158 research outputs found

    Does exchange rate policy matter for economic growth? Vietnam evidence from a co-integration approach

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    Both economic growth and exchange rate theories suggest that the exchange rate regime could have consequences for the medium-term growth of a country, directly, through its effects on the adjustment to shocks, and indirectly, through its impact on the important determinants of growth. It is, however, surprising that there was little empirical work investigating the indirect relationship between the exchange rate policy and economics growth in the case of a specific country. In a co-integration framework, our research attempts to fill the gap by econometrically investigating the possible impacts of exchange rate regime on economic growth through two main channels - Foreign direct investment (FDI) and Exports - in the case of Vietnam - a successful example of a transitional economy.Exports, Exchange Rate, FDI, Growth, Co-integration

    Exploring benefits of applying Google Workspace for Education in English as a foreign language classroom

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    The application of technology in language classrooms is widely believed to benefit learners. In the context of teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL) for high school students in Vietnam, there are few studies on the benefits of applying Google Workspace for Education (GWE). This small-scale qualitative study seeks to explore the benefits of applying GWE as a technological solution in the EFL classroom with high school students. The participants were eight eleventh graders in the north of Vietnam learning English in evening classes at an English center. To collect data, the students were interviewed. The qualitative data was analyzed based on themes. The results indicated that the benefits of applying GWE were evident in enhanced attitude and motivation for learning and improved learning skills. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that Google tools be utilized for English language learning and instruction


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Organsing learners’ guided self-study in teaching Math in Vietnamese high schools

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    In Vietnamese high schools, learning in general and self-study in particular plays a very important role in helping learners to deeply understand, expand, consolidate and memorise lessons profoundly thanks to the ability to self-analyze, synthesize and apply existing knowledge in solving new learning tasks. The article presents some issues on guided self-studying and the method to facilitate students with math instructions at high school. To organize the implementation of guided self-studying for students effectively, teachers are required to invest considerable time as well as flexibility in the design of instructional guides to help them access the question the fastest and most suitable way to their capabilities

    Novel defense by honeybees against mass attack by giant wasps

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Pediatria), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraIntrodução: A perturbação do espectro do autismo (PEA) é uma patologia complexa do neurodesenvolvimento, muito prevalente, que surge precocemente na infância. Refere-se a uma disfunção neurológica, que clinicamente se manifesta por atraso ou desvio nas aquisições do neurodesenvolvimento e alterações do comportamento. A PEA caracteriza-se por défice na comunicação e interação social e por um padrão de comportamento repetitivo e limitado nos interesses. O recurso à farmacoterapia justifica-se quando existem comportamentos disruptivos, que interferem negativamente no sucesso educativo e na qualidade de vida das crianças e suas famílias. A risperidona foi o primeiro antipsicótico autorizado na PEA e é o mais vezes prescrito. Embora sendo um fármaco seguro e eficaz, preocupações relacionadas com o seu efeito no aumento do peso e distribuição anómala da gordura e a sua interferência no metabolismo da glicose com aumento do nível de hemoglobina glicada A1c (HbA1c) têm emergido, sobretudo durante o crescimento e o processo evolutivo do neurodesenvolvimento. Objetivos: Caracterizar o efeito da risperidona no aumento do peso e distribuição da gordura e nos níveis de HbA1c. Métodos: Procedeu-se um estudo prospetivo de um grupo de 39 crianças e jovens com uma idade que variou entre os 3 a 21,5 anos (média ± DP, 9 ± 4,2) (trinta do sexo masculino (30/39; 77 %) com o diagnóstico de autismo e indicação para tratamento com risperidona por comportamentos disruptivos com significado clínico. A caracterização dos efeitos adversos, através da avaliação do índice de massa corporal, perímetro abdominal e HbA1c, foi realizada no tempo 0 (sem terapêutica) e nos tempos 1, 3, 6 e 12 meses de terapêutica. Resultados: A risperidona associa-se a uma elevação significativa e mantida dos valores de índice de massa corporal e perímetro abdominal, ao longo do tratamento. No entanto, não se verificou um aumento significativo nos níveis de HbA1cBackground: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopment disorder, very prevalent, that appears very early in childhood. It is a neurological dysfunction, clinically manifested by a delay or a deviation in neurodevelopment acquisitions and changes in behaviour. ASD is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, limiting on verbal and nonverbal communication and rigid behaviour with repetitive and limited interests. The use of pharmacotherapy is justified when there are disruptive behaviours that negatively interfere with the successful education and quality of life of children and their families. Risperidone is the first antipsychotic authorized in ASD and more often prescribed. Although apparently safe and effective, concerns about its effects on the weight distribution and HbA1c levels have emerged, especially during growth and the evolutionary process of neurodevelopment. Objective: Analyze the impact on weight gain, adipose tissue distribution and HbA1c levels in patients medicated with risperidone. Methods: 39 patients, children and adolescents 3 to 21.5 years old (mean ± SD, 9 ± 4.2) and female/male ratio of 3/10, with previous diagnosis of autism and indication for treatment with risperidone for significant disruptive behaviour were evaluated at time 0 (no treatment) and on 1, 3, 6 and 12 months of therapy, using body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and HbA1c levels. Results: Risperidone was associated with a significant and sustained elevation of BMI values and waist circumference throughout the treatment. However, there was not a significant increase in HbA1c

    Estimates for the elastic moduli of 2D aggregate of hexagonal-shape orthorhombic crystals with in-plane random crystalline orientations

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    Numerical finite element simulations on the homogenization problem for large samples of particular 2D hexagonal-shape-geometry random orientation aggregates from the base crystals of orthorhombic symmetry have been performed. At sufficiently large random-aggregate samples, the scatter intervals of the macroscopic 2D bulk and shear elastic moduli converge toward the Voigt-Reuss-Hill bounds, and then our recently constructed theoretical estimates, which have been specified for the aggregates

    Improved estimates for the effective elastic bulk modulus of random tetragonal crystal aggregates

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    Particular expressions of upper and lower estimates for the macroscopic elastic bulk modulus of random cell tetragonal polycrystalline materials are derived and computed for a number of practical crystals. The cell-shape-unspecified bounds, based on minimum energy principles and generalized polarization trial fields, appear close to the simple bounds for specific spherical cell polycrystal

    Adaptation options for agricultural cultivation systems in the South Central Coast under the context of climate change: Assessment Report.

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    This report highlights the results of consultation meetings and field visits organized by the Department of Crop Production and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in Southeast Asia in association with the three offices of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the South Central Coast provinces of Binh Thuan, Ninh Thuan, and Khanh Hoa, in combination with consultation with the provinces in the conference: “Summing up crops production in the Winter-Spring season in 2018-2019, implementing the Summer-Autumn season, Main rice season in 2019 for the South Central Coast and the Central Highlands” held by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province on 12 April 2019. The meetings underlined the progress made by the provinces on climate change adaptation and mitigation, options for risk reductions in agricultural production, and conversion of crop structure as results of implementing the guidelines of the provinces and the Sector, especially, solutions for reservation and efficient and economic use of water under the context of climate change. This assessment report also reviews some issues related to the agricultural transformation of the region in adapting to risks caused by climate change. They are based on comparative advantages in terms of geographical location and market of key agricultural products. This report also points out shortcomings in using land and unreasonable points in managing and using important natural resources, especially water, and provides recommendations for the agricultural transformation and inter-regional connection with the Central Highlands and the Southeast. The team also introduces climate-related risks maps and adaptation plans (CS MAP) which is applied in the five provinces in the Mekong Delta Region, and hopes this solution’s expansion shall be supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the provinces