57 research outputs found

    Delooping the functor calculus tower

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    We study a connection between mapping spaces of bimodules and of infinitesimal bimodules over an operad. As main application and motivation of our work, we produce an explicit delooping of the manifold calculus tower associated to the space of smooth maps DmDnD^{m}\rightarrow D^{n} of discs, nmn\geq m, avoiding any given multisingularity and coinciding with the standard inclusion near Dm\partial D^{m}. In particular, we give a new proof of the delooping of the space of disc embeddings in terms of little discs operads maps with the advantage that it can be applied to more general mapping spaces

    Boardman-Vogt resolutions and bar/cobar constructions of (co)operadic (co)bimodules

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    We develop the combinatorics of leveled trees in order to construct explicit resolutions of (co)operads and (co)operadic (co)bimodules. We build explicit cofibrant resolutions of operads and operadic bimodules in spectra analogous to the ordinary Boardman--Vogt resolutions and we express them as cobar constructions of indecomposable elements. Dually, in the context of CDGAs, we perform similar constructions, and we obtain fibrant resolutions of Hopf cooperads and Hopf cooperadic cobimodules. We also express them as bar constructions of primitive elements

    Association of Specific Comorbidities with Monosodium Urate Crystal Deposition in Urate-Lowering Therapy-Naive Gout Patients: A Cross-Sectional Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Study.

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    (1) Background: To determine which factors are associated with the volume of monosodium urate (MSU) crystal deposition quantified by dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) in urate-lowering therapy (ULT)-naive gout patients. (2) Methods: In this multicenter cross-sectional study, DECT scans of knees and feet/ankles were prospectively obtained from ULT-naive gout patients. Demographic, clinical (including gout history and comorbidities), and biological data were collected, and their association with DECT MSU crystal volume was analyzed using bivariate and multivariate analyses. A second bivariate analysis was performed by splitting the dataset depending on an arbitrary threshold of DECT MSU volume (1 cm <sup>3</sup> ). (3) Results: A total of 91 patients were included. In the bivariate analysis, age (p = 0.03), gout duration (p = 0.003), subcutaneous tophi (p = 0.004), hypertension (p = 0.02), diabetes mellitus (p = 0.05), and chronic heart failure (p = 0.03) were associated with the total DECT volume of MSU crystal deposition. In the multivariate analysis, factors associated with DECT MSU volumes ≥1 cm <sup>3</sup> were gout duration (odds ratio (OR) for each 10-year increase 3.15 (1.60; 7.63)), diabetes mellitus (OR 4.75 (1.58; 15.63)), and chronic heart failure (OR 7.82 (2.29; 31.38)). (4) Conclusion: Specific comorbidities, particularly chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus, are more strongly associated with increased MSU crystal deposition in knees and feet/ankles than gout duration, regardless of serum urate level

    Human cell types important for Hepatitis C Virus replication in vivo and in vitro. Old assertions and current evidence

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    Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a single stranded RNA virus which produces negative strand RNA as a replicative intermediate. We analyzed 75 RT-PCR studies that tested for negative strand HCV RNA in liver and other human tissues. 85% of the studies that investigated extrahepatic replication of HCV found one or more samples positive for replicative RNA. Studies using in situ hybridization, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, and quasispecies analysis also demonstrated the presence of replicating HCV in various extrahepatic human tissues, and provide evidence that HCV replicates in macrophages, B cells, T cells, and other extrahepatic tissues. We also analyzed both short term and long term in vitro systems used to culture HCV. These systems vary in their purposes and methods, but long term culturing of HCV in B cells, T cells, and other cell types has been used to analyze replication. It is therefore now possible to study HIV-HCV co-infections and HCV replication in vitro