195 research outputs found

    Decoupling the rotation of stars and gas - I::the relationship with morphology and halo spin

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    Funding: UK Science and Technology Funding Council (STFC) via an PhD studentship (grant number ST/N504427/1).We use a combination of data from the MaNGA survey and MaNGA-like observations in IllustrisTNG100 to determine the prevalence of misalignment between the rotational axes of stars and gas. This census paper outlines the typical characteristics of misaligned galaxies in both observations and simulations to determine their fundamental relationship with morphology and angular momentum. We present a sample of ˜4500 galaxies from MaNGA with kinematic classifications which we use to demonstrate that the prevalence of misalignment is strongly dependent on morphology. The misaligned fraction sharply increases going to earlier morphologies (28 ± 3 per cent of 301 early-type galaxies, 10 ± 1 per cent of 677 lenticulars, and 5.4 ±0.6 per cent of 1634 pure late-type galaxies). For early-types, aligned galaxies are less massive than the misaligned sample whereas this trend reverses for lenticulars and pure late-types. We also find that decoupling depends on group membership for early-types with centrals more likely to be decoupled than satellites. We demonstrate that misaligned galaxies have similar stellar angular momentum to galaxies without gas rotation, much lower than aligned galaxies. Misaligned galaxies also have a lower gas mass than the aligned, indicative that gas loss is a crucial step in decoupling star-gas rotation. Through comparison to a mock MaNGA sample, we find that the strong trends with morphology and angular momentum hold true in IllustrisTNG100. We demonstrate that the lowered angular momentum is, however, not a transient property and that the likelihood of star-gas misalignment at z= 0 is correlated with the spin of the dark matter halo going back to z= 1.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Application of Fall Nitrogen Increased Spring Tall Fescue Yield

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    Late season nitrogen fertilization is a practice that has long been implemented in turfgrass production. This practice involves applying nitrogen from September through December and results in an extended green period in the fall without stimulating excessive shoot growth. The longer green period results in higher levels of carbohydrate reserves and enhanced root growth compared with a spring-summer fertilization program. In addition to these benefits, sods fertilized in late fall have been shown to green up two to six weeks earlier in the spring. Limited research has considered the impact of late fall nitrogen applications on grass growth in hayfields and pastures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of late fall nitrogen fertilization on dry matter production of an established tall fescue stand. In 2020 and 2021, the study was conducted at the UK Research and Extension Center located in Princeton, KY. The experimental design was a random complete block with four replications. In early December 2020 and 2021, 0, 34, 67, and 101 kg ha-1 was applied as ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and Anuvia SYMTRX 20S. An additional 90 kg ha-1 was applied as urea to all plots the following spring. Plots were harvested on 13-May-2021 and 24-May-2022 using a self-propelled sickle bar type forage harvester equipped with load cells. Averaged across sources, first harvest yields ranged from 3428 to 5675 and 3929 to 5831 kg ha-1 in 2021 and 2022, respectively. Fall applied nitrogen resulted in a linear increase in dry matter yield of 25.0 and 21.2 kg ha-1 in 2021 and 2022, respectively. Nitrogen sources had no impact on dry matter yield (P \u3e 0.05). Plots receiving fall applied nitrogen also initiated growth earlier in the spring

    Decoupling the rotation of stars and gas - II. The link between black hole activity and simulated IFU kinematics in IllustrisTNG

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    Funding: UK Science and Technology Funding Council ( STFC) via an PhD studentship (grant number ST/N504427/1) (CD).We study the relationship between supermassive black hole (BH) feedback, BH luminosity and the kinematics of stars and gas for galaxies inIllustrisTNG. We use galaxies with mock MaNGA observations to identify kinematic misalignment at z = 0 (difference in rotation of stars and gas), for which we follow the evolutionary history of BH activity and gas properties over the last 8 Gyrs. Misaligned low mass galaxies (Mstel 1010.2M⊙) with misalignment typically have similar BH luminosities, show lower gas fractions, and have typically lower gas phase metallicity over the last 8 Gyrs in comparison to the high mass aligned.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Racial and ethnic disparities in the control of cardiovascular disease risk factors in Southwest American veterans with type 2 diabetes: the Diabetes Outcomes in Veterans Study

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    BACKGROUND: Racial/ethnic disparities in cardiovascular disease complications have been observed in diabetic patients. We examined the association between race/ethnicity and cardiovascular disease risk factor control in a large cohort of insulin-treated veterans with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional observational study at 3 Veterans Affairs Medical Centers in the American Southwest. Using electronic pharmacy databases, we randomly selected 338 veterans with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes. We collected medical record and patient survey data on diabetes control and management, cardiovascular disease risk factors, comorbidity, demographics, socioeconomic factors, psychological status, and health behaviors. We used analysis of variance and multivariate linear regression to determine the effect of race/ethnicity on glycemic control, insulin treatment intensity, lipid levels, and blood pressure control. RESULTS: The study cohort was comprised of 72 (21.3%) Hispanic subjects (H), 35 (10.4%) African Americans (AA), and 226 (67%) non-Hispanic whites (NHW). The mean (SD) hemoglobin A1c differed significantly by race/ethnicity: NHW 7.86 (1.4)%, H 8.16 (1.6)%, AA 8.84 (2.9)%, p = 0.05. The multivariate-adjusted A1c was significantly higher for AA (+0.93%, p = 0.002) compared to NHW. Insulin doses (unit/day) also differed significantly: NHW 70.6 (48.8), H 58.4 (32.6), and AA 53.1 (36.2), p < 0.01. Multivariate-adjusted insulin doses were significantly lower for AA (-17.8 units/day, p = 0.01) and H (-10.5 units/day, p = 0.04) compared to NHW. Decrements in insulin doses were even greater among minority patients with poorly controlled diabetes (A1c ≥ 8%). The disparities in glycemic control and insulin treatment intensity could not be explained by differences in age, body mass index, oral hypoglycemic medications, socioeconomic barriers, attitudes about diabetes care, diabetes knowledge, depression, cognitive dysfunction, or social support. We found no significant racial/ethnic differences in lipid or blood pressure control. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, insulin-treated minority veterans, particularly AA, had poorer glycemic control and received lower doses of insulin than NHW. However, we found no differences for control of other cardiovascular disease risk factors. The diabetes treatment disparity could be due to provider behaviors and/or patient behaviors or preferences. Further research with larger sample sizes and more geographically diverse populations are needed to confirm our findings

    Galaxy sizes and the galaxy-halo connection - I: the remarkable tightness of the size distributions

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    The mass and structural assembly of galaxies is a matter of intense debate. Current theoretical models predict the existence of a linear relationship between galaxy size (Re) and the host dark matter halo virial radius (Rh). By making use of semi-empirical models compared to the size distributions of central galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we provide robust constraints on the normalization and scatter of the Re - Rh relation. We explore the parameter space of models in which the Re - Rh relation is mediated by either the spin parameter or the concentration of the host halo, or a simple constant the nature of which is in principle unknown. We find that the data require extremely tight relations for both early-type and late-type galaxies (ETGs,LTGs), especially for more massive galaxies. These constraints challenge models based solely on angular momentum conservation, which predict significantly wider distributions of galaxy sizes and no trend with stellar mass, if taken at face value. We discuss physically-motivated alterations to the original models that bring the predictions into better agreement with the data. We argue that the measured tight size distributions of SDSS disk galaxies can be reproduced by semi-empirical models in which the Re - Rh connection is mediated by the stellar specific angular momenta jstar. We find that current cosmological models of galaxy formation broadly agree with our constraints for LTGs, and justify the strong link between Re and jstar that we propose, however the tightness of the Re - Rh relation found in such ab-initio theoretical models for ETGs is in tension with our semi-empirical findings

    Computational Notebooks as Co-Design Tools: Engaging Young Adults Living with Diabetes, Family Carers, and Clinicians with Machine Learning Models

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    Engaging end user groups with machine learning (ML) models can help align the design of predictive systems with people’s needs and expectations. We present a co-design study investigating the benefits and challenges of using computational notebooks to inform ML models with end user groups. We used a computational notebook to engage young adults, carers, and clinicians with an example ML model that predicted health risk in diabetes care. Through codesign workshops and retrospective interviews, we found that participants particularly valued using the interactive data visualisations of the computational notebook to scaffold multidisciplinary learning, anticipate benefits and harms of the example ML model, and create fictional feature importance plots to highlight care needs. Participants also reported challenges, from running code cells to managing information asymmetries and power imbalances. We discuss the potential of leveraging computational notebooks as interactive co-design tools to meet end user needs early in ML model lifecycles

    Computational Notebooks as Co-Design Tools:Engaging Young Adults Living with Diabetes, Family Carers, and Clinicians with Machine Learning Models

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    Engaging end user groups with machine learning (ML) models can help align the design of predictive systems with people's needs and expectations. We present a co-design study investigating the benefits and challenges of using computational notebooks to inform ML models with end user groups. We used a computational notebook to engage young adults, carers, and clinicians with an example ML model that predicted health risk in diabetes care. Through co-design workshops and retrospective interviews, we found that participants particularly valued using the interactive data visualisations of the computational notebook to scaffold multidisciplinary learning, anticipate benefits and harms of the example ML model, and create fictional feature importance plots to highlight care needs. Participants also reported challenges, from running code cells to managing information asymmetries and power imbalances. We discuss the potential of leveraging computational notebooks as interactive co-design tools to meet end user needs early in ML model lifecycles

    Fuel Use during Exercise at Altitude in Women with Glucose–Fructose Ingestion

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    Purpose: This study compared the co-ingestion of glucose and fructose on exogenous and endogenous substrate oxidation during prolonged exercise at terrestrial high altitude (HA) versus sea level, in women. Method: Five women completed two bouts of cycling at the same relative workload (55% Wmax) for 120 minutes on acute exposure to HA (3375m) and at sea level (~113m). In each trial, participants ingested 1.2 g.min-1 of glucose (enriched with 13C glucose) and 0.6 g.min-1 of fructose (enriched with 13C fructose) before and every 15 minutes during exercise. Indirect calorimetry and isotope ratio mass spectrometry were used to calculate fat oxidation, total and exogenous carbohydrate oxidation, plasma glucose oxidation and endogenous glucose oxidation derived from liver and muscle glycogen. Results: The rates and absolute contribution of exogenous carbohydrate oxidation was significantly lower at HA compared with sea level (ES>0.99, P<0.024), with the relative exogenous carbohydrate contribution approaching significance (32.6±6.1 vs. 36.0±6.1%, ES=0.56, P=0.059) during the second hour of exercise. In comparison, no significant differences were observed between HA and sea level for the relative and absolute contributions of liver glucose (3.2±1.2 vs. 3.1±0.8%, ES=0.09, P=0.635 and 5.1±1.8 vs. 5.4±1.7 grams, ES=0.19, P=0.217), and muscle glycogen (14.4±12.2% vs. 15.8±9.3%, ES=0.11, P=0.934 and 23.1±19.0 vs. 28.7±17.8 grams, ES=0.30, P=0.367). Furthermore, there was no significant difference in total fat oxidation between HA and sea level (66.3±21.4 vs. 59.6±7.7 grams, ES=0.32, P=0.557). Conclusion: In women, acute exposure to HA reduces the reliance on exogenous carbohydrate oxidation during cycling at the same relative exercise intensity