30 research outputs found

    Involving recreational snorkelers in inventory improvement or creation: a case study in the Indian Ocean.

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    Four amateur naturalists and underwater photographers established sixty first records and discovered three species probably new to science at Reunion Island (Indian Ocean) between January 2010 and January 2016, although the marine environment of this island has been studied for some forty years by professional scientists. These results were achieved after snorkeling in coastal areas at a maximum depth of 2 m. All records were validated by professional experts of the relevant groups, with appropriate reservations for photograph-based identifications. The analysis of the methodology used by this group of reef observers highlights three central elements: individual initiative, regular random-path snorkeling practice by local observers, and availability of correspondent observers with sufficient naturalist skills to select accurate data and manage an optimal link with professional scientists. Such achievement emphasizes the efficiency of a citizen- based approach aimed at creating or improving local fauna inventories and discovering new species. Considering that ecological data can be collected during observers' random-path snorkeling sessions, such a project is also of interest for local conservationists and marine ecosystems managers. We therefore recommend the inclusion of these practices in the process of designing standardised observation programs aimed at non-professionals everywhere snorkeling can be practiced, especially in under-studied regions.N

    Development of a power hardware in the loop simulation of an islanded microgrid

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    In this paper a Power Hardware in the loop simulation has been realized to test in a safely way the performances and reliability of a device called “PowerCorner” used to supply an islanded microgrid. A real-time model has been developed in order to simulate the microgrid, batteries and photovoltaic panels. Some modeling criterions have been proposed to reduce time-step simulation and enhancing the Power Hardware in the loop simulation stability. Power Hardware in the loop simulation is used to emulate the AC and DC environments around the power inverters. On the DC side, DC power amplifier is used to emulate photovoltaic power plants and storage devices made on Lithium batteries. On the AC side, AC power amplifier is used to emulate the behavior of the microgrid. These two power amplifiers are controlled by a digital real time simulator which embeds the dynamic behavior of both DC and AC sides

    How to assess the absence of a species? A revision of the geographical range of the horned sea star, Protoreaster nodosus (Echinodermata; Asteroidea)

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    International audienceDemonstrating the absence of a species has always been a challenge for natural sciences, which are more used to documenting their presence; however, both forms of data are of equal scientific significance. The horned sea star Protoreaster nodosus is said, in the scientific literature, to be present throughout the whole Indo-Pacific region, from eastern Africa to the Pacific Ocean islands. However, a review of the scientific literature, along with a critical bibliographical study, citizen science surveys, web-based pictures analyses, and field studies suggests that the presence of this species could instead be restricted to the western Pacific Ocean, from Thailand to Samoa and from Japan to New Caledonia, with no reliable record in the Indian Ocean. Such a huge and long-running mistake on a very common and conspicuous species exemplifies the importance of a critical approach towards species distribution data, which appears too often based on layers of reproduction of never-reassessed data, turning hypotheses into commonly shared truth

    Are nekketsu shƍnen manga sports manga?

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    Nekketsu shƍnen constitutes one of the most famous and widespread genres of Japanese manga. This genre corresponds to a particular narrative structure rather than a register or setting, allowing it to include fantasy stories as well as realistic ones. Our hypothesis here is that the unity of this genre relies in the values it displays, which can be compared to sports values. In this paper, we analyze the main traits of Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball and compare it to other masterpieces of this genre in order to stress how, despite apparent diversity, all these manga display the same ideal of hard-working and ever-progressing sportsmen fighting their own self rather than enemies, in stark contrast with classical American or European comics heroes and avengers. These works hence propose an emancipation of sports from its classical frames towards fantasy, but keeping its essential characteristics

    Qu’est-ce que la nature qu’on cherche Ă  conserver? Une approche sĂ©miologique de l’action Ă©cologique

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    L’écologie est passĂ©e au cours du XXe siĂšcle de science descriptive Ă  science de l’action. Cette mĂ©tamorphose contraint Ă  adapter tout un vocabulaire thĂ©orique Ă  l’épreuve du concret. Or, cette translation n’est pas facile. Si la large majoritĂ© des acteurs sociaux s’accordent quant Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© de « protĂ©ger la nature », des controverses profondes s’élĂšvent dĂšs qu’il s’agit de mettre en action cette prĂ©servation : que doit-on faire, sur quoi doit-on agir quand on veut protĂ©ger « la nature »? Qu’est-ce que la « nature », en somme? C’est Ă  cette question que ce texte propose de rĂ©pondre, en retraçant tout d’abord la gĂ©nĂ©alogie de ce terme dont le sens n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© clair, puis en isolant un certain nombre de dĂ©finitions dominantes, renvoyant chacune Ă  une conception de la nature bien spĂ©cifique, et supposant donc des actions de protection distinctes. PlutĂŽt que d’arbitrer de maniĂšre jupitĂ©rienne (comme s’y sont essayĂ©s sans succĂšs de nombreux penseurs), nous proposons d’intĂ©grer toute cette complexitĂ© du phĂ©nomĂšne nature dans les dĂ©marches de protection de la nature, qui doit ĂȘtre pensĂ©e dans une acception large, transdisciplinaire et transculturelle.Ecology has evolved over the 20th century from descriptive science to proactive science. This metamorphosis necessitates to adapt a whole theoretical vocabulary to the concrete reality of the field. However, such translation does not come easy. If the vast majority of social actors agree on the need to “protect nature”, deep controversies arise when it comes to putting this preservation into action: what should we do, what should we act on when we want to protect “nature”? What is “nature”, actually? This is the question that this text aims at answering, first by retracing the genealogy of this term, the meaning of which has never been clear, then by isolating a certain number of dominant definitions, each referring to a very specific conception of nature, and thus implying separate protective actions. Rather than arbitrating in an authoritarian manner (as many thinkers have tried unsuccessfully), we propose to integrate this whole complexity of the phenomenon of nature into the approaches aiming at protecting it, which must be conceived in a broad, transdisciplinary and transcultural way

    Reconciliation ecology, from biological to social challenges

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    Reconciliation ecology aims to preserve ordinary biodiversity through integration of ecology and social values. We define such biodiversity as an alternative to species and site specific conservation approaches, demonstrating its analytical power to understand the dynamics of biodiversity changes, its consequences, in particular in regards to the fate of regulating ecosystem services. We then examine its potential for social legitimacy through a review of philosophical and policy frameworks. We pay particular attention to the representation of ordinary biodiversity’s extrinsic values, and to the most appropriate social norms for integrating these into new practices of conservation, based on the potential of the capabilities approach

    Convivialité. L'alliance avec la nature

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    National audienceDans le contexte d’une perception de plus en plus sensible de l’impact du dĂ©rĂšglement climatique au quotidien et d’une Ă©co-anxiĂ©tĂ© grandissante, notamment chez les jeunes gĂ©nĂ©rations, proposer une vision positive et mobilisatrice de la prĂ©servation de notre Ă©cosystĂšme peut ĂȘtre salutaire. Telle est la volontĂ© de ce « manifeste Ă©thique » qui voudrait communiquer un message d’espĂ©rance se traduisant par des actions concrĂštes des membres et des experts français de l’UICN. Du dĂ©sert des Agriates au Mozambique, en passant par la dĂ©couverte de la biodiversitĂ© urbaine ou la « renaturation » d’une riviĂšre, ces rĂ©alisations prouvent qu’il est possible de partager l’espace avec le monde sauvage et Ă  construire des projets Ă  l’échelle des territoires pour mieux vivre ensemble.La premiĂšre partie d’ouvrage, intitulĂ©e « Regarder autrement », est une invitation Ă  dĂ©centrer son propre regard pour accorder de la valeur Ă  toutes formes de vie qui nous entoure. La prĂ©servation de la nature commence tout prĂšs de chez nous. C’est seulement dans cette perspective qu’il sera possible d’ « Habiter autrement » la Terre en recrĂ©ant un lien de proximitĂ© entre l’espĂšce humaine, les animaux et les vĂ©gĂ©taux, y compris dans les villes oĂč ils sont d’ordinaires les plus repoussĂ©s. Enfin, la troisiĂšme partie achĂšve ce cheminement en proposant d’« Interagir autrement » avec la nature, vectrice de nouvelles solidaritĂ©s par le biais d’initiatives citoyennes repensant notre relation avec elle afin de construire un avenir plus vivable.Tous les exemples prĂ©sentĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s par des organismes membres du ComitĂ© français de l'UICN, ou par des experts relevant de ses commissions spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s de façon Ă  illustrer la diversitĂ© des situations, des espĂšces et des milieux concernĂ©s, afin de faire dĂ©couvrir au lecteur la richesse d'expĂ©riences vĂ©cues, de la France mĂ©tropolitaine Ă  ses dĂ©partements et territoires les plus lointains

    Convivialité. L'alliance avec la nature

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    National audienceDans le contexte d’une perception de plus en plus sensible de l’impact du dĂ©rĂšglement climatique au quotidien et d’une Ă©co-anxiĂ©tĂ© grandissante, notamment chez les jeunes gĂ©nĂ©rations, proposer une vision positive et mobilisatrice de la prĂ©servation de notre Ă©cosystĂšme peut ĂȘtre salutaire. Telle est la volontĂ© de ce « manifeste Ă©thique » qui voudrait communiquer un message d’espĂ©rance se traduisant par des actions concrĂštes des membres et des experts français de l’UICN. Du dĂ©sert des Agriates au Mozambique, en passant par la dĂ©couverte de la biodiversitĂ© urbaine ou la « renaturation » d’une riviĂšre, ces rĂ©alisations prouvent qu’il est possible de partager l’espace avec le monde sauvage et Ă  construire des projets Ă  l’échelle des territoires pour mieux vivre ensemble.La premiĂšre partie d’ouvrage, intitulĂ©e « Regarder autrement », est une invitation Ă  dĂ©centrer son propre regard pour accorder de la valeur Ă  toutes formes de vie qui nous entoure. La prĂ©servation de la nature commence tout prĂšs de chez nous. C’est seulement dans cette perspective qu’il sera possible d’ « Habiter autrement » la Terre en recrĂ©ant un lien de proximitĂ© entre l’espĂšce humaine, les animaux et les vĂ©gĂ©taux, y compris dans les villes oĂč ils sont d’ordinaires les plus repoussĂ©s. Enfin, la troisiĂšme partie achĂšve ce cheminement en proposant d’« Interagir autrement » avec la nature, vectrice de nouvelles solidaritĂ©s par le biais d’initiatives citoyennes repensant notre relation avec elle afin de construire un avenir plus vivable.Tous les exemples prĂ©sentĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s par des organismes membres du ComitĂ© français de l'UICN, ou par des experts relevant de ses commissions spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s de façon Ă  illustrer la diversitĂ© des situations, des espĂšces et des milieux concernĂ©s, afin de faire dĂ©couvrir au lecteur la richesse d'expĂ©riences vĂ©cues, de la France mĂ©tropolitaine Ă  ses dĂ©partements et territoires les plus lointains