52 research outputs found

    Comparative study on the performance of face recognition algorithms

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    Facial and object recognition are more and more applied in our life. Therefore, this field has become important to both academicians and practitioners. Face recognition systems are complex systems using features of the face to recognize. Current face recognition systems may be used to increase work efficiency in various methods, including smart homes, online banking, traffic, sports, robots, and others. With various applications like this, the number of facial recognition methods has been increasing in recent years. However, the performance of face recognition systems can be significantly affected by various factors such as lighting conditions, and different types of masks (sunglasses, scarves, hats, etc.). In this paper, a detailed comparison between face recognition techniques is exposed by listing the structure of each model, the advantages and disadvantages as well as performing experiments to demonstrate the robustness, accuracy, and complexity of each algorithm. To be detailed, let’s give a performance comparison of three methods for measuring the efficacy of face recognition systems including a support vector machine (SVM), a visual geometry group with 16 layers (VGG-16), and a residual network with 50 layers (ResNet-50) in real-life settings. The efficiency of algorithms is evaluated in various environments such as normal light indoors, backlit indoors, low light indoors, natural light outdoors, and backlit outdoors. In addition, this paper also evaluates faces with hats and glasses to examine the accuracy of the methods. The experimental results indicate that the ResNet-50 has the highest accuracy to identify faces. The time to recognize is ranging from 1.1s to 1.2s in the normal environmen

    Evaluate the Results at Minimum 2-Years of Treating Rotator Cuff Tear by Arthroscopic Surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Rotator cuff tear (RCT) is a common injury of the shoulder, especially middle-aged people. Nonoperative treatment, cortisone injections are only effective at an early stage. Open surgery causes postoperative atrophy of the deltoid muscle, so results are limited. Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair surgery has been performed in Vietnam for about ten years, with many advantages such as the ability to accurately assess the lesions and less invasive procedure. In order to have a clearer view, we performed a mid-term assessment of the effectiveness of this surgery. AIM: Evaluate results over 2 years of patients with rotator cuff tears treated with arthroscopic surgery and their quality of life. METHOD: A group of 30 patients were diagnosed with RCT and surgery by arthroscopy to treat at Hanoi Medical University Hospital and Saint Paul Hospital between Jun 2015 and April 2017. The results of the surgeries were assessed by the degree of pain, muscle power, motion of the shoulder joint according to UCLA shoulder score. Evaluate the quality of life through the Rotator Cuff-Quality of Life (RC-QoL) index. RESULTS: The average age was 60.7 years. Female / male ratio was 1.3. Thirty-six months ± 6.41 was the average follow-up time (min 27 – max 50 months). The shoulder function is recorded according to UCLA has an average score of 30.9, therein good and excellent result were 90 %. The mean RC-QoL index was 91.5%. CONCLUSION: Treatment of RCT by arthroscopic surgery that has been evaluated for a minimum of 2 years follow-up showed good results and high quality of patient’s life

    Review: Possible removal of heavy metal and selective rare-earth ions by polymeric and nano-composite materials.

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    Heavy metal contamination in aqueous environment from natural processes and human’s activities including pesticides usage, mining, factories discharging and leaking irritation shows an extreme threat to environment and human health. The control of rising amount of heavy metal in environment not only requires critical observations at their original sources but also demands efficient removal methods. However, each conventional method is only suitable in a certain range of use. For example, inexpensive materials and convenient techniques are necessary for large scale heavy meal treatment, while high performance system to remove almost trace amount of heavy metals are critically required for drinking water treatment. On the other hands, heavy metal treatments must be applicable in some crucial environment conditions. Among solutions for environmental heavy metal control, polymeric materials have showed many advantages to enhance the performance of conventional heavy metal adsorbents. Possessing functional chemical moieties on their side chains and backbones, polymers can act as main metal ion adsorption component and/or effective supports for the adsorption property. In addition, the utilization of polymeric components can result in a low corrosion, selectivity, controllability, and recyclability of absorbents when operated in real environment conditions. This article summarizes the preparation techniques and desirable properties of polymer for removal of toxic heavy metal ion as well as the possibility of polymers in collecting some rare noble metal ions. Keywords. Heavy metal ions, nano-composite, polymer


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    Hairiness is an important quality parameter of yarn after winding process. It affects not only the quality of yarn, but also the productivity of the warping, weaving, knitting machines as well as the quality of produced fabrics. Hairiness is influenced by the factors of raw materials, technology and equipment at all stages of yarn production. This article presents the results of experimental research on the simultaneous influence of four typical winding parameters, including: Winding speed (Z1), the load on the friction discs of the yarn tensioner (Z2), the distance between the bobbin and the yarn guide (Z3) and the pressure of package on the grooved drum (Z4) to the increasing percentage of the hairiness of the yarns after winding compared to that before winding. Yarn hairiness was measured by Uster tester 5. By using the second-order orthogonal experimental planning, together with the support of Excel 2019 and Design Expert 11 software, an experimental matrix and mathematical models describing the relationship between the four winding parameters and increasing percentage of the hairiness of three types of yarn (carded Ne 31/1 CVCD, combed Ne 30/1 CVCM, combed Ne 30/1 COCM) are established. The research result is the scientific basis for selecting the optimal winding parameters in order to achieve the required increase in hairiness of the yarn after winding or predict hairiness increase of the yarns before winding

    Adaptation options for agricultural cultivation systems in the South Central Coast under the context of climate change: Assessment Report.

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    This report highlights the results of consultation meetings and field visits organized by the Department of Crop Production and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in Southeast Asia in association with the three offices of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the South Central Coast provinces of Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan, and Khanh Hoa, in combination with consultation with the provinces in the conference: “Summing up crops production in the Winter-Spring season in 2018-2019, implementing the Summer-Autumn season, Main rice season in 2019 for the South Central Coast and the Central Highlands” held by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province on 12 April 2019. The meetings underlined the progress made by the provinces on climate change adaptation and mitigation, options for risk reductions in agricultural production, and conversion of crop structure as results of implementing the guidelines of the provinces and the Sector, especially, solutions for reservation and efficient and economic use of water under the context of climate change. This assessment report also reviews some issues related to the agricultural transformation of the region in adapting to risks caused by climate change. They are based on comparative advantages in terms of geographical location and market of key agricultural products. This report also points out shortcomings in using land and unreasonable points in managing and using important natural resources, especially water, and provides recommendations for the agricultural transformation and inter-regional connection with the Central Highlands and the Southeast. The team also introduces climate-related risks maps and adaptation plans (CS MAP) which is applied in the five provinces in the Mekong Delta Region, and hopes this solution’s expansion shall be supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the provinces

    Unexpected cases in field diagnosis of African swine fever virus in Vietnam: The needs consideration when performing molecular diagnostic tests

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    Background: The first confirmed case of African swine fever (ASF) in Vietnam was reported officially in February 2019. To date, ASF virus (ASFV) have been detected in 63/63 provinces in Vietnam. Currently, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is considered to be a powerful tool for viral detection in field samples, including ASFV. However, some recent reports have suggested that mismatches in primer and probe binding regions may directly affect real-time PCR qualification, leading a false-negative result.Aim: This study aims to further examine a conflicting result obtained from two OIE recommended methods, conventional PCR and real-time PCR, for ASFV detection.Methods: Two ASF suspected pigs from different provinces in the north of Vietnam were selected for this study based on clinical signs and postmortem lesions. The different results obtained by OIE-recommended conventional PCR and real-time PCR were further analyzed by the Sanger sequencing method and virus isolation in combination with hemadsorption (HAD) test using porcine alveolar macrophages cells.Results: The results showed that when the primer sequence matched perfectly with the sequences of field isolates, a mutation in probe binding region was found, indicating that a single mismatch in the probe binding site may cause a false-negative result by real-time PCR in detecting ASFV in clinical samples in Vietnam. An agreement between conventional PCR, using PPA1/PPA2 primers and two golden standard methods, virus isolation in combination with HAD assay, and sequencing method was observed in this study.Conclusion: A single mismatch in the probe binding site caused a failse-negative result by realtime PCR method in field diagnosis of ASFV. The needs consideration when selecting the appropriate molecular diagnostic methods is based on the current databases of ASFV sequences,  particularly for epidemiological surveillance of ASF. Keywords: African swine fever, PCR, Pigs, Real-time PCR, Vietna

    Liquid pumping and mixing by PZT synthetic jet

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    In this paper, a PZT synthetic jet that can function as both an efficient pumping and mixing device is developed. Compare with the conventional design where the practice of controlling the internal flow is undertaken by microvalves structure, this approach promotes the durability and allows the device to work with different liquids at high Reynold number without losing of backflow from the diffuser, therefore provides efficient mixing. The pumping performance is applicable for commercialized counterparts while the homogeneous medium was obtained at downstream in the experiments, which was further confirmed by simulation. Notably, the chaotic mixing feature of the device is also applicable for immiscible liquids with the micro-droplet formation result at the outlet

    Brza serotipizacija virusa afriÄŤke kuge svinja zasnovana na analizi kratkih fragmenata EP402R gena koji kodira CD2-like protein

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    The first confirmed case of African swine fever (ASF) in Vietnam was officially reported in February 2019. To date, the ASF virus (ASFV) has been detected in all 63 cities/provinces in Vietnam. In order to get a better understanding of the potential role of the EP402R gene in a grouping of ASFV serotypes, thirty ASFV sequences of EP402R genes (accession numbers: MN711757-86) from North Central Coast of Vietnam and 68 well-known references of serotype groups from previous studies were further analyzed. Interestingly, we found that a short fragment of 90 nucleotides was very typical for 8 serological groups of ASFVs. A primer set was designed to amplicon the short fragment of 90 nucleotides using the Primer3 program to establish a simplified method for the serotyping of ASFV. Our results indicated that phylogenetic analysis of the short fragment (90 nucleotides) of the EP402R gene is a very specific and useful method for ASFV serotyping when compared to the previous method using a long fragment (816 nucleotides) of this gene and well-known serotype references based on haemadsorption inhibition (HAI) assay.Prvi potvrđen slučaj afričke kuge svinja (ASF) u Vijetnamu bio je zvanično prijavljen u februaru 2019. godine. Do danas, ASF virus (ASFV) je detektovan u 63 provincije Vijetnama. Radi boljeg razumevanja potencijalne uloge EP402R gena u grupisanju ASFV serotipova, analizirano je trideset ASFV sekvenci EP402R gena (pristupni brojevi: MN711757-86) poreklom iz Centralne severne obale Vijetnama i 68 referentnih uzoraka serotip grupa koji su dobro poznati iz prethodnih studija. Interesantan je bio nalaz da je kratak fragment od 90 nukleotida bio tipičan za 8 seroloških grupa ASF virusa. Dizajniran je set prajmera sa ciljem amplifi kacije kratkih fragmenata (90 nukleotida), korišćenjem Primer3 programa, a za uspostavljanje jednostavne metode serotipiziranja ASFV. Rezultati ukazuju da je fi logenetska analiza kratkih fragmenata (90 nukleotida) EP402R gena je veoma specifična i predstavlja korisnu metodu serotipizacije ASFV u poređenju sa prethodno opisanim metodama koje su koristile duge fragmente (816 nukleotida) ovog gena kao i dobro poznate referentne serotipove dobijene metodom inhibicije hemadsorbcije


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    Y-chromosome microsatellites or short tandem repeats (STRs) have been proved to be ideal markers to delineate the differences between individuals in human population. Nowadays, Y-STR testing using the PowerPlex® Y23 amplification kit is considered as an extremely sensitive analysis method and has the potential to be used to perform forensic caseworks, and to explore the complexity in population substructures. However, little is known about the forensic Y-chromosome databases in the Vietnam population. In this study, 23 Y-STR loci (DYS576, DYS389I, DYS389 II, DYS448, DYS19, DYS391, DYS481, DYS549, DYS533, DYS438, DYS437, DYS570, DYS635, DYS390, DYS439, DYS392, DYS393, DYS458 DYS456, DYS643, YGATAH4, and DYS385a/b) were investigated in 120 non-related males of the Kinh population in Northern Vietnam using PowerPlex® Y23 system kit (Promega). Our results showed that allele frequencies of 23 loci in the sample population, with the calculated average gene diversity (GD) for each locus, ranged from 0.24 (DYS438) to 0.92 (DYS385a/b). In addition, a total of 120 different haplotypes were found, all of them were unique. Therefore, we found that the haplotype diversity was 1 with a discrimination capacity of 100%, which serves as an essential prerequisite for using Y-chromosomal STR with PowerPlex® Y23 System kit in forensic application in Vietnam. We also compared genetic distances between Kinh population and 10 other neighboring populations from Y-chromosome haplotype reference database (YHRD). The Kinh population is significantly different from other populations. In conclusion, it was indicated that the 23 Y-STR loci were highly genetically polymorphic in the Kinh population in Vietnam and might be of great value in forensic application

    In-Channel-Grown Polypyrrole Nanowire for the Detection of DNA Hybridization in an Electrochemical Microfluidic Biosensor

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    A triple electrode setup with a Pt pseudo-reference electrode integrated in a polydimethylsiloxane- (PDMS-) based microchamber was designed and fabricated. The integrated electrodes were deposited onto SiO2/Si substrate by sputtering. The PDMS microchamber was patterned using an SU-8 mold and sealed with electrodes in oxygen plasma. Polypyrrole nanowires (PPy NWs) were electrochemically grown in situ at an accurate position of the working electrode in the sealed microchamber instead of in an open system. The DNA probe sequences were simply introduced into the channel to form bonds with the nanowires. A detection limit of 20 pM was achieved using a lock-in amplifier. The electrochemical characteristics produced by the hybridization of DNA strands in the microchamber showed a good signal/noise ratio and high sensitivity. Measurement of the DNA sensor in narrow space also required much less volume of the analytical sample compared with that in an open measuring cell. Results showed that this simple system can potentially fabricate nanostructures and detect bio/chemical molecules in a sealed system
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