76 research outputs found

    Influence of curing / drying methods including microwave heating on alkali activation of waste casting cores

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    Within previous investigation alkali activation of waste casting cores at room temperature did not give promising results, i.e. when the precursor was gently ground and sieved below 600 %m the alkali activated material fell apart at demolding, and when the precursor was ground below 90 %m, the alkali activated material did not solidify in more than 2 years. , Therefore different drying/curing methods were applied to enhance the reaction. Waste casting cores were prepared in two granulations (sieved below 600 %m and below 90 %m), activated with Na -water glass and 10 M NaOH, cured at different temperatures (70 °C and room temperature), and subsequently cured/dried at three different conditions: room temperature, 110 °C, and irradiated with microwaves. The highest compressive strength, 25 MPa, was gained with subsequent curing/drying at 110 °C. The lowest density, 0.5 kg/l, with compressive strength above 3 MPa, was achieved with subsequent curing/drying with microwaves

    The effect of the addition of construction & demolition waste on the properties of clay-based ceramics

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    Waste glass and reclaimed brick are types of construction and demolition waste (C&DW) that could potentially be used as secondary raw materials in the production of ceramics. Ceramics based on clay, waste demolished brick (5-15 wt.%) and waste glass (5-20 wt.%) were produced by pressing (P = 68 MPa) and subsequently sintered at 900, 950, 1000, and 1050 ° C for one hour. The physical and mechanical properties of the ceramics obtained were evaluated. The addition of demolished brick decreased the density and mechanical properties of the clay specimens and increased the water absorption. The incorporation of waste glass improved the sintering behavior and its mechanical properties. The addition of 20 wt.% waste glass and 10 wt.% waste demolished brick into the clay matrix improved the flexural strength by up to 20.6 % and decreased the water absorption by up to 22 %. The approach presented promotes an opportunity to recycle construction and demolition waste into alternative resource materials, and represents a positive contribution to the environment

    Development of alkali activated adhesive applicable for alkali activated panels

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    The overall goal of InnoWEE project (Innovative pre‑fabricated components including different waste construction materials reducing building energy and minimising environmental impacts), is the development of optimized reuse of construction and demolition waste - CDW (concrete, bricks, mortars, glass, and wood) into prefabricated alkali‑activated panels to be used in energy‑efficient buildings. Moreover, one of the tasks is the development of an alkali‑activated adhesive that would bond together different types of alkali‑activated panels (high‑density panel - HDG and low density, wood‑based alkali‑activated panels - WGD). The following parameters are important for the efficiency of the adhesive: - chemical bonding between the AAM layer and the adhesive; - matching between shrinkage and expansion, and - mechanical interlocking (improved by a roughsurface). For alkali‑activated adhesives it is known that the adherence of alkali‑activated mortars to the cement‑based substrate is poor (Vanconcelos et al., 2011). It was assumed that if the sand‑to‑binder ratio was low, then high shrinkage caused micro cracks on the contact surface, which decreased the bond strength. Zhang (Zhang et al., 2010) has also proposed a mechanism of chemical bonding where the dissolution of hydrated cement takes place and a new alkali‑activated gel containing calcium is formed so that good adherence is achieved. Within the present study, the precursors selected for the adhesive preparation were slag and fly ash. KOH and K‑silicate were applied as alkali activators. Samples were mixed using the standard procedure for ceramic tile adhesives and then evaluated for shrinkage and compressive strength. Other parameters important for its application in real conditions are consistency and open time, were also determined. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Pozzolanic mortars based on waste building materials for the restoration of historical buildings

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    The environmental aspects of waste building materials have been of great interest in recent years. For the sector of building materials this means increased recycling, reduction of energy consumption and natural resources preservation. This also presents an important contribution in the field of environmental protection. The work deals with the development of pozzolanic mortars made of waste building materials, ground red structure bricks and raw clay materials of inadequate characteristics for the production of ceramic materials. Based on the results of historical mortar characterizations, a group of mortars with specific characteristics (satisfied durability, good compatibility with a historical mortar) was prepared. The potential of the waste materials and domestic clay materials application in the production of pozzolanic mortars was confirmed. In addition to the waste management, pozzolanic mortars were designed taking into account the existing conventions in the area of culture heritage

    Pozzolanic mortars for the conservation of old masonry structures

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    Projektiranje sanacijskih mortova počelo je karakterizacijom uzoraka starog morta sačuvanih na malim prostorima podova donĆŸonske kule u bačkoj tvrđavi. Ispitana su dva materijala (stara cigla i glineni materijal) da bi se odabrao pucolanski materijal koji je kasnije upotrijebljen kao komponenta sanacijskog morta. Na temelju analize kompatibilnosti ispitanih starih mortova i novoprojektiranih mortova baziranih na gaĆĄenom vapnu, za konzervatorsku sanaciju donĆŸonske kule odabran je mort u kojem se kao pucolanski materijal koristi drobljena otpadna cigla.The design of repair mortars started from the characterization of the original mortar samples preserved in small areas in the floors of the Dungeon Tower, Bač Fortress. Two materials (waste brick and clay material) were investigated in order to select the pozzolanic material which later was a component of the repair mortar. Based on the compatibility test of the examined old mortars and of the newly developed mortars, slaked lime based, the mortar with the ground waste brick as a pozzolanic material was selected for the conservation treatment of the Dungeon Tower

    Environmental and Biological Impact of Fly Ash and Metakaolin-Based Alkali-Activated Foams Obtained at 70°C and Fired at 1,000°C

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    Alkali-activated foams (AAFs) are inorganic porous materials that can be obtained at temperatures well below 100°C with the use of inorganic wastes as aluminosilicate precursors. In this case, fly ash derived from a Slovenian power plant has been investigated. Despite the environmental benefits per se, due to saving of energy and virgin materials, when using waste materials, it is of extreme importance to also evaluate the potential leaching of heavy metal cations from the alkali-activated foams. This article presents an environmental study of a porous geopolymer derived from this particular fly ash, with respect to the leachability of potentially hazardous elements, its environmental toxicity as determined by biological testing, and the environmental impact of its production. In particular, attention was focused to investigate whether or not 1,000°C-fired alkaliactivated fly ash and metakaolin-based foams, cured at 70°C, are environmentally friendlier options compared to unfired ones, and attempts to explain the rationale of the results were done. Eventually, the firing process at 1,000°C, apart from improving technical performance, could reinforce heavy metal cation entrapment within the aluminosilicate matrix. Since technical performance was also modified by addition of different types of activators (K-based or Na-based), as well as by partial replacement of fly ash with metakaolin, a life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis was performed to quantify the effect of these additions and processes (curing at 70°C and firing at 1,000°C) in terms of global warming potential. Selected samples were also evaluated in terms of leaching of potentially deleterious elements as well as for the immobilization effect of firing. The leaching test indicated that none of the alkali-activated material is classified as hazardous, not even the as-received fly ash as component of new AAF. All of the alkali-activated foams do meet the requirements for an inertness. The highest impact on bacterial colonies was found in samples that did not undergo firing procedures, i.e., those that were cured at 70°C, which induced the reduction of bacterial Enterococcus faecalis viability. The second family of bacteria tested, Escherichia coli, appeared more resistant to the alkaline environment (pH = 10–12) generated by the unfired AAMs. Cell viability recorded the lowest value for unfired alkali-activated materials produced from fly ash and K-based activators. Its reticulation is only partial, with the leachate solution appearing to be characterized with the most alkaline pH and with the highest ionic conductivity, i.e., highest number of soluble ions. By LCA, it has been shown that 1) changing K-based activators to Na-based activators increases environmental impact of the alkali-activated foams by 1%–4% in terms of most of the impact categories (taking into account the production stage). However, in terms of impact on abiotic depletion of elements and impact on ozone layer depletion, the increase is relatively more significant (11% and 18%, respectively); 2) replacing some parts of fly ash with metakaolin also results in relatively higher environmental footprint (increase of around 1%–4%, while the impact on abiotic depletion of elements increases by 14%); and finally, 3) firing at 1,000°C contributes significantly to the environmental footprint of alkaliactivated foams. In such a case, the footprint increases by around one third, compared to the footprint of alkali-activated foams produced at 70°C. A combination of LCA and leaching/toxicity behavior analysis presents relevant combinations, which can provide information about long-term environmental impact of newly developed waste-based materials

    Environmental and Biological Impact of Fly Ash and Metakaolin-Based Alkali-Activated Foams Obtained at 70°C and Fired at 1,000°C

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    Alkali-activated foams (AAFs) are inorganic porous materials that can be obtained attemperatures well below 100°C with the use of inorganic wastes as aluminosilicate precursors. In this case, fly ash derived from a Slovenian power plant has been investigated. Despite the environmental benefits per se, due to saving of energy and virgin materials, when using waste materials, it is of extreme importance to also evaluate the potential leaching of heavy metal cations from the alkali-activated foams. This article presents an environmental study of a porous geopolymer derived from this particular fly ash, with respect to the leachability of potentially hazardous elements, its environmental toxicity as determined by biological testing, and the environmental impact of its production. In particular, attention was focused to investigate whether or not 1,000°C-fired alkaliactivated fly ash and metakaolin-based foams, cured at 70°C, are environmentally friendlier options compared to unfired ones, and attempts to explain the rationale of the results were done. Eventually, the firing process at 1,000°C, apart from improving technical performance, could reinforce heavy metal cation entrapment within the aluminosilicate matrix. Since technical performance was also modified by addition of different types of activators (K-based or Na-based), as well as by partial replacement of fly ash with metakaolin, a life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis was performed to quantify the effect of these additions and processes (curing at 70°C and firing at 1,000°C) in terms of global warming potential. Selected samples were also evaluated in terms of leaching of potentially deleterious elements as well as for the immobilization effect of firing. The leaching test indicated that none of the alkali-activated material is classified as hazardous, not even the as-received fly ash as component of new AAF. All of the alkali-activated foams do meet the requirements for an inertness. The highest impact on bacterial colonies was found in samples that did not undergo firing procedures, i.e., those that were cured at 70°C, which induced the reduction of bacterial Enterococcus faecalis viability. The second family of bacteria tested, Escherichia coli, appeared more resistant to the alkaline environment (pH = 10–12) generated by the unfired AAMs. Cell viability recorded the lowest value for unfired alkali-activated materials produced from fly ash and K-based activators. Its reticulation is only partial, with the leachate solution appearing to be characterized with the most alkaline pH and with the highest ionic conductivity, i.e., highest number of soluble ions. By LCA, it has been shown that 1) changing K-based activators to Na-based activators increases environmental impact of the alkali-activated foams by 1%–4% in terms of most of the impact categories (taking into account the production stage). However, in terms of impact on abiotic depletion of elements and impact on ozone layer depletion, the increase is relatively more significant (11% and 18%, respectively); 2) replacing some parts of fly ash with metakaolin also results in relatively higher environmental footprint (increase of around 1%–4%, while the impact on abiotic depletion of elements increases by 14%); and finally, 3) firing at 1,000°C contributes significantly to the environmental footprint of alkaliactivated foams. In such a case, the footprint increases by around one third, compared to the footprint of alkali-activated foams produced at 70°C. A combination of LCA and leaching/toxicity behavior analysis presents relevant combinations, which can provide information about long-term environmental impact of newly developed waste-based materials

    Steel corrosion in different alkali-activated mortars

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    One of the potential alternatives to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) are Alkali-Activated Materials (AAMs) [1]. The service life of reinforced concrete structures greatly depends on the corrosion resistance of embedded steel reinforcement. Due to the wide range of AAMs with their diverse properties, corrosion processes of steel in these materials are relatively unknown. Corrosion monitoring methods or their interpretations in certain cases cannot be directly transferred from the ones for OPC materials, and therefore results of different corrosion studies are sometimes contradictory [2]. The chemical composition of pore solution in different AAMs are influencing the results of electrochemical measurements and their interpretation, e.g. the presence of sulphides reduces the redox potential of the pore solution, but enables the steel to remain in an apparently passive state [3]. The aim of this paper is to compare electrochemical parameters measured on steel reinforcement in different alkali-activated and OPC mortars. Ordinary carbon steel reinforcing bar was installed in three different alkali-activated mortar mixtures, based on fly ash, slag or metakaolin. Specimens were exposed to wet/dry cycles with saline solution and periodic measurements of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Measured parameters were analyzed and compared to the ones measured in reference OPC mortar. The propagation of corrosion damages on embedded steel bars was also followed using x-ray computed microtomography (MicroCT). In addition to corrosion tests, information on pore water chemistry was obtained, as well as general mechanical and physical properties of tested AAMs. In certain specimens also Electrical Resistance (ER) probes were implemented, which can successfully detect corrosion initiation and monitor general corrosion rate [4]. It was concluded that EIS method can follow the evolution of corrosion processes on steel reinforcement in AAMs, although the caution is needed when interpreting the results. The additional use of the MicroCT can provide verification of ongoing results obtained by electrochemical methods, and deeper insight in corrosion processes in AAMs. [1] J.L. Provis, Cem. Concr. Res. (2017). [2] M. Criado, C. Monticelli, S. Fajardo, D. Gelli, V. Grassi, J.M. Bastidas, Constr. Build. Mater. 35 (2012) 30–37. [3] M. Criado, S.A. Bernal, P. Garcia-Triñanes, J.L. Provis, J. Mater. Sci. (2017) 1–20. [4] A. Česen, T. Kosec, A. Legat, Corros. Sci. 75 (2013) 47–57

    Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements

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    Many (inter)national standards exist to evaluate the resistance of mortar and concrete to carbonation. When a carbonation coefficient is used for performance comparison of mixtures or service life prediction, the applied boundary conditions during curing, preconditioning and carbonation play a crucial role, specifically when using latent hydraulic or pozzolanic supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). An extensive interlaboratory test (ILT) with twenty two participating laboratories was set up in the framework of RILEM TC 281-CCC ‘Carbonation of Concrete with SCMs’. The carbonation depths and coefficients determined by following several (inter)national standards for three cement types (CEM I, CEM II/B-V, CEM III/B) both on mortar and concrete scale were statistically compared. The outcomes of this study showed that the carbonation rate based on the carbonation depths after 91 days exposure, compared to 56 days or less exposure duration, best approximates the slope of the linear regression and those 91 days carbonation depths can therefore be considered as a good estimate of the potential resistance to carbonation. All standards evaluated in this study ranked the three cement types in the same order of carbonation resistance. Unfortunately, large variations within and between laboratories complicate to draw clear conclusions regarding the effect of sample pre-conditioning and carbonation exposure conditions on the carbonation performance of the specimens tested. Nevertheless, it was identified that fresh and hardened state properties alone cannot be used to infer carbonation resistance of the mortars or concretes tested. It was also found that sealed curing results in larger carbonation depths compared to water curing. However, when water curing was reduced from 28 to 3 or 7 days, higher carbonation depths compared to sealed curing were observed. This increase is more pronounced for CEM I compared to CEM III mixes. The variation between laboratories is larger than the potential effect of raising the CO concentration from 1 to 4%. Finally, concrete, for which the aggregate-to-cement factor was increased by 1.79 in comparison with mortar, had a carbonation coefficient 1.18 times the one of mortar
