13 research outputs found

    Machine Learning under the light of Phraseology expertise: use case of presidential speeches, De Gaulle -Hollande (1958-2016)

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    International audienceAuthor identification and text genesis have always been a hot topic for the statistical analysis of textual data community. Recent advances in machine learning have seen the emergence of machines competing state-of-the-art computational linguistic methods on specific natural language processing tasks (part-of-speech tagging, chunking and parsing, etc). In particular, Deep Linguistic Architectures are based on the knowledge of language speci-ficities such as grammar or semantic structure. These models are considered as the most competitive thanks to their assumed ability to capture syntax. However if those methods have proven their efficiency, their underlying mechanisms, both from a theoretical and an empirical analysis point of view, remains hard both to explicit and to maintain stable, which restricts their area of applications. Our work is enlightening mechanisms involved in deep architectures when applied to Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. The Query-By-Dropout-Committee (QBDC) algorithm is an active learning technique we have designed for deep architectures: it selects iteratively the most relevant samples to be added to the training set so that the model is improved the most when built from the new training set. However in this article, we do not go into details of the QBDC algorithm-as it has already been studied in the original QBDC article-but we rather confront the relevance of the sentences chosen by our active strategy to state of the art phraseology techniques. We have thus conducted experiments on the presidential discourses from presidents C. De Gaulle, N. Sarkozy and F. Hollande in order to exhibit the interest of our active deep learning method in terms of discourse author identification and to analyze the extracted linguistic patterns by our artificial approach compared to standard phraseology techniques.L'identification de l'auteur et la gen ese d'un texte ont toujours eté une question de tr es grand intérêt pour la com-munauté de l'analyse statistique des données textuelles. Les récentes avancées dans le domaine de l'apprentissage machine ont permis l'´ emergence d'algorithmes concurrençant les méthodes de linguistique computationnelles de l'´ etat de l'art pour des tâches spécifiques en traitement automatique du langage (´ etiquetage des parties du dis-cours, segmentation et l'analyse du texte, etc). En particulier, les architectures profondes pour la linguistique sont fondées sur la connaissance des spécificités linguistiques telles que la grammaire ou la structure sémantique. Ces mod eles sont considérés comme les plus compétitifs grâcè a leur capacité supposée de capturer la syntaxe. Toute-fois, si ces méthodes ont prouvé leur efficacité, leurs mécanismes sous-jacents, tant du point de vue théorique que du point de vue de l'analyse empirique, restent difficilè a la fois a expliciter et a maintenir stables, ce qui limite leur domaine d'application. Notre article visè a mettre enlumì ere certains des mécanismes impliqués dans l'apprentissage profond lorsqu'il est appliqué a des tâches de traitement automatique du langage (TAL). L'algorithme Query-By-Dropout-Committee (QBDC) est une technique d'apprentissage actif, nous avons conçu pour les architectures profondes : il sélectionne itérativement les echantillons les plus pertinents pour etre ajoutés a l'ensemble d'entrainement afin que le mod ele soit amélioré de façon optimale lorsqu'on il est mis a jour a partir du nouvel ensemble d'entrainement. Cependant, dans cet article, nous ne détaillons pas l'algorithme QBDC-qui a déj a ´ eté etudié dans l'article original sur QBDC-mais nous confrontons plutôt la pertinence des phrases choisies par notre stratégie active aux techniques de l'´ etat de l'art en phraséologie. Nous avons donc mené des expériences sur les discours présidentiels des présidents C. De Gaulle , N. Sarkozy et F. Hollande afin de présenter l' intérêt de notre méthode d'apprentissage profond actif en termes de d'identification de l'auteur d'un discours et pour analyser les motifs linguistiques extraits par notre approche artificielle par rapport aux techniques de phraséologie standard

    LARD -- Landing Approach Runway Detection -- Dataset for Vision Based Landing

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    As the interest in autonomous systems continues to grow, one of the major challenges is collecting sufficient and representative real-world data. Despite the strong practical and commercial interest in autonomous landing systems in the aerospace field, there is a lack of open-source datasets of aerial images. To address this issue, we present a dataset-lard-of high-quality aerial images for the task of runway detection during approach and landing phases. Most of the dataset is composed of synthetic images but we also provide manually labelled images from real landing footages, to extend the detection task to a more realistic setting. In addition, we offer the generator which can produce such synthetic front-view images and enables automatic annotation of the runway corners through geometric transformations. This dataset paves the way for further research such as the analysis of dataset quality or the development of models to cope with the detection tasks. Find data, code and more up-to-date information at https://github.com/deel-ai/LAR

    Verification for Object Detection -- IBP IoU

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    We introduce a novel Interval Bound Propagation (IBP) approach for the formal verification of object detection models, specifically targeting the Intersection over Union (IoU) metric. The approach has been implemented in an open source code, named IBP IoU, compatible with popular abstract interpretation based verification tools. The resulting verifier is evaluated on landing approach runway detection and handwritten digit recognition case studies. Comparisons against a baseline (Vanilla IBP IoU) highlight the superior performance of IBP IoU in ensuring accuracy and stability, contributing to more secure and robust machine learning applications

    Spatial and rotation invariant 3D gesture recognition based on sparse representation

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    International audienceAdvances in motion tracking technology, especially for commodity hardware, still require robust 3D gesture recognition in order to fully exploit the benefits of natural user interfaces. In this paper, we introduce a novel 3D gesture recognition algorithm based on the sparse representation of 3D human motion. The sparse representation of human motion provides a set of features that can be used to efficiently classify gestures in real-time. Compared to existing gesture recognition systems, sparse representation, the proposed approach enables full spatial and rotation invariance and provides high tolerance to noise. Moreover, the proposed classification scheme takes into account the inter-user variability which increases gesture classification accuracy in user-independent scenarios. We validated our approach with existing motion databases for gestu-ral interaction and performed a user evaluation with naive subjects to show its robustness to arbitrarily defined gestures. The results showed that our classification scheme has high classification accuracy for user-independent scenarios even with users who have different handedness. We believe that sparse representation of human motion will pave the way for a new generation of 3D gesture recognition systems in order to fully open the potential of natural user interfaces

    Overestimation learning with guarantees

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    International audienceWe describe a complete method that learns a neural network which is guaranteed to overestimate a reference function on a given domain. The neural network can then be used as a surrogate for the reference function. The method involves two steps. In the first step, we construct an adaptive set of Majoring Points. In the second step, we optimize a well-chosen neural network to overestimate the Majoring Points. In order to extend the guarantee on the Majoring Points to the whole domain, we necessarily have to make an assumption on the reference function. In this study, we assume that the reference function is monotonic. We provide experiments on synthetic and real problems. The experiments show that the density of the Majoring Points concentrate where the reference function varies. The learned over-estimations are both guaranteed to overestimate the reference function and are proven empirically to provide good approximations of it. Experiments on real data show that the method makes it possible to use the surrogate function in embedded systems for which an underestimation is critical; when computing the reference function requires too many resources

    Learning Wasserstein Embeddings

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    International audienceThe Wasserstein distance received a lot of attention recently in the community of machine learning, especially for its principled way of comparing distributions. It has found numerous applications in several hard problems, such as domain adaptation, dimensionality reduction or generative models. However, its use is still limited by a heavy computational cost. Our goal is to alleviate this problem by providing an approximation mechanism that allows to break its inherent complexity. It relies on the search of an embedding where the Euclidean distance mimics the Wasserstein distance. We show that such an embedding can be found with a siamese architecture associated with a decoder network that allows to move from the embedding space back to the original input space. Once this embedding has been found, computing optimization problems in the Wasserstein space (e.g. barycenters, principal directions or even archetypes) can be conducted extremely fast. Numerical experiments supporting this idea are conducted on image datasets, and show the wide potential benefits of our method

    A High Probability Safety Guarantee for Shifted Neural Network Surrogates

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    International audienceEmbedding simulation models developed during the design of a platform opens a lot of potential new functionalities but requires additional certification. Usually, these models require too much computing power, take too much time to run so we need to build an approximation of these models that can be compatible with operational constraints, hardware constraints, and real-time constraints. Also, we need to prove that the decisions made by the system using the surrogate model instead of the reference one will be safe. The confidence in its safety has to be demonstrated to certification authorities. In cases where safety can be ensured by systematically over-estimating the reference model, we propose different probabilistic safety bounds that we apply on a braking distance use-case. We also derive a new loss function suited for shifted surrogates and study the influence of the different confidence parameters on the trade-off between the safety and accuracy of the surrogate models. The main contributions of the paper are: (i) We define safety as the fact that a surrogate model should over-estimate the reference model with high probability. (ii) We use Bernstein-type deviation inequalities to estimate the probability of under-estimating a reference model with a surrogate model. (iii) We show how to shift a surrogate to guarantee safeness with high probability. (iv) Since shifting impacts the performance of our surrogate, we derive a new regression loss function---that we call SMSE---in order to build surrogates with safeness-promoting constraints

    Regret analysis of the Piyavskii-Shubert algorithm for global Lipschitz optimization

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    We consider the problem of maximizing a non-concave Lipschitz multivariate function over a compact domain by sequentially querying its (possibly perturbed) values. We study a natural algorithm designed originally by Piyavskii and Shubert in 1972, for which we prove new bounds on the number of evaluations of the function needed to reach or certify a given optimization accuracy. Our analysis uses a bandit-optimization viewpoint and solves an open problem from Hansen et al.\ (1991) by bounding the number of evaluations to certify a given accuracy with a near-optimal sum of packing numbers

    Regret analysis of the Piyavskii-Shubert algorithm for global Lipschitz optimization

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    We consider the problem of maximizing a non-concave Lipschitz multivariate function over a compact domain by sequentially querying its (possibly perturbed) values. We study a natural algorithm designed originally by Piyavskii and Shubert in 1972, for which we prove new bounds on the number of evaluations of the function needed to reach or certify a given optimization accuracy. Our analysis uses a bandit-optimization viewpoint and solves an open problem from Hansen et al.\ (1991) by bounding the number of evaluations to certify a given accuracy with a near-optimal sum of packing numbers