83 research outputs found


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceLe Vietnam est actuellement engagé dans un processus d'intégration économique internationale issue notamment de son adhésion récente à l'OMC. Ce processus inclut une ouverture croissante du secteur agro-alimentaire domestique à la concurrence des produits importés. Les exploitations agricoles familiales sont particulièrement fragilisées par ce nouveau contexte, en raison de le petite taille et du morcellement des superficies cultivables. Les moyens de renforcer la compétitivité des produits issues de l'agriculture familiale constitue ainsi une des priorités pour les recherches vietnamiennes en économie agricole. Au Vietnam, le longane “Long” produit dans la province de Hungyen est un produit de spécialité locale, c'est-à-dire dont la qualité spécifique est reconnue par une partie des consommateurs. Néanmoins, le manque d'action collective entre les exploitations agricoles familiales fragilisent les performances de cette filière face aux longanes des autres régions du Vietnam et les longanes importés. Cet article présente les expériences d'appui pour le renforcement de la filière du longane “Long” de la province de Hungyen au Vietnam vers le développement de l'indication géographique. Grâce à l'appui de GTZ (German Technical Cooperation) et de l'IPSARD (Institut de politique et de stratégie pour l'agriculture et le développement rural), la coopérative de longane Long Hongnam, qui consiste en une organisation de producteurs et de commerçants, a été mise sur pied en 2006. La coopérative a permis la mise en place des actions collectives suivantes: l'application d'un itinéraire technique de production amélioré incluant le respect de certaines bonnes pratiques agricoles locales (Good agricultural practices ou GAP), et la mise sur pied d'un espace de dialogue avec les commerçants. Grace à ce dispositif, les producteurs ont pu augmenter leur prix du vente, améliorer l'homogénéité de la qualité des produits, et améliorer leur revenu. La durabilité de ce dispositif est discutée. L'article fait le bilan des forces et faiblesses de ces strategies de soutien a l'action collective

    Projekt Rocky - En analys av livscykelkostnader kring broräcken

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    Inom vägsektorn utgörs beslutsunderlaget för val av investeringsalternativ av investeringskostnaderna. Dock behöver inte en låg investeringskostnad innebära en låg totalkostnad då det är andra kostnadsfaktorer som också väger in i totalkostnaden. I examensarbetet undersöks livscykelkostnader, LCC, för för olika räckestyper för att kunna jämföra den ekonomiska lönsamheten hos dem

    Develop algorithms to determine the status of car drivers using built-in accelerometer and GBDT

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    In this paper, we introduce a mobile application called CarSafe, in which data from the acceleration sensor integrated on smartphones is exploited to come up with an efficient classification algorithm. Two statuses, "Driving" or "Not driving," are monitored in the real-time manner. It enables automatic actions to help the driver safer. Also, from these data, our software can detect the crash situation. The software will then automatically send messages with the user's location to their emergency departments for timely assistance. The application will also issue the same alert if it detects a driver of a vehicle driving too long. The algorithm's quality is assessed through an average accuracy of 96.5%, which is better than the previous work (i.e., 93%)

    Robust Adaptive Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller for 1-DOF Nonlaminated Active Magnetic Bearings

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    This paper presents a robust adaptive cerebellar model articulation controller (RACMAC) for 1-DOF nonlaminated active magnetic bearings (AMBs) to achieve desired positions for the rotor using a robust sliding mode control based. The dynamic model of 1-DOF nonlaminated AMB is introduced in fractional order equations. However, it is challenging to design a controller based on the model\u27s parameters due to undefined components and external disturbances such as eddy current losses in the actuator, external disturbance, variant parameters of the model while operating. In order to tackle the problem, RACMAC, which has a cerebellar model to estimate nonlinear disturbances, is investigated to resolve this problem. Based on this estimation, a robust adaptive controller that approximates the ideal and compensation controllers is calculated. The online parameters of the neural network are adjusted using Lyapunov\u27s stability theory to ensure the stability of system. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.The simulation results indicate that the CMAC multiple nonlinear multiple estimators are close to the actual nonlinear disturbance value, and the effectiveness of the proposed RACMAC method compared with the FOPID and SMC controllers has been studied previously

    Influence of Structure on Optical Properties of WO3 Thin Films Deposited by Sputtering Method

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    In this paper we report the synthesis of WO3_{3} thin films and investigate the effect of the structure on their optical properties. The WO3_{3} thin films are coated on glass substrates from both W and WO3_{3} targets by the magnetron sputtering method in (Ar+O2_{2}) plasma under different deposition temperatures, varying from room temperature to 480 \rc{}C. We also evaluate the band gap energy of WO3_{3} by considering the transitions between the valence and the conduction bands. This result suggests that the best choices are diagonal and allowed transitions. Based on the values of band gap energy and XRD pattern, we indicate the relationship between crystalline order and optical property and consequently, the difference in color of the samples

    Understanding and tackling meat reduction in different cultural contexts: a segmentation study of Swiss and Vietnamese consumers

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    Objective: This study aims to disclose and compare meat consumer segments in Switzerland and Vietnam, which differ in terms of their socioeconomic and cultural settings (the former is a developed country, and the latter is an emerging one) to develop a set of segment-specific recommendations that might be applied to consumption in comparable contexts, that is, in other developed countries and other emerging economies. Methods: Data were collected through two online surveys: one for Swiss residents from randomly selected households and one for Vietnamese urban residents recruited via snowball sampling. The final sample size was N = 643 for Switzerland and N = 616 for Vietnam. Hierarchical cluster analyses followed by K-means cluster analyses revealed five distinct clusters in both countries. Results: Three clusters were common to both countries: meat lovers (21% in Switzerland and 19% in Vietnam), proactive consumers (22% in Switzerland and 14% in Vietnam) and suggestible consumers (19% in Switzerland and 25% in Vietnam). Two were specific to each country, namely traditional (19%) and basic (21%) consumers in Switzerland and confident (16%) and anxious (26%) consumers in Vietnam. Conclusion: Relying on voluntary actions, nudging techniques, private initiatives and consumers’ sense of responsibility will certainly be useful but will nevertheless be insufficient to achieve a planetary health diet within the given timeframe (the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development). Governments will have no choice but to activate all levers within their sphere of influence – including regulatory measures – and oblige private sector actors to commit to the measures imposed on them. A binding international agenda with common objectives and measures is a judicious approach. Unlike most previous studies, which focused on meat consumption intensity and frequency or diet type to segment consumers, our approach, based on psychographic profiles, allows the identification of segments that share common drivers and barriers and thus the development of better-targeted measures to reduce meat consumption

    Study protocol: The clinical features, epidemiology, and causes of paediatric encephalitis in southern Vietnam

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    Encephalitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The clinical syndrome of encephalitis consists of altered mental status, seizures, neurologic signs, and is often accompanied by fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting. The encephalitis in children has been known that more common than in adult, with the incidence rate of infants was 3.9 times higher than that of people 20-44 years of age. The reported incidence of hospitalization attributed to paediatric encephalitis ranged from 3 to 13 admissions per 100,000 children per year with the overall mortality ranging from 0 to 7%. There are however more than 100 pathogens that can cause encephalitis and accurate diagnosis is challenging. Over 50% of patients with encephalitis are left undiagnosed despite extensive laboratory investigations. Furthermore, recent studies in high-income settings have suggested autoimmune encephalitis has now surpassed infectious aetiologies, mainly due to increased awareness and diagnostic capacity, which further challenges routine diagnosis and clinical management, especially in developing countries. There are limited contemporary data on the causes of encephalitis in children in Vietnam. Improving our knowledge of the causative agents of encephalitis in this resource-constrained setting remains critical to informing case management, resource distribution and vaccination strategy. Therefore, we conduct a prospective observational study to characterise the clinical, microbiological, and epidemiological features of encephalitis in a major children’s hospital in southern Vietnam. Admission clinical samples will be collected alongside meta clinical data and from each study participants. A combination of classical assays (serology and PCR) and metagenomic next-generation sequencing will used to identify the causative agents. Undiagnosed patients with clinical presentations compatible with autoimmune encephalitis will then be tested for common forms of the disease. Finally, using direct- and indirect costs, we will estimate the economic burden of hospitalization and seven days post hospital discharge of paediatric encephalitis in our setting

    Healthy or Environmentally Friendly? Meat Consumption Practices of Green Consumers in Vietnam and Switzerland

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    High meat consumption is a phenomenon in both developed countries such as Switzerland and emerging countries such as Vietnam. This high meat consumption is associated with environmental, social, and health consequences. Drawing upon social practice theory, this study explores the influence of social practices on the meat consumption of green consumers, as a growing number of consumers in both countries want to eat healthy and sustainably but still have different needs and face different barriers. Data were collected from online group discussions. For green consumers, meat consumption was found to convey certain meanings and depends, among other things, on the information available. The consumption decision in Vietnam is strongly influenced by health and food safety, whereas negative environmental consequences are important in Switzerland. Social and cultural aspects also play a major part in the decision to eat or abstain from meat in both countries. Meat is a non-negotiable part of any special occasion meal in Vietnam and is often eaten at social gatherings in Switzerland. We argue that meat consumption is linked to social status in both countries, but family influence is stronger in Vietnam than in Switzerland. Interventions, such as policy measures that are adapted to regional, cultural, and consumer group specificities and focus on social practices rather than individual behavior, are a promising means to promote meat reduction


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    This paper presents the modeled results of general current pattern (daily average value) in Northern Central Vietnam Coast (Ha Tinh - Thua Thien-Hue) during April 2016. Study results show that in general, current flowed from the North to the South with small and instable velocity (V ≈ 0.1 - 0.2 m/s). From 2nd to 6th April current flowed from the South to the North. From 7th to 29th April current flowed from the North to the South. During 13rd to 16th April current velocity was weak (V ≤ 0.1 m/s). In the southern region of Thua Thien-Hue province, the direction of current was instable (from 6th to 9th and from 20th to 22nd April current flowed from the South to the North). Current distribution pattern from modeled results was in accordance with the propagation characteristics of surface water temperatures in the studied area through data analysis of satellite images.Bài báo trình bày kết quả tính toán trường dòng chảy tổng hợp trung bình ngày cho khu vực ven bờ Bắc Trung Bộ (Hà Tĩnh - Thừa Thiên-Huế) thời kỳ 4/2016. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy trong thời gian nghiên cứu nhìn chung dòng chảy tổng hợp trung bình ngày có hướng từ bắc xuống nam, tốc độ tương đối nhỏ V ≈ 0,1 - 0,2 m/s và không ổn định. Từ 2-6/4/2016 dòng chảy tổng hợp trung bình ngày ven bờ có hướng từ nam lên bắc. Từ 7-29/4/2016 dòng chảy ven bờ có hướng từ bắc xuống nam. Các ngày 13-16/4/2016 dòng chảy tổng hợp trung bình ngày có tốc độ nhỏ (V ≤ 0,1 m/s). Khu vực phía nam Thừa Thiên-Huế dòng chảy tổng hợp trung bình ngày có hướng bị biến động mạnh nhất (các ngày 6-9/4 và 20-22/4 hướng dòng từ nam lên bắc). Đặc điểm phân bố dòng chảy tính toán tương đối phù hợp với đặc điểm lan truyền nhiệt độ nước tầng mặt tại khu vực nghiên cứu qua số liệu phân tích ảnh vệ tinh