18 research outputs found

    Depth Synthesis and Local Warps for Plausible Image-based Navigation

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    International audienceModern camera calibration and multiview stereo techniques enable users to smoothly navigate between different views of a scene captured using standard cameras. The underlying automatic 3D reconstruction methods work well for buildings and regular structures but often fail on vegetation, vehicles and other complex geometry present in everyday urban scenes. Consequently, missing depth information makes image-based rendering (IBR) for such scenes very challenging. Our goal is to provide plausible free-viewpoint navigation for such datasets. To do this, we introduce a new IBR algorithm that is robust to missing or unreliable geometry, providing plausible novel views even in regions quite far from the input camera positions. We first oversegment the input images, creating superpixels of homogeneous color content which often tends to preserve depth discontinuities. We then introduce a depth-synthesis approach for poorly reconstructed regions based on a graph structure on the oversegmentation and appropriate traversal of the graph. The superpixels augmented with synthesized depth allow us to define a local shape-preserving warp which compensates for inaccurate depth. Our rendering algorithm blends the warped images, and generates plausible image-based novel views for our challenging target scenes. Our results demonstrate novel view synthesis in real time for multiple challenging scenes with significant depth complexity, providing a convincing immersive navigation experience

    Jeux combinatoires sur les graphes

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    Chacun d'entre nous s'est déjà essayé à un jeu combinatoire, tel que les dames ou les échecs. Les jeux les plus connus présentent le double avantage de mêler plaisir ludique et réflexion. L'intérêt que les mathématiciens leur porte réside souvent autour de la recherche d'une stratégie gagnante pour l'un des deux joueurs. Du jeu de Nim jusqu'aux échecs, la complexité de cette recherche est très variable. Dans cette thèse, nous donnons tout d'abord un aperçu des principales étapes du développement de ce domaine, qui a commencé au début des années 1900, et soulignons son étroite corrélation avec des domaines connexes tels que la théorie des nombres, des codes correcteurs d'erreur ou des graphes. Nous nous intéressons ensuite à des variantes de jeux bien connus : le Wythoff's game et le Dots and Boxes. Nous présentons et expliquons les stratégies et positions de jeu favorables au premier et au second joueur. Enfin, nous regardons une version solitaire d'un jeu récent à deux joueurs : le Clobber. Il s'agit d'un casse-tête qui se joue en posant des pierres sur les sommets d'un graphe, et dont le but est de détruire le plus de pierres possibles. Nous donnons des résultats structurels et algorithmiques sur les grilles, les arbres, ou encore les hypercubes.GRENOBLE1-BU Sciences (384212103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Solitaire Clobber on graphs.

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    A survey on Solitaire Clobber

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    A survey on Solitaire Clobber

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    LIDAR applications for air quality monitoring : case of aerosol characterisation and industrial site survey of gaseous leaks

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    It has been demonstrated the feasibility of an ambient air on-line remote characterisation of nanoparticles atmospheric aerosol size distribution combining 4 wavelength LIDAR and a specific genetic algorithm. Results obtained on a demonstrator-based instrument had shown field measurement ability. Based on modification of a commercial instrument, it has also been demonstrated the feasibility of an automatic 3D survey of diffuse emissions in a large industrial site

    Solitaire Clobber Played on Hamming Graphs

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    <p>The one-player game Solitaire Clobber was introduced by Demaine et al. Beaudou et al. considered a variation called SC2. Black and white stones are located on the vertices of a given graph. A move consists in picking a stone to replace an adjacent stone of the opposite color. The objective is to minimize the number of remaining stones. The game is interesting if there is at least one stone of each color. In this paper, we investigate the case of Hamming graphs. We prove that game configurations on such graphs can always be reduced to a single stone, except for hypercubes. Nevertheless, hypercubes can be reduced to two stones.</p&gt

    A new deletion game on graphs : Le Pic'arête

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    9 pagesInternational audienceThis paper presents a eletion game on graph, called the "Pic'arete". Two players alternately remove an edge of a given graph, one player getting one point each time the deletion of an edge isolates a vertex (so that you can get at most 2 points by edge deleted). When no edge remains, the player who has the maximum number of points is declared the winner. For instance, if we consider this game on the grid graph, we obtain a variant of the famous Dots and Boxes game. Our study consists in trying to make an estimate of the value of an initial game configuration, i.e., the difference between the maxima numbers of points attainable by both players. Finding a winning strategy will lead us to define a classification of game configurations, according to the parity of their number of edges, vertices, and sizes of hanging trees

    A survey about Solitaire Clobber

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