482 research outputs found

    Characterization of The Growth Factor Receptor Network Oncogenes in Lung Cancer

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    Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer related deaths worldwide, reportedly contributing to 1.8 million of the 10.0 million mortalities documented in the year 2020. Although advancements have been made in therapeutics and diagnostic methods, formulation of effective treatments and development of drug resistance continues to be a challenge. These challenges arise from our lack of understanding of intricate signaling pathways, such as the Growth Factor Receptor Network (GFRN), which contributes to complex lung tumor heterogeneity allowing for drug resistance development. In this study, gene expression signatures of six GFRN oncogenes overexpressed in human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) were generated to interrogate this pathway’s downstream crosstalk, beyond initial mutation status. Utilization of this method may reveal novel phenotypic patterns that could be used to improve targeted therapies for lung cancer. Thus, using computational analysis tools, gene expression signatures were generated of BAD (BAD), HER2 (ERBB2), IGF1R (IGF1R), RAF (RAF1), and KRAS (G12V), using the Bioconductor package, Adaptive Signature Selection and InteGratioN (ASSIGN). Gene lists of various lengths were generated ranging from 5 to 500 genes produced in 25 gene increments. Pathway activation estimates were predicted in 541 lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) tumors acquired from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). Each gene signature underwent validation using proteomics data from The Cancer Proteome Atlas (TCPA) and gene expression. Following thorough analysis, optimal gene signatures were determined for the genes BAD, HER2, IGF1R, RAF, and KRAS. In all, the optimized GFRN pathway-specific gene signatures were able to distinguish upregulated pathway activity within TCGA patient tumor samples. With the use of drug response data, novel phenotypic patterns may be revealed identifying drug targets to improve individualized drug targeted therapy for lung cancer

    Satisfacción laboral y felicidad en enfermeras peruanas

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    Objective: To analyze the relationship between job satisfaction and happiness in the nursing staff of the Alberto Seguín Escobedo EsSalud National Hospital in the city of Arequipa (Peru).Methods: Using the quantitative method and the non-experimental, transversal-correlational design, the SL-SPC Labor Satisfaction Scale of Palma (1999) and the Happiness Scale of Alarcón (2006) were applied to a sample of 83 workers, among the 25 to 65 years old, who work as nurses.Results: It was found that the dimensions with higher job satisfaction in nurses are "personal development" and "task performance" (≥70, in both cases). In the case of the Happiness variable, it was identified that the "Satisfaction with Life" dimension is the one with the highest valuation (≥90, in all three cases). On the other hand, the study identified the existence of direct and inverse correlations between the study variables.Conclusion: Positive associations were observed between dimensions of job satisfaction and happiness factors. The companionship and the desire to achieve a goal of personal and professional development increases the sense of happiness that nurses perceive in their work life.Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la satisfacción laboral y la felicidad en el personal de enfermería del Hospital Nacional Alberto Seguín Escobedo EsSalud de la ciudad de Arequipa (Perú).Métodos: Mediante el método cuantitativo y el diseño no experimental, transversal-correlacional, se aplicó la escala de Satisfacción Laboral SL-SPC de Palma (1999) y la escala de Felicidad de Alarcón (2006) a una muestra de 83 trabajadoras, entre los 25 a 65 años de edad, que laboran como enfermeras.Resultados: Se encontró que las dimensiones presentan mayor satisfacción laboral en las enfermeras son el “desarrollo personal” y “desempeño de tareas” (≥70, en ambos casos). En el caso de la variable Felicidad, se identificó que la dimensión “Satisfacción con la Vida”, es la que presenta mayor valoración (≥90, en los tres casos). Por otra parte, el estudio identificó la existencia de correlaciones directas e inversas entre las variables de estudio. Conclusión: Se observaron asociaciones positivas entre dimensiones de la satisfacción laboral y factores de felicidad. El compañerismo y el deseo de alcanzar una meta de desarrollo personal y profesional aumenta el sentido de felicidad que las enfermeras perciben en su vida laboral. &nbsp

    Développement local et mouvements de populations - quelques exemples

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    Cada sistema de desenvolvimento local desencadeia um conjunto de dinâmicas sociais e económicas que vão, por sua vez, desencadear mudanças em mão-de-obra, em diferentes formas de mobilização e movimentos das populações. Exemplos das várias dinâmicas de sistemas produtivos locais vão nos permitir analisar as relações entre o desenvolvimento económico, o território e a mobilidade das populações

    Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome: Diagnostic Delay and Sensitivity of the Auxological Criteria of the Growth Hormone Research Society

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    OBJECTIVES: To study the diagnostic delay for pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and the sensitivity of the auxological criteria of the Growth Hormone Research Society (GHRS) consensus guidelines. METHODS: A single-center retrospective case-cohort study covering records from January 2000 through December 2007 evaluated the performance of each GHRS auxological criterion for patients with GHD and PSIS. Diagnostic delay was calculated as the difference between the age at which the earliest GHRS criterion could have been observed and the age at diagnosis of PSIS with GHD. A diagnostic delay exceeding one year was defined as late diagnosis. RESULTS: The study included 21 patients, 16 (76%) of whom had isolated GHD and 5 (24%) multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies. The median age at diagnosis was 3.6 years (interquartile range, IQR, 2.6-5.5). The median diagnostic delay was 2.3 years (range 0-12.6; IQR 1.5-3.6), with late diagnosis for 17 patients (81%). Height more than 1.5 SDS below target height was the most effective criterion: 90% of the patients met the criterion before diagnosis at a median age of 1 year, and it was the first criterion to be fulfilled for 84%. CONCLUSION: In our cohort, the delay for diagnosis of PSIS with GHD was long and could have been reduced by using the GHRS criteria, in particular, height more than 1.5 SDS below the target height. The specificity of such a strategy needs to be tested in healthy populations


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    After the years of political violence in the 1980s and early 1990s, Peru was involved in structural changes that allowed a national reconstruction of Peruvian society. During this period, the different migratory processes, changes in internal economic policy, political and educational reforms conditioned Peruvians and future generations under an urban model of development based on consumption, individuality and modernity. A model of political, educational and cultural development that does not include violence and memory as part of national identity and activities. This text proposes a critical look at the origins and consequences of political violence in our country, analyzing the relationship between the actors involved, the ideological projects and the struggle for human rights

    Evaluación de la eficiencia de nematicidas biológicos sobre poblaciones de Meloidogyne incognita, en el cultivo de pitahaya amarilla (Selenicereus megalanthus), a nivel de invernadero, en el cantón Joya de Los Sachas.

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    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la eficiencia de nematicidas biológicos para el control de poblaciones de Meloidogyne incognita, en el cultivo de pitahaya amarilla (Selenicereus megalanthus), bajo condiciones de invernadero, en el cantón Joya de los Sachas. Se realizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres réplicas y los siguientes tratamientos: T1: Purpureocillum lilacinum; T2: Trichoderma asperellum; T3 Purpureocillum lilacinum más Trichoderma asperellum; T4: Comercial biológico; T5: testigo absoluto; T6: testigo más nematodo. Aplicados en dos épocas: siete días antes y siete días después de la inoculación de Meloidogyne incognita. Se evaluó: la severidad del nematodo, número de nódulos y nematodos en suelos y raíces, biomasa foliar y radicular. Las plantas de pitahaya presentaron un índice de nodulaciones mayor a 100 en el sistema radicular (severidad grado 5). Hubo diferencias significativas en el peso fresco de raíz para la época de aplicación y diferencias significativas en la variable biomasa foliar. La cuantificación de nódulos en el sistema radicular mostró un efecto significativo para los tratamientos. Las aplicaciones de los controladores antes de la inoculación de los nematodos demostraron un efecto positivo para la biomasa foliar y radicular por la estimulación endófita de Trichoderma spp, Purpureocillium spp sobre el sistema radical y su emanación en el desarrollo de la planta. El T1 tuvo un efecto negativo por el alto número de nodulaciones y población de nematodos, superando al T6; el T2 redujo un 36,9% de nodulaciones y un 21 % de población con relación al testigo más nematodo. Se concluye que las aplicaciones preventivas de estos hongos antagonistas, favorecen a las variables agronómicas, pero son poco eficaces para controlar Meloydogine incognita. Se recomienda evaluar en condiciones in vitro, nuevas concentraciones de los controladores biológicos usados en este estudio, para seleccionar dosificaciones eficientes en el control de Meloidogyne spp.The objective of this research was to determine the efficiency of biological nematicides for the control of Meloidogyne incognita populations in the yellow pitahaya crop (Selenicereus megalanthus), under greenhouse conditions, in the Joya de los Sachas canton. A randomized complete block design was applied with three replicates and the following treatments: T1: Purpureocillum lilacinum; T2: Trichoderma asperellum; T3 Purpureocillum lilacinum plus Trichoderma asperellum; T4: Biological commercial; T5: absolute control; T6: control plus nematode; seven days before and seven days after inoculation with Meloidogyne incognita. The following were evaluated: nematode severity, number of nodules and nematodes in soil and roots, leaf and root biomass. Pitahaya plants presented an index of nodulations greater than 100 in the root system (severity grade 5). In root fresh weight there were significant differences not only for the time of application but also in the leaf biomass variable. The quantification of nodules in the root system showed a significant effect for the treatments. Controller applications before nematode inoculation showed a positive effect on leaf and root biomass due to endophytic stimulation of Trichoderma spp, Purpureocillium spp on the root system and their emanation in plant development. The T1 had a negative effect by the high number of nodulations and population of nematodes, surpassing the T6; the T2 reduced 36.9% of nodulations and 21% of population in relation to the control plus nematode (T6). It is concluded that preventive applications of these antagonistic fungi favor agronomic variables, but are not very effective in controlling Meloydogine incognita. It is recommended to evaluate in vitro conditions, new concentrations of the biological controllers used in this study, in order to select highly efficient dosages in the control of Meloidogyne spp

    A passage to imprisonment : the British prisoners of war in Verdun under the First French Empire

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    This thesis explores parole detention as a site of transnational exchange through a case study of Verdun, a central depot for British civilian and military prisoners of war in Napoleonic France. By focusing on the interactions between captives and captors, this study throws into relief the ambiguities of nation-building and the totalisation of warfare, which kept these two countries at odds in the long eighteenth century. The main finding that has arisen from this work is the predominance of social dynamics over national, martial and religious antagonisms during this forced cohabitation, which nuances the truism of French and British identities forged against each other during the period. Furthermore, moving beyond the common assumption that the concept of honour lost its substance in France after 1789, I argue that parole detention in Verdun was based on gendered and ad hoc practices of internment, which syncretised old and revolutionary understandings of the notion. Whilst the situation of sequestered women has received little attention, this thesis makes the original claim that parole was in fact tailored to the presence of female 'voluntary captives' in Verdun. Composed of seven thematic chapters, and drawing on a variety of sources (ego-documents, newspapers, botanical specimens, material and visual culture), this thesis intends to provide a fresh sociocultural and transnational contribution to the burgeoning field of POW studies. Beyond conventional and nation-centric 'histoire-batailles', which so frequently place the question of military captivity within the rigid frame of a three-staged 'experience'– a trope inspired by memoirs of captivity – this thesis re-considers the experience of detention as a liminal 'passage'. By putting emphasis less on being than becoming a captive, this perspective situates military detention in a wider temporal framework, which includes the aftermath of 1814 and lifewriting as part of the experience

    Elaboración de mermelada hipocalórica de arazá y babaco utilizando diferentes niveles de Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana)

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    El estudio se llevó a cabo en la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, en donde se elaboró una mermelada hipocalórica de arazá y babaco utilizando stevia en diferentes niveles 0, 2, 4, 6 %, como sustituto del azúcar blanco, para el análisis estadístico se aplicó un diseño complemente al azar con un análisis de varianza (DCA), cuatro repeticiones y 200g por unidad experimental, en el análisis físico químico del nivel 6% no presenta diferencias significativas en pH, sin embargo la Acidez 0,14, Azucares Reductores 5,01 y grados Brix 19,15 presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas con una probabilidad menor a 0,05. En el análisis Bromatológico el nivel 6% muestra mejores características en Humedad 88,15 %, Proteína 1,33 %, Fibra 3,29 %, Extracto Etéreo 0,19%, Cenizas 0,28 %, Extracto Libre Nitrogenado 5,19 %, Kcal/ g 17,81 y donde no se encontraron diferencias significativas es en Vitamina C 0,03 con respecto a los demás niveles, en cuanto a los análisis microbiológicos no reportaron presencia de mohos y levaduras, el análisis sensorial del producto de mayor aceptación en color, olor y sabor fue el nivel 6% de stevia, con un beneficio costo de 1,30 en dólares americanos. Por lo cual se recomienda utilizar el nivel 6% stevia en la elaboración de mermeladas y productos dietéticos debido a su bajo contenido en calorías la cual se podría destinar para personas con diabetes y con problemas de sobrepeso..The study was carried out at the Faculty of Animal Sciences of the Superior Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, where a hypocaloric jam of arazá and babaco was prepared using stevia at different levels 0, 2, 4, 6%, as a substitute for white sugar , For the statistical analysis a completely randomized design was applied with an analysis of variance (DCA), four repetitions and 200g per experimental unit, in the chemical physical analysis of the 6% level it does not present significant differences in pH, however the Acidity 0, 14, Reducing Sugars 5.01 and Brix degrees 19.15 presented statistically significant differences with a probability of less than 0.05. In the Bromatological analysis the level 6% shows better characteristics in Humidity 88.15%, Protein 1.33%, Fiber 3.29%, Ethereal Extract 0.19%, Ashes 0.28%, Nitrogen Free Extract 5.19% , Kcal / g 17.81 and where no significant differences were found is in Vitamin C 0.03 with respect to the other levels, as for the microbiological analyzes they did not report the presence of molds and yeasts, The sensory analysis of the product of greater acceptance in color, smell and taste was the 6% level of stevia, with a benefit cost of 1.30 in US dollars. Therefore it is recommended to use the 6% stevia level in the production of jams and dietary products due to its low calorie content which could be used for people with diabetes and overweight problems

    Análisis de la vida útil de la tilapia “Oreochromis” con empaque al vacío, Centro de Acopio Guaslán Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca – 2015

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la vida de anaquel de la tilapia mediante una evaluación de 15 días, en muestras de pescados empacados al vacío y sin empacar en tres temperaturas diferentes las cuales fueron al ambiente, refrigeración y congelación; el resultado de los exámenes de laboratorio: físicos, químicos y microbiológicos por triplicado arrojaron que existe un alto grado de proliferación de bacterias a temperatura ambiente, además del deterioro de las características organolépticas documentadas en las fichas de observación. Al culminar el período de observación se tabuló los resultados, se elaboraron gráficas de comparación y se pudo identificar que este producto empacado al vacío en temperaturas bajas como congelación y refrigeración mantiene las cualidades que lo vuelven apto para el consumo humano en un lapso de 15 días, mientras que en temperatura ambiente y sin empaque este alimento empieza un proceso evidente de putrefacción a partir de los 2 días, por descarboxilación de aminoácidos por acción de bacterias como Eschericha coli, Aerobios Mesófilo y Coliformes totales; es decir que el empaque al vació es un método de conservación muy eficiente que por su técnica de sellado elimina el oxígeno dentro del envase e inhibe la proliferación de microorganismos y permite conservar en mejores condiciones los productos, además va de la mano con el control de la temperatura. Gracias a estos resultados se elaboró una propuesta alternativa para la comercialización de la tilapia fileteada y marinada empacada al vacío.The purpose of de current research work was to analyze the product duration time of tilapia fish through a 15-day evaluation of vacuum-packed fish samples as well as non-packed samples at three different temperatures that ere room, cooling and freezing. The results of the physical, chemical and microbiological laboratory analysis determined that there is a high level of bacteria proliferation at room temperature, and it determined the organoleptic characteristic documented in observation cards. At the end of the observation period, the results were tabulated through comparison charts. It was possible to determine that the product maintains the characteristics that make it suitable for the human consumption within 15 days when the product is vacuum-packed at low temperatures (cooling and freezing); while at room temperature at without any packing the product starts an evident putrefaction process within 2 days due to the fast growing of bacteria such as Eschericha coli, Mesophilic aerobic and Total coliforms, it means that the vacuum-packing is a very effective conservation method since its sealing technique eliminates the oxygen froms the wrapping and stops the proliferation of microorganism. It allows preserving the products in better conditions; on the other hand, it goes together with the temperature control. This results permitted the implementation of an alternative proposal for commercializing vacuum-packed filleted and marinated Tilapia fish