region on chromosome 18 not represented in the previously available short-read assembly. Heterozygosity was highly variable across the genome of the reference individual, with 18% of windows falling in runs of homozygosity (ROH) >1 MB, and nearly 9% in tracts spanning >5 MB. Yet outside of ROH, heterozygosity was relatively high (0.0027), and historical Ne estimates were large. These patterns of genetic variation suggest recent inbreeding in a formerly large population. Currently the most contiguous assembly for a heteromyid rodent, this reference genome provides insight into the past and recent demographic history of the population, and will be a critical tool for management and future studies of outbreeding depression, inbreeding depression, and genetic load

    Place field repetition and spatial learning in a multicompartment environment

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    Recent studies have shown that place cells in the hippocampus possess firing fields that repeat in physically similar, parallel environments. These results imply that it should be difficult for animals to distinguish parallel environments at a behavioral level. To test this, we trained rats on a novel odor-location task in an environment with four parallel compartments which had previously been shown to yield place field repetition. A second group of animals was trained on the same task, but with the compartments arranged in different directions, an arrangement we hypothesised would yield less place field repetition. Learning of the odor-location task in the parallel compartments was significantly impaired relative to learning in the radially arranged compartments. Fewer animals acquired the full discrimination in the parallel compartments compared to those trained in the radial compartments, and the former also required many more sessions to reach criterion compared to the latter. To confirm that the arrangement of compartments yielded differences in place cell repetition, in a separate group of animals we recorded from CA1 place cells in both environments. We found that CA1 place cells exhibited repeated fields across four parallel local compartments, but did not do so when the same compartments were arranged radially. To confirm that the differences in place field repetition across the parallel and radial compartments depended on their angular arrangement, and not incidental differences in access to an extra-maze visual landmark, we repeated the recordings in a second set of rats in the absence of the orientation landmark. We found, once again, that place fields showed repetition in parallel compartments, and did not do so in radially arranged compartments. Thus place field repetition, or lack thereof, in these compartments was not dependent on extra-maze cues. Together, these results imply that place field repetition constrains spatial learning. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc